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Firewall Monitoring

Regular monitoring of the Firewall will occur so that the device is

functioning properly. It will also ensure that the Trust Network is being
provided with the requisite protection as stipulated in NPFIT-FNT-TOIG-GPG0024.04

4.7 Suspicious Activity Monitoring

The Firewall will be continually monitored for any suspicious activity
occurring. This monitoring will enable the Network Manager to identify
any potential threats arriving through the Firewall and enable a swift
response to potential dangers.
4.8 Log File Monitoring
Due to the nature and size of log files, it is accepted that regular
monitoring is not always feasible. As such, monitoring of any Firewall
logs will occur only under specific circumstances such as:
An attempted intrusion
Suspicious Inbound/Outbound activity
On the request of the IT Management or Information Security
This list is not exhaustive
Security Monitoring
The Network Manager will perform regular auditing of the Firewall to
ensure that the integrity of said devices has not been compromised.
Examples of this auditing will take the form of:
regularly auditing access to the devices to ensure that only
authorised users have gained access
monitoring the devices for any suspicious activity etc.

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