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BRM - fill the gaps

Use the following words to fill the gaps in the passage below
Knowledge 1

Literature Review 2

relevant 4

Hypothesis 7
Business Research 2

Research Population 6
Research is the search of ______________Research theory applied to management is
____________. After understanding the research problem what is the next research
step__________ There are two types of Data in research. Primary research involves
collecting new data whereas secondary research finds ____________ data. The
benefits of primary research are that it is reliable, up-to-date and ___________ to the
requirements of the business, however it is expensive and time consuming. Examples
of primary research methods include questionnaires and ___________. A sample is a
smaller group of people who are representative of the___________.
that can be proved or disproved is called___________.

Which of the following particularly characterizes a research project?

A. The opportunistic use of whatever data comes to hand.
B. An openness to political and organisational influence.
C. A search for consistency regardless of theory: if it fits, its right.
D. The use of previously researched principles and/or techniques.

The Statement

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