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What is a stereotype?

A stereotype is an annotation or connotation of a specific race,

nationality, age group, social status, and social concepts etc.
What specific stereotypes are in romantic comedies?
Guy gets girl, bad-boy, heart throb, bb grill, girl moves away
Does this relate to common stereotypes in society?
No because life and fate arent that kind and nothing is that simple
anymore. Nobody relies on gut feelings or instinct anymore so
everyone has to do things the way society tells them to do it. Love is
a social construct and isnt a real thing, like the concept of time or
the patriarchy.
What are the traditional conventions in a romantic comedy?
Guy gets girl, lover moves away, 2 partners, love confessions,
Target audience: Women/girls, 16-40, middle class, working class,
upper class
I cant get a bloody picture onto here so heres the link:
The name connotes a correction when someones speaking??
Theres no tagline
Red and white are used to show Christmassy colours and themes and the
colour red symbolises love and the colour white symbolises the cast?
The font is a simple font to simply show its simplicity
All of those relate to romantic comedies because they all fit in

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