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Studii universitare de licen
Concursul de admitere, sesiunea iulie 2014


1. He .......... a wife and two daughters.

a. Have got
b. s got
c. is got
d. got

Ive been waiting for over half an hour now!

Ive been waiting since over half an hour now!
Its over half an hour I waited now!
Ive waited since half an hour now!


Ill see you opposite of the cinema at six oclock.

Ill see you outside the cinema at six oclock.
Im seeing you in front of the cinema at six oclock.
Ill see you opposite the cinema for six oclock.

4. How .......... to get to London by train?

a. long time does it take
b. long does it take
c. long it take
d. much time it takes
5. If ..........
a. I won the lottery, Id sail around the world.
b. I won the lottery, Im going to sail around the world.
c. I won the lottery, Ill sail around the world.
d. Id won the lottery, Id sail around the world.


6. Would you mind ..........? It's cold in here.

a. to shut the window
b. if you shut the window
c. I shutting the window
d. shutting the window
7. Would you like some more cake? There ..........
a. is some left
b. is little left
c. is a few left
d. are some left
8. You .......... for an interview.
a. shouldnt late
b. shouldnt been late
c. shouldnt to be late
d. shouldnt be late
9. A chemist is a place ..........
a. at which you can buy medicine in
b. where you can buy medicine
c. which you can buy medicine
d. where you can buy medicine at
10. I'd like ..........
a. an Coke and a packet of chips, please.
b. one Coke and an packet of chips, please.
c. a Coke and one packet of crisps, please.
d. a Coke and one crisps, please.
11. . Yes, I have.
a. Do you have lobster for dinner?
b. Have you ever had lobster for dinner?
c. Have you lobster for dinner?
d. Did you have got lobster for dinner?
12. Edith is .... than Mary.
a. more pretty
b. prettier
c. more prettier
d. the prettiest


13. Some people never set ....... to become rich.

a. on
b. up
c. out
d. off
14. Too is not good for your health.
a. many
b. much
c. few
d. little
15. I'd rather that you ....... smoke in my house.
a. shouldn't have
b. couldn't
c. mustn't
d. didn't

....... car is that blue one?


17. I think that you should cut ....... smoking.

a. off
b. out
c. away
d. in
18. school?
a. did you go
b. went you
c. did you went
d. did go
19. Would you like the theatre tonight?
a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to going


20. The first reality TV show ....... in Sweden in 1997.

a. showed
b. shown
c. is shown
d. was shown
21. How long ... you had this car?
a. did
b. do
c. have
d. were
22. She keeps ... her things all around the place which is so annoying.
a. to leave
b. leaves
c. leave
d. leaving
23. He ... me to the first game when I was only 6.
a. used to take
b. would take
c. took
d. has taken
24. My new PC, ... I bought last week, has already broken down.
a. that
b. which
c. whose
25. People ... from the illness find it difficult to relax.
a. suffered
b. suffering
c. who suffering
d. were suffering
26. During the next meeting we ... about setting goals.
are talking
will have talked
will be talking


27. ... the weather was horrible, we decided to go out for a short walk.
a. Even though
b. However
c. In spite of
d. Despite
28. We should remind ... to be thankful for all that we have.
a. us
c. ourselves
d. we
29. He needs a break because he ... very hard this week.
a. was working
b. is working
c. has been working
d. works
30. ... this film? I don't think so.
a. Have you seen
b. You've seen
c. Did you saw
d. Do you have seen
31. They were here, ...?
a. were they
b. wasn't it
c. isn't it
d. weren't they
32. Do you still work there? No, ...
a. I don't still work there.
b. I no longer work there.
c. I work there any more.
d. I not longer work there.
33. Could you ... to the service department, please?
a. pass me through
b. put me through
c. put me on
d. put me over


34. She ... on holiday in Italy.

a. enjoyed herself
b. enjoyed
c. enjoyed she
d. enjoyed her

When did you stop to smoke?

When did you stop smoking?
When have you stopped smoking?
When did you stop smoke?


I just sat down when the phone had rung.

I was just sitting down when the phone rang.
Id just sat down when the phone rang.
I just sit down when the phone was ringing.


Can you tell me where is the post-office, please?

Can you tell me where the post-office is, please?
Can you tell where is the post-office, please?
Can you say me where the post-office is?


If I would be a famous person for one day, Id be Nelson Mandela.

If I were a famous person for one day, Ill choose Nelson Mandela.
If I will be a famous person for one day, Ill be Nelson Mandela.
If I could be a famous person for one day, Id be Nelson Mandela.

