Thesis Document

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Main Thesis Document

1) Introduction
Write about the issue of your concern. Use the Research proposal format and elaborate
on the background. Read what has been written about your topic in various places
(newspapers, journals, articles, previous theses). Build up the base/ framework and
context for your design topic. Talk about the need and importance of your topic.
Important points to help form your base are:
i) Architecture model
ii) Site
iii) Issue
2) Case Studies
(As per format given)

3) Conclusions from case studies and brief

Insert the comparative analysis table of case studies here
Write what needs to be retained and/ or enhanced in your opinion and why.
Write what needs to be deleted in your opinion and why.
Write what needs to be added in your opinion and why.
Write your overall analysis and conclusion from all the case studies you have done. Use
the remarks column for this. From the above derive the brief for your design.
4) Site Selection
(As per format given)
5) Concept and write up
6) A3 size prints of final design drawings

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