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RMTEMe- 45 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE NEVILLE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 66 omiks@ $ 049 = Payment Requested: mieage: _] 2 Tips Perviem: 22 days Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerty that the stalements in the above scnedue are rue and just in al respects; that payment ofthe amounts claim heroin has no and Wil ot be reimbursed o me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was perormed by me on ofa State business and no fo personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred or pei the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursement i calmed on a mieage basis pate: 3/15/16 PRAT Ue Ae STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 23 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PABON Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 82 mile@ $ 049 = § 402 Payment Requested: Miteag: HQ Tips e@ $s 42 Per Diem: 3\ Days @ $ 4500 Total Requested: s_1He3.! Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerisy thatthe statements in the above schedule are tue and just no respects; tat payment o the “amounts clamed here has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; that my schedule of ‘tavel was performed by me on ofcial Stale business and not for personel purposes; and that | actually incurred or pai the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is aimed ona mileoge = Orr eee Date: MSW pear e- 917 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PETTERSEN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 208 miles@ $ 049 Payment Requested: Mieage: _ >> Tens PerDiem: (Days Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy tna the statements inthe above schedule are tue an justin al respects; that payment othe ‘srounis claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me rom any oer sources thal my schedule of travel was perormed by me on official State business and not or personal purposes, and that actly Incurred or pa the operating expanses ofthe moto vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basie Here Ib - 48 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 25 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PRIMAVERA Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 38 omies@ $ 049 = $1862 Payment Requested: | cory that the statements the above schedule are true and just ina respects; that payment ofthe “amounts claimed heren has not and wil not be rembursed to me rom any oer sources; thal my sched of travel was perrmed by me on offs State business and note personal purposes; and that! actualy Incurred er pai the operating expenees ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mleage basis Payee Signature: cg ed 7 ey Date: Bilis Here Ie- a4 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PRIOLA ‘Round Trip Mileage: Home to Gapltol and Return 42 mils@ $ 049 Payment Requested: Mileage: _\ Tos PerDiem: 2.9 Days Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy thatthe statements in the above schedule ae rue and just in all respects; tat payment of he amounts claimed herein has not and wll not be rembursed fo me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on ofa State business and not or personal purposes; and that scaly incurred or pai te operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement isclesmed on a mileage esis Payee Signature: Weare lle - \oO STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY a ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE RANSOM Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 38 miles@ $049 Payment Requested: ticage: XIX Tips PerDiem: 37) days Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes ‘corm tna te statements in the above schedule ae rue and just all respects; that payment of te ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed fo me fom any other sources; that my schedule of travel wee performed by me on offal State business and na for personal purpeses; an that | actualy Incurred or pai he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements clasmed on a mileepe on Payee Signature: ( hn « lion — pate: 3 15 Hever tte~ tol STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 28 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE ROSENTHAL Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 20 miles@ $ 049 = $ 980 Payment Requested: Total mieage: 22 tps = @ $880 +215, 60¥ Perbiem: > O_ dave @ $ 400 313 SO }~ Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | erty hat the statements inthe above sonedule are true and jst in a respects; that payment of ne ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reiméursed tome from any ofier sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State Business and not or personal purposes; and that | actly Here ie - jo ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 29 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE RYDEN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 30 mike@ $ 049 = $ 1470 Payment Requested: Total mieoge: 2 Tes e@ $s “70 3_323.40 Perpiem: 7 bays @ $s 4500 3_990.°° Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy thatthe statements n the above schedule ae tue ane ust nal respects: that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me Kom any other sources that my schedule of {revel was performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; and that actushy incured or pid the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for whic relmbursement is claimed on a mileage bass HMTR IG 103, STATE OF COLORADO. ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SAINE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6162 miles@ $ 049 Payment Requested: Miteage: _2>O™> Tee PerDiem: Days Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes |certy thatthe statements the above schesul are tue and just inal respects; tat payment ofthe “amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me rom any ater sources; that my sched of ‘varel was perormed by me on oficial Sate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred er pai the operating expenses of the motor vehicle or which reimbursements claimed cn a mileage basis o Hare e~ tot STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 31 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SALAZAR Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 275 mies@ $ 049 = Payment Requested: Total miteage: _2 2 Tre e@ s 2b. Porviem: 2 Days s_£08. a Total Requested: $4376. 