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eed Stock Hoting Coporaion ot nif | lee SHOCUSTOM / Seamre : ts aut i sats: Cortticate issued Date May. 2019 11:42 AM, Account Reference : 2 SHoIL. (i mhshelloy SRO-CUSTOW MHL MUN Unique Doc. Reference’ | i RUBINMEMSHCILO120s9525005 7097, Purchased, by 2 Niranjan Mahtani . Description of Documani Article 96(A) Leave and License Agreement Property Description ~~ Flat N0.8,34d Floor, Palm Cour,152.Maheréhi Kerve Road,Mumba- nat 400020 . Consideration Price (Ry 10 i : (2ér0) Fist Pany oS + Niranjan Mahtani = Second Party cee Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone itd Stamp Duty Paid By © Niranjan Mahtani ona Stamp Duty Amount(Fis,) 29,009. (Twenty Nine: Thousand only on rate SERS ae Pe Ea y 0002335898 SS Hagel aD J Statutory Alert 1 Te ates one Sams Ca 2 Tha Cunoa Dela faces ged Coleton Cites ADCS), SHEA Oncor an Su-gutrOft( ene S a ne a ee, He Om Page | of | SHCIL- MAHARASHTRA SHCIL, 301, T, DR. B. AMBEDKAR ROAD, PAREL, MUMBAL, MU PIN CODE - 400012 Tel : 022-6178151 E-mail: Mode of Receipt Account id mhsheilos Receipt Id RECIN-MHMH Receipt Date 23-May-2013 Account Name SHCIL- MAHARASHTRA MBAl, Maharashtra, INDIA, 'SHCILO1 1941862699671, Vs vow hilstamp com/eStampinta missin SubmissionServletDoaet ion... 23-05-2013 alia .VE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT FOR LEAVE AND LICENSE made at Mumbai this 2 S'day of May, in the Christian Year Two Thousand and Thirteen, BETWEEN NIRANIAN MAHTANI, Indian Inhabitant residing at Ivanhoe, 139, Backbay Reclamation, Mumbai — 400 021, hereinafler referred to as “the Licensor”, expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof to mean and include his respective heirs, executors, administrators and the One Part AND ADANI PORTS AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZX (being a subsidiary of Adani Group) a company incorporated under thef py Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Adani House, N.R. Mithd Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 hereinafter referred to as “the LY@) (which expression hereinafter shall unless it be repugnant to the conte meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors, assigns) of Part. WHEREAS: 1. The Licensor is a monthly tenant in respect of Flat No. 8 admeasuring about 2100 square fect on the 3" floor of the building known as Palm Court, 152, Maharishi Karve Road, Mumbai — 400 020 (which flat is hereinafter referred to as “the licensed premises") and as such is absolutely entitled to hold, use and occupy the licensed premises. be Hal ww” WN Ae 2 2, The Licensor had permitted the Ticensee to use and occupy the said premises ‘on leave and license basis for period of 33 months from 1 August 2010 till 30 April 2013 in accordance with the leave and license Agreement dated 23 August 2010. The said license expires on 30" April 2013. 3, The licensee being temporarily in further need of premises for his residential ‘accommodation has requested the licensor to let him continue to use the said premises fora further period of 33 months from 1” May 2013 tll 31° January $016 and to enter into a leave and license agreement with him for further use cf the licensed premises. 4, The Licensee having its branch office in Mumbai being temporarily in need of premises for providing residential accommodation to Mr. Rajeeva R. Sinha, in Mumbai, being one of its employee has requested the Licensor to enter into a leave and license agreement with it for use of the licensed premises 10 the Licensee for use of the same by the said Mr. Rajecva R. Sinha of Indian nationality. 5, The Licensor has obtained written permission from the Landlords namely Palm Court Buildings (P) Ttd., on 16” May 2013 for subletting the licensed premises on leave and license basis to the licensee. 6. The Licensor has represented to the Licensee that all rents, taxes, cesses, duties, and other outgoings of Central, State or Municipal assessed, charged, imposed, levied or payable in respect of the licensed premises have been duly paid. 7. The Licensor has agreed to grant the licensed premises admeasuring 2100 sqcft. on leave and license basis to the Licensee. 8. The parties are desirous of recording the terms and condition arrived at between them as under. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Licensor hereby gives for use to the Licensee on leave and license basis the licensed premises on the 3"! floor of the building known as Palm Court, 52, Maharishi Karve Road, Mumbai - 400 020 along with one covered ., upon payment of the monthly licensee foc of Rs.2,70,000/- (Rupees Lacs Seventy Thousand only). CS NO.1549 of Fort Div. ‘Agreement shall remain force for a period of 33 months commencing May 2013 till 31 January 2016. