Promo Janet ENgl Comp

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Your mind will become still in any surroundings, like a clear forest pool.

All kinds of wonderful, rare animals will come to drink at the pool, and
you will clearly see the nature of all things. You will see many strange and
wonderful things come and go, but you will be still. This is the happiness
of the Buddha
Ajahn Chah

The Nature of Mind retreat

We invite you to seize the opportunity
to benefit from a ten day meditation
retreat rooted in the Tibetan Buddhist
Vajrayana tradition and Zapchen somatics.
This retreat integrates deep practice of
somatic work and dreamtime processing.
We will be grounded in the group's
capacity to co-regulate, this steadiness
allows each one to go deeper into the
nature of mind.
Zapchen gives real and immediate
access to the possibility of well being, it
moves directly to pleasure with playfulness
and humour, we use the body's own

The Instructors



My life commitment is to transform suffering

and to serve love. Tibetan Buddhist training has
sustained me in my lifework with Khenchen
Konchog Gyaltshen as my root Lama or heart
teacher. I have immersed myself in several 3
month silent meditation retreats and taken a three
year sabbatical to synthesize teachings I have
been fortunate to receive.

I took vows as a Buddhist monk in the Tibetan

Drikung Kagyu lineage from his holiness
Chetsang Rimpoche back in 2002.

My recent explorations in Bodywork and

Somatics have included new brain science
methods. I have studied the Polyvagus System,
Developmental Needs Meeting Strategies,
Training.Through studying the biology and
imprints in the process of my conception,
pregnancy and birth I feel better able to assist
others to build bridges to their creative unfolding
of life. This good work has facilitated my own
healing and is at the heart of my current
More at

I met Janet in 2004, during the Monkey year

teachings of the Drikung lineage in India and
Nepal and invited her to Ecuador, we have
been practicing and sharing our work with
others since then.
My meditation practices started when I was 16
years old. Among bodywork I have practiced
Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Aikido. Lately I am
centered in Biodynamical Craneosacral
Therapy and the study and processing of early
life experiences and their trace in later
experiences and development.
I am a professional photographer and
filmmaker, believing that art, dreamwork and
the training of our senses and the expansion of
mind can be helpful in the non-dual path
leading to the unity of Compassion and

Retreat at INEPE

Details and Conditions

When and where
The retreat will take place from saturday july 26th at 2pm to monday august 4th at 3 pm at "El Encuentro"
reserve near Pedro Vicente Maldonado. The first and last days will have a slightly different schedule due to
travel timing.
Noble silence will be observed during the retreat. This means we will be silent much of the time, talking
only when it is essential and as briefly as possible. However, there will be opportunities to ask questions and
check in during the Zapchen hour, teatime, dreamtime, and privately with Janet and Diego.
The cost for the full ten day retreat is $250, and you can benefit from a $235 early booking fee. The cost
includes lodging and food. Transportation is not included but can be arranged by request. The early booking
fee is available if you make a $100 deposit by july 4th. The full payment should be done by july 24th.
Payments can be made by depositing money in the savings bank account # 3171654800 from Banco
Pichincha belonging to Diego Falconi.

House and Food

The "El Encuentro" facilities are surrounded by a natural reserve and run with ecological principles and
practices, keeping impact to a minimum. There are 4 rooms for 3 people each. The rest of attendants will
be sharing the meditation room keeping this tradition considered an honor. Meals will offer a vegetarian.
Please bring to the retreat these items for personal care: sleeping bag (or bed sheet and pillow cover),
rubber boots, mosquito repellent, hat, towel, swimsuit, raincover, eco-friendly soap and shampoo. Weather
is humid and temperature changes between 55 - 90 F.
Partial Attendance
For people unable to attend for the full ten day process we offer the chance to come for the first weekend
only (Saturday through Monday midday). The cost for the weekend is $80. Call for details.
Booking and information
For more information call Thais at 0980333601 or mail to
To sign up: make the deposit and email Dana: with the following information 1)
Number of days you will attend, 2) Dietary requests (vegetarian?), 3) If you have a car and can carpool or
if need to figure out how to get there, 4) Confirmation of deposit.
Voluntary Offering
The costs mentioned before will cover the housing and food expenses. The teachers don't charge for their
work. Anyway if you would like to make a traditional offer, you are welcome to do it at the end of the

The Place
The "El Encuentro" reserve is located 30 minutes from Pedro Vicente Maldonado after the town of La

High biodiversity in flora and fauna, with more than 400 species of birds. Hydrology richness: there ar
Crystal water on the rivers, the force of the waterfalls and the birds singing songs that fill you with pea
Infrastructure: electric power available. A network of trails throughout the rainforest and gardens. Rus

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