Psych Notes I

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Myopia- near sightedness- light rays converge INFRONT of retina.

Corrected by
using a concave (diverging) lens to cause light rays to diverge slightly before they
reach the cornea.
Hyperopia- far sightedness- light rays converge too far (not enough). Use a convex
(converging lens) to let light rays converge before they reach the cornea.

Parallel processing- Whereby many aspects of a visual stimulus are processed

simultaneously instead of a step by step fashion.

Retinal disparity- binocular cue whereby the brain compares the images projected
onto the two retinas in order to perceive distance.

Absolute threshold- the minimal stimulus intensity required to detect it 50% of

the time
Also applies to JND (50% of the time)
JNDs (Webers law)- Differ in weight by 2%, light intensity by 8, and tones in
frequency by 0.3%

Signal detection theory- How and when someone will detect the presence of a
given sensory stimulus.
4 possible outcomes- Hit (signal was present and detected); miss (signal was
present and not detected), a false alarm (signal was not present but the person
thought it was; correct rejection (signal was not present and person did not think it

Gestalt principles:
Emergence- we first identify its outline to figure out what the whole object is. We
identify the whole first.
Figure/ground- Perceptual tendency to separate the figure or object from
everything else (background) based on a number of possible variables, like size,
shadow, contrast, color, etc. Everything that is not figure is ground. Making things
background to isolate the desired whole to focus on
Multistability: Conflicting images; 2 images in one competing for perception
Gestalt laws of grouping:

Law of proximity- things that are near to each other seem to be grouped together.
Seeing them as a unit according to similarity in proximity. We tend to perceive
similar things as a unit.
Continuity- We perceive continuous lines and forms rather than disjoined ones.
Law of closure- we perceive things as a complete logical entity.
Law of common fate- things moving in same direction or in synchrony are perceived
as a group or unit
Law of connectedness- things that are grouped are perceived as connected.

Bottom up processing: From senses and up to cortex. Used more when we dont
have experience
Top down processing- Using past experience.

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