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Characters and their descriptions

1. Neil Armstrong: Deadpan

2. Edmund Hillary: English Accent
3. Trenzing Norgay: Nepali
4. Christopher Columbus: Memory loss
5. Amerigo Vespucci : Always interrupting
6. Anchor of the show: Aggressive


Lights Fades in: Anchor enters the stage.
Anchor: Hello! Hello! Hello! And welcome to worlds biggest achiever award. Today we are going to award the
person who has achieved the biggest achievement in his life and today we have 4 guests amongst us so please
welcome our first guest Mr. Edmund Hillary!
Hillary enters the stage by waving his hand pointing fingers at audience.
Hillary: Yo Yo People! How are you!!! Yes yes I love you too people!!
Anchor: Hello Hillary how are you?
Hillary: I am good!
Anchor: please have a seat.
The anchor pulls the chair for Hillary but Hillary doesnt notice that the chair is being pulled and he falls. He gets
up and sits back on chair.
Anchor: Ok now Please put your hands together and welcome Mr Trenzing Norgay!
Columbus enters in hush before Norgay could come. Anchor is confused and goes and talks to Columbus
Anchor: Hey what are you doing on stage I told you will be 3rd to come on stage!
Columbus: yes I know! So which number is this?
Anchor: second! (Angrily)
Columbus: Is that so !? Then how many people are Edmund and Hillary!?
Anchor: Edmund Hillary is one person only!! Now can you please go back and come when I call out your name.
Anchor: Please welcome Mr. Trenzing Norgay! Yaee woppy!!
Trenzing enters (He is shy and blushing to be on stage) and sits on the chair next to Hillary.
Anchor: Ok our 3rd guest is Mr Christopher Columbus!
Columbus (enters): Ahoy!! Everyone you all are my sailors for the next voyage! Are you Ready!
Anchor: what are you saying this is an award function not the promotion of your next voyage!
Columbus( Irritated face) : Aye Aye Sir!
Columbus sits on the chair next to Norgay.
Anchor: Our last guest is Mr Neil Armstrong!
Neil doesnt enter. Anchor announces again but Neil doesnt enter.

Anchor goes and pulls Neil inside, Neil resists but gets pulled on the stage by the anchor.
Neil (very conscious and have fear in facing large crowd.)
He quietly sits on the chair.
Anchor: Ok so now as our all guests are on the stage I would like to ask you all few questions about your
In Meanwhile Amerigo enters the stage along with his chair quietly and sit next to Neil.
Anchor (confused and shocked) : Ummm!!??? Hello sir?! How can I help you? I think you have come to wrong
place! The audience is sitting down!
Amerigo: Oh Oh Oh !! I am very much in the right place! You people dont know me! Huh
Anchor: If that is the case then let me see what you have achieved! Ok to start with please tell our audiences
what is your achievement.
Hillary: Umm Umm Well from where to start oh mai god!! I have done sooo many things in my life. Hmm Hmm
well lets see I was born on 20 July in Auckland, New Zealand
Neil (interrupting Hillary) : Well Bravo that is a great achievement ! ok now my turn!
Anchor (Angrily ): Mr. Neil! It is not your turn please wait for your turn sir.
Neil : Alright alright! Let him finish!
Hillary: Ok so yes as I was saying! I am from New Zealand. I was in Air force during world war 2 and .
Neil Interrupts: Interesting fact about World War 2, did you know that William Hitler, a nephew of Adolf Hitler,
was in the U.S. Navy during WWII. He changed his name after the war.
Everyone looks at Neil.
Neil: Why is everyone looking at me I am just presenting an interesting factoid!
Hillary continues: my biggest achievement is with my good friend who is also present here with us Mr. Norgay!
It was the month of May year 1953 Trenzing and I started our incredible journey of reaching the peak of mount
Everest! Eight months of struggle and an army of men and tree tons of supply was needed to achieve the summit
of Everest! Oh I still remember many people had tried climbing the mountain but it was us who did it! YO! It was
not easy oh it was so cold when we were climbing there point where I was not able to breathe and just then
Amerigo: I came to Hillary for the rescue. I removed his breathing mask and gave him an mouth to mouth
Everyone start staring at Amerigo with eyes wide open!
Amerigo (embarrassingly): sorry continue!
Hillary continues: So I was not able to breathe and Norgay my friend opened my pipe and cleaned it. He saved
my life! Finally with lots of efforts, courage and help of my friend we reached on the top of the world.
Anchor: wow that was an amazing achievement. Ok now Mr. Norgay please tell me your achievement.
Neil: I think you have problem in hearing things. Mr. Hillary clearly said he was Mr Norgay when they reached
the top of Mount Everest then why are you asking him again. Some of us are really busy people unlike some of
us! Huh
Trenzing gets up from his chair to protest against Neil
Trenzing: Hey! I want to tell something too! We ate ice cream also when we were climbing the Mountain! and
Umm Umm Umm ( scared when he notice everyone is looking at him) nothing! (sits back on his chair)

