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Adjunct Professor/ Doctor

Postal Address

South African

Date of birth:
Linguistic abilities:

English - Mother Tongue

Afrikaans - Speak fluently; read and write

Baccalaureus Juris (BJuris) University of Port Elizabeth 1993
Baccalaureus Legum (LLB) University of Port Elizabeth 1995
Magister Legum (LLM) University of Port Elizabeth 1999
Doctor Legum (LLD) University of Pretoria 2006
Thesis: Developing a New Jurisprudence of Gender Equality in South Africa
Work Experience
2015 - 2016

Executive Director, Africa Institute of South Africa, HSRC

Adjunct Professor, Nelson R Mandela School of Law,
University of Fort Hare (renewed for a further 5 years)

2013 - 2015

Deputy Executive Director, Democracy, Governance and

Service Delivery
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Adjunct Professor, Nelson R Mandela School of Law,
University of Fort Hare


Acting Executive Director

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) 1 February to
31 May 2014


Acting Head. Legal Services

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) 19 to 30
November 2012
Acting Executive Director: Democracy, Governance and
Service Delivery
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) 1 April to 30
September 2012


Director: Social Science Research and Library and

Documentation Services
Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA)

1996 - 2011

Professor of Law
Vista University and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University (NMMU)


Contract lecturing post

University of Port Elizabeth, Department of Private Law


Evening Post newspaper, Port Elizabeth

Achievements, Awards and Bursaries

2015 - current Chair of South African Chapter of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Academic
Member of editorial board of the Journal of the Indian Ocean Region (Taylor & Francis)
2014 2015

Country representative for the Indian Ocean Rim Association IORA), Perth 2014 and
Padang Indonesia 2015


CEO award for Leadership


Official BRICS country representative appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and


Research Fellowship: BRICS Policy Centre, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (14 November 16
December 2011)

2007 2009

Top Ten Researchers at NMMU


Researcher Most Aligned to the Law Faculty Research Theme Award


Finalist: BWA Regional Business Achiever of the Year

2008 2011

NRF incentive funding for rated researchers

2007 2008

Law Faculty Researcher of the Year Award



NRF Rated Researcher (Y2)


University of Pretoria Postgraduate Bursary


Commendable Service Award, Vista University

2002 2003

NRF Bursaries for doctoral research


Researcher of the Year - Vista University Faculty of Law


Merit Award, Vista University

Professional Memberships
2015 - current Member of NHI Working Group on legal and policy implications, appointed by the
Minister of health
2014 - 2015

Member of Advisory Board (Institute for Child Witness Research and Training)
Member of Reference Group, Network of Southern Think Tanks (SAIIA)

2012 - 2014

Non-executive Director of Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa


2010 -2011

Member of AISA Council: reappointment by Minister of DST

2009 2010

Advisory Board Member, Rape Outcry Advisory Board Member, Centre for the
Advancement of Non- Racialism and Democracy (CANRAD)
Member of Business Womens Association (BWA Port Elizabeth)

2007 2009

Member of the Council of the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA)

2001 - 2009

Member of the Board of Control of the School for Legal Practice


Member of Council: Vista University and NMMU


Admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of the Republic of South Africa

External Consultancies and Engagement Activities

2013 - 2015

Department of Higher Education and Training Ministerial BRICS Think Tank Task Team
Member of editorial board, Counterpress (International Open Access Journal)


External Departmental Evaluation, Department of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence,

Law Faculty, University of Free State (UFS)

2003 - 2010

Presiding Officer, Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA)


Presiding officer, sexual harassment hearing, Theodor Herzl High School

2009 2010

Mentor, Business Womens Association (BWA Port Elizabeth Branch) 4

2008 2009

Senior Legal Researcher, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD):

HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and Access to Justice Position Paper

2008 - 2010

Consultant and researcher, Institute for Child Witness Research and Training

2007 2009

Legal Assistant (ad hoc) to NUTESA (National Union of Tertiary Educators of South Africa),
NMMU Branch

Academic / Work Experience

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) 2012 - current
Executive Director of Africa Institute of South Africa (incorporated into the HSRC; from 1 November 2015)
Deputy Executive Director of the Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery research programme (from
1 March 2012)
Acting Executive Director, Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery (1 March 2014 I June 2014)
Acting Executive Director, Democracy Governance and Service Delivery (1 April 2012 30 September

Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) - 2011 - 2012

Director, Social Sciences Research and Library and Documentation Services (LDS)

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (UPE) 2003 - 2010

Professor of Public Law

Vista University 1996 - 2003

Professor of Law
Notable Memberships:

Member of reference group, Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST)

