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Most of the electric power is being produced byMost of the
electric power is being produced by using fossil fuels which is
resulting in the increase ofusing fossil fuels which is resulting in
the increase of pollution. Also these fossil fuels are getting
depleted andpollution. Also these fossil fuels are getting depleted
and may exhaust completely with in few years. So there is amay
exhaust completely with in few years. So there is a need for
alternative methods of production of power. So,need for
alternative methods of production of power. So, non-conventional
means of production came intonon-conventional means of
production came into existence. Among all the non-conventional
sources, solarexistence. Among all the non-conventional sources,
solar energy is the most important one. Many devices wereenergy
is the most important one. Many devices were designed to work
by utilizing solar energy. Solar lamps,designed to work by utilizing
solar energy. Solar lamps, solar roads, solar chargers, photovoltaic
cells are some ofsolar roads, solar chargers, photovoltaic cells are
some of the devices which depend on solar energy.the devices
which depend on solar energy. Solar panel road is an innovative
idea for theSolar panel road is an innovative idea for the
production of solar power which is used to supply theproduction
of solar power which is used to supply the domestic and industrial
loads. The road ways cover vastdomestic and industrial loads. The
road ways cover vast area in a town or city which exposes to sun
all the day.area in a town or city which exposes to sun all the day
Key words:Introduction,panel construction ,traffic
management,economic recovery,aesthetics,advantages and

Prepaired by : Anju Abraham, S7 CE,06

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