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The Retrieval - 1

After quite a few days enjoying the luxury of the Sword in Hand, the Rogue Trader Nehc Burthalls, gigantic
vessel, the auction is about to commence. You look around at the crowd milling around at the ornate threshold to
the Rogue Traders great hall. It has been an anxious wait and a long process to reach this point, but finally, the
object that you have sought for so long is within your grasp. The auction will begin soon and you plan on getting
what you came for, regardless of the methods. The glossy servitors begin to usher in the crowd and, the hall in its
entire splendor is revealed. The auction begins and Nehc Burthall, his large frame draped in the finery, takes to the
stage and launches into a short welcome before the auction begins. He has a story about every item and you wonder
if some of his exploits may border on heresy.
This lasts for some time and the object you came for still hasnt appeared on the stage. You cant help but feel
slightly anxious as the crowd begins to dwindle. Nehc then thanks the remaining buyers and, to the tune of a
bombastic Imperial tune, attempts to exit the stage. You see a powerful man cut through Nehcs guards to confront
him and you move closer to overhear the coming argument.
listen, says Nehc, I realise that you are a bit disappointed with what you perceive as a mistake on my part. I
will have you know, sir, that some of my merchandise was the victim of thievery and is now missing. I do believe that
I know where it may be and I will offer you help in retrieving it if you promise to return any of my other property
you encounter. He asks the man to come with him, and as you follow you notice there are others also tagging
He takes you a vast chamber, decorated with antiques and artwork from across the galaxy. As you join the crowd
and file into the room, you notice Nehc speaking to a servitor that quickly walks past you and back through the
corridors. Another servitor begins serving some small morsels of writhing worms on hard biscuits. Well, enjoy
some of the delicacies from my recent exhibition as we wait for my intelligence officer to arrive, announces Nehc.
The minutes pass and the company in the chamber isnt much for idle conversation. Suddenly, the doors burst open
and an old man thrusts himself into the room, elbowing his way through the crowd. Ah, Admiral Stede Morgan,
please explain our situation to my guests. The sprightly old man sits his foot on an ornate chair and regards his
audience with a monocled eye.
It seems some of our crew has helped themselves to some of Master Burthalls property then fled the vessel. I shall
be taking a craft to the planet we are currently orbiting in the hope of retrieving the stolen goods, so do not worry
as I plan on returning shortly with Master Burthalls property and the heads of the criminals involved.
I dont think so ol man, the gruff character that first approached Nehc after the auction speaks up, Ive a vested
interest in some o that missin property, so me and me men will be accompanying ya.
Stede Morgan strokes his moustache and regards the man, You actually look like the type that could be of help
when the grump hits the propeller, as they say back on Mordia. Ill fire up the engines shortly, anyone else
interested in a spot of adventure
The Island is intended to be played as a brief interlude for your characters in the middle of some grand adventure.
The campaign setting is broken into 3 chapters with a number of scenarios in each. There are also a number of
special rules explained below

Special Rules
A character can access a crate with a successful
strength test, or simply destroy it by inflicting 3
points of damage. If a character spends an action
inspecting an open crate roll on the appropriate table
to see what undamaged equipment is inside.
Gun Crate
d3 stubbers with full clips
d3 autoguns and d10 magazines
5d10 shotgun scatter shells

Range finder gun sight
Laser sight
naval pistol and bullet belt with 12 shells
pump-action combat shotgun and 16 shells


Hunting Rifle and 10 Man-stopper rounds

Bolter (Straight Mag) and 2 magazines

Close Combat Crate

D6 bayonets
D3 hammers

D3 flails
D3 great hammers
D3 swords
D3 chainblade


Shock maul
Chain fist

Medical Crate
D3 Medi-paks

D3 filtration plugs
D3 gas masks
D3 injectors of Zephyr

The Retrieval - 4

D3 vials of Hallucinogen toxin

Average bionic arm (unusable without surgery)

