Argumentativeessay 1

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Argumentative Essay

Assignment: In this assignment, you will be required to pick a debatable or controversial topic
(different from the one you used in your Opinion Parapgraph) and craft an argument about that topic.
You will need a clear thesis statement, a body with supporting details and evidence, and a conclusion.
Your job will be to support your argument with outside sources to make a clear, cohesive, and
(potentially) persuasive argument. This assignment will require you to include outside sources, quotes,
summaries, and paraphrases from those sources, all cited correctly. (Note: Wikipedia is NOT an
acceptable source in academic writing.)
Off-Limits Topics: Gun control, abortion, gay marriage, the Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan, legalizing
marijuana, the death penalty.
These topics are off-limits for a few reasons:
1. You do not have enough space to write a fully convincing argument
2. They have been written about to death already, and there is still no generally accepted consensus
3. Experts have debated these for years with no solution/agreement in sight; ergo, it would be unlikely
that you would be able to offer a new perspective on these topics
4. I've read enough of these papers during my career; I'd like to see something new
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to test your ability to make an argument and support it
logically, while writing in an academic setting.
Requirements: Minimum of 1.5 pages, no more than 3. Minimum of 2 outside sources. MLA citation
style and Works Cited page (not part of the page count). 12-pt. Times New Roman font, typed, doublespaced.
Due Date: Rough draft due Thursday, July 14, 11:59 p.m. via email. Final draft due Wednesday, July
20, in-class.
Grade: Rough draft 25 points. Final draft 30 points.

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