56 0 use this area for any comments or changes | erty that the statements in he above schedule are tue and justin al respects tat payment of he ‘mounts claimed heeln has not and wil not be reimbursed fo me from anyother sources; hat my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not or persona purposes; and that actualy incured or paid the operating sxpenses of the moto venice fr which eimbursemedt is aimed on @ mieege basis eal Date: |/ $-) T- 16 WeraTe We - 105 STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 32 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SIAS Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return HS miles@ $049 = $1848 Payment Requested: Total Mitcage: Ties es 164 s_$u2'* PorDiem: __ 2-2 Days @ $4500 s_440.° Total Requested: Please uso this area for any comments or changes | certy that he statements inthe above sonedue are tue an justin al respects; that payment othe ‘emaunts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me trom any other sources; that my schedule of {rave was perormed by me on oficial State business and not or personal purposes; and that! actualy ‘ncutred ox pa the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi fr which reimbursement i claimed on a mileage a J Payee Signature: _/¢,_“L HreATe be LO ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 33 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SINGER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 4 milee@ $ 049 = $4146 Payment Requested: (lee Per. Sewer. Tota Mileage: 722 es = @ Sat ste Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes, ad < PerDiem: 27 ays @ $s 4.00 s_| 350 -h lg05. = | cert that the statements nthe above schedule are ue and jst in all respects; tht payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed heren has not and willbe reimbursed to me from any otber sources; that my schedule of ‘tavel was performed by me on ofl Stale business and nt fr personal purposes; and that! actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement i claimed on a mileage basis Po spas Ne Heat Ie - 107 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 34 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE TYLER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 13 miles@ $049 Payment Requested: were: 2 the peroim: 30 oan Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes ‘oeruy mathe statements in the above schedule are tue and just all respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts came herein as nat and wil not be relmburod i me from any ofier sources, tal my schedule of travel was performed by me on offela State business and nat for personal purposes; and that! actualy Incurred or pei! the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement Is aimed on 2 milesge basis, Payee Signature: Date: Ic, Fret Ilo - 108 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 35 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE VAN WINKLE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 44 mies@ $049 Payment Requested: wioage: ZL tis Perbiom: 2 1 aye Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | erty that the statements inte above schedule are tue an just all respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed harein has not and wl ot be reimbursed tome fom any ther sources, tal my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not er personal purposes; and that! actualy Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed ona mileage etn ae 315/16 fener le= [0% STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 38 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARGH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS: Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 143 miles@ $049 = Payment Requested: 2 0 ‘Trips Per Don: bos Pas Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | erty hat the statements in te above schedule are ue and ust inal respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be rembursed to metro any oer sources; that my schedule of {ravelwas performed by me on official State business and not for personal purposes and that | actually ‘neurred or paid he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed on a mieage Pee Payee Signature: --Prvle jk hho Date: 2f (e( Roly Heeb — WO STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY a7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WINDHOLZ Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6 miles@ $049 Payment Requested: Mileage: 2.2 Tos PerDiem: __22. Deys @ s Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy thatthe statements the above schedule are true and just mal respects; hat payment of he ‘amounts claimed hereln has not and wil not be reenbursed to me from any oer sources; that my schedule of {ravelwas perlormed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; end that actualy incurred or pod he operating expenses of the motor vehicl for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis Payee Signature: 2%, A Heer llo= WL STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 38 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARCH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WINTER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capito! and Return. 338 miles@ § 049 Payment Requested: LZ te @ $s 1686 Per Diem: 6 ays @ $s 400 $1,110,004" BILSON Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy nat the statements in te adore schedule are tue an ust ll respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein as not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my schedule of ‘rave was performed by me on offal Stale business and not or personal purposes; and that actualy Incurred o” pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis Pee erence YY Bhisfis Date: 3]is fit HATE ile = 2. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MARGH 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WIST Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2% mils@ $ 049 Payment Requested: micage: 2-2 Tips PerDiem: 2S Days: Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes | certy matine statements the above schedule ae ru and justi all respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed heres has not and wi not be reimbursed to me Kom any ther sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on ofl State business and rt for personal purposes and that! actualy Incumed or pai the operating expenses o the motor vehicle or which reimbursement is clasmed on arleage bass Herel ~ WB STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 0 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE K. BECKER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return st miee@ $ 049 = $2642 Payment Requested: Total Zz) Ties @ $s ma s_Sae 82 Per Diem: oye = @ $4800 $_ 445.20 Match 23 MILEAGE ADMUETMENT™ Total Requested: ig area for any comments or changes | certy that tn statements the above schedule ae rue and justi i respecs; hat payment of he ‘mounts camed heroin has no and wil ot be reimbursed me fm anyother