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Technology Evaluation Tool

This technology allows teachers to take an online video and shape it to benefit the classroom.
One of the downsides is that the video needs to already be online (generally on YouTube), but
once you have uploaded your video, it is easy to manipulate. You can trim the video to just the
section you want to use, and then you can add audio content, or questions. One of the great
bonuses is Edpuzzle has the option to load directly into your Google Classroom or Edmodo
1. Which core curriculum standards and objectives will this technology help me address? How?
This technology is more for the teacher as a teaching tool than for use for the students to
create, though they could use it to pare down information they might want to share with peers.
It could be used to look at other actors performances and see how use certain techniques. The
teacher could point out specific things with the audio feature and then quiz the students about
how the actor performed. That would allow the app to help with these standards:
Standard 78.T.CR.5: Create and sustain a believable character throughout a scripted or
improvised scene.
Standard 78.T.CR.8: Imagine and explore multiple perspectives and solutions to staging
problems in a drama/theatre work.
Standard 78.T.P.1: Interpret the character, setting, and essential events in a story or script that
make up the dramatic structure in a drama/theatre work, and consider various and unique
choices to enhance the story in a drama/theatre work.
Standard 78.T.R.6: Describe and analyze how artists make choices based on personal
experience in a drama/theatre work.
Standard 78.T.R.7: Identify and explain why artistic choices are made in a drama/theatre work.
Standard 78.T.CO.2: Research how other theatre artists apply creative processes to tell stories
in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work, using theatre research methods.
2. Which ISTE Student Standard(s) will this tool help me address
with my students? How?
1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and
improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a
variety of ways. - This tool can be used to provide feedback (it is
one of the options connected to open-ended questions)
3b. Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and
relevance of information, media, data or other resources. Accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance can be addressed
in the questions we ask our students about the video.
3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a
variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful
connections or conclusions. - Trimming the video is a form of curating information, and this is a

tool that students/teachers can use to create an artifact (video) that can show/get the student to
make connections.
4d. Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with openended problems. - Depending on how you use the video, this tool can set up open-ended
6b.Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new
creations. - This website allows repurposing of videos.
6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their
intended audiences. - Through the audio and question features of this tool, content can be
3. Which level(s) of Blooms Taxonomy will this tool help me address with my students? How?
Depending on how this tool is used, it can be used to address all levels of
Blooms taxonomy. The questions asked can be simply remembering
questions (what did the script just tell you), understanding (explaining the
information in a new way), applying (using the information in another
way), analyzing (make connections with other information previously
studied), evaluating (decide how good the information is) or creating
(creating your own video and quiz/information). Creating would require
the students to have a teacher account and load students into their class,
so this is not recommended.

4. How will this tool help you meet your students needs for autonomy, belonging, competence,
relevance, and/or fun?
I will use this tool to meet my students needs for competence and relevance. Because the
students can watch the video as many times as they would like, it will help build competence,
and the videos will be relevant to my curriculum.
5. How will the technology help to enhance or transform the
learning environment?
This technology will allow me to embed questions or descriptions
into videos, which will allow me to share videos outside of class.
Then the students can watch the video as many times as they
would like, but still get the guided exposure that will help teach them
to observe and make connections.
6. How much does the technology cost? Is the cost associated
worth it for the educational benefits and/or frequency with which you will use it? Is there a
renewal/ongoing cost associated? Will it require any accessories (e.g., headphone)?
This tool is a free website. There is also a free app for the students so they can see all their
classroom videos in the same place.

7. Is the technology simple to use? Will students be able to use it without too much training? Will
you be able to collect data and/or retrieve their work quickly and easily? Can students work on
projects a little at a time, or do they have to be completed all at once? Will it take very long to
access the tool(s) they need?
This is a fairly simple tool to use. The tutorials are available at any point in plain sight. Edpuzzle
also has a feature to see if the students in class (as it is connected to Google classroom) have
watched the video and how well they did on the quiz questions. The video does need to be
complete before you send it to the classroom. There is also a student account that allows the
student to be enrolled in classes and see the videos their teacher shares with them. It does
allow them to come back to the video later, but it is labeled as incomplete until the student
finishes their video and quiz.
8. Is an account required? Are there teacher/class accounts? Do students need to set up their
own accounts? If so, what personal information must students provide? How is account data
An account is required. Both the teachers and students have to have accounts, however,
students and teachers can use their Google or Edmodo accounts, or just have their own
Edpuzzle accounts. Content is only available to those students who have been registered for
your class, either via Edmodo, Google, or Edpuzzle.
9. Is the technology available on multiple platforms? If so, is the functionality or user interface
significantly different? Are final products accessible/viewable/usable across platforms?
Yes, it is available online. The app is available for students on iPhone or iPad. The user
interface is not significantly different.
10. Is the technology supported/approved by district and school IT personnel? Is it available
through district/school filters? Does use of the technology conform with district/school policies?
Will students be safe using this technology (ads, cookies, etc.)?
Because the videos are available through Google Classroom and Edmodo, it will be supported
through my district. The students should not have ads popping up, this app is meant to be

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