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Dorm 2 B Block Leader December 2015 Report

Office hours:
Wednesday: 18:00-19:00
Thursday: 18:00-19:00
Dorm Manager Meeting: December 8 2015, 15:00-16:00
Problems and issues that were dealt with as a Dorm Leader:
B block A/C problem: A complain was made about the heating systems in
the lobby during the winter, and so my job as dorm leader was to personally
write a report and submit to the dorm manager for further actions.
Room 4316: The refrigerator in the room was not working efficiently, so as a
student he was required to send an online report and as a dorm leader my
duty was to report to the Dorm Manger and immediately inform her about
the situation. After that the appropriate procedures were carried.
Room 4418: A complain came in about having roommates that are making
too much noise especially during the night, so the student wrote a report
which then was sent to the Dorm Manger and warning letters were given to
the other students. Further complains about this issue would result in a
stricter action.
Noises in the lobby: A group of students were sitting in the lobby, but
making really loud noises. Warnings by the dorm leader as well as the
security were made, yet they were still making noises. So a report was
written by the dorm leader of the specific details of the situation and was
then sent to the Dorm Manager and the appropriate requirements were
made in order to control and eliminate the issue.

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