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Oracle BI Applications 7.

Develop a Data Warehouse
Volume I Student Guide

Edition 1.0
June 2007


Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Dan Hilldale


Jim Sarokin

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Course Introduction
Lesson Agenda I-2
Instructor and Class Participants I-3
Training Site Information I-4
Course Audience I-5
Course Prerequisites I-6
Course Goal I-7
Course Objectives I-8
Course Methodology I-9
Course Materials I-10
Course Agenda I-11
Summary I-16

Oracle Business Intelligence Application Overview

Objectives 1-2
The Evolving Role of BI 1-3
Oracle BI 1-4
Oracle BI Applications: Overview 1-5
Oracle BI Applications: Multi-Source Analytics 1-6
Sales Analytics 1-7
Service and Contact Center Analytics 1-8
Marketing Analytics 1-9
Financial Analytics 1-10
Supply Chain Analytics 1-11
Order Management and Fulfillment Analytics 1-12
Human Resources Analytics 1-13
Example: Financial Analytics 1-14
Oracle BI Applications Product Components Example: Financial Analytics 1-15
Common Enterprise Information Data Model 1-16
Example: Analytic Workflows 1-17
Speeds Time to Value and Lowers TCO 1-19
Application Integration 1-20
Analytic Workflows 1-22


Deployment Options 1-23

Summary 1-24

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Architecture Overview

Objectives 2-2
Oracle BI Applications Components 2-3
Oracle BI Applications Architecture 2-4
ETL: Overview 2-5
Data Extraction and Load Process 2-6
Universal Business Adaptor 2-8
Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC) 2-9
Physical Data Model: Overview 2-10
Server Repository: Overview 2-11
Metrics and Calculations 2-12
Presentation Catalog: Overview 2-13
Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Platform Architecture 2-14
Oracle BI Applications Architecture 2-15
Data Warehouse Load Process 2-16
ETL: Process Flow 2-17
DAC Architecture 2-19
Deployment Considerations 2-20
ETL Servers Component 2-21
The OBAW Database Component 2-22
ETL Repositories Component 2-23
ETL Clients Component 2-24
ETL Client Component Contents 2-25
Deployment Summary 2-26
Summary 2-27
Practice 2-1: Matching Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Components 2-28
Practice 2-2: Locating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Components 2-29

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Content

Objectives 3-2
The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (OBAW) Content 3-3
Star Schema 3-4
Selected Star Schemas of the OBAW 3-5
OBAW Tables 3-6
Fact Tables 3-8
Types of Fact Tables 3-9
Dimension Tables 3-10
Conforming Dimension Tables 3-11

Mini-Dimension Tables 3-12

Subset Dimension Tables 3-13
Hierarchy and Helper Tables 3-14
Hierarchy Tables 3-15
Staging Tables 3-18
Aggregate Tables 3-19
Internal Tables 3-20
Revenue Star Schema Example 3-21
Business Process Conformance: Accounts Receivable Process Example 3-22
Currency and Multi-Tenancy Support 3-25
Data Integration: Multi-Source Loads 3-26
Summary 3-27

Installing Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Components

Objectives 4-2
Verifying Prerequisites 4-3
Installation and Configuration per Machine 4-4
Installing Software on the ETL Clients Machine 4-5
Installing the Informatica Client Software 4-6
Creating Database Connections 4-7
Installing the DAC Client 4-8
Installing Software on the ETL Servers Machine 4-9
Informatica Server 4-10
Informatica Repository Server 4-11
DAC Server 4-12
ODBC Drivers 4-13
Registering the PMCMD Path 4-14
Registering the PMREP Path 4-15
PMCMD Command 4-16
Creating Databases on Database Server Machines 4-17
Setting Up the DAC Repository 4-18
Setting Up the Data Warehouse 4-20
Running the Data Warehouse Configuration Wizard 4-21
Restoring and Registering the Informatica Repository 4-22
Configuring Connection Between DAC Server and Repository 4-24
Registering Informatica Servers in DAC 4-25
Updating Transactional Schema Definitions 4-26
Evaluating ETL Performance 4-27
Granting Access to Oracle Business Intelligence 4-28
Installation Process Summary 4-29

Summary 4-31
Practice 4-1: Configuring the Development Environment 4-32

Understanding the ETL Process

Objectives 5-2
ETL Process: Overview 5-3
ETL Process Steps 5-5
Data Extraction and Load Process: Extract 5-6
Universal Adaptors 5-7
Data Extraction and Load Process: Load 5-8
ETL Mappings 5-9
Full and Incremental ETL 5-10
DAC Tasks 5-11
DAC Task Phases 5-12
ETL Processing: Tables 5-14
Internal Tables 5-15
Change Capture Tables 5-16
Type R Change Capture Tables 5-17
Type I Change Capture Tables 5-18
Type D Change Capture Tables 5-19
Executing ETL 5-20
ETL Process: Summary 5-21
Additional Topics 5-22
Restart Mechanisms 5-23
Visibility Sessions 5-24
Unspecified Mappings 5-25
ETL Processing: Summary 5-26
Summary 5-27
Practice 5-1: Exploring Oracle BI ETL Mappings 5-28

