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Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning

(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.

Pre-test of Ss knowledge about

Conspiracy Theories

4 mins

T asks Ss to create a brainstorm on their page of everything

they know about Conspiracy Theories or what they think
Conspiracy Theories is defined as.
T tells Ss they have 2 mins to write this down.
During this brainstorm, T will mark the roll. T asks Ss to raise
their hand so that T can learn their names. T is to call names
out individually and look up to acknowledge S before marking
off each S. After 2 mins, T then asks Ss to raise their hands
and tell T what they thought.
T will write these points and ideas on the board.

Comment [LM1]: Students work on an individual


T then asks Ss to pair up with the person next to them to

create a definition of Conspiracy Theories together. T tells Ss
that their definition must have 3 key terms from the brainstorm
the class did together in their definition.
Ss have 3 minutes to complete this definition.
T asks Ss to share a few of their definitions.

Comment [LM3]: Pair work

T exposition of examples of conspiracy theories. T uses

PowerPoint presentation to provide Ss with various examples
of conspiracy theories and a definition if they want to
supplement the definition they wrote.
T tells Ss that they dont have to take notes during this
PowerPoint but they can if they think something significant
strikes them or they want to note it down to research it later.

Comment [LM4]: Teacher led activity

Brainstorm prompts if Ss struggling:

A theory about something that has been
hidden or covered up
Something with various theories
Inconclusive evidence
Imaginary vs real
Area 51
The moon landing
Death of princess Diana

Identify the definition of conspiracy


4 mins

Conspiracy Theories: A conspiracy theory

is an explanatory proposition that accuses a
person, group or organisation of having
caused or covered up an event or
phenomenon of great social, political, or
economic impact.

Recall examples of conspiracy theories

The death of Marilyn Monroe
The death of Princess Diana
Area 51
New World Order
Bermuda Triangle

10 mins

Comment [LM2]: Class discussion

Moon Landing
23 mins
Describe a selected conspiracy theory in
Group task details:
In your allocated groups, you will be given a
conspiracy theory to research. Once youve
conducted your research, your information
is to be presented in a google slides or Prezi
presentation that will be presented to the
class. Your presentation should include
information as well as images to make the
presentation visually appealing and audio or
video clips if relevant.
You will be given time in todays lesson and
you will have the beginning of next lesson to
work on your presentation and then you will
be presenting in the second half of next
Your presentations information should
answer the following questions:
- What is your conspiracy theory
- What are some of the different
perspectives on your conspiracy
- Who is involved with the subject of
your theory?
- Which conspiracy theory do you
think is most reliable or true?

T moves to last slide on PowerPoint.

T hands out Group Task sheet
Last slide details the information for the group research task.
T will number Ss individually and then state which group has
which topic.
T then ask each number group to stand up and move to a
section of the classroom to sit together.
T then reads out the information off the slide and sheet.
T then tells Ss how much time they have in todays lesson to
work on this.
T then states that the groups should work on a google doc
together to collaborate their work.
T then observes Ss progress and asks each group if they need
any assistance or clarification of the task.

Comment [LM5]: Group work

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