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1. The Hon'ble High Court by its Order dated 22.02.2016 in W.P. (C) No. 7215 of

2011, appointed Justice Mukul Mudgal, Former Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana
High oversee the conduct of the Worl(!T20 matches to~ held at Ferozshah
Kotla Ground, New Delhi.

2. Pursuant to the said order and receipt thereof the process of ov~eeing the
preparations for the conduct of the World T20 matches to be held at Ferozshah Kotla
Ground, New Delhi was commenced immediately. The conduct of any match at
Ferozshah Kotla Ground, New Delhi under the Delhi District & Cricket Associatic:m
(DDCA) which is the affiliated body of Board ~f Control of Cricket in India (BCCI)

an onerous task and also involves participation of and permissions from multiple

autJ;iorities. It was only due to a few sincere and dedicated office bearers, handful of

Executive Committee Members, other supporting members and employees of DDCA

that the matches were conducted smoothly and without any major difficulty.
3. It would be relevant for the purpose of the present Report to succinctly describe the
structure of DDCA which is the governing body of cricket activities in DelhiI.

Members ofDDCA


Executive committee elected by Members


Government Nominees


Patrons & Yice Patrons nominated by Executive Committee Members


Affiliated Clubs


Sports Working Committee (SWC) elected by the Affiliated Clubs


Permanent Employees


Temporary Employees


Ferozshah Kotla Ground (venue for hosting international match~ .in






4. The Executive Committee Members of DDCA consisting of office Qeerei'$ and.

Government Nominees are primarily responsible for carrying out the 4aY to qay.
affairs of ODCA, selection of players and for conducting any match which i' as~igned.
to DDCA by BCCI.
5. The Sports Working Committee members are apparently running the cricketing affairs
in the city of Delhi under the aegis of DDCA and also involved in the selection

It is ironic that the selection body and the SWC which is apparently involved

in ~g the cricketing affairs of the city does not comprise of any international
player or senior coach.
6. Despite being fonned in the year 1883, granted Affiliation by BCCI in the year
and even after having conducted many test and other international





Ferozshah Kotla Ground, any match assigned to DDCA for reasons best known the
office bearers of DDCA is dependent on last minute permissions and preparations. A
stadium of International standards with some deficiency in viewing was constructed.
In about a decades time the lack of proper maintenance has reduced the international
standard stadium to one needing considerable improvement which are only partly and.
temporarily addressed when international matches are to be held.
7. There are few thousand members of DDCA (though the list needs to be properly

scrutinised as several of them I was informed are only proxies for the purpose of
voting in the elections) who are given one complimentary pass for every match
which is conducted at DDCA. The members and the spectators of Delhi deserve better
facilities which DDCA struggles to provide.
8. Many offonner players and senior coaches have been largely neglected by some of
the office bearers of DDCA and sadly the woman c~cket body d~s not even have an
equivalent recognition in DDCA. DDCA is being run and controll~ \')y ~Ql'r,l~
Executive Committee Members of DDCA. Cricket and the spectators in the city of
Delhi suffer consequently. 'The major ills of the DDCA can be traced to~ Ions serving
Vice-President of DDCA who has been separately dealt with in thi~ repc>rt.



9. Sorhe of the senior office bearers ofDDCA only seem to be interested in attaining the

me.Xim\JI!l quota of complimentary tickets for any match and gettfna the AQcre<Jitation
Cards issue4 for few selected individuals. The match is conducteq only '\lliith the help
of a handful of hardworking and sincere office bearers and few dedicated


(including the groun9 staff). D:OCA is able to conduct any match only due to a
selected work force, whose shoulders are b1dened with the entire onus of conducting
the match and on the other hand the majority of the office bearers only enjoy and
indulge in free hospitality at the expense of DDCA without assuming any

responsibility excepting adoming various committees. There is no transparency Qr

responsibility which can be attributed to the working culture of such officials of
DDCA. These individuals have been named separately. It is in this light that I am
submitting my Report on the supervision and functioning of DDCA during my







A supervisory Committee was formed comprising of senior officials of BCCI and
DDCA for overseeing the preparation for conducting the World T20 matches at
Ferozshah Kotla Ground, New Delhi.


In order to expedite the preparation work for conducting the WT20 matches,
the Tender CoJll!l1ittee was constituted under the Supervision of Mr. I.P. Singh,
Fon.ner Deputy CAG of IndiaThe




of the "I:"ender Committee was













the tender committee meeting. The tenders were invited publicly on DDCA's
website. The entire tender process and finalization of contracts was to be done in
,the presence of the Accounts and Legal department of DDCA. One member of
the accounts department and one member of Legal department were required to
attend all the tender committee meetings.
It was also made clear that No Contracts pr Work orders shall be entered into

without approval of Tender Committee.