Member of reference group, Community protest research, SALGA
Member of Academic Forum, DPSA

2013 -2015

Member of HSRC BRICS Think Tank Secretariat

Member of South African BRICS Think Tank (SABTT)
Country Representative on BRICS Think Tank Council (BTTC)


Advisory Board member; Foundation for Child Witness Research and Training
Advisory Board Member, PAN Children (UNICEF)
Chair: Local Governance Task Team (LGTT), HSRC
Scientific Committee, 2013 HSRC Social Science Research Conference Inequalities and
Justice: Influences, Effects, Intersections and Evidence 26-27 September 2013

Chair, Publications Committee, 2013 HSRC Social Science Research Conference

Inequalities and Justice: Influences, Effects, Intersections and Evidence 26-27 September
2012 -

Research, Publications, Library and Communication (RPLC) Sub-committee, AISA

incorporation into HSRC
Traditional Courts Bill Task Team, HSRC


Research Management Committee, AISA

2009 - 2010

Gender Equality Task Team, NMMU

2009 2011

NMMU Council

2009 2011

Disciplinary Review Committee of Council

NMMU Senate (Full Professor)

2005 - 2010

Senate Sub-Committee, Honorary Degrees Committee, NMMU

2008 2010

Senate representative, Institutional Forum

2006 - 2010

Faculty Research, Technology and Innovation Committee (RTI)

2006 2008

Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) 5

Incorporation with UPE and Merger with Port Elizabeth Technikon


Legal Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, national mergers, Vista University

Personal Merger Assistant to Acting Campus Principal, Vista Campus
Joint Merger Core Group (JMCG)


Chairperson, Joint Task Team (JTT): Governance

Joint Task Team (JTT): Equity and Transformation
Vista Port Elizabeth Sub-faculty Task Team, merger negotiations with UPE and PET

2004 2006

Programme coordinator, UPE/NMMU Vista Campus

Legal representative on the Human Research Ethics Committee, UPE


Acting Campus Principal, Vista Campus (1 month)

2004 2005

Law Faculty Financial Committee, UPE

Faculty Management Committee, Law

Vista University


Head of Department, Private Law

2002 2005

Vista University Council and Executive Committee of Council


Chairperson, Council Task Team Revision of the University Statutes


Chairperson, Organising Committee, Vista Law Conference


Standing Committee of Council: Appointments and Promotions

2002 2003

Vista University Senate

Academic Representative, Port Elizabeth Campus Institutional Forum
Gender and HIV/AIDS Policy Working Group, Vista University
Head, Commission of Enquiry into allegations of corruption against the Student
Representative Council (SRC) (1996 2001)

2000 2003

Chairperson, Disciplinary Hearings

1998 2001

Sub-head of Department, Private Law, Port Elizabeth campus

Chairperson, Sub-faculty of Law, Port Elizabeth campus
Financial Aid Committee; Campus Appointments Committee;
Campus Admissions and Health and Safety Committees 6

Lecturing and Subject Involvement

Subjects Lectured
Jurisprudence, Law of Interpretation, Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law, Gender Studies, Delict Law,
Contract Law, Roman Law, Customary Law, Media Law, Public Administration

Post-Graduate Supervision (LLM and LLD)

Conducted post-graduate workshops on proposal writing and research methodology (2007-2010)
Barnabas Ndawula LLM coursework (Criminal Justice), Criminalisation of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A
Critical Analysis of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007
Jana Milne LLM cum laude, The Duty of the State to Uphold and Protect the Right to Life (2009)
Melanie-Jane Robinson, LLM cum laude, The Development and Application of the Signature as an
Identification Method in South African Law (2002)

LLB Treatises
Supervised 47 LLB treatises, Vista University (1997-2007)
Supervised 6 LLB treatises, NMMU (3 cum laude) (2007-2010)

Post-Graduate Course Development

LLM coursework programme in Human Rights, module on The Right to Gender Equality (JHR516)
MPhil in South African Politics and Political Economy, module on Gender Studies (JHRS516)

External Examination

LLD thesis, UWC


LLD Thesis, UWC

2011 current University of Free State


LLD thesis (UP) and Jurisprudence (UFS)


LLD Thesis, UWC

2009 2011

Jurisprudence, UFS


LLD Thesis, UFS

2007 2009

Human Rights, UKZN

2005 2008

LLB dissertations, UFS

2004 2005

LLM coursework dissertations (Jurisprudence), UNISA

2000 2003

Advanced Private Law, University of Fort Hare

2000 2002

LLB treatises, University of Port Elizabeth

2000 2002

LLB electives (Criminology, Penology, Ethics and Jurisprudence), University of Port


