Luftwaffe Fighters and Fighter Bombers Over The Far North Units Camouflage Markings 1940 1945

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ATR OO Fighter-Bombers over the Units - et: Markings 1940 -1945 PWD at iad tee CGT The Luftwatfe's campaign in Scandinavia and the Far North - the ‘Eismeerfront’— from 1940 to 1945 has. long been regarded as largely ‘uncharted territory’ in terms of historical research. However, significant photographic material has slowly emerged and reveals 4 treasure-trove of fascinating, previously unseen and ‘often unknown ‘myth-busting’ data Ar operations over the Far North were demanding and. intensive, with the two main German fighter units, JG 5 ‘and II/J6 77, engaged against both the RAF and the Soviet Air Force. The aircraft of these units as well as lesser-known elements such as IL,(J}/186, 11. and 12(N)/JG 2, the Jagdgruppe Drontheim and Kommando Losigkeit and the heavy, twin-engine Zerstérer equipped with the Messerschmitt Bf 110, are examined in great detail. The far northern theatre af operations produced several leading Luftwaffe aces such as Heinrich Ehrler who claimed 200 victories, Gunther Scholz, Theo Weissenberger, and Ofw Rudolf Mille, all ‘of whom won the Knight's Cross and who flew a wide ‘and fascinating range of Messerschmitt Bf 109 and Focke-Wulf Fw 190 sub-types, the camouflage and ‘markings of which were often distinctive, unusual and cof a type rarely seen on other battlefronts Focusing on the Luftwatfe fighter force in Denmark, northern Finland and Norway, the authors have spent many years collecting information and photographs for this exhaustive study, which not only focuses on ‘camouflage and markings, but also examines the structure and organisation of the force, losses and accidents, unit commanders and junior officers. ‘This study forms what can be regarded as the most comprehensive reference work on the subject ever produced, which is enhanced by more than ninety specially produced colour profiles making it an ‘essential source for students of German aviation history and modellers. Kjetil Aka Andreas Brekken CLASSIC ‘The Authors Kjetil Alera is curator the Midt-Troms Muscun in z00gy) but ao sues Luftwaffe operations in Norway. especly fighters and their camouflage and markings as well a thei echnial sate and development. A speciality is his research on Laval ai ‘openitions on 12 November 1944 in connection with the sinking of the Tips, and his book on the Tits co-authored with Danish Kriegsmarine expert John Assmisen, was published in November 206, Andreas Brekken is Chief Opersting Oficer of both development and [Finfastrctre relate isues in mnlk-company structure consisting of four companies. He abo studies Luftwaffe operations, onganisation an lowes, especialy n Northern Euope He has writen and implemented a database forthe presentation of the workts most complete Laat los lst which will so serve 6 tool fo the integration of al kind of archival material fr easy retrieval and us Acknowledgements Asal with a complex and extensive book there ate many individuals who have provided valuable coneibutons in various ways These include gentlemen who have generously allowed their photographs from thei collections to be published inthis work people who have helped us fin the sources for phorographs and people who have supplied us with documents of interes oa relevance to on recarch, In no parsculr oder these peuple include: Ole Dybwig, whose photographic contributions eo this ‘book ae substantial and wo abo gave us acces to his vat digital dacumene collection; Rune Ratio, who contributed sone «crucial phocogrphs; Horst Kul, who generously ews we many of hie 5 photograph Eric Mombeck tue gentleman, who did ehe same: Bjorn Hatten, who provided ws with much information on IN./ZG 26 and oer units detain this book; Hann Valionen, wo kindly Belped un Fnding some impor photographs fromthe Finnish Air Force archives Axel Urbane, whose photographs helped us ilrate some important chapters in the JG 5 history; Oyvind Leonsen, who lt us ase some nev Phorographis of Schaschke'’ BY 110: Ernst Knurson, whose photographs proved met welcome for incldson in our book: Matk Sheppard who lt us noe only se his esearch on recovered JG 5 aircraft ao sent us colour slides of some ofthese ako generously shared hs research on JG 5 activities on yg 2 well oher