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Read the following passage about the experience of the writer had with
the wolf
Then answer questions 1 - 5. Question 6 is summary.

I can still remember the day it happened. I was taking a

walk after work. I wanted to get a picture of the camp with the
rugged mountains as the background before leaving for home.
After about 15 minutes, I came across a broken branch which
was three feet long. It was of a unique colour and shape and I
thought to myself that it would make a perfect addition to my
picture. I picked it up and continued my journey.
Then, I realised I was no longer alone. I saw the wolf, a
mere 20 metres away. He was heading towards my path, I
stopped. The wolf kept walking until the was directly in front of
me. Then he turned and looked at me as though he had known
all along that I was there.
Wolves seldom, if ever attack, I've read that
somewhere. Yet, there it was, looking at me with those hungry
eyes. I knew that I could not show fear. I studied my situation.
My mind raced in search of a solution. If he should attack,
my first line of defence would be to flash my camera at him.
Then, maybe I could
use the branch. It had six sharp ends, two of which were
I couldn't say how long we looked at each other. Ten
seconds, 30 minutes, or less, it seemed like eternity. There was
no place to run and hide. My
camp was another 10 kilometres away. Whatever it is, I keep
my cool and was
ready for his attack. I looked at him intently to show I meant
business. We moved a dozen steps towards each other......*
What was the purpose of the writer's walk?


How did the writer intend to defend himself against the wolf?
Name two ways.
i) ________________________________________________________ (1
ii) _______________________________________________________ (1

What was the writer's original intention for the branch?






Which sentence in paragraph 3 suggests a reason that the

wolf might attack him?

"...I meant business" (Line 19). Explain in your own words what
the author meant.

6. Using the text the experience the writer had with the wolf, summarize in
your own word,
- what the writer did and felt on the last day of his stay at the camp.
Use material from lines 1-16
Begin your summary as: Before I left for home, I went for a walk.....
Exercise: Read and decide which of the following points are

1. Went for a walk

2. Wanted to get a picture of the camp
3. I came across a broken branch
4. It would make a perfect addition to my picture
5. I picked it up
6. And continued my journey
7. I realised I was no longer alone
8. I saw the wolf
9. He was heading toward my path
10. I stopped
11 The wolf kept walking until he was directly in front of me
12. Looking at me
13. I knew that I could not show fear
14. I studied my situation
15. My mind raced in search of a solution
16. Would be to flash my camera
17. Could use the branch
18. We looked at each other

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