The Tender Committee met several times during February and March 2016 to
identify the items and works for which tenders had to be floated, to finalise the
exact requirements, to draft and upload the Tender Notices on the website Qf
DDCA, o~nin~ of tenders, negotiations with the Vendors and tQ finali~e ~ work
order and Agreement with the Vendors.

were held with the Tenderers to get the ~st rates. The Commi~

kept in view the rates finalised for the fourth Test Match between So'ijth Afri~ ~


In4ia hel4 in December, 2015 and also the fact that Test Match in December 2Q15
was for 5 days while in Worl4 T20 matches, 10 matches were to be playe4 on 7
4ays between 15 March, 2016 and 30. March, 2016. Th~rates with Ven4ors wer~
negotiated for 7 match qays only though they were demanding



because the items taken on hire were to remain blocked for 2 weeks. Where the
rates quoted were found to be on the higher side, the Vendors were calle4 for
negotiations and if they did not agree to reduce their rates, local quotations were
invited by contacting other Vendors to get better rates.

In almost all. the cases, the Tender Committee was able to get lower rates
compared to what had been paid in


matches. In some cases like Media

Centre, Additional Dressing Room for Players along with toilets (to be used on the
days when there were 2 matches), numbering of seats and some civiVelectrical
works, time being critically short as ICC/BCCI officials were coming for
inspection and work had to be completed before their visit, local quotations were
invited and works awarded.

Similarly for some last minute requirements projected by Police (Sand' Bags),
Health department (AC Tent with beds), Fire Department, provision of facilities a~
practice v~nues, works were awarded based on local quotations. It was, however,
ensured that rates are reasonable and competitive. For some items like Electronic
Score Board, Internal PA System for Music and Announcements durins Matches,
the work was awarded to the parties recommended by BCCI at the rates approved
by them. Turnstile work was awarded to the Vendor who had been doing this
work for the last 5 years (being a specialized job).
It was decided that the bills of the Vendors should be cleared within 30 days from
the date of the last match or date of submission of bill whichever is later. The bill~
were got certified from the concerned authority/members of the working
Committee; who were to oversee that activity. These bills were sot checke4 ~Y
Accounts wing ~ per the approved quotation, work order an4 the Agreement 'With
the Ven4or. Thereafter the bills were put up for approval to a Committ~
consisting of Shri Chetan Chauhan (Vice President), Shri Ravincler M(Ulefhan
(Treasurer and Chairman Finance Committee), Shri Anil Khanna {Secretary

____L __












Secretary/Members Executive DDCA).

This committee was assisted by Shri I.P Singh former DeplJ.ty C&AQ, Shri V.K
Bajaj, Head of Accounts ~ng and Advocate Sangram Patnaik. Almost all the bills
of the Vendors have been paid and earnest money refunded.


Mr. Chetan Chauhan
Mr. Salil Seth
Mr. Siddharth Sahib Singh
Mr. Ankit Dutta
Mr. Ra~der Manchanda
Mr. Subhash Sharma
Mr. Gautam Vadhera
Mr. Dinesh Sharma
Mr. Vivek Gupta
Mr. Vikas Katyal
Mr. Vinod Garg
Mr. Ajay Sharma

Head of the Event

Media Manager
Cricket Operations Manage
Head Curator
Head of Security I Anti-Corruption
Sponsor Servicing Manager
Match Officials Liaison
Logistics Manager
Hospitality Manager
Broadcast & Production Manager
Ticketing and Accredi~tion
Anti- Doping Liaison Manager
Anthem Children Volunteer

At the insistence of senior office bearers of DDCA, various sub committees were
formed. On the request of several office bearers and for reasons best known to
them, repeated requests were made to include various members including
outsiders in the sub committees/ additional committees only to ensure that the..
privileged few individuals are given fr~e entry to watch the matches with the
exclusive accreditation cards at the expense of DDCA. These sub committee$/
additional committees have no active role for conducting the matche~ f.f
Ferozshah Kotla Ground by DDCA. These committees even if formed should only
constitute of Executive Committee Members, Patrons and

Sports Working

Coriunittee Member and no outsider should be made part of these sub committees.


_____L_~_ ~~-~~~
.. ..,








A working Committee was forme4 after the Test match between India and South
Africa to specifically look into the issue of permissions which were pending since
several years. The working Committee after a great amount of dedication


hardwork was instrumental in obtaining the following permissions for conducting

the matches to be held at Ferozshah Kotla Ground, New Delhia. Occupancy/ Completion

Certificate from South Delhi Municipal

b. Safety Certificate from Delhi Fire Services
c. Safety Certificate from Electrical Inspector
d.No Objection from Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC)
e. Structural Engineering Design Certificate
f. No Objection from Land & Development Officer (L&DO)
I was also informed that the following permissions were also obtained before
conducting the World T20 J;llatchesa. Ground Inspection, Clearance and Mock Drill by Delhi Disaster
Management Authority.
b. Issuance of Permission for parking of vehicles from DCP Traffic, Central
Range ~d other Permissions from DCP Traffic.
c. No objection from DCP, Central Zone (Law and Order).
d. Issuance of licence for staging the match from JCP, Licensing Unit.
e. No Objection from Electrical Department.

No Objection from Entertainment Tax Department.

g. No Objection from Trade Tax Department.

h. Health Trade License by MCD.

Hotline Numbers from MTNL.


