Wednesday, July 13, 2016 L&T Infotech Proprietary Page 1 of 1

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1) Create a flow service called calculator and do the basic operations such as Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication and division. (The service should have 3 inputs namely Input1,
Input2 and operation and 1 output as Result)
2) Copy the above service and create a rename it as Calculator2 and add an additional check
to see if you are performing a division operation by 0
3) Pass floating point numbers as inputs to the same service as above and check the result.
Publish & Subscribe.
1) Create a publishable document called employee with the fields (name, PS number,
Location) and use local publishing to publish and subscribe the document.
2) In the subscription service extract the PS numbers of the employees and display them in
the logs using the debug log service
3) Add 2 more additional fields to the canonical (Address and Business unit) and write the
business unit along with the PS number to the debug Log
1) Create a service called count which has 2 inputs called String and StringtoFind and 1 output
called count. The service should take a length of string (a paragraph of text) and find the
count of (number of occurrences of) the stringToFind in the given string.
String Lists.
1) Create a service called Merge to manipulate 2 document lists called Employee and address.
Employee will have the fields (PSnumber, name, DOB), Address will have the fields
(PSNumber, Address, State, Country). The documents should be merged to a new document
called EmployeeCompleteDetails having the fields (PSnumber, name, DOB, Address, State,
Country) based on the PS numbers(i.e the PS numbers of the 2 documents should match).
2) Publish the EmployeeCompleteDetails document locally and subscribe to the same
document and write the PSNumbers to the server log.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

L&T Infotech Proprietary
Page 1 of 1

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