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Working in tanks (confined space)

Working Safely Together

Copyright Heineken International

Confined space is marked and covered to prevent falling in
CO2-level in atmosphere has been tested before entry and clearance has been

Work area has been isolated or procedures followed to protect workers from
substances entering the space
Temperature inside is below 40 degrees Celsius
Rescue procedures and mechanisms are in place

Use correct Personal Protective Equipment that is in good condition
Continue to test CO2-level in atmosphere whilst in the tank
Work in pairs
Station an observer at the entry who can keep watch and call for help in an
Only use tools that are certified for use in confined spaces

Leash all employees entering the confined space when visual contact is not

Enter a tank to help a person in trouble unless your are trained and certified
Smoke in a tank

Use filter masks

Place gas and oxygen cylinders in the confined space
Use equipment/devices which can cause sparks

Always use your common sense before and during the performance of your task

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