- -~J






a. The first and foremost requirement for conducting any match at DDCA

is to fulfil all the statutory compliances and thereafter seek permissions

from various Government and Municipal Authorities at Delhi.
b.There are several Departments which play a vital role in conducting any
match. It was repeatedly seen that DDCA does not fulfil the requirement
for conducting any match well in advance and before every match there

is a scramble which is sorted out at the last minute after liaisoning with
various Departments. Some of the office bearers of DDCA do not even
properly correspond with the various Departm~ts.
c.DOCA office bearers for reasons best known to them tail to erisw-e that
compliances are made in time and thereafter permissions are taken well
in advance. The attitude of DDCA keeps even the hosting of the match
in suspense as compliances and permissions are a mandatory pre

requirement for starting the various processes for conducting the

matches. There is lack of earnestness to ensure that the permissions for
conducting the matches are obtained in time.
d.Jt is for the first time that the World T20 matches were played with a
proper certification from various Departments and not with any
provisional certificate. A dedicated team of sincere DDCA officials
worked day and night for fulfilling the compliances and obtaining
permissions and it was only with their persistent efforts that it was
ensured that the stadium is compliant with all the statutory requirements
for conducting the matches. A certain section of the stadium was not

av$ilable to the


public till no o\>jection certificate, W

taken from the concerned Department

e. There were various permissions which were obtaine4 for th~ first time

certification from South Delhi Municipel Corpoi'V.tiQn,


Urban Arts Commission and Land and Development Officer. Mr .



Chetan Chauhan and Mr. Siddharth Sahib Singh worked tirelessly for
f. An independent nodal officer should be appQinted by :SCCI to check
and assess the status of permissions before any match is assigneq to
g.DDCA should only be allotted any match by :SCCI if most of the
permissions are obtained in advance except those requiring clearances
after all arrangements are made, as every time matches cannot be
hosted by obtaining provisional certification on the plea that the
reputation of the city is at stake. The Hon'ble Delhi High Court has
already clarified that the Court would not grant any provisional
permission any further.
h.DDCA must ensure that all permissions for hosting the matches are
obtained in advance which will also ensure that the other preparation~
begin in time, which will not just ensure profitability but help in
improving the reputation of DDCA as an organisation and curb last
minute and high expenditure



a. The most controversial aspect of my tenure of overseeing the matches
at DDCA has been ticketing and accreditation. For issuing any ticket
prior permission has to be taken from the Entertainment Tax
Department and only after the tickets are stamped by the said
Department, the tickets are put on sale or distributed.
b.Ticketing can be divided into the following aspects-

!. For sale
2. Complimentary
3. Members pass
c. The tickets for sale are usually dealt by a profe$sional agency
appointed by BCCI or DDCA, which for the World T20 match~s was
BookMyShow, which worked credibly with a very devot~ and
diligent Executive Committee Member, Mr Vikas Katyat heading the
Ticketing Committee.



d. The fixed quota of tickets for .the schoolchildren and women college
students was brought by DDCA and given to the Delhi Administration
for distribution. These gestures deserve credit.
e. Complimentary tickets/ passes are the bone of contention between the
various office bearers of DDCA, the Executive Committee Members
and the various authorities.
f. One complimentary pass each for each match is first distributed to the
members. Infact, any distribution of such tickets shol,J.IQ not be termed.
as complimentary but 'Members pass ' as they are entitled to the same
by virtue of their membership of DDCA. Thereafter, the balance quota
of complimentary tickets is distributed.
g.It was observed that a majority of the balance complimentary tickets
are distributed amongst the Executive Committee Members and the
various authorities.
h.For the World T20 matches, it was ensured that the distribution was
first made to the former international and national players, current
international and national players, players of all age groups and senior
coaches. A list was made of former women international and national
players and current international and national players and Delhi teams
of all age groups and complimentary tickets were issued to them. One
complimentary pass was given to the Affiliated Clubs and a fixed
quota of tickets on concessional price was also made available to the
Affiliated Clubs by DDCA. Thereafter, a fixed quota of complimentary
passes equitably was given to the Executive Committee Members.
including Government Nominees, Patrons and Sports Working
Committee members of DDCA. The Complimentary passes were also
given to various authorities.

i. Accreditation is an authority card which is issued to the workforce and

the Executive Committee Members including Government Nominees,
Patrons and Sports Working Committee member$ of DDCA, which
allo"Ys them to access major parts of the stadium withol,J.t any fonnal
ticket. This practice must be followed in all future matches.
j. It


noticed that several unwanted and unnecessary A~cre<Jitation

Cards were being issued io various persons at the behest of the offi~e
lQ I P a J e


bearers of DDCA. Previously the Executive Committee Member~ were

being issued more than one Accreditation Card for their persQnal use.
It was directed that only one Accreditation Card would be issu~d to the
Executive Committee Members including Government Nominees,
Patrons and Sports Working Committee members for the World T20
matches and the same was followed during the IPL matches also. This
served as a deterrent for the freeloaders who were only being issued
Accreditation Card for enjoying free entry and hospitality at the
expense of DOCA.


a. The major requirement for conducting the matches at any stadium are
the Ground and Cricket Facilities which are provided by the host
b.DDCA has excellent Ground staff and Curators headed by Mr Ankit
Dutta who ensured that the ground and pitches are provided in the best
of conditions. The Cricket operations were also well managed by the
Executive Committee Member, Mr Siddharth Sahib Singh who was
heading the said operations during World T20 matches. This led to the
Delhi Stadium being awarded the best pitch by BCCI for the WT20.
Mr. Siddharth Sahib Singh, Mr.