sources; tht my schedule of travel was performed by me on offisl State business and not for personal purposes; and tht! actualy incurred or paid the operating expenes of the motor vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage basis Payee Signature: tp je Hh_—<— Date: 4 2. / ener 4h STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 0 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE BUCKNER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return a mles@ $049 = $1558 Payment Requested: Total micage: _2-| Trips @ s 1588 s_327.!6 rerpiem: _ OO Days: @ $ 4500 $_1,250,° C15.58) Mnecl 2% MILEAGE ADWSTMENT Total Requested: Please use this aroa for any comments or changes | oerty that the statements in the above schedule are true and just ll respects; that payment othe ‘mounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed io me ftom anyother sources; that my schedule of {ravelwas performed by me on offal State fusiness and not for personal purposes: and that! actualy ‘neurred or pad the operating expenses of he motor vehi for which reimbursements aimed ona mileage basis Payee Signature: paw: (J 4/ia]ie HMTR1e- WS STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE CONTI Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 7 mile@ $ 049 = $ 1323 Payment Requested: Mileage: =O) 2( Tins @ $s 1323 Per Diem: === 21 Days @ $s 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cary tha the statements in the above schedule are tue and just in 98 respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources; ha my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not fr personal purposes: ana that! actualy incutred oF pal the operating expenses ofthe molor veh for which reimbursements aimed on a mileage basis A, Z J Payeo Signature: fe Detes He STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 04 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE COURT Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return, 6 mille@ $ 049 = $245 Payment Requested: Mieage: =" Tis @ SS s 2 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy thatthe statements ne above eenedule are rue ana ust all respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed arin has not and wil not be reimbursed to me Fom anyother sources, tat my schedule of travel was performed by me on ofa State business and not or personal purposes; and that | actusty Incurred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vile fr wich reimbursements claimed on a mileage basic payesiraure: Pe [haif Date: WBE Reteib- We ‘STATE OF COLORADO ‘GENERAL ASSEMBLY 05 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DANIELSON Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return nine soe = $80 Payment Requested: Total minage: Z| ts @ S88 3205, Perdiem: 30 dys = @ $48.00 31350. “Vf March 23 MUEAGE AniosrmetT™ Gree) Total Requested: yea for any comments or changes Gi f Sprig My | ceriy thatthe statements in the anove scheoul ae rue ane just nl respects; nat payment of ne amounts claimed here has not anc wil nol be rmbursed to me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on offal Sate business and not for personal purposes; and hat actualy incured or pad the operating expenses of tho moto: vehicle for which rembursemenisclamed on a milespe basi. Payee Signature: WMTRI6~(17 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 06 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DORE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Retun, 4 miles@ $0490 = Payment Requested: Mileage: _27 Tips e@ 8 46 Porpiem: 26. Days @ $ 400 Morac 23 MiBhce AD\osTMENT Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes, | certy that he stalements inte above sohedue are tue and justin al respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot beremibursed tome fom any oer sources that my sche of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; snd that scaly Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage baie Payee Signature: MTR’ ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY o7 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DURAN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 125 milee@ § 049 = $ 6:3 Payment Requested: Total Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy that tne statements in the above scheaue are true and just nal respects; hat payment of he ‘amounts clamed herein has nt nd vil not be rembursed io me fiom anyother sources that my schedule of travel was perermad by me on offeal State business and not for personal purposes; and that! actualy Incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis A) rope sunt, ate I— vee te] [7 Pollo HMTRIe= WA STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 08 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 316 miles@ $049 = Payment Requested: Total Mieage: 4 Trips @ 8 1648 s_35,08 Periem: _Z\, Days @ $400 s_ 145.20 Macc 23 Musaee AoivsTMen Total Requested: s{L3e88 1,210.0 Please use this area for any comments or changes Trine) for 1 Tne Macch 23d Trew Jay afi UN 2 fj bay's Bebo Ony Was Canceled — Thode entWled of Ar 0 ‘cet hat ne statements nthe ave schedse ae ve and ist nal respects; at payment othe tenn cared Reem has rot ond wnt be reimbursed ome fom ny ober sources hal my acne of fave! was potormod by moon ofl Sate buses an ot personal purposes anda acl ineured or pa the operating expenses of the moor vehicle for which reimbursement claimed on a mileage basis Payee Signature: HMTeIb~ (20 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 9 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 19 milee@ $ 049 = $ 931 Payment Requested: eee Te a Per Diem: 4h Days @ $ 400 Macc 23 MILEAGE AD\oSTMENT Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | corti that he statements inthe above schedule are tue and justin al respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be remus tome fom any ofier sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offeal Sate business and not or personal purposes; and that actualy which reimbursement i claimed on a mileage Peete ~ 121 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 10 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE FOOTE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 42 milee@ $ 049 = $2382 Payment Requested: tmieage: _ 21 Tes = @ $3 PorDiem: 2. bys @ S450 Moectt 23 Pen Die RDIUETMENT Total Requested: Prease use this area for any comments or changes Please adjost Morte pores ee ne | certty hate statements the above schedule ar tue and just in a respecs; tat payment othe ‘amounts claimed heren has not and wil nt be reimbursed to me orn any ather sources; thal my schedule of ‘tavel was performed by me on offcial State business and not for personal purposes; and that | actualy, incurred or pad fhe operating expences of the moor vehicle for