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Considering the

negative impact
humans have made on
the ecosystem, we
have also made an
effort to reduce the
pollution. For
example, in some
countries regulations
and restrictions on
gasolines and paints
containing lead has
made a positive
impact. Anyone can
help the reduction of
lead pollution. Simply
by emitting less fossil
fuels and even buying
local produce can
make a huge


APA Reference

By: Jenna Horembala
Lead contamination in our
Carolyn Kinder
Effects of lead on the
Deni Greene
Biomagnification in science.
Houghton Mifflin
Pollution in our environment
Thomas Haugersveen

Many different
chemicals and toxins
are polluting our
One being lead which
is mined out of the
ground and is
exposed to many
Organisms including

Lead is very harmful to wild

life because of its toxic
properties. If a consumer
eats toxins from the lead,
they will remain in the
organisms fatty tissues. This
is called Bioaccumulation
because the concentration of
the lead will increase as the
organism ingests food, water
and air contaminated by the
lead. A second form of
contamination is Biomagnification. This is
when a lead contaminated
animal is eaten by predators
from a higher trophic level.
Higher trophic levels have
greater concentrations of

Lead can be introduced

to the environment by
humans mining a
mineral called Galena.
Once this is out of the
ground it is made into
lead. This toxic mineral
is in paint used on
houses, certain kinds of
gasoline, and water
pipes and taps.

Lead can effect the

ecosystem in a number
of ways. If lead becomes
air born it will get
deposited in vegetation,
ground and water. This
is an issue because
populations of
microorganisms in soil
will get wiped out,
which will slow the
decomposition of
matter. Lead pollution
also affects plants, since
air born lead particles
coat the surface of leafs
and reduces the amount
of light reaching it. If
grazing animals eat the
toxified plants over time
they will eventually die.

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