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor license fee or compensation at the rate ‘of Rs.2,70,000/- (Rupees Two Lacs Seventy Thousand only) per month favouring Mr. Niranjan Mahtani for such use as aforesaid during the tenure of the license period. It is clarified that the Licensee shall pay the license fee of every 6months in advance. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a sum of Rs.16,20,000%- ‘Sixteen Lacs Twenty Thousand only) towards the ~“TiGense fee fag first Period 6 months, on 30” May, 2013. The Licensee shall ‘Giaycto the sum of Rs.16,20,000/- (Rupees Sixteen Lacs Twenty 8 Thousand only) towards the license fee for the second period of 6months on 1* November 2013, The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a sum of Rs.16,20,000/- (Rupees Sixteen Lacs Twenty Thousand only) towards the license fee for the third period of 6 months on Ist May 2014. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a sum of Rs.16.20,000/- (Rupees Sixteen Lacs Twenty Thousand only) for the fourth period of months on I November 2014, The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a sum of Rs.16,20.000/- (Rupees Sixteen Lacs Twenty Thousand only) for the fifth period of 6 months on 1" May 2015. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a sum of RS.8,10,000/- (Rupees Eight Lacs ‘Ten Thousand only) for the balance period of 3 months on 1" November 2015. The above license fee is subject to deduction by the Licensee of tax at source under the Income Tax laws as may be in force from time to time and the Licensee agrees to pay the tax so deducted to the tax authorities and furnish evidence of such payment to the Licensor. . The Licensee has paid to the Licensor an amount of Rs 8,10,000/- ( Eight Lakhs Ten Thousand Only) in accordance with the Leave agreement dated 23 August 2010 as an interest free representing three months license fee which shall be refunded to the licensee as hereinafter provided. . In the event of earlier determination of this license agreement clause 9 hereinbelow, the Licensor shall refund to the Licensce Security Deposit of Rs.8,10,000/-(Rupees Eight Lacs Ten tunutilized portion of the advance license fee paid by the LRteaste done the Licensor, simultaneously against the Licensee handling over vacaitt'md--~* peaceful possession of the licensed premises to the Lic . The Licensor shall carry out the repair / renovation work inthe licensed premises Within a period of one month as may be required for continued occupation of the premises. . The Licensee hereby covenants in addition to the said license fee or compensation:- (a) to pay to the Licensor in addition to the said license fee or compensation: : (@ all electricity charges for use of electric energy in the said Licensed, Premises. If the said clectric power or water connection is disconnected due to non-payment or misuse by the Licensee shall be bound to get the same resiored at its own costs and expenses and keep the Licensor indemnified against the same. (ii) all charges for the telephone and other facilities like Cable T.V and internet used by the Licensee in the said Licensed Premises whether belonging to the Licensor or the Licensee. + As required by the Licensor, the Licensee shall make payment of ‘ithe said charges directly to the concerned authorities on or before the 1. due dates of payment thereof and the Licensee shall forward to the Licensor the receipts for the same. On expiry or sooner determination, Wye 4 the Licensee shall hand over to the Licensor, copies of the last paid bills toward electricity, telephone, cooking gas, internet, cable T.V.charges. The Licensee shall make payment of all charges towards telephone, electricity, cable T.V., internet, cooking gas, pertaining to the license period even if such bills are presented by the Licensor to ‘the Licensee after expiry/determination of the license period. (b) To use the said Licensed Premised only for the purpose of residential use and for no other purpose. (© To observe and perform the terms and conditions of this Agreement on the part of the Licensee to be observed and performed in the ‘manner provided herein. (@) Not to purport or induct any third party, keep any tenants or sub- ‘tenanis in the said Licensed Premises in any manner including porting of possession and/or joint user thereof by entering into partnership with any other person, firm or body corporate or by way of merger of amalgamation with any other body corporate or person (s) without the prior written consent of the Licensor. (©) Not to part with possession of the said Licensed Premises or any part thereof to any one except the Licensor. ® ‘Not to change the lock on the main entrance door of the said Licensed Premises without the prior consent in writing of the Licensor. The Licensee may put additional lock(s) to the licensed premises and give it ‘one set of the key(s) to the Licensor. (g) At the cost of the Licensee to keep the premises and all sanitary and clectrical installations and all fixtures, furniture and fittings for the ‘ime being therein whether fitted by the Licensor of the Licensee, in and proper repair and condition (normal wear and tear expected) not to cause to permit to be caused any damage thereto. Ib Licensor or his authorized representative shall have right to the said Licensed Premises during daytime by giving nable notice of at least 48 hours in writing to the Licensee. 