which reimbursements aimed on mileage basis 2 Payee Signature: owe: Hl precrele-|22 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE GARNETT Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2 mils@ $ 049 = Payment Requested: tease: 2 Tes PerDiem: 30> Days Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cert that the statements in he above conedue are tue and justin all respects; that payment of the ‘rmounts claimed harein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any other sources; tat my schedule of ‘rave! was performed by me on offal State usiness and not or personal purposes; and tht | actualy Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursements claimed on a mileage Payee Signature: QL ooo: G3) Dol HeaTete- 123 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2046 REPRESENTATIVE HULLINGHORST Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6668 miles@ $ 049 = $ 2267 Payment Requested: Total Miteage: _\O Tos @ os xe Perbiem: _ a Days @ $s 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cetty at the statements nme above Scheaule are tue and just ina respects; thst payment of he ‘mounts claimed herein has not and wil not be remburse to me om any thar sources thal my schedule of ‘ravel was performad by me on oficial State business and not for personal purposes, and tat | actually incurred er paid fhe operating expensss ofthe motor vehicle for which rembursemont is claimed on a mileage basis. Te pate: _Y/i4/Ic nature: Payee PATRI 124 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 13 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE KAGAN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 262 milee@ § 049 = $ 1204 Payment Requested: Total | oertiy thatthe statements in ne above schedule ae tue and just nal respects; that payment of te ‘Srounts claimed herein has not and wil nat be reimbursed tome from any other sources tat my schedule of {fave was performed by me on oficial State business and not or personal purposes; and that actully ‘uted or pat the operating expenses ofthe molor vehicle for which reimbursement is caimed on a miesge basis, Payon Signature: \ Trips @ $s 4116 PerDiem: 2) Days @ $ 400 Mazer 23 MILERGE ADIUSTMENT Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | erty thatthe statements n te above schedule are rue ana justin all respects; that payment of the ‘ammount claimed heren has not and wil nol be reimoursed fo me from any otter sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offeal Sate business and nol or personal purposes; and ha! actualy Incured or pa the operating expenses ofthe mator vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage bess. } ~ Payee Signature: Date: Hee - 5 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY u ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE TYLER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 12 milee@ $049 = ea for any comments or changes | cert tat the statements in we above schedule are true and jst in ll respects; that payment o he ‘mounts claimed herein hs not and wil ot be rembursed to mo rom any oer sources that my schedule of {Tovel wes performed by me on offal Sate business and not er personal purposes; end that actualy Incurred or paid he operating expanses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement i claimed on a mieoge bass. ZF ee Perel - He STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 35 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE VAN WINKLE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 44 mils@ $049 = $2188 Payment Requested: Total waeoge: _L Tw @ 8 21m s_ 452.76 recom: 25 ome = @ 5 4500 s_\126 00 MARC 23 MILEAGE ADUSTUENT™ C256) = Total Requested: 8, 4 eo Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy that tn statements the above scheaule are true and just na respects; that payment othe “amounts olamed heen has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any other sources; that my sched of travel was parformad by me on offal State bussess and not for personal purposes: and that! actualy Incurred or pai he operating expenses ofthe motor vehi fr which reimbursements claimed on a mleage basis payee gratin: “A-Z—— Date: 4/i3)te prireie-147 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 38 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 148 miles@ $ 049 = Payment Requested: a age: Tee voroim AS oa Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy that the statements in the above schedue are ve and justin al respects; that payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me from any oer sources; that my schedule of trove wes performed by me on official Stale business and not fer personal purposes; and that! actualy incurred or paid the operstng expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursements cimed on a mieage con Payee Signe: nye JO (Wand pas: {13 [206 HMTeH1e - He STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 37 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WINDHOLZ Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 36 mils@ $ 049 = $ 1784 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: __2/ Tips @ $s 1684 S_g2ew | PerDiem: 2. Days @ $8 4500 s_F4500 Mack 23 MILERCE ADSOSTEWT Total Requested: Bisegre Please use this area for any comments or changes | cert nat tne statements i the above schedule are true and stn all respects; that payment othe ‘mounts ceed herein has nat and wll ot be reimbursed tome fom anyother sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offe'l State business and not or personal purposes; and that! actualy ineutres or pai the operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which reimbursements caimed ona mileage basis Payee signature: _ [Hoa Ce Lailllds Date: Gout 13, 20/6 Barrio ~ 44 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WINTER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 238 mbks@ $04 = $1656 Payment Requested: Total tweage: “20 the @ 8 1656 s_33). 