eleva images Heine Scilr, formee member (0f 16.15, who allowed us couse his wonder photographs of his ere BP 109 G-14/ASBhe 17a Rass Svs and Inger Smith Oken at Flyhitorisk Moncum Sola (Gola Aviation Muscum) for access to their photographic archive; other contebutor include Mas Averkvist, Cato Gab, Ari Kixaas ad Chrille Sjgren, ‘There is ako a large number of people who contributed in othe, jus a important, ways incaing our dear fiend Ex Pilswski who put us in touch with the “right people at Chevron Publshing in onfer to yet our esearch published: Ok Bjorn Selemminde, who helped with crucial contact and general information eganing the savage of ‘White 1" and “Yellow 16! Gerhart Stemmer, who provided information on vai and relevant information; the same must be sai for Geir angen, ho helped with inormaton on Fw 190 A-2"ellow 16 Fellow machines Melin Christiansen who not only facitated the acquisition ofthe very important photographs of Blue 17° but who units and ther sre: Halvor Sperbund who aso help with contr cnthusiast Johan P Petersen has provided a long-term companionsbip with regand to researching Laffwate nisin Norway ‘We should also not Forget tho people“ the background who help andl suppor in various ways, We would expecially like so extend our thanks to the good people athe “Twelve O'Clock Luftwae Discusion For who have proved inspiration an anwer to some of our questions and special mention should be made of Ed West who fas unearthed many. wonder photographs through his postings of internet photo auctions. The same apis tothe enthoini crowed tht is IPMS Nor ‘whos frum i constant source of inspiration, Aso the good people at the Norsk Luffartsmascum, ed by Sven Scheiderbauer have provided an arena for network-uilding beeween avsion history eras which i highly apprised by dhe ators A work like this would nor hase been posible wiehout the suppore of family and fends, which is highly vad and appreciated. We would ho like vo extend our gratitude to Kecs Mol for hi generous contrition, Finally our sincere ehanks and appreciation mas go to Robert Forth and Mark Nekon of Chevron Publishing who put dhe hook you hold in your hand together and who showed rca patie during the production pances, Kjetil Akra Andreas Brekke ebroary 2008 LutwateFghtor and Fight Bombers ovr the Fr North (© 2008 Andreas Brekken and Kit Aka ISBN (13) 978 909728901 Produced by Chew Pabishing Linited Project tors: Raber Forsyth Cover and book desig: Mark Nelson Cole profiles: © kit Aka Published by lan Alan Publishing Riverdene Business Park, Molosey Road, Horsham, Surry, KTI2 486 North American trade distribution: ‘Specialy Press Publishers & Wholesalers ne. {8556 Grand Avenue, North Branch, MIN S855, USA ot 651 2771400 Fx: 6512771203 Tollfree telephone: 800 895 4585 uw specialypross com Printed in Hong Kong by Printing Express Li, SF Corn (Cente, 50 Wing Tai Roe, Calvan, HongKong ‘Alright osarvd, No par of his pubieaton maybe Fepraduced, stored in a reeval system, wansmited in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopied recorded or otherwise, without the writen Permission ofthe publishers Vist the lan Allan Publishing website a: vcianalangbistng com CONTENTS Introduction Glossary Photographs ¥ INTRODUCTION ‘Why yet another book on Luftwaffe aircraft and nits? ‘There can hardly be another aviation topic chat has been better covered than this. Part of our motivation to ‘write this book is chat the Luftwaffe units operating in the Far North theatre (Norway and northern Finland), have received relatively litle attention compared 0 ‘more popular areas of operation and units Fortunately, the major fighter unit, JG 5, has now received an ‘up-to-date operational history through the three- volume series of Belgian historian, Eric Mombeck. However, there are stil important aspects that remain to be clarified, such as the histories of other fighter units chat operated within the area, and the fact that GLOSSARY Abreilung ~ Unit Alarmstat - Scramble new information on the structural onganistion of JG 5 has recently come to light. Furthermore, the topic of the camouflage and markings of these aircraft is generally neglected, not much new material has been ‘written and what does exist is usually spread between a ‘number of publications. Besides, a lot of faulty or ‘unsubstantiated information, what may be termed as “mnyths' regarding this controversial subject, i ill out there. Our deste is to collect ll this information Ihetwien the cavers of a single book and thus provide the reader with up-to-date information on all the Luftwatle fighter units operating in the Far North. Einsatzstaffel ~ Operational part of taining unit with Staffel strength Erginzungsstaffel ~ Operational training unit of Staffel strength attached to an operational unit Erginzungsgruppe - Operational tring unit of Staffel strength attached to an operational unit Fliegerkorps ~Tactical command designation ~ additionally identified by number or area designation, eg. I Flegerkorps or Jagdfiegerfhrer Norwegen Fuhrer der Seelufistcitkrifte ~ Officer in command of operational maritime flying units FFhrungsmaschine ~ Leading aicrafin 2 formation and or unit Gefechtseab — Operational stat Generalstab der Oberquartiermeister der Lufiwatle ~ General Staff of the Luftwaffe Quartermaster Generaloberquartiermeister ~ Designation of the officer in command ofthe General Staff of the Luftwaffe Quartermaster Groppenkommandeur ~ Officer in command of a uni of Gruppe srengeh Groppenstab — Staff ofa uni of Gruppe strength Isestirke ~ Real strength of a unit with regards to aircraft and personnel ata given time abo ~ Abbreviation of Jagdbomber ~ Fighter-bomber JTagegeschwader — Fighter unit of Geschwader strength ‘agdiiegerfhter ~ Regional commander of fighter units - followed by number or area designation, e.g. agdliegerirer 3 or Jagdliegerfhrer Norwegen hadgruppe — Fighter unit of Gruppe strength Jnadstafel ~ Fighter unit of Stafel serength Kriegsmarine ~ German Navy LLehrgeschwader ~ Unit of Geschwader strength for tactical and operational evaluation and testing Lulifloe ~ Lit “Air Fleet: Regional command, followed by number or area designation, e.g. Luftlote 5 or Luffonte Reich Luftwaffenbefehishaber Mite - Regional Com regional area rnd Mite ‘Oberquattiermeister Reserve ~ Reserve aircraft and or personnel ofa given quartermaster within a giv Sollstirke — Establishment strength of a unit with regards to accra and personnel at a given time Sonderstaffel - Special unit of Staffel strength Stafel = Designation of the smallest tactical unit inthe Luftwaffe, usually consisting of 9 to 16 aireraft and erew Seafelkapitin ~ Officer in command of a unit of Staffel strengsh Staestammbau ~ Unit organization chart det led to Staffel level ‘See — Stammkennzeichen ~ Aircraft identification code, also referred to as radio code Ubungs-Alarmstare ~Training scramble Werknummer— Aircraft serial number assigned at the production plant Werksatlug ~Tes fight after aircraft repair or overhaul Zersbner ~ Direc translation ‘Destroyer = in this context heavy fight rat usually multi-engine S indicated by is ttle this book deals with Luftwaffe fighters and fighter-bombers operating in the extreme north of Europe or what came to be known to the Germ font’) In geographical terms this refers mainly tothe actual font line running along the Litea River, bs in a wider sense it encompasses northern Europe, ic ns a8 the ‘Eismeerfront (it. "ce sea Norway, Finland and the Kola Peninsula, We have efined the scope of this book to include the area assigned to Lufiflote 5 during the war, that s, occupied Norway, northern Finland (roughly from Pori and northward), occupied areas of the Soviet Union (aainly on the Kola Peninsul) as well Spitebergen (although no fighters stationed there). In terms of units this includes L/JG 77. 1L.())/186, the four Gruppen of JG 5,1. and IV/JG 1 as well as Jagdgruppe Drontheim and a few other shore ‘sland were ced semi-autonomous units oF units that only briefly operated from the region covered, In onder to with the units in question, we have divided the better ‘acquaint’ the reader respective sections on units ingo three components One and brief operational history of each unit in question. dea with the organisation, structure This component will provide overviews of the command structure down to Staffel level, a8 well a ll rajor organizational changes that invariably took place during the course of the war, We alo present a new Suaffeltammbau for JG 5, based on the latest material indeed, the only correct one, to date. The second component deals with the aircraft and aircraft sub-types delivered jous strength returns and notes on the nsilable which we believe