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which make a difference, not just make sense

ravid kuperberg

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finding the logic

behind the magic of
insightful creative ideas

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analyzing award winning ideas

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identifying similar thinking patterns

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understanding the mechanism

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presenting structured tools for future thinking

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what is an insight?

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lets start with what it is not:

an insight is not a single revelation

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an insight is a chain of events

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volcanic eruption

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insight = OUA

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a truth about how things are

the truth can come from research or own experience

regarding peoples beliefs, values, attitudes or behavior

what they think, feel, or do in connection to a product/service,

a brand, a category or in life where it is relevant

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a new realization or meaning within the brand context

stimulated by the observation

understanding something which we did not understand before

seeing something in a whole new light
understanding something has a new role in peoples lives
untaking something for granted
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of a new perspective about the brand

based on the understanding stimulated by the observation

a new story to tell

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what was the OUA chain leading to the Snickers message?

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the Snickers case

1. new observation / truth

have you noticed that when you get really hungry

you become restless and angry?

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the Snickers case

2. new understanding / meaning

within the brand context
hunger has (and therefore Snickers has) psychological and
emotional consequences that effect the way we behave

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the Snickers case

3. articulation of a new perspective

about the brand
by helping you overcome hunger, Snickers helps you stay you

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financial crowdfunding has become a valuable marketing tool

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crowdfunding: what is it about?

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building a community

from the Kickstarter website

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making something together

People love backing projects.

Everyone loves being a part of creating something new.
Millions of people have jumped in to support creators on
Kickstarter. Theyve gotten some great rewards, and a unique
look into the creators process in return. Its about more than
money. Its people making something together.
from the Kickstarter website

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making a difference

from the Indiegogo website

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crowdfunding: what is it about?

= investing in something you believe in and making it happen

= emotional crowdfunding

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emotional crowdfunding can be very impactful for all brands

of all sizes

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emotional crowdfunding:

emotionally connected emotionally involved emotionally invested

mutual effort to help this succeed physically involved partnership

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OUA & attracting emotional investment

identify an observation based on a meaningful truth:

where do people express frustration, discomfort, tension, incompetence, etc.?
pursue an new understanding and then articulate a new perspective about the brand:
which helps solve, helps overcome or even simply gives a stage to an issue which is
meaningful yet invisible, thereby generating emotional investment

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the P&G case

1. new observation / truth

have you noticed that behind every great athlete there are parents
which have worked just as hard as him so that he/she would succeed?

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the P&G case

2. new understanding / meaning

within the brand context
in contrast to the athletes investment, the huge investment by their moms
(which are our TA) is usually unnoticed or less appreciated.
they dont get the credit they deserve.

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the P&G case

3. articulation of a new perspective

about the brand
as a brand which understands moms and their needs thereby helping
them become heroes in everyday life, we should also help them get
recognized for it.

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presenting a structured tool for future thinking

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Creative effectiveness GP

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pattern of thinking?

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Search for a Conflict

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search for conflicts

when people experience conflicts, they experience tension, frustration, discomfort,

guilt, inner drama
drama, so they search for something or someone that might help them
therefore, identifying conflicts can lead to the creation of a brand idea which is
relevant and meaningful to people and their lives
inspires an idea which ignites emotional investment

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search for conflicts

desire to feel beautiful

strong self criticism

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search for conflicts

obligation to visit the family

freedom to do what I want/like

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search for conflicts

he creates the mess

I clean the mess

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there are two kinds of conflicts



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there are two kinds of conflicts


two or more aspects in the inner world

of a person oppose each other
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there are two kinds of conflicts


aspects in the world of a person

and aspects in the world of others
oppose each other
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territories of conflict
Beliefs / Views /



Wants/ Desires


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internal conflict
My Beliefs / Views /



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My Wants/ Desires


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external conflict
My Beliefs / Views /

Someone Else's


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Wants/ Desires


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search for conflicts which are connected

to the brand content world
bring to mind the brand idea, its purpose,

Beliefs / Views /

the values it represents;

think about why, where, when and how


Wants/ Desires

it is used, or could be used;

consider whos using it and whos not using
it but could;



are there any conflicts there resulting in

frustrations, discomfort, tensions, etc.?

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search for conflicts which are connected

to the brand content world
Beliefs / Views /



connected life

Wants/ Desires


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2014 All rights reserved to Mindscapes

search for conflicts which are connected

to the brand content world
Beliefs / Views /

connected life
consideration phase



Wants/ Desires


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internal conflict:
desire to get something new
attachment to something old
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search for conflicts which are connected

to the brand content world
Beliefs / Views /

connected life
consideration phase


Wants/ Desires

selection phase



consumption phase

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many meaningful conflicts are ignited by the world

we live in: traditions, rules, social norms & conventions

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eating the way I want

respecting tradition

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pattern of thinking?

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Fight for a Cause

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definition of a cause

any idea or goal with a common objective

which leads people to action
in order to change or to obtain it

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create a cause which embodies the brand idea/message and was not there before,
relevant to the TAs lives,
then launch a campaign in which the brand presents the cause and brings it to life
supplying initial platforms for people to engage with the cause, act upon it
and even make it their own

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Observation: Millennials technological world is programmed to
eliminate physical contact
Understanding: the thing youths desire the most is the thing which
is hardest for them to obtain
Articulation: Doritos as a brand which represents togetherness is
bringing slow dancing back into playlists so that physical contact can
be obtained without difficulty

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Observation: the most beautiful things about a person are said to
him when. he has passed away
Understanding: they are spoken when its too late, when they
cannot be heard and appreciated
Articulation: Dela as a funeral insurance brand which believes in
being there for each other when we are alive, is encouraging
people to show affection and appreciation to someone they love
today, before its too late

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Observation: Romanians national self esteem is not as high as it
used to be, however their patriotism rises whenever their national
identity is snubbed
Understanding: Google predictions reflect a negative outlook on
Romanians, which does not represent the truth
Articulation: ROM which acts as a beacon of patriotism in Romania,
is changing the perceptions of Romanians on Google (and around
the world)

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Fight for a Cause Cause Related Marketing

can be humoristic
can be controversial
can be fictional
cannot be a problem everyone is talking about
represents the brand idea/message

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thats why you can (actually must)

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a great tool for revealing impactful insights

thinking about a cause provides a mental lens which helps us identify specific observations
about consumers, their needs, their difficulties and the brands role in life

where do they feel tension, frustration, discomfort, inner drama, not only in regard to conflicts?

a new meaningful, engaging perspective about the brand

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thank you.
for more info about our training programs, thinking tools,
lectures, and creative marketing communications consultancy
please contact us at
or visit us at

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