20 Perdiem: 2 days @ 3 400 slo 3S MaRcHr 23 MILEAGE ADOSTMENT— Ce. 5*) Total Requested: Ploase use this area for any comments or changes | oerty tna tne statements inthe above schedule are ue an jst all respects; at payment ote unt laima herein has nat an wil ot be reimbursed me from anyother Sources tha my schedule of vel was performed by me on official State business and not or personal purposes; anc that actualy incurred or pai he operating expenses of fhe moor vehicle for whch reimbursements aime on a mileage basis ft roreestrawwe: — bevy Wb SO GIEY Hmreie- 150 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 9 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘APRIL 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WIST Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2% miee@ $ 049 = $1872 Payment Requested: Zl tps @ s 7 Per diem: 2 / Days. @ $s 4500 Maso 23 ILENE ADSUSTMENT Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes: | cory thatthe eatements in the above schedule are rue ana justin al respects; that payment of te ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me from any ther sources; tat my schedule of {revel was perormed by me on offal State business and not fer personal purposes; and hat! actualy incued or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage Payee Signatures, => Date: _/F 2076 mz.tle - 1S 1 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY Cr ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE K. BECKER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return se miles@ $048 = «$2842 Payment Requested: Total miteage: _% eps @ s me s_27130 Per Diem: 4 Daye $4500 s_405.? Total Requested: s_ 32 Press | arty nat the statements in he above sched afe rue and jst in all respects tat payment o the smouns claimed here has not and wil not ba rimbureed to me fom any ather sources; that my schedule of ravel was performed by me on ofl Stale Business and notfor personal purposes; an that | actualy incurred or pai the operating expenses of the motor vehicle fr which reimbursements claimed on a mieege basis fee he eer ae Date: gs 5/6 TENG 1S2- STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 02 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE BUCKNER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M8 miles@ $ 049 = $ 1558 Payment Requested: wieage: © ties t8 Per iem: oy = @ $80 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy thatthe statements in the above schedule are rue and justin al respects; that payment of tne ‘amounts climes herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me from any oer sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offi State business and not for personal purposes; snd that! actualy incurred or pa he operating expenses ofthe motor vile fr which eimbursement is claimed on a mileage basis cena Date: , Payee Signature: | #ereie~ 153 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 03 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE CONTI Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 7 miws@ $ 049 = $1323 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cert nat the statements in he above schedule are rue ana ust ll respects; tat payment othe ‘amounts csimes bere has not and wal nol be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources thal my schedule of Travel was performed by me on offical State business and not er personal purposes; ana that! scualy incurred or pai the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements ciimed ona mileage basis Payee Signature: Date: ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 04 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE COURT Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 5 miles@ $ 049 = $ 245 Payment Requested: Total zal Ming: 7 tim 2 s rerdiem (7 om = @ S$ a80 320,04 a) eA Total Requested: rea for any comments or changes Ploase use | certy that the statements inthe above scheduie are true and justin al respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any oher sources; hat my schedule of travel was performed by me on offical State business and not er personal purposes; andthat | actualy Incurred or pad he operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursement i aimed on a mileage = ; 2. (2. Date: Hrele- (54 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 05, ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DANIELSON Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2 mies@ $ 049 = $880 Payment Requested: Total Pom @ + om + 48.40 v Peroiem: 11 bays @ $ 400 Sari ocean Miteog Total Requested: 9573, Vv ig area for any comments or changes ‘cert nat the statements ine above schedule are true and justin ll respects; that payment othe ‘mounts claimed arin has not and wil ot be reimbursed tome from any oer sources, that my schedule of trove was perormed by me on offical State business and not fer personal purposes; and that! sctualy ‘neurred or pai he operating expenses ofthe motor venis for which reimbursements ciaime on 2 mileage basis Payee Signatur Reeele- 155 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 08 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DORE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 4 miles@ $049 = $41.46 Payment Requested: ny a er re s_924,2% Porpien: 7 days @ $s 4500 3_450.0° Total Requested: s79.% Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerty tnt ne statements in the above schedule ae rue and just nal respects that payment of he ‘amounts climes herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me Kom anyother sources; thal my schedule of ‘tavel was performed by me on offical Slate business and not er personal purposes; and that | scualy incured or ped the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for wasch reimbursement is claimed on a mileage basi Payee Signature: Pertete- ISfe STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY on ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE DURAN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return Panes tee es Ware ad taer PPAUL) Lea Per Diom: Days @ $ 400 3 45pe— ee fg Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerty that ne statements in the above schedule are rue and just ina respects; tat payment othe ‘mounts aimed heren has no and wl not be reimbursed to me from anyother sources; tal my schedule of travel was perormad by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes, and that! actualy Incurred orpia the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which rmbursement Is calmed on 8 micage Desie Payee Signature: FAWeTRAG - 157 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY oe ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M6 miec@ $ 049 = $ 1548 Payment Requested: Total micage, 0 ts 88a +_[23. 