Reward Chap 3

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Reward! What Reward?

Chapter 3
The Bible contains a collection of books written over a period of 4000 years. The number of
books varies upon which religion one follows. The Protestant religion recognize 39 books where
the Catholics have 46 books. Eastern Orthodox have 51 books. All these books are considered
to belong to the old Testament. The new testament is basically the same among all large
religion and contains 27 books.
There are too many translations to count them all. History has recorded all the activity done to
these books and has been able to assign most of the names of the writers. Very few books are
in question as to its author or not being relevant to the Christian God.
The Quran was written over a period of 23 years and approximately 150 years after the death of
Muhammad therefore is not included in this search for numbers.
All the Christian books have a constant similarity with numbers. Very few errors of translation
are observed in quoting numbers. One example is that all agree that there is only one God.
There is also a duplicity to the number one (1) that all Christians are in agreement. This duplicity
is told by Jesus that he and his Father are one (1) and the same with one mind. Although
Genesis refer to them as (us), the same can be found in the union of a man and a woman who
are two (2) people when they are married, they become one (1) Gen 2; 23-24. This unique
presentation above is not well accepted by the general population today as it denies a place in
our human association to special interest groups.
The number one (1) is well accepted when it refers to a group of things like Angels, trees,
clouds and such. These are all groups of things but under the cover of a singularity like one
The number two (2) account for a lot of references in the Bible but other than the enigma that is
the cause of confusion about God, this number is well understood by people.
The number three (3) also contain a confusion in the Bible. This number tell us that there are
three 3 Spirit in charge in Heaven. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Catholic church places
this trio on the same playing field and therefore basically the same powers. Jesus said that his
father is greater than he. He also said that he would send the Holy Spirit to his disciples, these
statement indicates that Jesus is establishing an order to all three. Father has authority over the
son and Jesus has authority over the Holy Spirit. Mat 6; 9 and John 14; 14

2 Cor 13; 14 Further explain this enigma. The Grace of Jesus, the Love of God and the
Fellowship of the Holy Ghost. I conclude that Love is higher than Grace and Grace is higher
than Fellowship. This is not to diminish what the Holy Spirit is but failing to understand why the
old Testament has left no record of its existence. All convergence of evidence points to the fact
that the Holy Spirit is part of God and Jesus, leaving the duo as a single entity, God, the creator,
the word, and containing the highest form of intelligence called the Holy Spirit.
It is not my intention to interfere with whom you want to pray for, I am just looking at the
relevance of the numbers.
The number three (3) is mentioned 467 times in the Bible. It is a very important number. The
resurrection of Jesus was 3 days. Woes all come in 3, Peters denial was 3 times and many
more example. The number 3 is also attached to an other important number, 35.
The number four (4) relates to many things that we know. 4 seasons, 4 corners of the earth,
NWSE. 4 horseman of Apocalypse. When adding a zero, there is the 40 years that Moses lived
in the desert. Add one more zero and the Bible show 400 cities, 400 years and so on. The 4
beast of Revelation.
The number five (5) symbolizes Gods grace and appears 318 times. The ten Commandments
contains 2 sets of 5 Commandments. There are 5 books of laws. One can find on the internet, a
general meaning for each number but no correlations to other numbers is achieved such as 3
and 5 or 6 and 66 or with 666.
The number six (6) claims the birth of man approximately soon to be 6000 thousand years.
Slaves were to be released after their 6th year of bondage. The land has to rest after the 6th
year as God rested after the 6th day of creation. Most Jews would not know how many clans the
tribes of Israel consisted of, it is 66 clans. How many people know the number of cups, knobs
and petals on the famous Menorah, again it is 66. The Menorah was designed by God and
showed to Moses to carve it out of one solid piece of gold.
It was Gods way of showing the world the meaning of his plan for Israel not just the tribe of
The center shaft represents God
The 3 branches represent Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
(God changed Jacob's name to Israel.)
The cups, knobs and petals represent the 12 sons
Of Jacob which became the 12 tribes of Israel who
Numbered 66 clans
= 70