Dutta and the entire Ground

Staff deserve fulsome praise for their outstanding effort.

c.It was also ensured that better facilities are provided to the players and
support staff of the Teams and a special additional dressing room was
made for the convenience of the players in the double header matches
during World T20 matches.


a. Media and Broadcasts are major focus areas for conducting any match.
There were several deficiencies which were pointed out in the
functioning of the Media centre at DDCA during the lnqia- So\lth
Africa Test Match held in December 2015.
b.A young and ded.icated team of professional$ head, by one of Ute
most dedicated and meticulous Executive Committee Mem~r of

111 .P ~ s e


DDCA, Mr. Salil Seth was therefore constituted. after consultatiQn with
the Meqia Manager of BCCI, to look after the Med.ia and. BrQad.cast
Operations. There were many attempts by unruly elements tQ sabQtage
the Media Centre.
c. The Media team comprising of Mr Salil Seth, Mr Rajeev Malhotra and.
Mr Praveen Soni, despite various difficultie$,



coQperation and lax attitude of many office bearers and. Executive

Committee Members of DpCA, worked tirel~ssly and round the comc;r
to ensure that the Media Centre works smoothly and. efficiently.
d. The Media and Broadcast operations were praised by national anc;l
international media and termed by one and all as one of the best me4ia
centres functioning during the World T20 matches.



a. The seats were numbered for the first time at DDCA to ensure that
spectators who buy tickets are


to watch the match without any

hindrance and there is no overselling of tickets

b.Basic amenities were improved for the comfort of the spectators.
Bathrooms were renovated and water taps with RO water were
installed which were missing from the Stadium.
c. The caterers were asked to provide food at reasonable rates and were
also asked to ensure that a Chart specifying the rates is displayed at the
d.A dedicated ramp was constructed for the physically handicapped
spectators for the first time at DDCA and they were provided

complimentary and concessional tickets .


a. Security issues are dealt by the police authorities before and during ~Y
match. However, there are variQus issues which need the a~ntiqn 9f
DDCA office bearers and should be looked into d.iliaently by t>DCA
office bearers.
b.The passes of the vendors needs proper verification and assessment.
The accreditation cards which are issued to vendors are misused. The
12 1Page


work related to the issuance of issuance of accreditation cards to the
Vendors needs to be outsourced to a professional agency, who should

be allowed to work independently and without any interference from

the office bearers. Proper verification is required to be done before the
accreditation card is issued to the Vendors. The Venc!ors must certify
and undertake that the accreditation cards will not be misused and any
non-compliance would result in blacklisting and deduction in the
payment to be made to the vendor by DDCA.
c.During the World T20 matches, it was noted that there were several
shortcomings relating to the entry at the various gates. The task of
entry inside the gates must be assigned and overseen by a dedicated
team of private security personnel as there were several instances
where it was found that illegal entries were made from various gates.
The role of the police at the entry gates should be restricted and only
professionals must manage the entry at the gates.
d. There is blatant misuse by the office bearers of DDCA of the parking
passes issued by the police. The passes must be distributed in the most
transparent manner and only one pass must be issued to one person
including the Executive Committee Members.
e.In fact when the IPL-9 started neither I nor any of my associates was
given the Parking ticket. On being asked, why the parking ticket was
not sent to me, Mr. Subhash Sharma, member of the Security
Committee, said that all the passes have been consumed by the
Executive Committee Members and hence no pass was left for the
person who was appointed as an observer by this Hon 'ble Court.
Consequently I visited the stadium only for the two matches on my
own and supervised the arrangements from my office.

13 I Page




A. Authorities like Delhi Police, DDMA, Delhi Fire Services a.mongst various others
play a major role in conducting any match. These


work with


dedication to ensure that the matches are conducted efficiently. It cannot be lost
sight of the fact that the police and other authorities assume heavy responsibility es
a breach of security and/or any mish8p would put the on them. These
authorities deserve full credit for ensuring safe and secure conduct of the matches.
B. However, the Authorities must ensure that all the requirements to fulfil the
compliances in relation to permission and other aspects are communicated well in
advance. For conducting the first World T20 match, the permission from one of the
major authority was given only one hour prior to the match, which led to a


stressful and unwarranted situation. The permissions must be given well in advance
by all the authorities.
C. There are also several other requirements of the various authorities which must be
communicated in advance to ensure that the requ_irements are fulfilled by incurring
the least possible expenditure.
D. Every authority must appoint a nodal officer who should only communicate with
the concerned official of DDCA.



A. It was seen during my tenure that there is no transparency or accountability in the

functioning of some senior office bearers ofDDCA.

