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Victorian Lattice Square

By: Destany Wymore

Size7/4.5mm hook and WW yarn (I used Caron Simply Soft.)
Stitches used:
SLST- slip stitch

CH- chain

SC- single crochet

DC- double crochet

DC2TOG- double crochet 2 together. Yarn over (YO) hook, insert hook in stitch (st), pull up a
loop, 3 loops on hook. YO hook, pull through 2 loops. YO hook insert into st, pull up a loop, 4
loops on hook. YO, pull through 2 loops, 3 loops on hook. YO pull through last 3 loops. One
dc2tog made.
Notes: At the beginning of some rounds, youll be making a mock DC consisting of a SC plus CH
1. When the pattern says to join with a SLST in top of first DC you will be joining into the CH 1
of the mock DC.

Rnd 1: Make a magic loop (or CH 4, join with a SLST in first CH to make a loop), in the loop, CH 4
(counts as DC and ch 1), *DC, CH 1* repeat *to* 10 more times, join with a SLST in the 3rd CH of
the CH 4, pull loop tight (12 DC, 12 CH 1 spaces)
Rnd 2: SC in next CH 1 sp, CH 1 (this SC plus CH 1 counts as a DC), DC in same sp, CH 2,
*DC2TOG in the next CH1 sp, CH2* repeat *to* 10 more times, join with a SLST in the 2nd DC (12
DC2TOG, 12 CH 2 spaces)

Rnd 3: SC in next CH 2 sp, *CH 7, SC in next CH 2 sp, chain 3, SC in next CH 2 sp, chain 3, SC in
next CH 2 sp* repeat *to* 2 more times, CH 7, SC in next CH 2 sp, chain 3, SC in next CH 2 sp,
chain 3, join with SLST to first SC (4 CH 7 spaces, 8 CH 3 spaces)
Rnd 4: [SC, CH 1 (first DC), 4 DC, CH 3, 5 DC] in CH 7 loop, *SC in next CH 3 loop, CH 4, SC in next
CH 3 loop, [5 DC, CH 3, 5 DC] in chain 7 loop*, repeat *to* 2 times, SC in next CH 3 loop, CH 4,
SC in next CH 3 loop, join with SLST to top of first DC
Rnd 5: SC in next DC, CH1, DC in next 3 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in next CH 3 sp (corner made),
*DC in next 4 sts, CH 4, SC in CH 3 loop, CH 4, skip next DC, DC in next 4 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in
next CH 3 sp*, repeat *to* 2 times, DC in next 4 sts, CH 4, SC in CH 3 loop, CH 4, join with SLST
in top of first DC
Rnd 6: SLST in next DC, SC in next DC, CH 1, DC in next 3 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in CH 3 sp
(corner made), *DC in next 4 sts, {CH 4, SC in next CH 4 loop} 2 times, CH 4, skip next 2 DC, DC
in next 4 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in CH 3 sp*, repeat *to* 2 times, DC in next 4 sts, {CH 4, SC in
next CH 4 loop} twice, CH 4, join with SLST in top of first DC
Rnd 7: In same space as join, SC, CH 1, DC in next 5 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in CH 3 sp (corner
made),* DC in next 6 sts, 2 DC in CH 4 loop, CH 4, SC in next CH 4 loop, CH 4, 2 DC in next CH 4
loop, DC in next 6 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in CH 3 sp*, repeat *to* 2 times, DC in next 6 sts, 2 DC
in CH 4 loop, CH 4, SC in next CH 4 loop, CH 4, 2 DC in next CH 4 loop, join with a SLST in top of
first DC
Rnd 8: In same space as join, SC, CH 1, DC in next 7 sts, [2 DC, CH 3, 2 DC] in CH 3 sp (corner
made), *DC in next 10 sts, 2 DC in CH 4 loop, CH 1, 2 DC in CH 4 loop, DC in next 10 sts, [2 DC,
CH 3, 2 DC] in CH 3 sp* repeat *to* 2 times, DC in next 10 sts, 2 DC in CH 4 loop, CH 1, 2 DC in
CH 4 loop, DC in last 2 sts, join with SLST in top of first DC
Rnd 9: SC in each st around including the CH 1 space and working [2 SC, CH 3, 2 SC] in each
corner CH 3 space. Join with a SLST in beginning SC and fasten off!

Please do not distribute this pattern as your own, but rather feel free to share it by linking back
to my Ravelry store. Thank you!

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