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To know more on HTML, CSS and Javascript, visit the URLs:



8.11. Assignments
You need to submit the solutions for the problems in the link provided at the end of this
chapter below.
General Instructions for these exercises:
1) There are total five pages to be created.
2) First one is home page with links to below three pages.
3) From below pages, on successful submit, navigate to welcome page.
4) Welcome page should have link to home page.
5) Place CSS and Javascript code in separate files.
6) Use effective styling as per your choice.
7) Use div tags and table for better layout.
8) Maintain consistency for all pages.
Add a doctor
Design a UI page / screen to capture the following details when registering a new doctor in HMS.
First name, Middle name Last name, Registration No, Date of Birth , Gender(use radio button),
Email, Specialization , Qualification, contact number, Address, Visiting Time, Visiting

Days(multiple selection should be allowed), NoOfPatientsPerDay, DepartmentNo.

Indicate the mandatory fields on the page. All fields except middle name and address are
Use below mentioned sample values for drop down/check boxes:
Visiting Days Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs, Fri,Sat,Sun.
Visiting Time Morning, Afternoon, Evening
Add a department
Design a UI page / screen to capture the following details when adding a new department in
Department name, Department Description(use text area), No. Of Doctors, Number of general
rooms, Number of ac rooms, Number of non ac rooms , Number of ICU , Cost of general room,
Cost of ac room, Cost of non ac room, Cost of each ICU.
All fields are mandatory.
Add a patient
Design a UI page / screen to capture the following details when adding a new patient in HMS.
First Name, Last Name , Date of birth, Gender(Use radio button), Father/Spouse name, blood
group(dropdown), Contact number, Visited earlier(check box)
All fields are mandatory except contact number.
Indicate mandatory fields on the page / screen.
Use below mentioned values in the dropdown :Blood Group O+,O-,AB+,AB-,A+,A-,B+,B-,Others
Javascript problems:
1. Apply below validations to Add doctor page created in HTML and CSS exercise:

Display appropriate message in case a mandatory field is left blank or no value is


First and last name cannot be greater than 20 characters. Allow only alphabets.

contact number should exactly have 10 digits

email id should have an @ and a .)

NoOfPatientsPerDay and DepartmentNo should be only numbers

2. Apply below validations to Add department page created in HTML and CSS exercise:

Department name cannot be greater than 30 characters, no special characters.

Number of doctors should be only numbers.

Department description should be of maximum of 50 characters.

Cost of each bed, Cost of each Cabin, Cost of each ICU should be only decimal numbers
up to 2 decimal places.

3. Apply below validations to Add patient page created in HTML and CSS exercise:

Patient name,Father/spouse name cannot be greater than 30 characters, Allow only


ContactNumber sould be of 10 digits.

email id should have an @ and a .)

Execute the above problems as per the instructions and submit the code along with the
screen print of output through the link provided.
Attachment Size : <10 MB
Acceptable file formats : .doc/.docx
Kindly Note:
File uploaded by you should be named with your CT Reference Number and mention your CT ref
number and e-mail id at the top of the your Screen print document.
Only one document can be uploaded in the link provided and multiple submissions are not
allowed. Make sure that you have completed all these problems and upload all your solutions as
a single document.
Example: ct12345678901.doc
Click here to submit your solution.

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