B. The most pernicious influence affecting DDCA's administration is the ever present
Mr C.K. Khanna who is the Vice president of DDCA for several years and also

happens to ~ the Vice President of BCCI, though from the Central zone. He
controls a large number of proxies and accordingly has a strong hold in DDCA. He
excels in at evading responsibility and claiming credit for an



someone else. His paramount interests are peddling of complimenuirles to gain

favours and satisfy his proxy interests, and mounting the dais repeatedly for
presentations. He craves for every photo opportunity. Mr Khanna has not the

141 Page





slightest interest in promotion of cricket in Delhi and his sole Qccup,tion is


traction obtained by complimentaries to his proxies ancj various authorities. He


in using his proxy power from behind the scenes and always avoicjs

putting his signature on any document to avoid any responsil;Jility. He is very

efficient at securing complimentaries for avowed purpose of giving tQ varioq.s
licensing/sanctioning authorities and diverting some of them for his own l;Jenefit.
He has planted his relatives in various positions in DDCA, for example a) Mr Anil
Khanna, General Secretary (First Cousin) b) Ravi

Khanna, Patron (Brother) c)

Vivek Gupta, Joint Secretary (Wife's First Cousin). This is a clear case of conflict
of interest. Mr C.K. Khanna is present throughout working hours in DDCA. His
supporters who keep him in power are only interested in complimentaries and. free
food and liquor during matches. Mr C.K. Khanna is one person whose latent
actions along with his proxy-controlled acolytes have brought down the reputation
of DDCA. Delhi which has given several great cricketers to the Indian team
including the present test captain, now languishes in the second tier of Ranji
Trophy. All those who want to work only in the interest of betterment of cricket
are hampered and prevented at every stage by the influence of C.K. Khanna. A
restoration of Delhi cricket to its erstwhile glory may not be possible with Mr
C.K. Khanna controlling the affairs of DDCA.
C. There were several complaints made against Mr CK Khanna in relation to the
complimentary kits received from BCCI which were to be distributed amongst the
ground staff and other functionaries of DDCA. All the kits received by him were
not distributed for reasons best known to him and some recipients were only ~Vf(~
part of the kits and the rest diverted by him. The details of the distril;Jution was.
asked, however no reply to the said direction was ever received by me.

D. During one of the matches, it was also found out that an employee, who was
assigned lift duty during the match, was being used by Mr CK Khanna for his own
personal work like carrying his cordless phone and coat at the cost of his assigned

E. Mr CK Khanna also made several requests for issuing accreditation cards to

various persons on the pretext of incorporating their names in one of the
Committees and assigning duties to various outsiders during matches for reasons
bc;st known to him.

lSI Page

- ~----____1~----

F. The requests for making accreditation cards for outsiders/ close relatives was also
made by several senior office bearers only to


certain outsiders and gain

undue advantage of their positions in Delhi. The Hospitality Committee reque$ted

that accreditation card be issued to a current player of Oelhi Team, which ha4 to
be later cancelled due to dereliction of duty on his part.

G. It was also seen that Mr Subhash Sharma, despite being a member of the Tender
Committee and the Finance Committee of DDCA was giving oral and informal
approval to vendors, despite clear directions to the contrary. Such practices must
be avoided to ensure that there is no misuse of dominant position. He was also
rude and crude.
H. Senior office bearers of DDCA were found to be very keen on getting the duties
assigned to certain select individuals. There were repeated requests made by the
convenor of


Working Committee for assigning duties. However,. it was

found that most of the duties were unwarranted.

Later on, the duties were

assigned as per the requirement of BCCIIICC and the names were proposed in
consultation with BCCI. It was also found. that some of the persons,. the names of
whom were proposed by the convenor of Sports Working Committee, threatened
the persons who were assigned the duties for which a written complaint was also
I. The senior officials of DDCA must ensure that duties are assigned to the most

credible workforce after taking prior approval of BCCI as they have a significant
role in conducting the matches.

J. Since some officials of the DDCA were found inebriated during matches, no
officials/staff members should be served alcohol or have access to it during match
K. It was also seen that some of the Executive Committee Members and Mr. Subhash
Sharma in particular were promoting certain vendors and ensuring that a particular
Vendor is granted the catering contract. The credibility and fairness of. the
institution is put at stake by such acts of few office bearers and Executive
Committee Members ofDDCA.
L. It was also noted that several rooms have been occupied by various office bearers
and Executive Committee Members of DDCA who are using them for their own

personal use. Even the officials of BCCl and ICC and many other functionarie~
could not get proper working space during World T20 matches. The rooms should


161 Page


permanently assigned to only the President, Vice- President, Treosurer and

General Secretary of DOCA and the other rooms must be made



utilised as per the need and requirement whi<:fh arise during the mat~hes.

. VI.




DDCA does not follow a proper procurement and tendering policy for placing
orders on the Vendors. We, however, came across handful of proper and public
Tenders pertaining to providing Catering & Restaurant Services at DDCA (2014),
Security Services (2014) and Housekeeping Services (2014) which were iss\led.
For proper checks and records, where orders are placed without calling quotations,
the reasons for not inviting quotations must be recorded. In addition, they must
mention how the vendor/contractor has been selected, how it was ensured that
rates quoted are reasonable and competitive. DDCA must follow a proper
procedure for issuing and accepting Tenders/ Quotations.


DDCA does not issue formal directions for laying down the system and
procedures for tendering like issuing short notice Tenders, inviting Local
quotations, issuing of work/ purchase orders, signing of agreeroents with Vendors
within time resulting in losses. Formal directions must be given and Written
Agreement must be entered with each vendor.