Explosives Crate (any explosives crate that is

damaged by gunfire will explode like a Demolition
charge and nothing can be salvaged from it)
d6 smoke grenades
d3 frag grenades
d3 krak grenades

Photon flash grenade

Grenade launcher
Melta bomb

Armour Crate
D3 flak vests (cover chest and abdomen)
D3 open helmets

Night Helm (Closed helmet with built in
Injector Gauntlet (Mesh armour on arm with
built in Injector for 2 doses of stimm)


Mirror shield
Reflective carapace breastplate (cover chest and

Enviro Suit (full suit of mesh armour with

closed helmet with built-in Re-Breather. Can be
used underwater)
Suppression shield
Refractor field


Interrogation (or Torture)

A character can interrogate an enemy that he wishes
to gain information from. Firstly, a PC must have her
victim in a disabled position, unarmed, conscious and
with no chance of escape. Its up to the GM to decide
whether or not a character is sufficiently disabled.
The interrogator must then find a way to break the
NPCs spirit. The Spirit of the prisoner is his
Willpower divided by 2. The PC must spend all his
actions in a turn interrogating the NPC then pass a
Leadership test with a negative modifier equal to the
NPCs Spirit value. If the character passes then the
NPCs spirit will be broken and he will answer any
questions asked of him (1 per turn). If the PC fails the
test then the NPCs Spirit value will decrease by d6.
The NPCs Leadership will now be reduced to 50%
while his interrogator remains in the same scenario as
However, there is a chance that the NPC will give
false information or lie just to end the interrogation.
For each question asked of the prisoner he must take
a Leadership test (at his new reduced Leadership
value). If he fails he will give the information from
his True column. If he passes the test he will answer
the question from his False column and lie if he
doesnt know the answer (if the Subject isnt covered

in the characters details then the GM needs to make

up a convincing lie).
Example: In the first scenario Malthus takes down a
Scally who passes out from System Shock. Malthus
has a Leadership of 72 and the Scally has a
Willpower of 28, a Spirit of 14 and a Leadership of
38. Malthus strips the Scallys weapons, binds his
hands and has his warrior band keep the Scally in
their sights as he spends d3 turns (a number the GM
came up with) trying to get the Scally to regain
When the Scally is awake, the interrogation begins as
the GM believes the Scally is sufficiently detained.
Malthus spends all his actions in his turn
interrogating his prisoner and makes a Leadership
test with 14 modifier. His result is 69, so he fails,
however the Scallys Spirit is reduced by d6 and
Malthus rolls a 3. The next turn Malthus makes a
Leadership with a 11 modifier and gets 59, passing
the test.
The Scallys spirit is now broken and questioning can
begin. Malthus asks where their Object is. The Scally
takes a Leadership test (now at 16) and fails. He
replies from his True column closest to that subject
and answers that he doesnt know. Malthus then asks
who their boss is. The Scally, surprisingly, passes his
Leadership test. He answers from his False column of
the closest Subject and replies, That geezer that flew
yous in was behind it all, under orders from is
bosses in the church. Wes is just getting paid to
rough you up a bit, I didnt know yous was from the
Inquisition. Malthus then asks which member of the
Ecclisiarchy is a traitor. The Scally takes a
Leadership test and fails so he must answer
truthfully, however none of the Scallys subjects are
close to this question. He answers that he has no idea.
If the Scally had passed his Leadership test then the
GM would have had to come up with some answer,
maybe a name that could be true or false and if the
Player wanted to follow it up it could be the basis for
a new setting.
Note: If players arent asking the questions that an
Inquisitor should be asking and are completely off
track then the GM may allow their characters to take
Sagacity tests during the interrogation procedure. If
they pass the GM can provide them with some
appropriate lines of questioning.
Conversation and Bribes
A character can approach any non-aggresive NPC
(left to the GMs discretion) and strike up a
conversation. The character must build up a sense of
trust in the NPC before he is able to get any
information. The Suspiciousness value of an NPC is
her Initiative divided by 2. Once the PC is in base-tobase contact with the target NPC he can spend all his
actions in a turn to try and build up some trust. The
PC does this by making a Leadership test with a
negative modifier equaling the NPCs
Suspiciousness. If he passes he can ask a question
and if it is on the NPCs Subject list he will get a
truthful answer. If he fails then the NPCs
Suspiciousness value will increase by d10.