Working with Informatica Designer

Objectives 6-2
Informatica Designer 6-3
Informatica Designer User Interface 6-4
Key Terms 6-5
Source Definition 6-6
Target Definition 6-7
Mapping 6-8
Transformation 6-9
Transformation Type 6-10
Mapplet 6-11

Port 6-12
Port Type 6-13
Informatica Designer Tools 6-14
Warehouse Designer 6-15
Mapping Designer 6-16
Example: Modifying Mappings 6-17
Source Analyzer 6-18
Mapplet Designer 6-19
Summary 6-20
Practice 6-1: Working with Informatica Designer Tools 6-21

Exploring SDE and SIL Mappings

Objectives 7-2
ETL Repository: Workflows 7-3
ETL Repository: Sessions 7-4
Anatomy of a Typical SDE Mapping 7-5
Transformation Objects 7-6
Source Definition Transformation 7-7
Source Qualifier Transformation 7-8
Mapplet Transformation 7-11
Mapplet Input Transformation 7-12
Mapplet Expression Transformation 7-13
Datasource Identifier 7-14
Datasource Identifier Processing 7-15
Mapplet Output Transformation 7-16
Target Definition Transformation 7-17
Anatomy of a Typical SIL Dimension Mapping 7-18
Filter Transformation 7-21
Mapplet Transformation 7-22
Reusable Transformation 7-24
Lookup Transformation 7-25
Lookup Transformation: Connected 7-26
Lookup Transformation: Unconnected 7-27
Update Strategy Transformation 7-28
SIL Dimension and Fact Mappings: Differences 7-29
Unspecified Sessions 7-30
Aggregate SIL Mapping 7-31
Summary 7-33

Building SDE and SIL Mappings

Objectives 8-2

Process Flow: Building ETL Mappings 8-3

Step 1: Connecting to the Repository 8-4
SDE and SIL Folders 8-5
Custom Folder 8-6
Existing Mappings 8-7
Step 2: Adding Sources 8-8
A. Opening Source Analyzer 8-9
B. Copying Existing Sources 8-10
C. Importing Sources 8-11
D. Verifying Sources 8-12
Step 3: Adding Targets 8-13
Step 4: Adding Mappings 8-14
A. Opening Mapping Designer 8-15
B. Copying and Opening Mappings 8-16
Step 5: Modifying Mappings 8-17
A. Adding Source Definitions 8-18
B. Renaming Transformations 8-19
C. Editing Transformation Ports 8-20
D. Editing Transformation SQL 8-21
E. Editing Transformation Expressions 8-22
F. Adding the Target Definition 8-23
G. Linking Mapping Components 8-24
Step 6: Validating Mappings 8-25
Step 7: Saving the Repository 8-26
Summary 8-27
Practice 8-1: Creating an SDE Mapping for a Fact Table 8-28
Practice 8-2: Creating an SIL Mapping for a Fact Table 8-29

Working with Informatica Workflow Manager

Objectives 9-2
Informatica Workflow Manager 9-3
Workflow 9-4
Session 9-5
Creating and Running Workflows 9-6
Step 1: Connecting to the Repository 9-7
Step 2: Opening Workflow Designer 9-8
Step 3: Creating a Workflow 9-9
Step 4: Adding a Session to a Workflow 9-10
Step 5: Linking Workflow Tasks 9-11
Step 6: Editing Session Properties 9-12
Step 7: Running the Workflow 9-14

Step 8: Checking the Session Log File 9-15

Step 9: Checking the Session Log File 9-16
Summary 9-17
Practice 9-1: Adding Sessions and Workflows 9-18
10 Working with Data Warehouse Administration Console
Objectives 10-2
Data Warehouse Administration Console 10-3
DAC User Interface 10-5
DAC Views 10-6
Design View 10-7
Setup View 10-8
Setup View: DAC System Properties Tab 10-9
Setup View: DAC System Properties 10-10
Setup View: Physical Data Sources Tab 10-11
Execute View 10-12
DAC Containers 10-13
DAC Objects 10-15
DAC Object Hierarchy 10-17
DAC Object Hierarchy with Examples 10-18
DAC Objects 10-19
Tasks 10-21
Tasks: Task Definitions 10-22
Tasks: Source and Target Tables Child Tabs 10-23
Tasks: Build Image 10-24
Tasks: Phase Dependency Tab 10-27
Tables 10-28
Subject Areas 10-29
Assembling a Subject Area 10-30
Execution Plans 10-31
Execution Plan Parameters 10-32
Building and Running Execution Plans 10-33
Examining Task Dependencies 10-34
Resetting OBAW 10-35
Summary 10-36
Practice 10-1: Exploring the DAC 10-37
11 Populating Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Objectives 11-2
Loading the OBAW 11-3
CRM Container Exception Reports 11-4