_DDCA does not issue formal Work/Purchase orders. In some cases, the approval
is given on a single quotation itself and approved quotation is treated as a work
order which leads to confusion and infact is deliberately done by some senior
office bearers for reasons best known to them. In some cases the work orders are
drafted as a formality after the -work had been executed. There should be a
standard format to place Work/Purchase order.

17 1 Page

____l _______ ~-~--..,


There was no proper verification of work done, certification and payment of bills.
The checking by the Working Committee members of works awarded during the
World T20 matches was also lacking in some cases like Housekeeping, Secwity,
Catering in Corporate Boxes, Hiring of Equipment. This led to inferior services.
At DDCA, Vendors have to run after the concerned Members to get their bills
certified, which leads to nepotism and avoidable practices. Despite giving various
directions, the members of the various Committees did not submit any report on
the quality and quantity of work done immediately after each match. The bills
must be cleared expeditiously after proper certification through a transparent and
fair process.


It has also been observed that some of the Vendors/Contractors were Members of
DDCA or close relatives of the Members of the Executive/Working Committees.
This fact is neither disclosed by the Vendors/Contractors to whom the work is
awarded nor by the Members of the Working/Executive Committees. This can
results in conflict of interest. DDCA must issue clear directions/guidelines in this
regard. A register of interests must be maintained so that the office bearers
disclose their interests so as to avoid any conflict of interest.


In order to bring the Ferozshah Kotla Stadium to its erstwhile International

standards a permanent maintenance committee also comprising of an independent
professional person should function regularly.



Accounts wing needs to be strengthened. Internal Audit has pointed out various
deficiencies in maintenance of Accounts, Record keeping, systems and
procedures, internal controls, information system and also payments made to
various parties which are not in compliance with financial manual.


There is no information system relating to pending bills. Some of the pending bills
are almost 3 years old. These bills have not been approved by the Executive
Committee, hence these are not being shown as outstanding in Accounts.

18 I Page


According to last internal audit report, there are pending bills ofR$. 3.63



on 31 Oecember 2015. Some of these bills are reimbursable by BCCI.


No input or advice is taken from Accounts and Finance wing when the


which have financial implications are approved. Accounts come in the picture
only when bills are to be passed/ paid. At this stage, even if Accounts wing points
out shortcomings, it is too late as the work has already been executed.

DDCA does not.have adequate MIS system for example on Debtors and Creditors,
bills pending for approval of Management, outstanding statutory dues like TDS,
Service Tax, Employees . Provident Fund; Cash Flow, Advances



Since DDCA has not prepared its Annual Budget, at least in the last 3 years, there
is no variance analysis of Actual verses Budget. Budget is an important control
document. They must prepare Budget for each Match in addition to Annual
Budget of DDCA.


The duties, responsibilities, powers of the Administration department have not

been clearly defined. For World T20 Matches, the Tendering Committee itself had
to ascertain the items for which tenders were to be invited, work out the
requirements to be projected, draft the tenders and give advertisement in the
Newspapers about the tenders floated on Website of DDCA. There was no
administrative support in the Tendering process, due to some senior office bearers.


It was extremely disheartening to know that the Administration department of

DDCA did not even have the proper records of the players representing Delhi. The
lists of woman players were made for the first time in the history ofDDCA during
World T20 matches. There are no proper and updated records maintained of the
members of DDCA.

The Administration departments need to be strengthened and should be directed to

ensure that proper records are maintained by them.


Even though the employees of DDCA are committed to their work, but to check
any irregularity and misuse of the employees by the office bearers, it is advisable

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that an Ac;lministrative officer (preferably an ex-servicemen) is a.ppqinted to

ensure that the workforce of DDCA is able to work to their maximum potential
and the workforce should only be deployed at Ferozshah Kotla and not anywhere
Oue to several complaints received during my' tenure, the following measures are
proposed for betterment of Cricket and selection procedure:











Societies/Registrar of Companies and fulfil all statutory compliances must

only be given affiliation by DDCA alongwith institutional clubs.

The correspondence with the existing Affiliated Clubs must only be addressed
to the registered office of the Clubs by DDCA.


The office bearers of DDCA must ensure that the existing Affiliated Clubs
provide the details of the disbursement of finances, which are provided by
DDCA for the promotion of Cricket to the Affiliated Clubs to maintain
accountability and transparency.

The accounts pertaining to the grant

provided by DDCA to the Affiliated Clubs must be submitted to DDCA.

DDCA must check that the grant has been utilised for the promotion of cricket
and should grant affiliation to the Clubs for the next cricketing season only
after being satisfied that the grant has been properly utilised for the promotion
of Cricket.

The Sports Working Committee which is apparently responsible for running

the cricketing affairs in the city of Delhi and only comprises of the 10
members selected by Affiliated Clubs of DDCA should either be abolished or
the constitution must be changed to comprise the following!.