39. I'm really ... this weekend.

a. look forward to go home
b. looking forward to going home
c. looking forward to go home
d. looking forward to come back home
40. Both ... faces were red with embarrassment.
a. boys
b. boy's
c. boys's
d. boys'



Hes probably lost her number.

Hes lost her number, probably.
Probably, hes lost her number.
Hes lost her probably number.


I usually to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid.

I used to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid.
I am used to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid.
I used to living in Paris, but now I live in Madrid.


This time tomorrow, I am in Tokio.

This time tomorrow, I am being in Tokio.
This time tomorrow, I will be in Tokio.
This time tomorrow, I will be being in Tokio.


You didnt use to smoke, did you?

You usent to smoke, did you?
You arent used to smoke, did you?
You arent used to smoking, do you?

45. Long ... and so continue winning all its matches!

may flourish our team
may our team flourish
our team may flourish
our team flourish may
46. You never saw the photos we took last summer, ...?
a. did you
b. havent you
c. have you
d. didnt you
47. The programme ... when I walked into the office this morning.
a. was being uploaded
b. is uploaded
c. has been uploaded
d. has uploaded


48. She chose ... to Rome instead of driving.

a. flying
b. she flew
c. having flown
d. to fly
49. They ... a house already! They only started looking last week!
a. cant have bought
b. mustnt be buying
c. mustnt buy
d. should have bought
50. Mr. Smiths house .......... from top to bottom because his mother-in-law is coming
for a visit.
a. is cleaning
b. has been cleaning
c. is been cleaned
d. has been cleaned
51. Everybodys left the building, ...?
a. doesnt he
b. havent they
c. dont they
d. isnt it
52. The furniture was moved while some shelves ... on the wall.
a. were putting up
b. are put up
c. have been put up
d. were being put up
53. The long truck carrying the airplane travelled by night ... daytime traffic.
a. so that not slowed
b. for not slowing down
c. so as not to slow down
d. because of not slowing down
54. She regretted not accepting the promotion, even if it would have meant ... to
another town.
a. moving
b. to move
c. move
d. that she moves


55. You ... your uncle. He died a year before you were born.
a. shouldnt have met
b. mustnt have met
c. cant have met
d. might not have met
56. The castle ... to the public since it was declared unsafe.
a. has been closed
b. was closed
c. had been closed
d. is closed
57. That gadget was a complete waste of money. I wish I ... it.
a. wouldnt buy
b. dont buy
c. didnt buy it
d. hadnt bought
58. In the middle of the speech he stopped ... a sip of water.
a. having
b. to have
c. that he had
d. to having
59. When he comes home from his holiday in Thailand, hell be very surprised to see
his front door ... bright pink as a joke by his friends.
a. was being painting
b. has been painted
c. was been painted
d. is painting
60. His office light is on but he ... late tonight! Its his wedding anniversary. He
probably forgot to switch it off when he went home.
a. mustnt be working
b. shouldnt be worked
c. may not to work
d. cant be working
61. Robert is an authority English literature.
a. in
b. on
c. over
d. at


62. You must be responsible your decisions.

a. of
b. to
c. with
d. for
63. Could you deal this problem later, please?
a. for
b. with
c. about
d. in

I think the show is about starting now.

I think the show is about in start now.
I think the show is about to start by now.
I think the show is about to start now.


You would have heard the news yet.

You cant have heard the news yet.
You will have heard the news yet.
You would hear the news yet.


... I got to the airport, the plane had left

At the time
In time
By the time
At due time

67. You need to shop if you want to find bargains.

a. about
b. aroud
c. along
d. away

Please to make sure that there is petrol in the car.



69. I cant believe it! Do you mean to tell me that Ben money from us all this time?
a. was stolen
b. has been stealing
c. stole
d. is stealing
70. Only when they switched on the light, the mess.
a. did they see
b. they saw
c. they have seen
d. have they seen
71. Why is this television on? I you for your test tomorrow!
a. would think, were studies
b. think, are going to study
c. thought, were studying
d. was thinking, studied
72. Since he became president, serious work has to showing off his new power.
a. sitting in the shade
b. been sitting the drivers seat
c. taken a back seat
d. driven a hard bargain
73. We need to that this never happens again.
a. ensure
b. assure
c. insure
d. ashore
74. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he ... another garage in Pinhurst
but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage. So he ... twelve pigeons. Up
to now he ... a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from
one garage to another. When he ... more pigeons he ... more messages. As soon as
he ... them he ... his own private telephone service.
a. had just bought, just bought, had, will get, sends, will bought, will have;
b. has just bought, has just bought, had, gets, will send, bought, will have;
c. has just bought, has just bought, has had, gets, will send, has bought, will have;
d. had just bought, has just bought, has had, gets, will send, has bought, will have.