6) Not to do, permit or omit to do any deed or thing which would cause the right, title and interest of the Licensor as a tenant of the said Licenised Premises to be jeopardized or terminated or liable to be put in jeopardy of termination or cause any loss and/or damage to the ou said Licensed Premises. or store or suffer to be brought or stored on the said ses any hazardous, dangerous, combustible or goods or material, except cooking gas. _shalllalso be entitled to the use of the Licensor’s furniture, ings in the licensed premises (a list whereof is for the purpose of identification hereto annexed as Annexure “A” to this Agreement). 9, Under the terms hereof, the Licensee shall not be entitled to terminate this license earlier than the period of Eleven (11) months for any reason vy whatsoever. It is agreed that after the expiry of the period of Eleven (11) months from the date hereof the Licensee will be entitled to terminate this agreement by giving three (3) months’ advance notice in writing to the Licensor of its intention to terminate this agreement and upon the expiry of notice period this License shall stand terminated and whereupon all ‘consequences of termination shall follow. ). The Licensee shall use the Licensed premises with due care and caution and sbali keep and maintain the Licensor’s furniture, fixtures and fittings therein in good order and condition and upon the expiration or earlier determination of this License shall leave the same in as good condition as they were in on the date hereof and make compensation for any damage done or any articles missing (reasonable wear and tear expected). Reasonable wear and tear in the case of the flooring in the Licensed premises will also be accepted by the Licensor. The Licensee will not be required to re-paint the apartment on upon the expiration or earlier determination of this License. The Licensed premises shall be used as residenee for the said Mr. Rajeeva R. Sinha and the members of his immediate family and bonafide guests and servants. In the event of the said Mr. Rajecva R. Sinha leaving Mumbai permanently or not continuing in the employment of the Licensee before the expiration of this License, the licensed premises shall be used only by his successor-in-office or if no successor-in-oflice is appointed # employee of the Licensee and by no other person for the rei this Licensee. The Licensor hereby covenants with the Licensor paying the said monthly compensation on the due manner herein provided and observing and perfor conditions and stipulations herein contained and on its and performed, the License shall be permitted unimpeded without ant eviction, interruption and/or disturbance, claim whatsoever by the Licensor or any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming, by, from, under or in trust for them. ‘The Licensor shall bear and pay all taxes and levies, including any increases thereto payable in respect of the Licensed Premises to the Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay and other authorities. The Licensee shall not during the period of the license 4 additions, alterations and changes to the said Licensed P No additions, variations or alterations in the i Licensed Premises shall be made without prior Licensor which shall not be unreasonably withheld, after Stitt ofthe layout before commencing the work and obtaining at its ow cost and expenses the permission of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, wherever required. However, the Licensee shall be at liberty to install air- conditioners and electric appliances and other conveniences reasonably required by the Licensee for use of the said Licensed Premises, which shall remain the property of the Licensee and shall be removed by the Licensee on vacating the licensed premises without causing any damage to the said Licensed Premises. | 16. Notwithstanding what is stated aforesaid the Licensed shall not make or permit to be made any alterations or additions whether temporary or otherwise in the construction or the arrangement (internal or external) of the said Licensed Premises without the previous consent in writing of the Licensor. The Licensee shall nat without the like consent of the Licensor cut, alter or damage any part of the walls, partitions, timbers, floors and ceilings of the said Licensed Premises PROVIDED HOWEVER that in the event of the Licensor’ consent having been obtained in that behalf such alterations and additions shall become the property of the Licensor and the Licensee shalt hhave no right to remove the same whether during or on the expiry or termination of the license. 