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“ELPD - EAST LANSING POLICE DEPARTMENT us Ss Case Report por Datei Tes6403050 Staus Arrest 7102016 Horn, 28:00 AM FILE CLASS/OPFENSE: 1300! - Assault and Barer NATURE OF INCIDENT 131 /A&B/Green Edmondson wil Simple Assault mis/Hornv Humphries/Pride OCCURRED ON: 7/10/2016 2:28:00 AM (and Between) VENUE: Conrads grill 101 E Grand Riv East Lansing, MI 48823 CITY ‘TOWNSHIP: 80 - East Lansing, Ingham VICTIM: Edmondson Jr, Jermaine Lurale ‘VICTIM OF: 1313 - 13001 - Assault and Battery/Simple Assault VICTIM TYPE: Individual | os: a AGE 3 | RACE: Black or Aftican American SEX: Male JUV:N= No. HGT: 60" WOT: 185 HAIR: Black EYES: Brown ETH: U- Unknown Circumstances: — \ DL State: Ill ADDRESS INFORMATION: +A : | 2 on |S S:h0o a Phone Information nails: ‘i NorEs i WITNESS: Wiliams, Discs Monet DOB: 4/8/1995 AGE:21 RACE: Black or African American SEX: Female IUV:N-No | Hat: 5's" Wor: 142 HAIR: Black pata ETH: U- Unknown Circumstances: | | DL State: Michigan | INFORMATION | Phone information Email: | | rea | NOTES: fasts [ ARRESTER: Green, Draymond lamal ARRESTED FOR: 1313-13001 ~ Assault and BaterySmnplo Asal j IUV:N- No ARREST NO: 0003615 op: 3471990 "TYPE: Taken ino Custody(warran) | AGE: 26 DATE 7/102016 | | SEX: Male | RACE: Black or African American | HGT:6'7" war: 240 HAIR: Beown EVES: Brows ETH: U - Unknown Circumstances SMI D tate: Michigan : ELPD - EAST LANSING Case No, 1636403 POLICE DEPARTMENT Repon DateTime: 7/10/2016 2:28:00 AM | Case Report Reponing Office Hoos, Je NARRATIVE: 1636403050 | (On the date and time indicated } was standing on the west side of closing for the nigh. bbott next the old MSUFCU watching Conrad's as the bars were All of the sudden myself and Officer Horn heard a loud slap sound. | could immediately see the crowd disperse into two sides as Green went ‘one way and Edmonson went the other way The crowd then began to get ve yack and forth Jovd as people wer | At this point Sgr, Pride was siting at the light on Grand River and Abbott and had called out a immediately ran over to Conrad’, at Conrad's. Officer Horn and 1 Pride during this time was talking to Edmonson who identified Gre as the one that had slapped him across the face ARREST/TRANSPORT Once Officer Fiom and j hand placed handcuffs on Green, we walked him over to Officer Horn's patrol vehicle where he searched Gre before entering his veh Officer Horn then transported Green to BLPD's Jail. Officer Hom and hen ran overt Green an handcuffed htm per deparmenaly policy, ashe was walking North on Abbot rou | STATUS Closed, Please see Original report for further deta, t Respectfully Submitted, | oficer Shelby Humphries LPD A178 NARRATIVE: Hom, Jeff ELPD-16) | 1/10/2016 12:00:00 AM INFORMATION, On 7/10/16 at approx. 0228 hrs., Ofe. Humphries and J were on foot at the NW corner of Grand River and Abbot. There. had just been an altercation in front of Rick"s Bar and a handful of the subjects involved in the altercation walked to Conrad’s at 101 E Grand River at which ‘ime we did stand jn the NW corner watching Conrad's | We dig observe several subjects come out the front door closest t0 Grand River and begin talking soup. ROs were watching, group when observed a faer, b/m, wear a white shir, open handedly sip anne bm across the face wi his and tote vice [Case Report | Reporting Office Hom, self oar No 1636403050 Prine aly 13,2018 - 1044 AM Page2.of 5 | CaseNo. 1636403050 3 toa | [ELPD - EAST LANSING ; ceNo. 1636403050 POLICE DEPARTMENT tego eine 7/10/2016 2:28:00 AM | Case Report Reporting Officer: Hora, Jef? Lcheek area. The sound of the slap was very loud. RO at that time immediately began to cross Abbot Ra. towards Conrad's. At shat time, Sgt. Pride did call out that he would be ou with | some subjects in front of Conrad’s. RO then immediately made contact with the victim who was later ID'd as Jermaine LuRule Edmondson, | dr, bm, 7710194, | {a dias time asked Edmondson if he wanted to press charges for the assault that had just occurred. He indicated he did at which time RO

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