75. I grew ... my familys 100-year-old Nebraska ranch. ... a young age I became
fascinated ... reading the historic newspapers that were just part of the furniture.
a. up, on, at, with;
b. up, at, from, with;
c. on, at, from, by;
d. up, at, from, by.
76. I hope you're enjoying your visit to England. ... any Englishmen yet?
Yes, I ... a man called Smith at a party last night.
What you ... about?
We ... about the weather.
a. Have you met, met, were you talking, talked.
b. Did you meet, met, were you talking, talked.
c. Did you meet, met, did you talk, talked.
d. Have you met, met, did you talk, talked.
77. Two spectacular migrations the gold rush and the land rush. In 1848 gold
discovered in California. By that time the Spanish the region for many years. They
already several missions along the coast, but they any cities and few
Americans there.
a. were, was, were exploring, had established, hadn't built, had settled;
b. were, was, were exploring, established, had built, had settled;
c. had been, was, had explored, established, hadn't built, had settled;
d. were, was, had been exploring, had established, hadn't built, had settled.
78. The house where the dead man was found is being guarded by the police to
prevent it from being entered and the evidence interfered with.
Police are guarding the house where they found the dead man to prevent
anyone from entering it and interfering with the evidence.
Police is guarding the house where they found the dead man to prevent anyone
from entering it and interfering with the evidence.
Police are guarding the house where they had found the dead man to prevent
anyone from entering in it and interfering with evidence.
Police is guarding the house where they had found the dead man to prevent
anyone from entering it and interfering with the evidence.
79. Elisabeth would rather they ... on time. Then they wouldn't have missed the
a. had left;
b. would have left;
c. would be leaving;
d. will be leaving.


80. Your English ... since I last ... you.

a. has been improving, ve been seeing;
b. improved, have seen;
c. has improved, saw;
d. improved, sawed.
81. The farm house we stayed in was completely off the ... track. (BEAT)
a. beating
b. beaten
c. beatening
d. beater
82. Experts have tried to find a ... to the personnel problems. (SOLVE)
a. solving
b. solution
c. resolving
d. resolution
83. Shes a specialist in psychology and human ... . (BEHAVE)
a. behaviour
b. behaving
c. behaviourism
d. behaviourist
84. Make sure the hairdryer is ... before you fix the switch. (CONNECT)
a. disconected
b. disconnected
c. interconnected
d. underconnected
85. Without his teachers ... he would have given up long ago. (ENCOURAGE)
a. encouragement
b. encouringing
c. encourangment
d. couragement
86. She has known me for two years now but she still ... my name. (PRONOUNCE)
a. dispronounces
b. unpronounce
c. mispronounce
d. mispronounces


87. The results were very strange! In fact, they were ... ! (BELIEVE)
a. unbelievable
b. unebeliving
c. unebelievable
d. disbelieving
88. Drug ... is a problem causing great concern. (ADDICT)
a. addicting
b. adiction
c. addiction
d. adicting
89. I have been sworn to ... so I cant say a word. (SECRET)
a. secrecy
b. secretive
c. secretiveness
d. secretive
90. Please give us details of your present ... . (OCCUPY)
a. occupation
b. occupier
c. occupancy
d. occupant
91. The ... of our agriculture is important if we want to produce more food.
a. mechanization
b. mechanizer
c. mecanotherapist
d. mechanics
92. After losing her job she was ... for a month. (EMPLOY)
a. disemployed
b. employable
c. unemployment
d. unemployed
93. The audience gave the violinist a round of ... . (APPLAUD)
a. applauding
b. applauses
c. applaudingly
d. applauders


94. My ... is the history of Elizabethan England. (SPECIAL)

a. specialism
b. specialty
c. specializing
d. specialist
95. The government is encouraging heavy ... . (INVEST)
a. investments
b. investitors
c. investers
d. investitions
96. Everybody is worried about the ... of the rain forest. (DESTROY)
a. destruction
b. destructive
c. indestructible
d. destroyal
97. Some MPs are calling for ... without trial. (DETAIN)
a. detainee
b. detention
c. detainment
d. detainer
98. This bag contains all my photographic ... . (EQUIP)
a. equipage
b. equip
c. equipped
d. equipment
99. Mary suddenly felt sick, so we needed a ... for her part in the play. (REPLACE)
a. replacing
b. replaceable
c. replacer
d. replacement
100. Pat was accused of stealing some ... documents. (CONFIDENT)
a. confidential
b. confidentially
c. confidence
d. confident


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