The Retrieval - 5
A character can bribe an NPC to build up trust. A
common item will lower an NPCs Suspiciousness
value by d6, a rare item by d10 and an exotic item by
3d10. Its left up to the GM to decide what items or
favours that dont fit into the above categories will
get for the characters.
A character with a pass of a high level can get past
any area of a lower level.




Security Camera
Any scenario which contains a security camera is
being monitored in the control room of the Barracks
and in the Lab. Any fighting that ensues in the
scenario will alert these areas and they will react to
the threat by sending someone to investigate.
After the turn in which hostilities commence in a
scenario containing working security cameras the
GM must roll a d10. After this many turns a Combat
Servitor will arrive at the scenario and target any
characters not wearing the Crooked Tooth ensign.
Inflicting 1 point of damage to will disable a security
It is important to keep track of where various warrior
bands and characters are in relation to others
throughout the Chapter. Every scenario a warrior
band participates in counts as 1 Time Unit on the
timetable. For every full 10 turns a warrior band
spends in a scenario, add another Time Unit to the
warrior bands Timescale.

The Retrieval - 6

1Chapter 1 Deal Breakers

Stedes voice crackles over the vox caster, I have in
my sights the Island that Master Burthalls property
has been taken. They have a landing pad, so ready
yourselves as Ill be taking us dow
His voice is cut off by the roar of autocannon fire.
Heavy rounds slam through the cabin, you see the
gruff man who first approached Nehc being torn
apart in front of your eyes.
The verticoptor begins losing altitude rapidly and
you cling to your seat with a prayer on your lips

Stede leaves the Sword in Hand in smaller vessel to

breach the planets atmosphere, then switches to a
large Verticoptor for better maneuverability near the
surface. A toxic wasteland greets you as you pierce
the yellowish cloud cover. It seems this could have
once been an ocean planet, but has now been reduced
to its present state through pollution.
You glance around at your fellow travelers and get
the impression that their number one concern is the
merchandise and would turn on you if you got in their

Stede Morgan
Stede is an accomplished pilot and head of Nehc Burthalls
security services. Although he spends most of his days
behind a desk monitoring the logistics of his Masters
security system, he can still defend himself if necessary.

Equipment: Naval pistol, Flak vest (covers chest and

abdomen), Open helmet
Suggested model: Duke von Castellan
I Wp Sg Nv Ld
33 59 42 41 48 59 73 68 87
Spd: xx

BI: xx



SS: xx

C: xx

Location of
Who sent them

KB: xx

Probably on
The Island
Meentash, the
most honest
man on the

In the Barracks
Stedes boss.
Stede was part
of the plan.

Boat Crew
A boat crew consists of 2 Scallys and a Tough. They obey
the orders of their superiors as long as the reward
outweighs the danger involved.

Ruffians are those men and women who turn to crime to
make ends meet.

Equipment: Revolver, Knife, Flak vest with

Crooked Tooth ensign
Suggested model: Quovandias, Slick Devlan
I Wp Sg Nv Ld
59 51 61 19
38 33
Spd: xx

BI: xx



SS: xx

C: xx

KB: xx

Thugs have risen through the ranks of the criminal world,
proving themselves fit to lead through their ferocity.

Equipment: Autogun, Flak vest with Crooked Tooth

ensign, d3 doses of Zephyr
Suggested model: Slick Devlan, Sergeant Stone
I Wp Sg Nv Ld
59 51 61 19
38 33
Spd: xx

BI: xx



SS: xx

C: xx

KB: xx

The Retrieval - 4

Scenario 1:
The circuitry of the Verticoptor overloads sending
smoke throughout the cabin. Visibility is reduced to
zero, and you know it is only a matter of seconds
before impact.
The warrior bands have been diverted from their
course and have crash landed on an outlying island.
They must now find a way to get to the Bandits

Warrior bands and Stede Morgan verse a Boat Crew
for each warrior band.

