Practice Examination Public Administration

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Public Administration
Regressive tax
Policy analysis
Division of
Rule of Law

Spoils system
Strategic planning

Administrative law

Unity of Command
Ad hoc
Proprietary funds





Collective bargaining

1. Law which determines the amount of discretion permitted to administrative

2. Making arrangements so that all parts of an organization pull together towards
defined goals.
3. The arms of the executive branch rendering services to the citizens.
4. When employees are specialized, output can increase because they become
increasingly skilled and efficient.
5. Means equality before law.
6. A political principle according to which agencies are subject to some form of
external control, causing them to give a general accounting of and for their
7. The process by which an agent chosen by public employees negotiates a formal
labor agreement on behalf of the employees with parties representing the top
8. Funds set aside by a legislature to pay for something authorized by law.
9. Process of researching or analyzing public problems to provide policy makers
with specific information about the range of available policy options and
advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.
10.A general political and governmental process of carrying out programs in order
to fulfill specified policy objectives.
11.Means the determination of questions of judicial or quasi-judicial nature by an
administrative department or agency.
12.Creating a structure through which an organizations goals can be accomplished.
13.Determining what must be done in a situation and getting people to do it.
14.The putting off of a business to another time or place.
15.One that taxes those with lower incomes at a proportionately higher rate than
those with higher incomes.
16.Problems that occur when public stewardship of resources allocates resources
17.Process by which funds are allocated to agencies for specific portion of the year.
18.Any group or organization interested in the work and actions of a given official,
agency, or organization.

19.Used to account for government activities that more closely resemble private
20.Matching organizational objectives and capabilities to the anticipated demands
of the environment to produce a plan of action that will ensure achievement of
21.The area of programmatic responsibility assigned to an agency by the legislature
or chief executive.
22.That portion of the budget still open to changes by the president and Congress.
23.A system of hiring personnel based on political loyalty and connections.
24.No individual employee should be subject to the orders of more than one
immediate superior.
25.Order requiring a government to do something.

Marketing channels
Trial balance
Accrual basis

Demand Deposits
Positive externality
Notes payable

Operating cycle
Marketing costs
Marketing margin

Source documents
Fixed Cost



Sunk cost
Owners equity
Process innovation
Checking account
(current account)
Fixed capital

Economies of scale
Production cost
Outside lag
Prepaid expenses
Deposit account

1. The system by which goods or services are provided in return for deferred rather
than immediate payment.
2. A payment on a firms employees other than their normal pay.
3. Interdependent agencies and institutions involved in the task of moving products
from point of production to point of consumption.
4. Bank account that can be withdrawn on demand.
5. Expenses paid for by the business in advance.
6. Device used to periodically test the equality of debits and credits as recorded in
the ledge accounts.
7. Claim of the owner to the assets of the business.
8. Economic resources that are owned and controlled by the business.
9. Statement of a governments planned receipts and expenditures for a year.
10.Official enquiry concerning the number and characteristics of the population of a
given area.
11.Value of marketing activity performed on a product as it goes through the
marketing channel.
12.Attribute of an item that makes it capable of satisfying wants.

13.Marking the quality specifications of grades uniform among buyers and sellers
and across places and time.
14.It is one that can be used in production over and over again.
15.Distance between the buying price and selling price of a commodity at a specific
marketing player.
16.A bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on
17.Temporary account used to record initially the amount taken by the owner from
the business.
18.Present obligations to pay cash or cash equivalents by an entity.
19.Assets held for sale in the normal operation of the business in the process of
production for sale, or in the supplies to be consumed in the production process.
20.Practice of hiring items of equipment, rather than buying them outright.
21.A promissory note received by the business from its debtors or customers.
22.Implies government purchase of goods and services.
23.A cost that does not vary with the level of output and that can be eliminated only
by shutting down.
24.Time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in
cash or cash equivalents.
25.An expenditure that has been made and cannot be recovered.
26.Forms, evidences or legal/official papers that serve as supports to the underlying
economic transactions.
27.It is incurred by a business when manufacturing a good or producing a service.
28.Refers to the delay between implementation of a policy and its full or total effect.
29.Failure to make payments such as the interest or redemption payments or debt
on the due date.
30.Benefit that falls on a person not directly involved in an activity.
31.Condition when a firm can double its output for less than twice the cost.
32.Deposit with a bank which requires notice for withdrawal, and where interest is
33.A method of accounting in which each item is entered as it is earned or incurred
regardless of when actual payments are received or made.
34.Refers to the developing of the identity of a product through name selection and
related marketing strategies.
35.The property of not being easily turned into money.
36.Sorting of products into lots or units according to one or more of their quality
37.The practice of buying goods and services from outside suppliers, rather than
producing them within a firm.
38.Refers to a situation arising out of industrial dispute which occurs when
employers refuse to employ their workers unless they agree to accept the
employers terms.
39.Refers to the innovation where a product is made in a new and cheaper way.
40.A document that serves as evidence of some expenditure.

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