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First of all, we would like to thanks Allah SWT and HIS messenger, Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W. has giving His blessing for us to finish this assignment. We had finally
managed to finish up this group project with great enthusiasm and determination. All the time
spent to search and discuss ideas as well as justifying theoretical clues to drive the output
were worth our effort and time, Insha Allah.
Therefore, we would like to acknowledge with thanks, the individuals who had guided
us in making this project. Firstly, we would like to thanks to our Managing Records in
Organizations lecturer, Mr Mohd Zairul Bin Masron. He had guided us on how to complete
this assignment. Every class, she always reminds and gives guideline on how to search
information about this assignment. Then, we would like to thanks to all our friends who had
helped and shared ideas with us. They also gave us supports and advices. Lastly, we also want
to thanks to our parents who always prayed well for us and giving their time to hear our
We hope our assignment is complete and will be receive. We had used effort and
acknowledgement to search information and ideas. Hoped our effort was worth it.
Thank you.


A managers primary challenge is to solve problems creatively. While drawing

from a variety of academic disciplines, and to help managers respond to the
challenge of creative problem solving, principles of management have long been
categorized into the four major functions of planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling refer the P-O-L-C framework. The four functions, summarized in the P-OL-C figure, are actually highly integrated when carried out in the day-to-day realities
of running an organization.
Therefore, you should not get caught up in trying to analyze and understand a
complete, clear rationale for categorizing skills and practices that compose the whole
of the P-O-L-C framework. It is important to note that this framework is not without
criticism. Specifically, these criticisms stem from the observation that the P-O-L-C
functions might be ideal but that they do not accurately depict the day-to-day actions
of actual managers. The typical day in the life of a manager at any level can be
fragmented and hectic, with the constant threat of having priorities dictated by the
law of the trivial many and important few for example, the 80/20 rule.
However, the general conclusion seems to be that the P-O-L-C functions of
management still provide a very useful way of classifying the activities managers
engage in as they attempt to achieve organizational goals.


An organization can be identified as a systematic body of knowledge based

on general principles, concept, theories and techniques. As any company is concern,
planning, organizing, leading and controlling plays an important part to build an
organization that achieve its goal, objective, vision and mission.
A manager must identify what the organizations goals are and determine the
activity and resources that is required to achieve those goals. Managers are also
responsible for organization of the company which includes organizing workforce
and resources. In addition, manager should have good leading skills in order to
motivate their employees and inspire them in a work behavior.
As Capt H.S. Dharan mentioned, planning is done with the formation of
organization chart which then will be then performed and executed by the
departments head officer and it pretty common for problems to arise thought out the
process. In the interview, Capt H.S. Dharan also mentioned about coordinating,
motivating and leading is important for the employees to make sure they have
enough knowledge, motivation and leadership to work in any environment and
Therefore, being a manager involves four major task of planning, organizing,
leading and controlling. A good manager will be able to balance up and maintain
those four tasks and keep up to standard and more important to keep employees



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