2000 2001

LLB treatises, Rhodes University

University and Community Involvement

Keynote Addresses
Keynote address, International Conference on Sustainable Development 2014, University of Zululand,
Richards Bay; Gender and the BRICS
The context of the Constitutional Justice Project, keynote address at welcoming dinner for Chief Justice of
Kenya Dr Willy Mutunga (UFH)
The SANDF and Sexual Harassment, SANDF, Forrest Hill, Port Elizabeth
HIV/AIDS and Human Responsibilities, Goldenkey Society, HIV/AIDS Forum, NMMU
Gender Justice and Law Reform in Conflict-affected and Post-conflict African Societies, Human Rights
Seminar, NMMU
Human Rights and Your Responsibilities, Victoria Park High School Academic Awards Evening
The Future of Feminism, PE Womens Club
Womens Empowerment Workshops Community Development Unit, UPE
HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and Responsibilities, Cingani High School, Motherwell
A Legal Perspective on Domestic Violence, Port Elizabeth Muslim Womens Network

Other Notable Activities

Organiser: HSRC special BRICS seminar series (2013-2015)
Organiser and Chair: HSRC Election Manifesto Series (ANC, DA, EFF and Agang (2014 National and
Provincial Elections)
Facilitator and chair: Dialogue on the Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in the Home, UNICEF and PAN
Children (December 2013)
Attended: BRICS Business Council meeting, Sandton (August 2013)
Participation in Special Round Table Discussion on Root Causes of Violence against Children and Women,
UNESCO and PAN Children (July 2013)
Co-opted member, HSRC Humanities sub-committee (2012 - )
Chair, State of the South African Public Service, HSRC seminar series (2012)
Chair, Traditional Courts Bill: A step backwards for our Constitutional gains on gender equality? HSRC
seminar series (2012)
Judge, Jessup International law moot court competition, South African rounds, University of
Witwatersrand (Wits) (2011)
Lecture delivered for NNMU Transformation and Equity Committee (TEC); Gender Equality and Gender
Justice: What does it mean and can we achieve it?
Seminar on the Death Penalty: Makwanyane, Ubuntu and the Death Penalty
Panel Discussion: Israel v Hamas: From Ius ad Bellum to Ius in Bello, NMMU: War Crimes in Gaza: Quo
Investigated and reported on irregularities at Africa Institute of South Africa on behalf of AISA Council
Medical Ethics Committee, Livingston, Dora Nginza and Provincial Hospitals
Chairperson of Board of Trustees, Transformative Human Rights Unit (THRU)
Gender seminars at UNISA
Compiled a booklet on HIV/AIDS and your HUMAN RIGHTS (Cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro) donated
ten cartoons)
Trained and accompanied team to All Africa Human Rights Moot Court Competition, University of Lagos,
Nigeria; University de Cocody, Cote dIvoire; and Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Organised campus lectures by visiting Professor Raphael Cohen-Almagor (Haifa University) on the IsraeliPalestine conflict, the failed peace process and its effect on the war in Iraq.
Organised visits and seminars by Dr Shaun McVeigh and Ms Christine Morris (Griffith University, Australia)
and Prof Sipho Seepe (Henley Business School)

Research Profile
International Conferences
Rules-based Regionalism in the Indian Ocean Region, 3rd Indian Ocean Dialogue, Padang Indonesia
Participant and session chair: 2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights
Programme facilitator: One Belt, One Road and a Prosperous Africa, Durban South Africa
Building a Fair World Order: BRICS and the Rule of Law, 7th BRICS Academic Forum, Moscow
Country representative, BRICS Think Tanks Council, meeting, Moscow
Creating an environment for womens empowerment through the Blue Economy: An African perspective
(IORA symposia in Seychelles and Perth)
Country representative, Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Mauritius; Seychelles, Indonesia and Perth
IORA Water Science and Technology Workshop, Water Research Commission, February 2015, South Africa
Women and Human Development in BRICS, International Conference on Sustainable Development,
Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Zululand
High level Policy Forum on Global Governance and BRICS Think Tank Council (BTTC) meeting, Beijing
Presentation: Funding proposal for Blue Economy Core Working Group (official country representative
appointed by DIRCO), IORA, Perth
Attended: International Parliamentary Forum, Moscow, Federation of Russia
Attended: OECD Global Forum on Public Governance, Paris, France: Womens Leadership in Public Life:
Fostering Diversity for Inclusive Growth
6th BRICS Academic Forum, Rio de janeiro, Brazil: BRICS and Multilateralism within the Context of Global

