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Saturday, May 31, 2008

bharatiya mahila party is emerging need

dear Indian females and intellectual non-political males,

bhartiya mahila party means a political party created by Indian females.
why bharatiya mahila party needed to for- in present situation no proper leadership
provided by congress,bharatiya janata party or others as all are have their own prejudice
they never cared for real happening to all Indian families.
no proper use of natural resources.
only corruption and fighting for chairs.
all present political parties have divided country in regional,religious,caste and many....
all are facing naxalites,terrorism and different more ism on daily route.

what is real growth,who can be real leader,what next?

why women of India has to do this task

1. economical problems only to be faced by females of India majority.

2. survey says women's administrators are not corrupted.
3. women are best administrators by nature
4. women's are sensible to understand others problems
5. now India on the 33% reservation why women force can contribute their service
to nation by more then 51 %.
6. if proper foundation and agenda created then all females will vote and intellectual
male will also vote to get free from present nonsense party alliances...and will
give one minimum chance to all females.
7. now what happen if bharatiya mahila party wins ..nothing they will make their
leadership work.many educated powerful real leader like kiran bedi,arudhanti
roy,medha patkar to.....1000 listed on world women list excluding present
women's engaged in politics.if present women politician wants to join bhartiya
mahila party she must resign from congress or bjp .etc without any specific post
will be given.
8. all women must win in their territory and no leader to be announced in agenda.
only agenda of lobby will work.
9. organised crime type election fund corruption will also minimised.
10. leaders and ministers will be appointed by election, not selection, from elected
body and yearly rotation of leader ,minister and state wise balancing team of
ministry will take care of agenda for real Indian growth.

associate all females,all mahila mandals,all women activist,all women ngos have to lay
foundation for change India movement.

if failed ,nothing to loss,as all thing lost by present politicians,lets try

contribute your suggestions,name,agenda,views,opinion on this blog bharatiya mahila
and email me
sponsor of thoughts- lagerahonatubhai
jay hind
jay women
Posted by bharatiya mahila party at 4:23 AM
Labels: activist, bharatiya, change, democracy, economy, female, girl, group, gujarat,
leaders, mahila, news, NGo, opinion, party, political, politics, sanstha, unity, world

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