isthe most corre technical state of the acral. The strength returns are presented in tabulated form The last component deals Finally, we hhave also chosen to present extended essays on selected with the markings and camouflage ‘opics in independent information boxes. AAs the operational Jagdstaffeln and Erginzung. sstaffeln used to form JG 5 in the fist half of 1942 are such an integral part ofthe eatly history of the unit and their aircraft were simply ken over by JG 5, the camouflage and markings of these airerat will be briefly dealt with in this book, Conversely, as 1 and IL/JG 5 le Norway in Avgust-October 1943 and April 1944, respectively their subsequent service on other front areas does not form part of this book, ruppen in Germany in late 1944, As for the camoufhge and ‘markings system of the BF 1097 this has been deale with in derail by Akra & Kjzraas (2004) and will be ealt with only briefly in this volume, The same neither do the units formed from these applies to the relatively few Me 410s that served in IV/ZG 26 in 1944-45; for information on their camouflage and markings we refer you to Akra & Brekken (2008). Dedicated night fighter units also fill ‘outside che seope of this book (excepe when operating ina day fighter capacity), This is not a book about Luftwaffe aces, but rather & book about their unis, airra, camouflage (not forgetting the lange number of pilots ‘markings and who were not aces in the technical sense of the word, bbut nevertheless contributed valuable services to theit ally import stories to tel). Even so we will of necessity, sometimes wunit and country, often with eg ouch on the subject of number of kills scored — a topic which has generated considerable controversy in recent Tease because records of Soviet losses have become availble (See for instance ‘www htm). Judging by these as well a5 research carried out by ‘others, it is quite clear tha several of the famed JG 5 aces over-claimed to a considerable degree. We would Tike to stress that we do not in any way want to years, not diminish the accomplishment of these pilos by stating this. Our intention is simply co make it cleat that when describing an ace and the kill markings on his aircraft, wwe will use the term ‘claim’ instead of “kill, the reason being that many of the kills cannot be verified by Soviet records, Over-claiming was a phenomenon that took place on all fonts and by all combatants, Current research would seem to indicate that it was particularly frequent amongst members of JG 5, but 81096 cures in overthe ismeorfont—a vast expense of seemingly endless tuna This waste combat zone for J6 Sande therunts fighting othe tarot om 1941 i Novembar 1964 (Col. Bretton, Tyco consion on an sir ring winter i the Nort possibly Pesame. The snow ies tok and Reo and ‘arpolin are used provide thea wit some protection ‘lemons (Cot Bekker inst the harsh LUFTWAFFE FIGHTERS AND FIGHTER-BOMBERS OVER THE FAR NORTH even so itis obvious that the unit produced a large number of aces, Material and photographs The analysis and aire profies presented within these pags are, toa great extent, based on published photographs and naraives, but photographs and dlocuments fom private collections hive kindly been made aaabe fr study by a linge number of people (bee Acknowledgement). We have also been fortunate enough 10 hive some 270 photos fom a private photograph collection made maibe to us, some of these ‘which have been publshed before and are geneely avaiable, while others have not previously Aircraft designations and sub-types ‘ste Luftwaffe expanded the need for ever increasing Accelerator for theatre industry, with regards both development and production numbers. At the same time, the high number of operations! sorties being flown made the quantity of aircraft damaged both due to pure mishaps and combat increase. In 2ddiion vps at unit Reichlufahreminiteriam built an extenve syste 5 retieving and repairing damaged srt AS the diferent aircat model evolved, the repair facilities and aircraft factories alo. expanded thet to the alrfiames level, the organizations, in onder to not only repair, but alo upgrade airerat. Al the main aircrafé models covered in this book were more or less suitable for stances this led to an airframe changing is sub-type zading, and in many

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