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Erin Day-Teacher
Instructional Assistants-Miss Mona and Miss Laksmie

Welcome to Preschool at the Warren Early Childhood Center! It is known as ECC for short.
We hope you and your child are as excited about this year as we are. There is so much to do and
so much to learn and we will definitely have fun.
This packet will inform you about my goals and expectations for the classroom. The
Parent Handbook you received at registration will cover other areas as well. Please take time to
read and become familiar with both.

Ways to Contact Me
Direct to classroom /voicem ail - #869-4750 ext. 4781
E-m ail
School Office - #869-4750
Secretaries Dulce Hernandez and Dawn McManigal
Treasurer-Janelle Johnson
Principal: Chris Gearlds #869-4754

The Classroom
Our classroom is made up of an inclusive Preschool class that integrates children with a
variety of ages and abilities. The children in the classroom range from 3-5 years old.
You may notice that there are not many materials on the walls. I like to keep the walls
bare in the beginning so we can add your childs artwork to the walls and create our own special
classroom environment.
Our school and classroom have an open door policy. You are welcome to stop by at
anytime to visit for a few minutes or stay for longer. I do ask that you please give your child at
least 3 weeks before making visits to the classroom. This gives them time to adjust. If you do
visit, please m ake sure you sign in and out at the front office and get a visitors
badge. I feel that parent and family participation and support is important and vital to your
childs early education. I have many ways for families to be a part of the classroom.

8:30 Arrival
8:45 Outside/Gym
9:05 Restroom
9:30 Whole Group time
9:50 Work Time (small group work)
10:30 Free Choice
End circle
Pack up
11:30 Dismissal

Our curriculum is based on the Indiana Foundations for Preschool set by the state of
Indiana. Our staff does continuous assessments focusing on standards in language, math, fine
motor, gross motor and social skills and many foundations are being covered all day through our
daily activities. We also listen and observe the children to help us develop our plans as well.

Classroom Assistants
Our classroom consists of two wonderful assistants named Ramona Williams (Miss Mona)
and Laksmie Duong (Miss Laksmie). I treat my classroom assistants as another teacher in the
classroom and I encourage my students and families to do the same. I include them in my
orientation packet because they are a critical part of the classroom. When talking about school
with your child, please not only mention me, but also Miss Mona and Miss Laksmie. It is very
important to me that they are looked at by the children and parents as another teacher in the

Projects and Investigations

Much of what we do in the classroom is often based on the childrens interest. I do have a
set schedule and plan books and other interesting things to do during the week but if the children
take some of those ideas or interests in another direction, I may go with their interest and
change my plans. Sometimes the childrens ideas might lead to a small investigation of something
or it might carry out longer into a project.

Writers Workshop
Over the last few years, ECC has been implementing Writers Workshop in the classrooms.
This is a way for children to learn how to be good readers and writers at an early age. I will be
exposing them to good books and authors. Then, the children will become authors and illustrators
themselves during our free choice time if they choose to write a book. Be on the lookout for
your child to bring home a book theyve made.

Small Group Work

Small group work is a time to work with the children in smaller groups and focus on
teaching and learning a concept that will help them when they move on to Kindergarten. This work
is adapted for ages and skill level and makes it appropriate work for all the children.

Special Family Weeks

As a part of the curriculum, each child will have a Special Family Week. A list will be sent
home letting you know when your Special Family Week (SFW) is. Special Family Week is a great way
to get to know each other and their families. I ask that you make a poster with your child with
pictures and drawings. This is also a wonderful time for family members to visit us and
participate in our activities. If there is a special book, activity, or job, you or another family
member would like to share with the children just let me know ahead of time and I can schedule
it in.

We will be acknowledging birthdays in the classroom; unfortunately, we cannot have a
party atmosphere (i.e. no cake, balloons, and homemade treats). If you would like to send a
treat for snack tim e, they m ust be store bought, individually wrapped, and in the
original box. This is a necessity due to allergies and if something is sent in without the above, we
will have to send it back home.

High School Students

Our building not only includes young students, but older students as well. Our building
includes the child development class associated with the high schools curriculum. The high school
students also do activities in our classroom that they have planned during their classroom time.
We usually get new students every nine weeks. Therefore, you may see others in our classroom
that you may not recognize.

Field Experiences
We do our best at the center to make field trips a part of our curriculum. At
registration, you paid a fee for the entire year. As field trips come up, we will notify you with a
permission slip. No extra money will be required for the children. Each child received a t-shirt at
registration that can be worn anytime, but especially for field trips.
Often, we will need chaperones for our field trips. Parents or other adult family members
are welcome to help. We will let you know when chaperones are needed and if a fee is involved.
Chaperones m ust have a crim inal background check on file to attend our field trips.
Also, due to the buses we use, there may be times where there is not enough room for adults
on the bus. Therefore, chaperones may have to drive separately. The safety and enjoyment of
all the children is our primary goal. We do have a field trip policy for chaperones and your
cooperation is fully expected. Siblings cannot attend field trips for liability reasons.


No smoking
No other children (siblings, cousins, etc.)
Do not buy additional items (food, drinks, rides, etc.) for your child, any other child or
Please try to refrain from cell phone use unless it is an em ergency !
Remember you are a helper for ALL the children to whom you are assigned.
Do not leave the children unattended.


Ways to Contact Me (listed on front) Please feel free to contact me with any questions
or concerns. I can be reached best between 8:00-8:30 a.m., during 11:45-12:00 and after 3:40
p.m. in the classroom. I ask that you try not to call the classroom during class time unless
it is an emergency or you are notifying us of a change in pickup.

Take Home Folders I will supply each child with a take home folder at the beginning of
the year. This needs to come to school every day and checked at home every evening.
Notes, newsletters, and information can be passed back and forth with the folder. Please
m ake sure to put anything that needs to reach teachers in the folder and
not just in the backpack. Once youve looked through the folder, take out the papers
so we know youve seen them.

Newsletters Newsletters will be sent home electronically this year. If you need a hard
copy sent hom e due to lack of internet or for preference, please let m e
know. A lot of school information is written in the newsletter and not separately. Each
newsletter is tailored to each individual class.

Ways to Contact You Please keep me up to date with addresses and phone numbers!
Email addresses are also very helpful, if you prefer. In addition, please relay to me any
changes in your childs life that may affect their personality.

Conferences Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for once a year in October.

More conferences may be scheduled during April, as well. However, if you have questions or
concerns, please do not wait until conferences to talk to me.

Illness If your child is sick or has been sick, we ask that you keep them home from
school until all symptoms are gone. Their little bodies get run down very fast when they
are ill and bringing them to school increases the chance that others will get sick as well.
Please call the office and/or m e when your child will be abs ent.

Parent Meetings/Family Activities There will be events throughout the year planned by
classroom staff, teachers, or the PTA. Please be on the lookout for some great events.

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