WSSF 2013 Social Transformations and the Digital Age, Montreal, Canada: Enhancing Digital Citizen
Engagement: Some Lessons from South Africa
Critical Legal Conference (CLC), Belfast, Ireland (Queens University): Resisting the Imposition of Grand
Narratives of Nation-building: The Ongoing Struggle of Khulumani Support Group
CASS Forum on Think Tanks: Facing the Changing World, Beijing, China: BRICS Think Tanks in a Changing
World (co-authors: Olive Shisana. Yu Ke, Narnia Bohler-Muller. Jaya Josie, Michael Cosser and Meredith

Rethinking International Law and Justice, Istanbul, Turkey: Taking Responsibility for Humanising
International Relations
The African Union after Ten Years: Progress, Practice, and Prospects for the Future, US State Department
Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: South Africas Africa Agenda: Building or Burning Bridges between
the AU and the UNSC?
Chair of session on Legitimacy, representation and relevance at the North-South Institute Multilateral
Development Co-operation Conference, Ottawa, Canada
Third BRICS Think-Tanks Symposium, Beijing, China: South Africa and BRICS: International Relations
versus International Law
Seventh International Conference on New Direction in the Humanities, Beijing China: Gender Equality
and Kristevan Revolt
Critical Legal Conference, Glasgow, Scotland: Strategic Essentialism and the Politics of the Miniskirt
Law and Popular Culture Workshop, Onati, Spain: The Justice of the Heart in Little Brother
Critical Legal Conference, London, Birkbeck School of Law: Walls of Truth and Reconciliation.
Member of a panel to launch Costas Douzinas Human Rights and Empire: The Political Philosophy of
Cosmopolitanism 2007, Birkbeck School of Law, London
Law Conference, Athens, Greece: The Ideal of Community in Post-apartheid South African Law
Critical Legal Conference, NALSAR University, Hyderabad, India: Are We There Yet? The Deferral of Justice
and the Promise of Human Rights Fourth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities,
University of Carthage, Tunisia: Justice as Breath(ing) virtual participant


Attended: DAAD, Germany (Kassel, Berlin, Bonn) Merger Processes and Comprehension in Higher
Education The German Experience
LATCRIT Colloquium on International and Comparative Law, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Are We Really
Paying Attention? Listening to the Stories of the Marginalised in Post-apartheid South Africa
Gender, Sexuality and the Law Conference (GSL), Keele University, England: The Story of Alix Carmichele:
An Ordinary Woman Appealing to the Human Side of South African Courts
12th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam: Gender Equality versus Cultural Practices: Towards a New Jurisprudence of
Equality in South Africa

Socio-legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference at the Manchester Metropolitan University:
Indecent Proposal: Testing the Virtue of Police Entrapment
National Conferences and workshops
Paper delivered The Socio-economic Right to Water as articulated in the Mazibuko case, Water Research
Commission (WRC) co-hosted Dialogue on Water Equity
Paper delivered How meaningful engagement should work at local level: The case study of Nokotyana,
Community Protest Roundtable, SALGA
Paper delivered How South African woman view Agenda 2063 within the context of empowerment and
participation in local government, DPSA Africa Public Service DAy
Chair and moderator: DST Human and Social Dynamics Research seminar: Public Engagement for Good
Governance: The Role of the Humanities
Participant in Gauteng Provincial Legislature Roundtable: Reflecting on 20 Years of Public Participation
from 1994 to 2014
Participant in High Level Roundtable on the State of Immigration in South Africa, Department of Home
Affairs, South Africa
Are We Really Doing Things Differently?: The Soft Power of China and South Africa within the context
of BRICS Asia-Africa, Cape Town
Paper delivered Gender, Socio-Economic Rights and the Courts: From (Pro)-action to (Re)-action South
African Journal of Human Rights conference on Transformation and the courts
Participant: Knowledge Generation and Innovation in the Humanities, Department of Science and
Technology (participant)

Participant: A Discussion on Two Research Projects: Access to Social Justice, Democracy, Governance
and Rights Unit, UCT
Discussant and Panellist IGFR, Socio-economic Rights and the Role of the Courts, Financial and Fiscal
Commission International Inter-Governmental Fiscal Relations conference

