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Tom Weitzel Frot Tom Weitzel Sent: Friday, July 08, 2016 9:57 AM Te Police Dept Subject: Dallas Shooting and RPD All Personnel, I wanted to comment on last night's tragedy in Dallas. | want to make sure that each and every one of you know that it represents a turning point in law enforcement. While Riverside enjoys tremendous support from our community, what is happening nationwide could affect law enforcement even in a small community such as ours. | want to remind you that your personal safety is of my utmost concern and to conduct safe practices at all times. Do not overreact. Get backup when needed, however, in most cases you should automatically be around one another when another officer calls out a traffic stop and/or other criminal activity. Make sure that you are conducting yourself in a professional manner. This is in no means a change from what we are already doing as | think the Riverside Police Department is extremely well trained and ethical. | just want you to know my thoughts about how proud | am to be your police chief and how proud | am of each and every individual sworn and civilian officer in this department. At this time of great national loss in law enforcement, | felt I needed to let you know that you are greatly appreciated by the Village Board, Manager, residents of Riverside, business community and me personally. Please keep the families of the law enforcement officers killed in Dallas in your thoughts. Chief. Cier Tom WEITZEL, M.S Police Chief | C.P.C | FBINA 218 Riverside Police Department 31 Riverside Ré Riverside, 6-2299 : 708.447.2125 x 263 F: 708.447.9207 tweitzel@riverside.lLus riversideilus| Tom Weitzel Riverside Police Department ‘Sunday, July 10, 2016 4:01 PM Tom Weitzel Advisory Message: Police Chief Message to Residents: Message sent via Nile | Got | Unsubscribe Advisory: Police Chief Message to Residents- Dear Tom Weitzel, Riverside Residents- ue i ae CR Riverside Police would like to express their appreciation for the support they have received from local citizens as they mourn the death of five police officers who were shot Thursday night in Dallas, Texas. Several people called and emailed the department Friday and Saturday to voice their appreciation for the work the officers do. The outpouring of support has been overwhelming including dropping off food, flowers, and notes of support for our department. ‘This kind of appreciation for what we do means a great deal to our department. The officers feel humble about their profession and how they serve our citizens, They do not expect to receive such praise as they feel it is an honor and duty to simply serve their community in the best capacity that they can, We are extremely grateful that our citizens respect our profession and what we do. Thave authorized mourning bands to be worn on the o fficers’ badges to honor the officers killed in Dallas. They will remain on the officers’ stars until after all of the funeral services have been held. In closing, I want to once again state how honored I am to serve as the police chief in Riverside. The men and women of the Riverside Police Department are extremely grateful for the residents of Riverside who continue to be supportive of police services especially uring these very difficult times for law enforcement ‘Thomas Q. Weitzel Chief of Police Contact Information: Thomas Weitzel For full details, view this message on the web. Sent by Riverside Police Department 31 Riverside Road, Riverside, IL 60546 To manage your email setings, cick here. To update your account settings, login here If you prefer nat to receive fulure emails, unsubscribe here, Powered by! 0 2 ge, Inc.All rights reserved.

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