17. The Licensee alone shal] be responsible for all breakages in the course of any work being carried out by it in part of the Licensed Premises and be responsible for the maintenance of the interior thereof and in the event the Licensor has to carry out such work, the Licensee shall reimburse the Licensor with the costs, charges and expenses to be incurred for repair and/or replacement thereof. 18, The Licensor shall not be responsible for any injury or damage which may be caused to the Licensee or its workers or to any goods o property of the Licensee which may be lying in or about the said Licensed Premises by fire, white-ants, leakage, breakage or bursting of water waste or gas pipes or electricity or the accidental giving way of any portion of the wall, floor, roof or any portion of the premises or from any theft or from any other cause whatsoever. 19. The Licensee shall enjoy all the use of the said Licensed Premises upon and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Licensor shall be in exclusive juridical possession and full charge and control of the licensed premises at all times. 20. The Licensor agrees that the Licensor shail hand over two set of duplicate keys of the main doors and other doors of the said Licensed Premises to the Licensee and the original keys shall always remain with the Licensor. 21. It is hereby expressly agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall t of tenancy or sub-tenancy by the Licensor to fer upon the Licensee any right, easement, estate licensed premises or any part thereof except upon the terms contained in this Agrcement. or seeking any aed protection under any fixation of standard rent or otherwise seeking protection of any statue applicable only to lawful tenants, this Agreement shall automatically stand cancelled, rescinded and determined and the gsee shall be liable to forthwith vacate the premises. sly agreed that in the event of the Licensee committing any delay performing any of the terms contained herein, the Licensor will ys notice in writing to the Licensee calling upon the Licensee to each, delay or default and if the Licensee continues such breach, fault beyond the period of sixty days of receipt of written notice ity fl’ t whereupon, the Licensee shall. be bound to vacate the said Licensed Premises ‘and hand over quiet, vacant and peaceful possession of the said Licensed Premises to the Licensor. ‘24, tis further agreed that on the Licensee handing over the possession of the Licensed premises on the expiry of the licensed period or sooner determination thereof the Licensor sball simultaneously refund the security deposit to the Licensee. However, the Licensee undertakes to pay the charges towards electricity, telephone and other services and utilities availed by it during the License period even after handing over possession to the Licensor. Such bills shall be paid by the Licensee within 30 days from the date it is brought to the notice of the Licensee. 25, The Licensee agroes and undertakes that in the event of the Licensee or the occupant or the occupant failing to remove itself from the Licensed Premises and its and its belongings articles and things and hand over vacant possession of the Licensed Premises on the expiry or termination of this Agreement, time being of the essence, the said interest free Security Deposit shall stand appropriated by the Licensor as liquidated damages and the Licensee shall not have ant right or claim to the repayment thereof. In addition thereto, the Licensee shall be liable to pay damages for trespass as provided herein at the rate of Rs.25,000/- per day. Further, the Licensce shall also be liable to pay iil taxes, esses, charges for water, electricity, repairs, maintenance apd-all... ‘other amounts and outgoings in respect thereof until the Licensgp-Femavas.. itself, its executives, servants and agents and its and their bel icles Sip, spite and hand over vacant possession ofthe Licensed Pryor TE” ™) <1 the fixtures and fittings in accordance with this Agreement as id sy Licensor. This will be without prejudice to all other rights of the Licensof e) file any civil suit or to to prevent the entry of the Licensee and drieny 2 n occupation of the Licensed Premises and enforce ant securify, Which the» Licensee shall have delivered to the Licensor for the due pexfortmance and observance of the terms hereof. NN ie 26. The Licensor agrees that on the Licensee handing over possession of