HSRC Social Science Research Conference Inequalities and Justice: Influences, Effects, Intersections and
Evidence: Resisting the Imposition of Grand Narratives of Nation-building: The Ongoing Struggle of
Khulumani Support Group
HSRC seminar presentation (BRICS seminar series): BRICS and South Africa's Foreign Policy Framework:
What are our National Interests?
Social Media for Government Communication Conference, Johannesburg: Social Media as a Tool to
Enhance Participative Democracy (co-authored with Charl van der Merwe, AISA)
First International Feminist Journal of Politics Annual Conference, Bloemfontein, UFS: Non-intervention
in state sovereignty as a masculine discourse in international relations: The case for responsibility and
accountability, Bloemfontein, UFS
Transformation of the Judiciary, Institute for Security Studies (ISS): On transformative constitutionalism,
socio-economic justice and the limits of the law (constituted panel with former Justice Kriegler and
Steven Friedman)
Attended: Second Biennial HESA Research and Innovation Conference: Enabling further collaboration
between Higher Education, Government and Industry for Research and Innovation, Higher Education
South Africa, CSIR
The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Justice Albie Sachs: A Retrospective, UNISA: The Strange Alchemy of
the Judge and the Blue Dress
Attended: Symposium on Integrating HIV/AIDS into Higher Education Curricula: From Reflection to Action:
Obstacles and Successes in Integrating HIV/AIDS into University Curricula, UFH
The Sixth Annual Law Conference of the Universities of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape, NMMU:
Rethinking the States Duty to Protect and Uphold the Right to Life (co-authored with Jana Milne)
Attended: HERS-SA Academy, Cape Town (chosen by the Transformation and Equity Committee (TEC),
NMMU, as a university representative)
Attended and Chaired Panel: The Africa Institute of South Africa, North-South Centre, Council of Europe
and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation; Youth Perspectives on Conflict Resolution in the 21st
The Fifth Annual Law Conference of the Universities of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape, NMMU: Law,
Memory and Reparations after Apartheid: The Case of Khulumani

Attended: AISA Research Retreat, Kopanong, Johannesburg
Attended: Conference on Advancing Gender Justice in Conflict-Affected Countries (African Regional High
Level Meeting) hosted by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development of the Republic of
South Africa, Cape Town
The Fourth Annual Law Conference of the Universities of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape hosted by
the NMM: The Ideal of Community in Post-apartheid South African Law
The Third Annual Law Conference of the Universities of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape, NMMU: The
Challenges of Teaching Jurisprudence.
Ubuntu working conference held at the Constitutional Court, Johannesburg: Ubuntu and Equality
Retrospective Ten years after Makwanyane, UNISA: The Story of an African Value
The Second Annual Law Conference of the Universities of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape, NMMU:
A Legal Decision both Fair and Tragic
South African Law Teachers Conference, University of Namibia, Windhoek:: (In)visible Bodies, Silenced
Voices: Gender Equality and Prostitution in South Africa
Attended: Annual Conference held by the Research Unit for Legal and Constitutional Interpretation
Attended: Higher Education and The City Conference, Vista University Port Elizabeth campus 11
Law Teachers Conference, Rhodes University, Grahamstown: Of Bodies, Texts and fragile Encounters
with the Law
RULCI Colloquium, UWC : On the Deconstructibility of Law from a South African Perspective
Vista Law Conference, A Decade of Legal transformation in Southern Africa,
Port Elizabeth: The Pros and Cons of Prostitution: A Feminist Legal Perspective.
Women and Publishing Conference, Vista University, Port Elizabeth: South African Women and the
Possibility of Well-being.
RULCI (Research Unit for Legal and Constitutional Interpretation) Colloquium, Stellenbosch: Beyond Legal
Discourse: Opening up Spaces for the Telling of Stories.
Law Teachers Conference, University of Natal: Cartoons on the Internet: Art or Pornography?: A Feminist
Legal Perspective

Law and Language Conference, Vista, Port Elizabeth: The Relationship Between Storytelling, Parenthood
and the Law
Peer Reviewed Publications in Academic Journals
Co-authored with Sarah Chiumbu and Vasu Reddy Discursive construction of constitutional jurisprudence
and socio-economic rights in two Constitutional Court cases (submitted to Law and Society November
Co-authored with Sarah Chiumbu and Vasu Reddy Framing of socio-economic rights in South African
newspapers (submitted to Journal of African Media Studies March 2015)
Co-authored with Barwa Kanyane, Nedson Pophiwa and Jakes Dipholo Life after Judgment: Re-visiting
the Nokotyana case on the provision of water and sanitation (submitted to Politiea March 2015)
Co-authored with Ben Roberts et al In the court of public opinion: Trust in criminal justice in South Africa
(in progress, to be submitted Social Indicators Research)
Co-authored with Charl van der Merwe Digital Communication, Democracy and Active Citizen
Engagement in South Africa 2013 43(3) Africa Insight 115
Reparations for Apartheid-Era Human Rights Abuses: The Ongoing Struggle of Khulumani Support
Group 2013 (1) Speculum Juris 1

