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Monday 4th July More? Cafe

Some important dates for next term...

Thursday 7th July 267 Breakfast at

Harpers Cafe, Half Moon Lane, Pepperstock,

Beds LU1 4LL. 9.30am

LIVE Youth Event at St Albans Cathedral,


Thursday 7th July More? Cafe

Tuesday 6th September Prayer for

Saturday 9th July X:site St Albans,

Thursday 8th September

Monday 11th July More? Cafe

Week 6 Summer Tunes Bingo

Saturday 10th September

Thursday 14th July Childrens Workers

Saturday 24th September

Thursday 14th July More? Cafe

Sunday 25th September

Week 5 Mikes Big Game Show

launched in Welwyn Garden City at

Humphreys Cafe at Campus West

Forest Town Church, 5.30pm-8.00pm

Lunch, 12.30pm at Slug&Lettuce St Albans

launched in Welwyn Garden City at

Humphreys Cafe at Campus West

Tuesday 19th July TTS, theme: Family

breakdown and loss with young people.
7.45pm at High St Methodist, Harpenden

Saturday 3rd September

267 for the year, 7pm-9pm at High St

Methodist Church, Harpenden

267 Breakfast at High Street Methodist

Church, Harpenden, 9.30am
267 Trustees Away Day

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Some stories/quotes from our Love Harpenden day...
Love Harpenden was a truly wonderful day and had such a positive effect
on the town. We gave away1200 flowers,
served 154 free cream teas, gave away 300
helium balloons, washed (for free)
over 60 cars and pampered
It was so fun
a whole host of people as
being able to serve people
they rested in our tent.
without asking for anything
back as not only does it bless
Here are some
them but it genuinely made
of the things our
me so happy being able to do
team said about
something good!
the day...

X:site Harpenden

FUEL in St Albans

Friday 30th September

Saturday 1st October

The CORE Youth and Childrens Ministry

Wednesday 20th July 267 Trustees


Love Harpenden
has consistently provided
a platform for local young
people to show their values
in a way the world is not
used to seeing

One of my favourite
events of the year purely because of
peoples reactions to what we were
doing. I gave a hand massage to an older
gentleman who was genuinely incredulous
I would massaging his crippled hand and
just sit and listen to him talk about his life.
He left so smiley and thanking
everyone, I felt blessed to be a
part of that

Saturday 23rd July 267 Fundraising

Cake Sale at Wesleys Cafe, Harpenden

Tuesday 26th July 267 GIFT DAY

Be a 267 hero today!!

Saturday 6th August Mike speaking at

sail and Surf Camp in Windermere

Encouraging and
equipping your
If you would like to volunteer with
the267project then drop us an email or

The sheer look of

bemusement on someone's face
when you want to wash their car
for free is amazing. It's unexpected
and when God is a God of surprises
so it's a nice way to get welcomed
in to knowing him



A superb weekend away with our 11-14s in May. 46 young people and 15
leaders, a water slide, The Prodigal Son, great food, sunshine, human hungry hippos
and great worship.

It is our Year of Boldness. Pray for us as we begin a journey towards a mission at

home next year. Pray as we plan FUEL sessions to disciple and prepare us all. Pray
that all the resources we need for this event are provided

a truly amazing fundraising golf day which raised around 8500 for the ministry
of the267project. Thank you to everyone that was involved

We have planted More? Cafe into Welwyn Garden City and this begins on
Thursday 7th July. Pray for word to spread and for it to be as significant as the St
Albans events

On 19th June we had our Celebrate service where we had the opportunity to

give thanks and celebrate everyones youth and childrens ministry. Around 200
people attended and it was a truly celebratory occasion

Love Harpenden was as amazing as wed hoped. 56 team all out in yellow shirts
bringing the love of Jesus and brightening everyones day. A great time indeed
More? Cafes have been great with loads of the students back from Uni coming


The unity between youth and childrens leaders continues to grow and also

shape what we do, we thank God for being able to work together in such a genuine
and loving way

Faithful trustees and team, thank you all

FUEL continues to be a place where we

This month we are meeting a couple of potential new trustees. We need

additional supporters as we grow so pray for wisdom for us all so that the right
people with the right skills join us
Pray for X:site St Albans on 9th July. This is a great opportunity to draw

childrens ministry together from across the area. Pray for continued great working
relationships but also for loads of kids to come

Pray for our 267 Day on 26/7. We are having a 267 gift day

where we want to encourage people to either give us a one-off gift,

increase their giving to us or start a monthly donation. Our ministry
is exciting and growing and we want to be bolder in asking for the
resources that we need to continue this growth. Please join us and
spread the word. Thank you

Mike is speaking at a summer camp in August. Pray for energy, wisdom and
inspiration as he prepares the 6 talks

all really encounter God and explore what

it means to be Christians together

Pray for rest over the summer break for

Love Harpenden

Weekend Away

all those involved in our ministry. Pray for

Tracy, Mike and Claire as they take some
much deserved holiday

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