the licensed premises on expiry of the license period or sooner determination thereof and if there is any failure on the part of the Licqsor-to-reftind- security deposit, as provided in clause 24, in that event thay any interest at 15% per annum on the on the said amountfof secur to the Licensee, 27. In the event of the failure on the part of the Licensor to Deposit to the Licensee as aforesaid, the Licensee shall refunds the Security Deposit, be entitled to continue to use and Tema ‘occupation of the Licensed Premises without payment to the Licensor of any license fee or compensation and until the Licensor refund the Security deposit such staying over by the Licensee in the Licensed Premises shall not ‘constitute a default by the Licensee under this Agreement. 28.1 is expressly agreed that 30 days prior to the expiry of the license period or preferably earlier, it shall be the Licensor responsibility to call the Licensee. for a joint inspection of the said premises and inform the Licensee about any repair that has be to carried out (normal wear and tear expecied) in order to enable the Licensee to carry out the same before the expity of the livense period so that Licensee is ready to hand back the said WA te premises and the licensor is ready to refund the said security deposit on the expiry date without delays. 29. On the expiry of the period of this license or the earlier revocation thereof, the Licensee shall forthwith remove itself and its executives servants and other persons and their belongings articles and things ftom the said Licensed Premises and hand over vacant possession thereof together with the fixture and fittings for the time being therein whether fitted by the Licensor ot the Licensee, to the Licensor in the condition in which they are, reasonable wear and tear and loss or damage by fire, earthquake, tempest or aay other ~ "inevitable cause or accident or irresistible force or act of god expected. If whilst removing its articles and things from the said Licensed Premises, any damage is caused to the same, the Licensee shall repair such Licensed Premises. On the termination or earlier revosation of this license, the Licensor shall be entitled to enter the said Licensed Premises and remove or cause to be removed the Licensee and its executives, servants and all other ‘w+, Persons and their articles belongings and things from the said Licensed Premises and to store them in any place at the risk and cost of the Licensee ‘and prevent them from entering the same. 30. If the Licensee commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and fails to rectify or make good such breach within a period of ‘one month from the date of receipt of notice in writing from the Licensor then, in that event the Licensor shall be entitled to terminate this agreement by giving sixty days’ notice in writing to the Licensee, and upon the expiry of the period stated in the said notice this agreement shall be deemed to have been revoked and come to an end, and the Licensce will remove itself, its executives, servants and agents and its all their articles belongings and things from the said Licensed premises and hand over vacant possession thereof with the fixtures and fittings therein whether fitted by the Licensor or Licensee, to the Licensor immediately. The Licensee shall also be liable to pay to the Licensor compensation for any damage done to the said Licensed Premises or the fixtures or fittings for the time being therein whether fitted by the Licensor or the Licensee, or any loss suffered as a result of any such fixtures or fittings being broken or missing, reasonable wear and tear and loss or damage by act of god or irresistible force being always expected. In Satie event of the Licensee failing to remove itself, its executives, servants and oN its and their articles belongings and things from the said Licensed on the expiration or earlier revocation of this Agreement, the shall be entitled to enter the said Licensed Premises and to remove se to be removed the Licensee, its executives, servants and agents (if , by use of force) and its and their articles belongings and things om and to store them at any other place at the risk and cost of the At is spegifically agreed, understood, confirmed and declared by the Licensee that except permission for temporary use of the said Licensed Premises, nothing contained herein is intended to create any interest therein in favor of the Licensee. 32. The terms of this agreement shall not be altered or added to nor shall ing be omitted from this agreement except by means of an agreement in iyfsigned by the parties hereto. 