CRM Exception Reports: Components 11-5

Executing the Complete ETL 11-6
Executing the Complete ETL: Load Priority 11-7
Executing the Complete ETL: Bulk Load 11-8
Common Load Problems 11-9
Troubleshooting the Load Problems 11-10
Restarting the Load Process 11-11
Summary 11-12
Practice 11-1: Extracting and Loading Data Into the Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse 11-13
12 Configuring Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Objectives 12-2
Pruning ETL 12-3
Types of Configuration 12-4
Selective Refresh ETL: Issues 12-5
Configuration Process 12-6
Research Using DMR for Data Warehouse 12-7
Research Using DAC 12-8
Implementation: Pruning ETL 12-9
Step 1: Creating a Custom Container 12-10
Step 2: Creating a New Subject Area 12-11
Step 3: Assigning the Fact Table to the Subject Area 12-12
Step 4: Assembling the Subject Area 12-13
Step 5: Creating a New Execution Plan and Adding the Subject Area 12-14
Step 6: Generating Execution Plan Parameters 12-15
Step 7: Building the Execution Plan 12-16
Validation 12-17
Summary 12-18
Practice 12-1: Configuring the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse 12-19
13 Customizing Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Objectives 13-2
Customization 13-3
Customization Scenarios 13-4
Upgrade Considerations 13-5
Type I Customization: Adding Columns to Existing Tables 13-6
Type I Customization: Extending Mappings 13-7
Type I Customization: Safe Path 13-8
Type I Customization: Extension Categories 13-9
Type I Customization: Impact of Customization on Upgrade 13-10

Type I Customization: Points to Remember 13-11

Type I Customization: Typical Steps to Extend Mappings 13-12
Type II Customization: Adding Additional Tables 13-13
Type II Customizations: Considerations 13-14
Type II Customization: Required Columns 13-15
Type II Customization: DATASOURCE_NUM_ID 13-16
Type II Customization: Custom Folders 13-17
Type II Customization: Custom Workflows 13-18
Additional Customization Considerations 13-19
Table Definitions in Oracle Format 13-20
Update Strategy 13-21
ETL Process 13-22
Truncating Target Tables 13-23
Creating Indices 13-26
Naming Conventions 13-27
Configuring DAC 13-28
Summary 13-29
14 Adding Columns to an Existing Dimension Table
Objectives 14-2
Type I Customization: Adding Columns to Existing Tables 14-3
Type I Customization Scenario 14-4
Type I Customization Steps 14-5
Step 1: Creating Custom SDE and SIL Folders in Informatica 14-6
Step 2: Copying SDE and SIL Mappings and Workflows to Custom Folders 14-7
Step 3: Building Custom SDE and SIL Mappings 14-8
Step 4: Editing Workflows 14-9
Step 5: Using DAC to Add New Column Objects to Data Warehouse 14-10
Step 6: Registering Custom Folders in DAC 14-11
Step 7: Modifying Existing DAC Tasks to Use Custom Mappings and
Workflows 14-12
Step 8: Creating a Custom Subject Area in DAC 14-13
Step 9: Creating and Running a Custom Execution Plan in DAC 14-14
Verifying Results 14-15
Summary 14-16
Practice 14-1: Creating a Custom SDE Mapping 14-17
Practice 14-2: Creating a Custom SIL Mapping 14-18
Practice 14-3: Adding DAC Tasks and Running Customized ETL 14-19


