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Week Two Assignment: Breadth Area Essay Film Critique Slumdog Millionaire
Emily Piper
July 10, 2016
LAS 45012 Global Issues in Liberal Arts
Ottawa University


Released in 2008, Slumdog Millionaire follows the lives of two brothers struggling to
survive in the slums of Mumbai, India (IMDB, 2008). The directors, Danny Boyle and Loveleen
Tandan do a masterful job of telling the brothers story which is a twist on the classic rags to
riches tale and blended with a wonderful love story (IMDB, 2008). The youngest brother and
main character, Jamal, lands a spot on the Indian version of the show Who Wants to be a
Millionaire. After surprising everyone by answering all of the questions correctly, he must use
his significant life stories and experiences to explain how he was able to advance through the
questions so easily.
Discussion of Experience
The main focus of Slumdog Millionaire seems to be the importance of morality and
ethics. These two traits coincide perfectly with the Value/Meaning breadth area which explores
the belief systems and values of people expressed through ethics. The film paints an inspiring
but often depressing picture of those living in poverty in India. The actions of each brother in the
film could be looked at as examples of how differently people may act in such an oppressive
For example, Salim, Jamals older brother, showed a very low standard of morals and
ethics. He utilized lying, cheating, and stealing to survive and work his way to a higher position
in society. Jamal on the other hand exhibited honesty, kindness, and general morality throughout
the movie during his quest for survival and growth. He not only helped himself survive and
succeed, but he also helped Salim on a few occasions and also rescued his love interest, Latika
multiple times. Through these actions Jamal showed his care for others around him, in contrast
to Salims selfish behavior.


Another topic of the Value/Meaning breadth area that is covered briefly in Slumdog
Millionaire is religious discrimination. Jamal and Salim, in their early years, are shown being
raised in a poverty-stricken Muslim camp. I discovered that Hinduism is the main religion
practiced in India with over 80% of the population recognizing themselves as Hindu (India
Census, 2011). Other religions, such as Islam, are often oppressed and even violently targeted by
extremist groups (World Religion News, 2012). For example, near the beginning of the film,
Salim and Jamals community is attacked by a violent Hindu group. As a result, their mother and
many other Muslims in the camp are killed.
Another Value/Meaning breadth area that is discovered in Slumdog Millionaire is
multiculturalism. As in many countries, there are several different cultures and levels of society
found in India. The most significant social system, the ancient caste system, is still loosely in
place today (Sankaran, 2013). While discrimination based on caste has been illegal for decades,
it continues to be prevalent especially when it comes to marriage and politics (Sankaran, 2013).
Jamal and Salim would be considered near the bottom of the caste system. While not impossible
in modern times, that fact would make it much more difficult for them to become successful in
An example of this caste-like discrimination can be found in Slumdog Millionaire. While
riding a train, the brothers steal bread from a family who is clearly higher up in the caste system.
A boy in the family is near their age, and although Jamal and Salim look to be in need of food,
the boy points them out to his family. As a result, the brothers are forced off the train. The only
difference between the three boys is their status in society. That difference caused Salim and
Jamal to be punished for their actions.


In conclusion, there are several valuable lessons to be learned from Slumdog Millionaire.
The most important lesson to me is that success can be achieved while still upholding ethics,
values, and morality. Jamal maintained his strong morals despite oppression, poverty, little
education, and other major obstacles. A second lesson to be learned from the film is that
discrimination does nothing to help those who are trying to succeed. Jamal and Salim were
discriminated against, not only for their religion, but also for their given place in society. These
factors made it even more difficult to overcome their situation of poverty. Overall, Slumdog
Millionaire covered many aspects of the Value/Meaning breadth area and taught me valuable
lessons that can be applied to life.


Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs. (2011). Census of India. Retrieved from
IMDB (2008). Slumdog Millionaire Information. Retrieved from
Sankaran, S. (2013). The New York Times. Caste is not the Past. Retrieved from
World Religion News (2012). Slumdog Millionaire Cultural Arts Review. Retrieved from

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