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ABOUT US IIT BOMBAY’S MOOD INDIGO 2013 Primarily known for its Academics, IIT Bombay has emerged as a torchbearer among the premier technology institutions over the course of the last fifty years. In these decades of enrolling and training some the very best students in our country, IIT Bombay owes its name and fame as much to its students as to its dedicated and excellent faculty. Our students have brought and continue to bring to our residential campus their youthful energy and enthusiasm. When IIT Bombay celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2007, academic achievements were not the only ones it could count on that occasion. An integral part of the training provided at IIT Bombay is the ‘Senate-mandated requirement for our students to participate in the activities of the Student Gymkhana of Sports, cultural activities or social service. For most students, this formal requirement serves as a launching pad for their journey of self-development and here begins their engagement with extra-curricular activities through their stay at IIT Bombay and frequently for life Within the first few decades of a growing institution, a youth festival that may otherwise have beena routine affair, transmuted at IIT Bombay into an entity whose name signals the grandest campus festival in India. Mood Indigo was born in 1971 and its originators were immensely talented students who laid the groundwork for the fame that was to come. In the decades since, generations of enthusiastic students with remarkable cultural and organisational talent have shaped it and enhanced its scope, and reinterpreted the festival in-line with the changing times. Mood Indigo comprises diverse events, Pronites with renowned artistes, Horizons with unusual talents in performance exhibitions and workshops, Informals that entertain and challenge the crowds and, most importantly, Competitions such as Livewire, Mantra, Aagaaz etc. Year after year, the students of the MI team work hard at making the festival successful and memorable. MI has provided generations of young students an opportunity to match their talent with their very best peers and to draw inspiration from world renowned artistes. This is the tradition that the current Mood Indigo Team shall endeavour to uphold. We proudly invite you to participate in Mood Indigo 2013. i Vany/ Ubthes- Vaijayanthi M. Sarma Urjit A.Yaj Chairperson, Cultural Affairs Dean of Student Affairs PRONITES RAs) ted PTO Cea eset oC A nay mesmerized at the end of the day, the most awaited - Concerts. Pronites inoludes the most PMC A ree MUCUS Ng A a nT eR SOMME em LIS sh econ OC ea concer’. They stand No.4 in 30 Greatest Live Acts in World ira re et for bands ike Parikrama,Zero, Vayu,Abraxas, Bhayanak Maut, 2ygnema, Scribe, ee Se Ln ON Lc PE oer er ent ce Gur Prete country, with eliminations held in Kolkata, Mumbai Delhi and Bangalore Kcrnivool -Top Australian progressive rock band on their Wr | Cay See mG Aa There's no escaping this. We finish off the day in style with the sheer intensity of pulsating drumbeats, the catchy bass lines Renee MSEC eM Rae emL Neu eeo mea Une mSee-okt elm i it Katatomia -World renowned Swedish doom metal band A Karsh Kale Collectiv - MIV Coke Studio Fame. Captivating Fusion‘ GY DS nu Re i ASO eee UCC ML aa aa a Perea unc : . x EUR) PO Ue MRS once et ed Su Oe eae UC CCT y ROSS erSSeas Music at its magical best. When mature elements of Indian OMAN Lod eee Urey eC et NU UR Lea mI! CAMO NMR OUMACLC MLL Neeley cece hemeeoneetecelecsiee i ultsies Tete Teale ne $ va P Se Se Ln oe erro -ers. Filmfare Best Background Score Award winners, most phenomenal Indian musician performed i performed at Mood Indigo 2012. 7 ‘| ea eee al \ uC eee inna eee etek Mee en a ek ode Dn ee) Performed in 1981 and 2010 Mood Indigo 20 Mood Indigo 2012 POPULAR NITE Ceci CUM mM Maecenas cnenites appealing to the crowd that is immensely passionate for Bollywood music. ICC STIL Re Lu aU eee Aue eb you the most enchanting of experiences. =A place for cultural exchange ‘and significant interaction with foreign nationals, "1 aA N vi’ us nay eye - ol eer ty , Mumbai Wee erste ye Me Me TeMl Ce aS eecd LT! oe needs oy Worldfest 2012 saw five magnificient countries participating - Italy, Japan, Romania, Serbia and Sri Lanka. 