The layout of the battlefield is shown below, as is the
starting positions of the various characters.
Sample armour values
Trees: 4
Crates and barrels: 5
Boat wall: 10
Verticoptor wall: 12

Special Rules
The Boat Crews will approach the crash site
cautiously and open fire on anyone that they detect.
Stede Morgan will follow the closest player
controlled character and obey his orders.
If a character inspects any crates, deduct 2 from the
roll to determine what type it is.

Ending the Scenario

The scenario can end in a number of ways. The most
direct route is to capture one of the sailors boats.
This can be done by a warrior making it to the cabin

Crash Landing
of a boat and passing 2 Sagacity tests (one per action)
to start the boats engine. Stede can drive a boat
without any need to pass a test. This will take the
warrior and any other characters on the boat into
scenario 2.
Characters may attempt to stowaway inside the crates
on a boat. They must remain undetected while they
attempt to hide. To successfully stowaway inside a
crate a character must spend 3 actions touching it and
pass an Initiative test. If the test is failed any
characters within 2d10 yards will be alerted to his
presence. If a character successfully stows away he
will be transported to Scenario 4, adding 1 Time Unit
to his Timescale. This represents some sailors taking
the boat back to the Hideout after realizing their
targets have escaped or been killed. However, if
another warrior band takes control of his boat he will
follow them through their scenarios, leaping out of
his hiding place when he sees fit.
A character may also attempt to repair the damaged
circuitry of the Verticoptor. An intense process in
involved and requires fiddling with the wiring and rebooting the system. A character needs to spend a full
turn in contact with the control panel so she can take
a Sagacity test to see if she has made any difference
to the burnt out consol. 5 successful tests are
necessary to complete repairs. This will turn on the
Verticoptors rotor and every enemy character will do
his best to take out the characters before lift-off. It
will take a full turn for the rotor to warm up and be
ready to lift-off. A successful Sagacity test will allow
the pilot to fly the Verticoptor and anyone on board
will be taken to Scenario 7:The Landing Pad. Stede
can fly a Verticoptor without any need for a test.

The Retrieval - 4

Scenario 2:
As the boats rotors blast through the polluted sea,
you realise that you are being followed. Autogun fire
bites into the water around you and you take cover as
the aim of your assailants gets better.
Out on the open sea the warrior bands must defend
themselves from bandit reinforcements as they travel
to the island stronghold.

Warrior bands verse a Boat Crew for each warrior

The layout of the battlefield is shown below, as is the
starting positions of the various characters.
Sample armour values
Crates and barrels: 5
Boat wall: 10
Boat Engine Casing (small target): 12

Special Rules
If more than one warrior band participates in this
scenario then the one who gained control of a boat
first in Scenario 1 starts an additional 3d10 yards
onto the board.

Toxic Waters
A boat must be driven by a character in contact with
the control panel. If the driver passes an Initiative test
he may move the boat d6 yards, if he fails the boat
may only move d3 yards. Stede is an accomplished
sailor and will be able to move a boat d10 yards if he
is control of it. If there is no character driving the
boat at the beginning of a turn, then it will go d6
yards in a random direction (though it wont go
Characters shooting from the boat count as riding
shotgun and follow the rules detailed in the Inquisitor
Vehicle Rules. The boat counts as moving quite fast
and the sea is rough so there is a further -10 to hit that
is cumulative with any other modifiers.
If the Boat Engine Casing receives 20 points of
damage it will be destroyed and the boat will only
move 1 yard per turn. A character can spend an entire
turn in contact with it then take a Sagacity test. He
must pass 3 of these to repair the engine to full

Ending the Scenario

The scenario ends when each warrior band exits the
board. They will then enter Scenario 3. Keep track of
the number of turns between boats exiting the
scenario as this will be the number of turns between
them arriving at the Docks.

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