8 recur 6 os @ 800 +o “| Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerty nat the statements in the above schedule are true and just na respec that payment othe ‘amounts csimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed fo me fom anyother sources thal my schedule of {travel was performed by me on offal State business and ot fr personal purposes; anc that| actually incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe moor vehicle for which rembursementis ciamed on 2 mileepe basic Payee Signature: Date: Hevea -15& STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY re) SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS Round Trip Mil Home to Capitol and Return so miee@ $048 SOM Paymont Requested: Total mileag Bee Bae 14.42) Porbiem: Bays Om 2° Phas raat ” Please use this area for any comments or changes Total Requested: | ceriy thatthe statements i the above schedule are tue ana stn al respects; that payment of ne ‘amounts caied herein has nat and wil not be reimbursed fo me Kom anyother cources, thal my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not er personal purposes; and that! sciusty incutred or pad the operating expanses of ho motor vehicle fr which eimbursetents claimed'on amileage basis J 4 Payee Signature; Date: 5-5 le eerie -1S4 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 10 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE FOOTE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capito! and Return @ mils@ $0 = $2 Payment Requeste Total tmeage: Xtina s_1§S.l6 ¥| rorvin: _Y_bos $800 5_Ud.0 Total Requested: s_ S416 Please use this area for any comments or changes |ceriy that tne statements inthe above schedule are true and just na respec; tat payment ofthe amounts claimed herein has aot and will not be reimbursed io me fom anyother sources; that ny schedule of ‘ravel was performed by me on ofa Sate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incurred or paid the operating expenses of he moor veh for which reimbursements tamed on 8 mileage basis Payee Signature: Date: Kereie- 160 STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY " ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE GARNETT Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 2 milee@ $ 049 = § 098 Payment Requested: Mileage: ¥ Trips e@ S098 8, ZoY Z Per Diem: Days @ $ 400 s 44 7 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cary that be statements tne above schedule are tue and ust nl respects; hat payment of tne ‘mounts claimed here has not and wl nat be reimbursed to me from any ather sources; thal my schedule of {zavel was performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; and that | actualy incurred oF pai he operating expenses ofthe moot vehicle for which reimbursements aimed on a rlesge basis. Payee Signature: _/ Lic LL va: S/O (201 brio -1el ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE HULLINGHORST Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 0588 mils@ $040 = $3267 Payment Requested: Total icoge: _4 Tre = @ $67 sos W Perpiem: __% Days @ $ 4500 s_ 360 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes |certy tht in statements in the above schecule ae tue and just i a respec hat payment of te amounts claimed herein has not and vill not be rembursed io me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of ‘ravelwas performed by me on offal Sate business and not or personal purposes; and tat actuy incured or pai he operating expenses of the motor vehicle for which rembursemenisclamedon a mileage basis Uwereio-\o2, STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE KAGAN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 22 miks@ $ 049 = $ 1284 Payment Requested: micage: 2 ts @ tz s_102 cea roroien: 8 Da = @ 45.00 +360, 00: Total Requested: sA4b2 127 Pleas: Tor any comments or el | cerity thatthe statements n the above schedule ae tue ano stn al respects; tat payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein haa not and wil ot be reimbursed to me rom any other sources; that my schedule of ‘tavel was performed by me on offal Sate business and not er personal purposes; end that scaly incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle or waic relmbutsement is claimed cn a mileage tess, Payoo Signature: _ | >. ee Date: a GT 2016 Hemet - \o3 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 4 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE KRAFT-THARP Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 3148 miles@ $ 049 = $1542 Payment Requested: Total Mioage Tips @ 3s sa s_124. Days @ $ 400 3_ to ee Diem: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerty that the statements n the above senedue are rue and just in al respects; tat payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom anyother sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; and tht | actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursements calmed on a mieage basis Hwee - Wot ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE. Round Trip Mileags jome to Capitol and Return se miee@ $049 = | $2173 Payment Requested: Total nea ot wage: 8 Ts @ $a s_ 24. Perdiom: 8 Days @ $s 400 s_ 300. Total Requested: 3_ 601.0% Please use this area for any comments or changes | oertty nat tne statements inthe above schedule are true and justin al respects; that payment of he ‘mounts climed herein hes not end wil not be rembursed to me fom any oter sources; that my schedule of travel was perlormed by me on oficial Sate business and not or personal purposes; and tat actualy Incurred or paid he operating expenses ofthe moto vehicle for which reimbursement i clamed on a mileage basic Payee Signature: Date: Shine la. HMR (6S, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 16 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE LEBSOCK Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 256 miee@ $ 049 = $ 1264 Payment Requested: Total Mileage: % Tips @ $s 124 3__100.3* Per Diem: Days @ $ 4500 s_4qgs? Total Requested: Ploaso use this area for any comments or changes | ceri thatthe statements in tne above schedule a ve and justin al respec; that payment o the ‘amounts claimed herein has pot an wil ol be reimbursed to me from anyother sources tal my schedule of travel was perormed by me on offal State business and no for personal purposes: and that | ecualy incurred or paid he operating expences ofthe motor vehicle fr which eimbursement is claimed on @ mileage basis Payee Signature: pa: 5 /S/ Josh HIneie- |e STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE LEONARD Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 42 milee@ § 049 = $2382 Payment Requester miege: 6 ts @ $3 28 Perpiem: __ 8 Days @ $ 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cery that tne statements in the above schedule are tue and just ino respecis; that payment ofthe ‘amounts aimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed me fm anyother sources that my schedule of travel was pertormad by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes: end that actualy Incurred or pad the operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which reimbursement is claimed on a mieage basis eereic- 67 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE LONTINE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2524 miles@ $ 049 = $ 1242 Payment Requested: Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | oerty nat tne statements in the above schedule ae rue and just in all respec; that payment othe ‘mounts claimed herein has not and wil not be reimbursed to me ftom anyother sources thal my schedule of travel wae parformad by mo on ofa State busmess and not or personal purposes, and that! actualy incurred or pad the operting expenses ofthe molor vehi for which reimbursements caimed on 2 rleage batie, Pare - 6B ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 19 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE McCANN ip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 548 miles@ § 049 = § 284 Payment Requested: Total Miteage: & Trips @ $s 254 s__ 20.9 Per Diem: G4 Days. @ $s 4500 s__ 40g? Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cermy that ine statements in the above schesule are us and just in respects; hat payment ot he “amounts claimed herein has nol and wil nol be reimbursed to me frm any oer sources that my schedule of travel was perormed by me on offe'l State business and nat fer parsonal purposes; and that! actualy Incurred or pai he operating expenses ofthe moor vohicl for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage HMTRIE- 169, ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE MELTON Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return m2 mile@ $ 049 = $ 1268 Payment Requested: Total mucnse: Sts S888 s_wo.t PerDiem: _ |) Days @ $s 4500 s_ 445? Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cert nat the statements ine above schedule are rue and justin ll respects; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me tom any otersources that my schedule of {revel was perormed by ma on offal tate business and not fer personal purposes; snd hat actualy Incurred or pad he operling expenses of the motor vile fr which reimbursement is claimed ona mileage basis, 7 HeeTetlb- 10 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE MORENO Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return ‘eo mie@ 8 te = $788 Payment Requested: Total icage: ts = @ S788 3212 ¥ perdiem: Gays Total Requested: Pioase use this area for any comments or changes | cery that tne statements in the above schedule are ue and just ina respects; tat payment ofthe tufts claimed here has not and wil al be reimburse to me rm any oer sources; tnt my schedule of travel was performed by me on offs State business and not fe parsonal puposes; end tha! actualy incurred or pa he operating expenees ofthe moos vehicle for which reimbursements aimed ona mileage basis Haverztio= 111 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE NEVILLE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 66 miles@ $ 0490 = Payment Requested: a) Tes @ 8 s Job .T2 rerbiem: ows @ S500 + 760.00 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes {cert that the statement inthe above schedule are true and justin all respects; that payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein hes nol and wi not be renbursed fo me Kom any other sources that my sched of travel was performed by me on ofc Sate business and not for personal purposes; and that | actually incuned or pad he operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which rembursementis claimed on a mileage bass. A) 5a ae pate: 2/10/16 HAVE le = 172 STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 23 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PABON Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return, 82 milks@ $ 049 = Payment Requested: vesoe: Qos Per Diem: ays Total Requested: This area for any comments or changes ‘cert tat the statements nthe above schedule are rue and justin a respects; tht payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has not and wil ot be reimbursed to me from any otter sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on ofieal State business and not or personal purposes; and hat actualy Incurred or paid the operating expenses ofthe motor vtcle fr which reimbursement i claimed on a mieoge bass. Payee Signature: oe Sls Hvereile - 173, STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY By ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PETTERSEN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 28 miee@ $ 049 = $ 1009 Payment Requested: Mileage: Tips @ $s 109 Por Dlom: \, Days @ $s 400 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cary tha the stalements in he above schedule are rue and just in ll respects; that payment ofthe urs claimed herein has not and wil nat be reimbursed fo me rom any otber sources; thal my schedule of travel was performed by me on oficial tale business and no or personal purposes; and that! sctualy incurred or poi the operating expanses ofthe motor vehicle fr which reimbursements aimed on a mileage basis Hveretie - 4 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PRIMAVERA 25 Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 3 omile@ $049 = S$ Payment Requested: eel Ties @ 8 18 Perviem: —_/ 7 oaye @ s «600 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cetty that the statements inthe above schedule are ve and jst all respects; that payment ofthe ‘mounts csimed heren has not and wil not be reimbursed tome fom any other sources; hat my schedule of travel wes performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; and tha | actualy incured or pad te operating xpances ofthe molor vehi for which reimbursements eaimed'on a mileage basis, 7) Heveratle - IS STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 28 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE PRIOLA Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 2 mils@ $ 040 = § 2088 Payment Requested: Total Miteage: Tips @ s 728 s__164 le PerDiem: __\ \ Daye @ 3 4500 s__495 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | oertiy that he statements in the above schecule are ue ana jus nal respects; hat payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein has not ond wil nt be rembursed tome rom any oer sources; that my schedule of ‘eavel was perormed by me on oficial State Business nd not or personal purposes; and thet actualy incurred of pa the operating expenses ofthe moor vehicl for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage pkneveile — (Te STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ar ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE RANSOM Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 38 miles@ $049 Payment Requested: Mileage: Tips @ Days @ Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy that tn statements in the above schecule ae true and justin al respects; hat payment ofthe ‘amounts claimed herein has nol and wil not be reimbursed to me rom any oter sources that my schedule of travel was perormad by me on offal State business and not for personal puposes: and that | actualy incurted of pad he operating expenses ofthe motor vehi for which reimbursements claimed ona mileage Payee ea Al Canoor— 5-5 -|y Heerette - 197 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE ROSENTHAL Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. 