2 aran. ee eu I: two time winner of Battle of the Year, performing at Moo . cleo oe i} i Sauna Enertainer ofthe year ay _ : - Oe De AUR & eh Oe - Re ae WORLD'S MOST AMAZING The grandeur, diversity and perfection enchants you to remember these tales of unique skills forever. The stupendous artists, UNS eM ele MaRS oe eee ) on) SiC oma me Cee ce Rt oe ‘f a Sophisticated and deadly whip cracker Interactive street artist, featured in CSc) reer nes | i h | 5 Js i .) = 2G y= 43 Ee rT he | } eek ere : = ee Care a nA 5 Seo) od Cee ene with their unbelievable stunts Redifined Ca USS ee ee ae aes Tru cele Cuesta eSce Hal ee DRUID URE eso M relent SLR COU UC Someone Ne ORCC RAL LUE une) ceca - A professional show by one of the top notch Indion designer, Wendell Rocrcks In Mood Indigo 2011 Ty rong Dette uehog ite el eMule ume are Leck eee sore iesay eke au eee ee ele see ACA e Reh Cue Lee TRU eS SNR CRE mmm Oa Cn Lie a, oe Sei naa Director and Screenwriter Peer 7 eee a , ee eed Coe a ‘ ieee oes _ m3 e : 9 ou Cricket Commentator and Unconventional international Street Theatre ey pe Mood Indigo brings the unparalleled theatre performances _Litfest is comprised of high octane panel discussions by PAUL eC ORAM Ui Tue cece ca coho Medel k ele ey RoR nea n el eke ee cE AO Oona seed 5 Deere ied ca OOS] BO sors 4 Pee era eRe EAC Cee oe N RMU CUCL Nun RUN eWeek Ue ee iu Meena of a diverse number of music genres, from traditional eastem, to modern western and from regional fo folk. INFORMALS We don’t discriminate, we entertain purely for the eet joy. Bringing out the Dee ears caer egie Beemer tas ensuite RM oR eT grea yon, and, eee SE UR CITT if Dee eR NCU LAC Rau ecceoee ere ey Coenen er ry: Tee ats eta] rem DN) r COE ee td Ree eo co Pit ie i Sa ep ele RU state lee huey BoM Loken Coie tee R IF Pe EMSRS L ce aUIn TAR A eee eT LOU N NES COT OM Rene Meee ene MMO e ALLL ccna uela DURST CUReO LPO (0 MMe nae eenccs The treet is where the real deal is.The place where people interact, have fun and experience the most amazing moments of their lives. loads of activities and informal competitions taking place like hogathon, barat dance and many more. On ' ae ce Pte) ey LOUNGES eee MRIS Me em CN MUR ON Moo NL eae Ree ee RESUS Cd give you the ideal spot fo sit back, relax and soak in the festive feel. und TOES) Rie ele , MMe ac ence cre atta ee Noe CG ae CCS Pu Ae a ec] CS ecu aL Ds Third Bell The One Act Play competition witnessed plays which Cee eS nee ree OSCR Ru uN Oe oC el —_ Pe ca a we = Le f ROU CURR eee) , Go eS nr) PERFORMING ARTS & LIFESTYLE CSU eee RMN kcosokomcce mele ance os and choreography, Performing Arts competitions take themselves to a higher level every year.Along with these, we add Ua RUC MMO eee OeTeek meek one ote DCR Cue dance competition a . Dance crew performing in a Street Choreo Nite -The themed and non themed dance competitions which pre cs Coe ean < nd a “ , oe RIOR eu CON Ne a ee Po -fing, spellbound an audience of over 8000 with their beats and rhythm the Choreo Nite Seen LO Ue ewe eM keen eM aca Crum eurlonelie} Trae me Uke RL cet eR eel ace a rq ¥ a \ One of the contestants participating in comic book Framed - Moments are like butterflies, beautiful § aa CRS eae eae ys Cree ci © - Mood indigo's Quizzing fest attracted o crowd of over. ‘ Ee ue on ey Ba cme Ta NON PERFORMING ARTS Events like Quizzing, Literary Arts and Debating make people bring out their thinking cops and brainstorm over topics covering everything under the sun, and yea, beyond it too. The Fine Arts competitions bring out colours and shades of grey, CMO ML merce Rm Mee eco or en ee MRS Lg Pum cm ee Aagaaz Winner gets to perform at National Center Sau LAL Director's Cut Se uM Tas Sc ey COG Reon iso ines esc LMA ee Winning troops get the gift of Dance Teele ences ia tut) SMM L Meise UO Ns comme sae) Ph ret if eee SOL MOL e etn cue oneL eee m [) Vogue Winning designers gets an internship with aNd eae) LT a ne Winners of these competitions get to oor en mE i e SUA ea ey Ree cant as eMC LO CLO ate Aen} UTM UOMO M Lee Leeu ets to perform at SEHER. Fine Arts Winning entries of sketching and creative writing ee OTe ence eae Ree u)m Orca Winners of Classical Singing competition got a scholarship TERM ROLLS MU ecsler-Coele ILL EU aCe) a) bospo. a a 4 _ , * =, LI A Bae 4 Sah CTR ee EY hee aided f Sa if | SO eeu oy © r c 4 a ery Tee ee naa cis Pen Dee eres ele Um iD re meee ue Cun Nd Deemer Med eee PTT eee NUN Ree CLF eee Rh cee cue Le hoe Ae aoa ene Pa Se SAUL ae vada eecd i) PPR eee MMP ce foundation to bring about sustainable ree UR Milos oe eleanor utes) CS sy “IITians did a Bloody Good Deed.” ie eR Lea Aen eg eae) Tat eet PASS OM SUCH Rm er undertaken by a college targeting 30 colleges and 7 multiplexes in 7 Mumbai collecting more than 3500 units of blood. SOCIAL CAMPAIGNS fission nap Simple Plan to ‘rock? borates Sh 0D-| MOVES 4 days, 00k visitors as A h RD EYOND MUMBAI =m jos oa ih As

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