33. Any notice herein may be given if semt by the hand delivery and written acknowledgement obtained thereof or by courier or registered A.D. at the address of the licensee and the Licensor mentioned herein below or such other address may be communicated hereafter. LICENSOR: Mg. Niranjan Mabtani. Ivanhoe, 6" floor, 139 Backbay Reclamation, Mumbai 400 021. LICENSEE: ADANI PORTS AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LID., Regd. Off Adani House, N.R, Mithakhai Circle, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 34. All costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to this Agreement, tosanie stamp duty and registration charges of and incidental to this agreement shall be borne and paid by the Licensor and Licensee in equal shares 35. This agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Mumbai Courts only. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents in ji duplicate the day and year first hereinabove written. SIGNED and DELIVERED by the withinamed Licensor, Shri. NIRANJAN MAHTANI in the presence of ........ Lom SI hy. a ge SIGNED SEALED and DELIVERED by the withinamed Licensee, ADANI PORTS AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LUD, through its director and authorized signatory Shri. Rajeeva Sinha 10 a resolu I. adani EXTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING OF ADANI PORTS AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE LIMITED HELD ON 15™ MAY, 2013 AT THE REGISTERED CFFICE OF THE COMPANY “WHEREAS Company has entered into Leave and License Agreoment on 234 August, 2010 with Mr. Niranjan Mahtani for residential accommodation et 3° Floor, Plam Court, 152 Maharishi Karve Road, Mumbal- 400020 for a period of 33 months commencing from 1 August, 2010 to 30" April, 2073." . “RESOLVED THAT Company do renew Leave and License Agreement on the terms and conditions contained in the draft Leave and License Agreement to be entered into between'the Company and Mr. Niranjan Mahtanl.” “RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. Rajeev Sinha, Whole Time Director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to exeoute Leave and License Agreement and to dovall such acts, deeds and things as may be deemed expedient in relation thereto.” “RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Common Seal of the company, If required. be affixed in the presence of any one of the following, namely Mr. Gautam S. Adani or Mr. Rajesh S. Adan! or Or. Malay Mahadevia or Mr. Rajeeva Sinha, Directors of the Company or Mr.,8..Ravi, Chief Financial Officer o Mr. Azad Somani or Mr. Mano] 4 Chanduke or Mr, Mayur Shah or Haresh Mehta, Authorised Signatories who do sign the same and any one of the following Authorised Signatories viz. Ms. Dipti Sheh of Mr. Kamlesh Bhagla who shall countersign In token Ihereof as required by the Articles of Association of the company.” Certifind True Copy For Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited ‘Avant Ports and Special Eeanome Zone del +9179 2656 5985 Hove Fox 031 79 2555 3800 eitrashal Cite, Nawrangeure Infogacens eon IRimeobes 380-069 sw sean com : lara ten ‘Repstered Ores: Adan! House, Nr chaste! Hyer 008, cviaot isin . Stee PERMANENT ACCOUNT nyugen t i AF YPGHOISC & = nee Max OL Wat Gow, Be ote rane kas ravens wag Salts Pita conan FTE O06 oF sary on Wontar SEO HOPE Neonat wai RY, OINT SB ReEaISTRAF oe : 2 ra wat ross [far frepee-e] Pee omy ro ect act eray eet ou snennen 'PV.Code No: 00300 nega a Lz IH toc a oe cme nemege FE mrs | cSt, "547302" ooca9 20001 OUG3I0im yg Summary (GoshwaraBhag-1) ue Haa27 #2013 11:45 43, ae wai: aS /4698/2013. RcRikciamel et air: 4698/2013 ‘ATATT HPH: F. 8, 10,000/- ‘itera: ©, 2,70,0001- aca Gate IH 29,000". BAae gy Rae atten A. 4698 7 AE27-05-2013 ah ied ga gre, Miertace eT wears wat: ad Ferra a: 96-5 te arcane wad 5744 react farrrm: 27/05/2013, arecerorrd ara: Rio Heart tani -*, 1000.00 sar ararentt ft 300.00 gett dem: 15 BPT 1300.00 score te ‘ais em: Stamp Duty at 0.25 per cent on sum of rent payable for the period of agreement and the amount of non-refundable deposit and interest calculated at the rate of 10 per cent per annum on ¢ the refundable deposit will be charged throughout the state. rar 1.27 105 /2013 11 44: 34 AM MY As: eft frank. 227 /05/2013 11:45: 08 AM a: (8) yey aot scare TER HARA THE ee = wea daar ae * Tae sa Bteten Te | iSarita v1.0 aa RTA TBM we 2 MAY 20 Summary-2( aa ahearE sier . 2 ) eng 27/05/2013 11 47:02 AM SET PTR -aaE1/4698/2013 Rarer ware 136-a-Fatg at arrest Airey er tare warm a6-cfeg aly oreeae Wha heaeerReartequewm Pra. 0:27 105 /2013 11 : = 46:12AM aoe. ose ca a8 Fb wearer # renter men barat ercin SAT, 3 cai Shes wefare - Tae ara eat 1 Arar - Rafter wade E113, 1 are, ate en Sayahe athe, fa€ 400020 ee Cie Weg 2 aracrier ae WEST . aT. 0 Paget agrar ate aes fr #te-400080 Fara #4 at 8:27 / 05 / 2013 11: 47: 09 AM Feran #.5 Ft e:-27 105 / 2013 11.47; 13 AM teh ea 4698 12013 iSarita v1.0

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