Anchor: Ok Mr Norgay and Mr Hillary you are the first people to climb the highest point on the earth. Well now I
would like to ask Mr Columbus to share his achievements.
Neil: Did you know that Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest.
Columbus: Where am I again?
Anchor: Umm You are at the worlds biggest achiever award function. Please tell us about your achievement
before Mr Neil start talking again!
Columbus: Oh ok!! Long ago I decided to take a trip to Asia! Oh what a trip it was?!!
Anchor: Really sir tell us what trip was it?
Columbus: yes that is what I am asking what trip was about? . (Thinking) .. Oh yes! Yes! Yes! I discovered
Indies! I did it! I think I did it! It started when I wanted to sail to Indies to get products like silk, spices etc. back
to Spain. I needed the money to do the same. So I went to..
Amerigo: Me!!! He came to me for money and I gave Columbus a lot of money to go to Indies.
Columbus: NO! King of Spain gave the money for the journey and they also gave me not 1, not 2 but 3 ships to sail
and after sailing for days and days I (pointing to himself) I discovered Indies! I am so great!
Neil: Hey do you know the difference between Boats and ships?
Columbus: Yes I know thebasicdifferencebetweenaboatandashipisthatboatsaredesignedforriversandinland

Neil: Yeah! Right is it the biggest achiever award or biggest show-off award huh!
Anchor: Ok now our next guest will tell us their achievements.
Neil: Oh well where to begin with I had started flying planes since the age of 16 years in which most of you were
wasting your time in teenage parties!( pointing at Hillary, Norgay and Columbus). I have served US Navy as a
fighter pilot and FYI Columbus you discovered America not Indus! Dude! And my biggest achievement is that I
was the first person to step on MOON! YES people MOON! Which is not even on earth
Amerigo: And I flew the shuttle to moon!
Everyone looks angrily at Amerigo!
Amerigo: Ok Ill stop now sorry!
Anchor was about to say but Neil continues
Neil: Interesting fact about moon .. We always see the same part of the moon. The moon always keeps same
side facing earth!
Anchor (Irritated): And now our last self-invited guest will tell their achievements
Amerigo: Ummm?? Ummm???
Neil: Did you know even though America was discovered by Columbus but it was name after Mr Amerigo
Vespucci. By the way what is your full name Mr Amerigo?
Amerigo: Amerigo Vespucci!
Everyone stares at Amerigo with eyes wide open.
All: HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are Amerigo Vespucci!!!
Columbus starts a brawl with Amerigo!!!

Columbus: It is my achievement
Amerigo: No! It is my achievement
Trenzing and Hillary tries to stop them but get pulled in the fight. Neil leaves the stage with the award!
Columbus, Amerigo, Norgay and Hillary leaves the stage while fighting!
Anchor: Hello! People wait! Wait! I have to announce the winner!!! And the award for biggest achiever goes to
me.. ME!!! for surviving the show!!!!!!!!!!!! But where is the award!?
Lights fade outs!

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