The Strange Alchemy of the Judge and the Blue Dress (25) South African Public Law 152
The Justice of the heart in Little Brother ESLJ vol. 7 nr 2 (Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, Warwick
Co-authored with Jana Milne Rethinking the States Duty to Protect and Uphold the Right to Life in a
Criminal Justice Context (30:2) Obiter 307-327
On a Cosmopolis to Come (17:4) Social and Legal Studies: An International Journal 559-571
Against Forgetting: Reconciliation and Reparations After the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(19:3) Stellenbosch Law Review 466-482 12


The Challenges of Teaching Law Differently: Tales of Spiders, Sawdust and Sedition (41:1) The Law
Teacher 50-67
Beyond Legal Metanarratives: The Interrelationship between Storytelling, Ubuntu and Care (18:1)
Stellenbosch Law Review 133-160
Judicial Deference and the Deferral of Justice in regard to Same-sex Marriages and in Public Consultation"
(40:1) De Iure 90-112
On Desire, Transcendence and Sacrifice (18:2) Law and Critique 253-274
Western Liberal Legalism and its Discontents: A Perspective from Post-apartheid South Africa (3) SocioLegal Review 1-27
Some Thoughts on the Ubuntu Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court" (28:3) Obiter 590-599
The Promise of Equality Courts (22:3) South African Journal of Human Rights 380-403
The Law of the Father, Emotions and Equilibrium (21:2) South African Public Law 299-314
Justice as Breath(ing) (4:4) International Journal of the Humanities 25-34
Fragile Connections? (14:1) Griffith Law Review 61-90
Co-authored with AM Tait Encountering the Rule Cabbage (1) Ratio 37-39
When Things Fall Apart: Ethical Jurisprudence and Global Justice (20:1) South African Public Law 29-41
The Story of an African Value (20:2) South African Public Law 267-282
On the Deconstructibility of the Law from a South African Perspective (25:1) Obiter 164-175
The Pros and Cons of Prostitution: A Feminist Perspective (24.1) Obiter 194-202
Drucilla Cornells Imaginary Domain: Equality, Freedom and the Ethic of Alterity in South Africa (65:2)
Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law/Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg 166
Constitutionalism and Cultural Diversity in South Africa: Images from Miss Helens World (17) South
African Public Law 71 84
Other Possibilities? Postmodern Feminist Legal Theory in South Africa (18) South African Journal of
Human Rights 614-629
Really Listening? Womens Voices and the Ethic of Care in Post-colonial Africa (54) Agenda 86-92
Valuable Lessons from Namibia on the Combating of Rape (14:1) South African Journal of Criminal
Justice 71


Cultural Practices and Social Justice in a Constitutional Dispensation: Some (More) Thoughts on Gender
Equality in South Africa (22:1) Obiter 142
Of Victims and Virgins: Seduction Law in South Africa (41-2) Codicillus 1
Equality Courts: Introducing the Possibility of Listening to Different Voices in South Africa Journal of
Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law/Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg 288
The Discourse of Pornography: A Feminist Perspective Obiter 167
The Transformation of Education with Specific Reference to Law Students at an Historically
Disadvantaged Tertiary Institution (14:1) VITAL 29-45
The Ghost of the Law: In Search of Justice (and/or Vengeance) Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch
Law/Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg 683
What the Equality Courts Can Learn from Gilligans Ethic of Care A Novel Approach (16) South African
Journal of Human Rights 623
Co-authored with M-J Access to Children Born out of Wedlock A Narrative Approach (25:2) Journal of
Juridical Science 73
Co-authored with AM Tait The Equality Courts as a Vehicle for Legal Transformation -A Few Practical
Suggestions (21:2) Obiter 406
Eating the Forbidden Fruit: The Morality of Police Trapping Practices (40-2) Codicillus 2
Lead Us Not Into Temptation: The Criminal Liability of the Trappee Revisited South African Journal of
Criminal Justice 317
Co-authored with I Van der Spuy Caught in a Trap: A Psycho-legal Exploration of Police Entrapment
Obiter 327

Co-authored with WB Le Roux Using (Our) Imagination: The Relationship between Storytelling,
Parenthood and the law in Language in Court 182-190 14

Lead editor, AU Agenda 2063: South Africas Views and Aspirations, DIRCO

Co-editor of 2013 BRICS Academic Forum publication entitled BRICS and Africa: Partnership for
Development, Integration and Industrialisation, DIRCO, Africa Institute of South Africa Press


Francis A Kornegay Jnr and Narnia Bohler-Muller (eds.) Laying the BRICS of a New Global Order: From
Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013 2013 AISA Press
Co-authored and edited with K Hollely, D Minnie, KD Muller Breaking the Silence: An Introduction to
Human Trafficking Printrite, Port Elizabeth
Co-authored and edited with K Hollely, D Minnie, KD Muller Women and Children as Witnesses in Cases
of Gender-Based Violence Printrite, Port Elizabeth