S retired men or women international or national cricketers of credible

repute (the names proposed should be approved by the BCCI)



2 members elected by Affiliated Clubs


2 members of Institutional Clubs


1 senior coach (the name proposed should be approved by the BCCI)

The Selection Process must be fair and transparent. All selected candidates
must fill

a detailed form which must also specify their relation, if any, with the

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office bearers, Executive Committee Members and Sports Working

Committee members or with any person concerned with OOCA.

The said disclosure must be made public and the list of selected candidates
must also be made public on the website.


The Selection Committee for all age groups (men and women) must comprise
of one retired international players. The names of the Selectors must be
approved by BCCI and no selection panel should exceed more than 3


The remuneration for the Coaches or any other person sought to be appQinted
by DDCA must be fixed prior to appointment by DDCA and formal contracts
must be entered before their appointment.



The complimentary passes and issuance of accreditation cards are the bone of
contention between the office bearers of DDCA and even the various
authorities. The senior office bearers eye maximum complimentary tickets to
serve the interest of their proxies who cater to their vote bank requirements
during elections.


It is necessary to curb this practice of complimentary passes which are given

to various persons and proxies all over Delhi only for personal gains and for
strengthening their vote bank for elections of DDCA.
The following recommendations in relation to Ticketing & Accreditation are


required to be implemented in a sacrosanct manner to curb this malpracticei.

The maximum number of tickets ought to be put on sale for the benefit
of the spectators and DDCA's finances.


Every ticket should have a seat number assigned to ensure comfort and
an as~ured seat for the spectators.


The complimentary passes for the Office Bearers, Executive

Committee Members, SWC, Women Committee .Members, Variot.Js
Authorities, Players, Coaches and Affiliated Clubs and Passes for the


\ __ _

Members should only be assigned in West Stand Fol,lrth Floor, Hill B

and West Stand Ground Floor of the Stadium.

The number of complimentary passes issl,led ml,lst not excee'fd the

following limit-


Executive Committee Members - 10 per match


SWC- 4 per match


Patrons- 4 per match


Women Committee Members- 4 per match


Various Authorities- Must not exceed 1000 per match


Current & Former International Players (Men &Women) .....

per match

Current & Former National Players (Ranji Men &Women)- 1

per match


Present Players (Men &Women of all age categories)- 1 per



Senior Coaches (List to be approved by a committee consisting

on 3 international players from Delhi) - 2 per match


Affiliated Clubs- 1 per match


One pass (Members Pass) should be issued to each member ofODCA.


The complimentary passes of the authorities should only be handed

over to the nodal officer appointed by that particular authority.


The Executive Committee Members, Sports Working committee

members, patrons and employees should be issued only one
Accreditation Card for themselves only as Accreditation Cards are
many times misused for enjoying the hospitality causing immense
losses to DDCA. No request for any additional Accreditation Card
must be entertained.


People involved in cricket .operations should only be given

Accreditation Cards after getting prior approval of BCCI, as they get
access to various sensitive areas which are restricted by BCCI.


The various authorities must have a proper system of issuance and

verification of Accreditation Cards to avoid misuse of the generic
Accreditation Cards issued to the various authorities.


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office bearers of DDCA must not promote the cultl.Jre of watching

the match at Ferozshah Kotla Ground or any other $round with

complimentary passes and completely stop entertaining the requests for
any complimentary passes.

DuriJ;J.g the World .T20 and IPL-9 matches, discretionary quota of

complimentary passes was given to the Head of Event. However, the
details of dis~bution of discretionary quota have not been furnished
till date. At the instance of the senior office bearers, 80



tickets were purchased by DDCA. However, the full details of

distribution have not been provided.

All records of distribution of Complimentary Passes an(j AccreQ.itation

Cards must be maintained by DDCA and posted on the website of
DDCA after every match. All information pertaining to Tendering,
issuance of Contracts/ Work Orders must also be made public and
posted on the website of DDCA.


All financial and other documents relating to the matches, selection

and the functioning of DDCA (Minutes of Meetings) must be posted
on the Website by DDCA, since it performs public functions and such
disclosure will not only ensure transparency but also enhance the
reputation of DDCA and its office bearers in the eyes of its members
and general public.


Indian Premier League (IPL) is an event organised by BCCI with the aid of
franchise of various teams. The role of DDCA is limited during IPL and is defined
under a tripartite Agreement entered between IPL, the franchise of the home team
The entire Stadium is taken over by the home team franchise, which in the case of
Delhi is Delhi Daredevil, owned by the GMR Group. GMR Group manages the
entire event with a dedicated team of professionals, who ensure that the event is
organised without any hassles. DDCA has to manage the ground and cricket
operations and media, which were exceptionally managed by a few dedicated
members of DDCA. DDCA is also given certain percentage of complimentary
tickets from each stand as per the tripartite agreement.
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These complimentary tickets were distribute;l by providing a chart to PDCA.