15 Adding a New Dimension in OBAW

Objective 15-2
Type II Customization: Adding Additional Tables 15-3
Type II Customization Scenario 15-4
Type II Customization Steps 15-5
Step 1: Creating and Running DDL for New Tables 15-6
Step 2: Registering New Tables in DAC 15-7
Step 3: Setting Table Properties 15-8
Step 4: Importing Table Columns 15-9
Step 5: Adding a Foreign Key Column to the Fact Table 15-10
Completing the Remaining Steps 15-11
Summary 15-12
Practice 15-1: Adding a New Dimension in OBAW 15-13
Practice 15-2: Creating an SDE Mapping to Load the Dimension
Staging Table 15-14
Practice 15-3: Creating an SIL Mapping to Load the Dimension Table 15-15
Practice 15-4: Creating an SDE Mapping to Load the Fact Staging Table 15-16
Practice 15-5: Creating an SIL Mapping to Load the Fact Table 15-17
Practice 15-6: Adding DAC Tasks and Running Customized ETL 15-18
16 Exploring the Change Capture Process
Objectives 16-2
Incremental Extraction and Load 16-3
Siebel Source Container Change Capture Process 16-4
Change Capture Tables 16-6
Change Capture Tables: Types 16-7
Change Capture Tables: Row Image 16-8
Change Capture Tables: Incremental Image 16-9
Change Capture Tables: Delete Image 16-10
Generating Change Capture Scripts 16-11
Change Capture Views 16-14
Generating Change Capture Views 16-15
Generating Change Capture Views: Full Mode 16-17
Generating Change Capture Views: Incremental Mode 16-18
Change Capture SQL 16-19
Generating Change Capture SQL 16-20
Change Capture SQL: Full 16-22
Change Capture SQL: Incremental Change Capture 16-23
Change Capture SQL: Incremental Change Capture Sync 16-24
Change Capture: Prune Days 16-25
Change Capture 16-27

Auxiliary Change Capture 16-28

Summary 16-29
Practice 16-1: Exploring the Change Capture Process 16-30
17 Capturing and Applying Deletes
Objectives 17-2
Business Problem 17-3
Business Solution: Capture and Apply Deletes 17-4
Delete: Example 17-5
Capturing and Applying New Deletes: Steps 17-6
Step 1: Creating Delete Triggers 17-7
A. Generating Delete Triggers 17-8
B. Executing Delete Triggers 17-10
Step 2: Creating an SDE Mapping to Extract Deletes 17-11
A. Importing Sources 17-13
B. Importing Targets 17-14
C. Creating the Mapping 17-15
D. Validating and Saving the Repository 17-17
Step 3: Creating an SIL Mapping to Apply Deletes 17-18
Step 4: Creating Sessions and Workflows 17-19
Step 5: Configuring the DAC 17-20
Step 6: Loading Deleted Rows 17-21
Summary 17-22
Practice17-1: Creating Delete Triggers in the Transactional Database 17-23
Practice17-2: Building a Source Dependent Extract Mapping to
Extract Deletes 17-24
Practice17-3: Building a Source Independent Loading Mapping to
Apply Deletes 17-25
Practice17-4: Adding Sessions and Workflows 17-26
Practice17-5: Configuring the DAC 17-27
Practice17-6: Load the Deleted Rows 17-28
18 Building Auxiliary Change Capture
Objectives 18-2
Business Problem 18-3
Business Solution: Auxiliary Change Capture Process 18-4
Auxiliary Change Capture Process: Example 18-5
Building a New Auxiliary Change Capture: Steps 18-6
Step 1: Creating Image Tables for the Auxiliary Table 18-7
A. Assigning an Image Suffix 18-8
B. Generating Image Table Scripts 18-9

C. Executing Image Table Scripts 18-10

Step 2: Creating an Auxiliary Change Capture Mapping 18-11
A. Importing Sources 18-12
B. Importing Targets 18-13
C. Creating a Mapping 18-14
C. Creating a Mapping: Source Qualifier Transformation 18-15
C. Creating a Mapping: Mapping Layout 18-16
D. Validating and Saving the Repository 18-17
Step 3: Configuring the DAC 18-18
Summary 18-19
Practice 18-1: Creating Image Tables for Auxiliary Table 18-20
Practice 18-2: Building Auxiliary Change Capture Mapping 18-21
Practice 18-3: Adding Sessions and Workflows 18-22
Practice 18-4: Configuring the DAC 18-23
Practice 18-5: Run the Execution Plan 18-24
19 Managing OBAW Performance
Objectives 19-2
Maximizing the OBAW Performance 19-3
Common Performance Bottlenecks 19-4
Performance Overview 19-5
Informatica Server Throughput 19-6
ETL Parallel Processing 19-7
Example: ETL Parallel Processing 19-8
ETL Performance Troubleshooting 19-9
ETL Performance Leading Practices 19-10
OBAW Database Server Throughput 19-11
OBAW Database: Indices 19-12
OBAW Database: Optimizer Statistics 19-13
OBAW Database: Aggregate and Subdimension Tables 19-14
Aggregate Tables: Examples 19-15
Subdimension Tables: Examples 19-16
Summary 19-17
A Exploring the Date Dimension
Date Dimension A-2
Star Schema With Date Dimension: Example A-4
Source System Parameters A-5
Considerations A-6


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