20 miks@ $ 049 = $ 980 Payment Requested: Total ieage: h, a s 840 perv: \\ bes @ 8 500 3195.00 BSS Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | ceri that the statements i he above schedule are rue and just in ll respec; that payment of the ‘amounts claimed herein has not and Wil not be reimbursed to me ftom anyother sources that my schedute of {revel was perormed by ma on offical State business and not or personal purposes: and that actualy Incurred or paid he operating expenses ofthe le for which reimbursements claimed on a mieoge ass Payee Sig) HeTe\e- 176 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2 SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE RYDEN Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 0 milee@ § 049 = $ 1470 Payment Requested: Total muease: ms @ sO si. Per Diem: £ Days @ $45.00 8. 30. Total Requested: 471.2 Please use this area for any comments or changes | cery thatthe statements inthe above schedule are ive and justin al respects; that payment ofthe ‘rrourts claimed heren has not and wil nol be reimbursed to me rom any ther sources that my schedule of ‘tavel was performed by me on ofa State business and not for personal purposes; end that | actually incurred or pal the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which rembursementisclesmed on a mileage boss. = payee Sanetues — 2AM por eee prvereite = 174 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SAINE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 6162 miee@ $ 049 = $ 3049 Payment Requested: Mileage: F A Trips @ $30.19 roum: ae @ 88800 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | ceriy thatthe statements in the above schedule ae ue ana justi all respects; hat payment ofthe “amounts claimed herein has not and wi nol be rembursed to me rom any oer sources that my schedule of ‘Pavel was performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; end hat actay incurred or pal he operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement iscasned on a mileage basis Payee Signature: Date: Rereie= 180 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY at ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SALAZAR Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 278 milee@ $ 049 = $ 1348 Payment Requested: Total wie: ZB twe sa s_/07 54 perm: 3 das @S 800 s_20. 2 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cory thatthe statements in the above schedule are ue and justin al respec; that payment ofthe ‘amounts clamed erein has not and wil nol be reimbursed me fom any other sources; that my schedule of travel was perlormed by me on offelal State busines and not or parsonal purposes; and that! actualy incurred or pa the operating expences ofthe moor vehicle for which reimbursements simed on a mileage Preretls = 18 ‘STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 32 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SIAS Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 336 miles@ § 049 0 = Payment Requested: Micage: _B Ties @ $ 1646 Poriem: __ Days @ $s 4500 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | cerity thatthe statements in the above schedule ae rue and tinal respects; hat payment of he ‘amounts claimed herein hes nol and wil ot be reimbursed to me fom any oer sources; thal my schedule of ‘rave was performed by me on offal State business and not or personal purposes; end that actualy incued or pal the operating expenses ofthe motor vehicle for which reimbursement is claimed on a mileage bass, Payee Signature: Date: Weetiate - (62. STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 3 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO ‘MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE SINGER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 4 mies@ $ 049 = S Payment Requested: mieage: Tips @ 5 «16 Perbiem: I Days @ s 400 Total Requested: Bag 2kw Please use this area for any comments or changes | ceriy thatthe statements nthe above scheoule ae rue ana stn al respects; at payment of te ‘rroutts claimed nerin has not and wi nol be remoursed ta me fom any otver sources; that my schedule of travel was performed by me on ofl State business and nat fr personal puposes and that! actualy incurred or pa the operating expences ofthe motor vehicle for which rembursement is aimed on a mileage basis Payee Signature: Date: Hraric-\83 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 4 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE TYLER Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return. ‘2 mile@ $ 049 = $637 Payment Requested: Total $637 $_Go.2 Per Diom: Days: @ $s 4500 s__ 45 Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy tna the statements i the above schedule are tuo and just in al respects; that payment o he ‘mounts caimed herein has no and wil nat be reimbursed fo me from anyother sources, at my schedule of {rave was perormed by me on offal State business and not for personal purposes, and that! actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses of he motor vehicle fr which reimbursement i claimed on mieage bacie Herreate- 164+ STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 35 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE VAN WINKLE Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return M4 milee@ $ 048 = S Payment Requested: Low wise © te sats s_\10.4 porvien; _A__ dae = @_$ 4800 s_ 405. «4 rear erense| STAT Please use this area for any comments or changes | certy that the statements ne above echeduie are rue and jst in al respects; tat payment of he famaunts cies heren has not and wil ot be reimbursed tome ftom any other sources; thal my schedule of travel was perormed by me on offical State business and not or personal purposes, and that actualy incurred or paid the operating expenses of the motor vile fr which reimbursement is claimed on a mieage basis 7 ee yaa 16 ema Hovenztb-18S ‘STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 36 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 148 miles@ $ 049 Payment Requested: vege: Shs pera: || oe Total Requested: Please use this area for any comments or changes |certy thatthe statements n the above schedule ae ue and ust mal respects; hat payment of he “amounts claimed here has not and wil not be remoursed tome from any oer sources that my schedule of travel was performed by me on ofl Stale business and not for personal puposes and that! actualy incurred of paid the operating expenses ofthe metoe vehicle for which reimbursements claimed on a mileage dah htemg ge/a0ie HIT 18 STATE OF COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 37 ‘SESSION TRAVEL EXPENSE - METRO MAY 2016 REPRESENTATIVE WINDHOLZ. Round Trip Mileage: Home to Capitol and Return 3 mike@ $04) = S788 Payment Requested: Total icsge:

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