Various committees were formed comprising of the Executive Committee
Members, Patrons and Sports Working con:tmittee members and no outsider was
permitted in the committees, despite repeated requests by the senior office bearers.
For the two elimination matches which were also hosted by ODCA with IPL,
complimentary tickets were provided for school children. The office



DDCA should actively assist the team franchise in conducting and making the IPL
a grand success, as it will only enhance the reputation of the Stadium hosting the

With various checks and balances implemented during my tenure, DDCA has

been able to save approximately Rupees 7.00 crores (as per provisional Income
and Expenditure accounts) from the World T20 matches. This expenditure also
includes Rs. 45.00 lakhs contributed to Delhi Police Martyr Fund.
The surplus of Rupees 7.00 crores will further go up as some of the expenses
incurred during these matches are reimbursable by BCCI (like hospitality to ICC
guests). Further Rupees 1.85 crores paid as Advance Tax to Delhi Entertainment
Tax Department has been totally booked as expenditure while a good amount out
of it is likely to be refunded when final assessment is done by the concerned
Department, as the number of tickets sold in many matches was much less to the
total capacity. However, this large profit has generated a spate of resolutions
seeking to change the entire financial structure of approval. This Hon 'ble Court

may issue directions for ensuring that this large profit is properly utilized
and not frittered away.
It is advisable that the said amount is utilised for improving the stadium

and cricket facilities under the supervision of an independent

financial expert of credible reputation with the assistance of a specialised

team of dedicated DDCA officials constituted by BCCI. This will help in
Ferozshah Kotla regaining the international standards it had.

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The recommendations made in the present Report and all my earlier Report$
are not exhaustive for improving the state of affairs at DDCA. The current
etate of affaire in DDCA requires the scrutiny of DCCI. Several complaints
were received regarding the selection process of players during my tenure at
DDCA, which requires a thorough investigation by an independent person or
body. The proxy system is the bane of Delhi Cricket and subject to other legal
requirements deserves to be jettisoned. Some of the office bearers anc;l the
Executive Committee Members of DDCA only act for their" own personal
gains and for maintaining their relationships at the expense of DDCA. It is a
pity that the coaches, players, vendors and employees of DDCA are not paid
on time. The Office Bearers, Executive Committee Members and the Sports


members of DDCA should be concerned for improving

the cricket facilities in the city of Delhi.

It is advisable that DDCA lias a full time CEO who independently looks after

the administration and financial aspects of DDCA to ensure continuity and

smooth functioning of DDCA. DCCI as the parent body must ensure that
DDCA is transparent in its functioning as it is a public body responsible for
promoting cricket in the city of Delhi.
It is for DCCI to decide whether to constitute a specialised adhoc body or a

committee to take over and manage the affairs of DDCA to improve the
situation in DDCA in the 'interest of Cricket so that Ferozshah Kotla again
becomes a venue which has international standards of upkeep.


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I would like to record my appreciation for the sincerity and hard work don~ by the following
members ofDDCA.
1. Dr Sridhar, Mr Amrit Mathur (Senior Officials of BCCI) and Mr Sunil Valson
(Fonner International Cricketer) for giving their constant support for conducting the
World T20 and IPL-9 matches.
2. Shri Chetan Chauhan (Vice President, DDCA): A former test cricketer who is sincere
but hampered at every stage by a coterie led by a vice president. He worked very hard.
3. Shri Ravinder Manchanda (Treasurer, DDCA): He worked with devotion, sincerity and
integrity to control finances. He always worked tirelessly.
4. Shri Suresh Chopra (Patron): He worked honestly day and night to coordinate with the
authorities to obtain required permissions and looked after the venue tirelessly and
without seeking any credit.
5. Shri Salil Seth (Joint Secretary, DDCA): He transformed a moribund and dilapidated
media centre into the best media centre in .the country by working tirelessly for weeks
prior to ~d during and after the matches to ensure support for the media, which was
uniformly appreciated by BCCI, ICC and the media.
6. Mr Sunil Jain (Joint Secretary, DDCA) and Mr Dinesh Saini (Joint Secretary, DDCA)
for ably assisting in the distribution of tickets in a transparent manner during IPL-9 as
members of the Ticketing and Accreditation Committee.
7. Shri Siddharth Sahib Singh (Director, DDCA): who worked sincerely and honestly and
is devoted to betterment of cricket in Delhi.
8. Shri Vikas Katyal (Director, DDCA): He worked with sincerity, honesty and diligence
throughout his tenure in the Ticketing and Accreditation Committee.
9. Shri Ajay Sharma (Director, DDCA): worked honestly and sincerely as a member of
the tender committee and carried out his duties as the head of the National Anthem
Children Committee with full dedication.
10. Mr Ankit Dutta (Chief Pitch Curator, DDCA) and the entire ground staff for
exceptionally managing the pitches and ground. Due to their efforts, Ferozshah Kotla
was given the award for the 'best pitch' during IPL-9.

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11. All dedicated employees ofDDCA, who ensured that the WorlQ. T20 and IPL matches
are successf\llly hosted.
12. The various law enforcement and other authorities who baring a few hicc~Jps
\Uldertook a challenging task during the ~atches.
The World T20 and the IPL -9 at Ferozshah Kotla Ground would not have


a success

without the astute financial supervision by Mr. I.P. Singh, Former Deputy CAG of India and
the constant support of four of my Associates - Nitin Mishra, Arunabha Ganguli, Mitali
Gupta and Akanksha Rastogi (Advocates) who worked tirelessly and diligently throughout
the matches.

I thank this Hon'ble Court for giving me this opportunity to serve the cause of cricket, of
which I am an ardent fan.




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