Chapters in Books
Co-authored with Boroka Bo Transformative constitutionalism, power and consensus: Are South African
courts in charge? Forthcoming State of the Nation 2015 edition HSRC Press
BRICS and Multilateralism in the Context of Global Government IPEA BRICS Academic Forum Papers
The role of BRICS in Global Governance Reform: What is our Vision? CCCWS BRICS and Global
Governance, Beijing
Co-authored with Jackie Dugard Substantive equality and socio-economic rights State of the Nation
2014 edition HSRC Press
Freedom of Expression as a Cornerstone of Democracy: An excursion through the cases in Media Law
and Ethics J February and R Calland (eds) - forthcoming
South Africas Pretoria Agenda: The Role of State Sovereignty, Non-intervention and Human Rights
within the context of Emerging Power Multilateralism in Laying the BRICS of a New Global Order: From
Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013 F Kornegay and N Bohler-Muller (eds.) 2013 AISA Press
Some Thoughts on the uBuntu Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court by Narnia Bohler-Muller in
uBuntu and the Law: African Ideals and Postapartheid Jurisprudence (Just Ideas) D Cornell and N
Muvangua (eds.) Fordham University Press (pp 477-488)
Fluid Identities and the Possibilities Inherent in Transformative Thought in Towards an African Identity
of Higher Education Seepe S (ed.) Vista University and Skotaville Media, Pretoria (pp. 145-156)
Published Book Reviews

Jill Marshall Humanity, Freedom and Feminism (40:1) De Iure 200-203
Costas Douzinas Human Rights and Empire: The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism RoutledgeCavendish New York 2007 (28:1) Obiter 182-185
Elsje Bonthuys and Cathi Albertyn Gender, Law and Justice Juta 2007 (23:3) South African Journal of
Human Rights 587-590
Costas Douzinas and Adam Gearey Critical Jurisprudence (21:1) South African Public Law 224-228 15
Research Briefs and Occasional Papers
Co-authored with Ben Roberts et al Contemporary South African Foreign Policy: Public Knowledge,
Beliefs and Preferences HSRC Policy Brief
BRICS and Multilateralism in the Context of Global Government IPEA, April 2014
Co-authored with Francis A Kornegay eThekwini and beyond SAFPI Policy Brief No 49 October 2013
Co-authored with Charl van der Merwe Active Citizen Participation 2.0 Recommendations for South
Africa (July 2013) at
Nuanced Balancing Act: South Africas National and International Interests and the African Agenda
(SAIIA Occasional paper number 120, September 2012)
On the Authority of the International Criminal Court to Issue a Warrant of Arrest against Muammar
Gaddafi (Briefing no 60, AISA Publishers)
Is Democracy a Shared Value that Unites Africa? (Briefing no 59, AISA Publishers)
Co-authored with Phindile Lukhele-Olorunju Swaziland: The Last Gasps of an Absolute Monarch?
(Briefing no 54, AISA Publishers)
Co-authored with Charl van der Merwe The Potential of Social Media to Influence Political Change on the
African Continent (Briefing no 46, AISA Publishers)
Articles in Academic Magazines
South Africa, the AU, and the Tensions around the Role of the ICC in Africa Africa Up Close Feb 2016

Africa Women and the Blue Economy HSRC Review, September 2015
The Soft Power of China and South Africa HSRC Review, September 2015
An overview: Rights related cases in the Constitutional Court stats. HSRC Review, September 2015
The Big Blue: South Africas Role in IORA, HSRC Review, November 2014
The Highest Courts and Socio-economic Rights HSRC Review August 2014
What South Africa Wants from its BRICS membership Diplomatist August 2014
Foreign Policy: Advancing South Africas National Interest within BRICS HSRC Review May 2014
Enhancing Digital Citizen Engagement: Lessons from South Africa HSRC Review, March 2014

The Ongoing Challenge of Development HSRC Review, November 2013 Special Edition: HSRC Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Conference (co-authors: Ina van der Linde, Narnia Bohler-Muller and
Vasu Reddy
In the Court of Public Opinion: Attitudes towards the Criminal Courts HSRC Review, June 2013 (coauthors: Benjamin Roberts, Steven Gordon, Jare Struwig and Narnia Bohler-Muller)
Putting Gender on the Agenda for BRICS HSRC Review, February 2013

Khulumani Victim Group Scores Symbolic Victory against Multinationals HSRC Review, September 2012
Access to Justice Fundamental to Social Change HSRC Review, June 2012
Co-authored with Charl van der Merwe Techno-Sociality: When Technology meets Social Behaviour
2011 (13) Rhodes Journalism Review 27-28
South African International Relations and the Emergence of China: Is Development at all Costs the
Answer? 2011 Africagrowth Agenda 24-28
Co-authored with Bronwyn Daniels Does the Communal Land Rights Act Really Protect the Rights of
Women? (6:2) Africagrowth Agenda 26-27
Reparations for Apartheid Human Rights Abuses: The Case of Khulumani(5:2) Africagrowth Agenda 2022

Women and Development in Africa: Recognising the Right to a Life Worth Living (4:3) Africagrowth
Agenda 17-19 16

Media Opinions
Please see attached media matrix (2011 onwards)
Prior to 2010: 20 opinion pieces in The Herald newspaper (Eastern Cape) and 3 radio interviews.
Bohler-Muller N Alabaster in Nawe Unakho Le Wena O Ka Kgona You Too Can U Kan Ook: An
Anthology of Prose, Drama and Verse 2002 Lovedale Press (Pty) Ltd.
Visiting Fellowships
BRICS Policy Centre (BPC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14 November 16 December 2011
Birkbeck School of Law, London, Honorary Research Fellow, 13-23 May 2005
Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 1 June 21 June 2004.
Peer Reviewer: Academic Journals
South African Journal of Public Law (SAPL); Obiter, Agenda; International Journal of the Humanities
(Associate Editor, 2006); Stellenbosch Law Review (SLR); Journal of Juridical Science (JJS); South African
Journal of Human Rights (SAJHR); Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PER), Speculum Juris, Cambridge
Review of International Affairs
Peer Reviewer: Books
Stephen Kingah and Cintia Quilliconi (eds) Leadership of BRICS at the Regional and Global Levels:
Willingness< Capacity and legitimacy in the Era of Multipolarity for Springer Science and Business Media,
The Netherlands
AJ Barnard-Naud, D Cornell & F Du Bois (eds.) Dignity, Freedom and the Post-Apartheid Legal Order: The
Critical Jurisprudence of Laurie Ackermann (UCT)
WB le Roux and K van Marle (eds.) Law, Memory and the Legacy of Apartheid: Ten years After Azapo v
President of South Africa PULP

C Albertyn and E Bonthuys (eds.) Gender, Law and Justice Juta

National Research Foundation Peer Reviewer
Three NRF rating applications and three applications for funding grants, 2010 - 2014
Legal Opinions
Legal opinion on National Health Insurance for the Department of Health (2015)
Legal opinion drafted for Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) (2008)
Completed Research reports
Concept, Mid-Term, Fieldwork and Final Reports for the Constitutional Justice Project, Department of
Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD)
Diagnostic study on Promoting both evidence informed and participatory policymaking in the
Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).
The State of Immigration in South Africa, Department of Home Affairs
Codification of the Royal Bafokeng Regulatory Framework, Royal Bafokeng Nation
Evaluation of Johannesburg City Safety Strategy, City of Johannesburg
Grant Applications and Tender Bids (HSRC)
Successful funding grants:

Lead Investigator, A 20 year Assessment of the Commission for Gender Equality (R900 000)

Joint lead Investigator, An investigation into Prison Gangs in two correctional centres in South
Africa, Department of Correctional Services (R1.7 million)

Investigator, gender representivity in the IEC (R 600 000)

Lead Investigator, Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Special Fund to set up a Blue Economy
Joint Core Group (55 000 USD from the fund matched by 55 000 USD from Office of the CEO)
Additional funding secured: 5 500 USD from Oman and 10 000 USD from UAE.

Investigator, Public Participation in Environmental Affairs, INASP and ODI (R200 000)

Joint lead investigator, Access to Justice programme Foundation for Human Rights, October
2014 (R1 million)

Lead investigator: Assessment of the impact of the decisions of the Constitutional Court and
Supreme Court of Appeal on the South African Law and Jurisprudence Department of Justice,
April 2013 (R10.3 Million)

Joint lead investigator: Research Study on the State of Immigration in South Africa Department
of Home Affairs, August 2013 (R4.9 million)

Joint lead investigator: Governance Research and Advocacy: Cities Support Programme DBSA
and Treasury, August 2012 (R 4.7 million)

Joint lead investigator: Safe and Inclusive Cities, IDRC IDRC, August 2012 (R 4 million)

Joint lead Investigator: Codification of the Royal Bafokeng Regulatory Framework August 2012 (R
1.8 million)

Joint lead investigator: Evaluation of Johannesburg City Safety Strategy City of Johannesburg,
September 2012 (R 200 000)



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