This is all about the promise made by God to Abraham that his people would be the chosen
ones, not only the Jews or Levy, all other tribes as well. Now look up Daniel 9; 24 see what the
angel of God told Daniel.
Further to 6, when we attach 6 to 66 the number 666 install fear in our life. No one wants that
number on their phone or licence plate. No one is quite sure why this is so other than it being
associated with Satan.
In chapter 2, you became aware of Gods plan and found out the purpose of mans creation. The
Bible tells us that man was created on the 6th day. That was a good day for us. At the same
time, that is the day Satan found out that he just witnessed the arrival of a new threat to his
kingdom on earth.
We also know that Satan has been roaming the earth for millions of years since being punished
by God and sent to earth, but Satan was not concerned about early man, those before Adam, as
God had not revealed himself until 6 thousand years ago to Adam. So Satan only started to
interfere with man after the first attempt on Adam. Satan was without repentance for over 6
millions years, intensified his influence on man from 6 thousand years ago therefore, his number
is 666.
God had to create man on the 6th day because of the failure of Lucifer to do what he was told 6.
Satan roamed the earth for over 6 millions years without repentance.
And Satan has been interfering with men for 6 thousand years since Adam.
The number Seven (7) used 735 times is the foundation of Gods word. It is completeness and
perfection more than any other numbers. God rested on the 7th day for on the 8th, he is back at
work. Lamech, the father of Noah dies at the age of 777. God shows Moses 7 lands before
Moses died. The book of Revelation speaks of 7 churches, 7 horns and 7 eyes. In the book of
Amos 5; 8 The Pleiades are a group of 7 stars but only 6 can be seen by the naked eye. How
did they know that without a telescope? Enoch was the 7th generation down from Adam and he
walked with God.
When adding a zero we find in the book of Daniel 9; 24 that 70 weeks is decreed until a new
Jerusalem (end time) is built. There are too many references of number 7 in the Bible but no
one has ever applied any significance to this number. Just as Satans number are 666, Gods
has his own number as well but he does not need them. It is only for our understanding that the
Holy Spirit is releasing information about all these numbers because we are very close to end

God created everything and rested on the 7th day.

Approximately 7 millions years ago God started to reproduce himself by creating man.
At the end of Gods 7 thousand spiritual year's, Gods judgment day will arrive.
Those are Gods numbers.
Should you wish to add them up, then the number 21 represent 2 spirit in one.
God and Jesus.
No such claim can be made with Satan.


God has a 7000 years spiritual plan. We are very close to the 6000 Year of this plan.

There are a number of genealogical list of the descendant of Adam to Jesus in the Bible, some
lists are not complete but the one belonging to Luke 13; 23-38 is very interesting because the
number of names from God to Jesus is 77 as in 2 times 7 which is a complete number. Luke
was not interested in making the numbers add up in those days.



There are seven reasons why Jesus came to earth,

To qualify where the first Adam failed to replace the former angel Lucifer on the throne of the
To announce the future establishment of the Kingdom of God and teach the good news to his
apostles and followers.
To take on himself as our creator the penalty for our sins by his death on the cross, that we
might share in the reward.
To be resurrected from the dead by God, showing us that, this eternal God-life is possible for all
who are willing to obey Gods law and all who have died before who lived in good conduct of
this law.
To establish Gods church, to be trained to rule under him. (not any of our present churches)
To develop his character and show us that our character will be a factor in attaining our reward.
To get married to his church, to all of us, because God wants a family to help him embellish the
whole universe.
Number eight (8) is not very well represented in the Bible. The Chinese places great value to
this number as we find the number 7 very lucky.
Number nine (9) is basically the same.
Number ten (10) used 242 times is viewed as a complete number. The 10 commandments, the
ten horns of Revelation and so on. Add 2 zeros and Jesus will rule for 1000 years before final
The number eleven (11) is similar to 8 and 9 in content although different meaning.

The number twelve (12) sees Jacob having 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel and a
chosen people. Jesus chose 12 disciples. Add zeros and see 12,000 from every tribe of Israel
raise from the grave to govern under Jesus for a 1000 years before the great judgment. Rev. 14;
Number 13 to 34 do not add up to many mysteries.
The number thirty-five (35) is a combination of 3 and 5. Although this number is ignored by the
Bible numerologist, it is very important as it is of 70. Some numbers relevancy was not to be
released by the Holy Spirit until end times.
When studying the number 35, I could not understand why Davids early warriors added to 37. It
did not add up to the other numbers that meant something. After digging further, I found that 2
names did not belong because they were not from any of the 12 tribes of Israel, they were
descendant of Lot and Canaan. Therefore, the number of Davids Gods warrior is 35.
Why my determination to find the problem? It is because so much relates to the number 7 and
when I look at its extension which is 70 than the half has to be 35 not 37. It has to add up. You
will understand later.

How old was Jesus? Does anyone know for sure? Most agree that he was 33 when he died.
Luke says that his ministry lasted 4 years from age 29 to 33 AD. Jesus was born around the
same year as John the Baptist as both mothers were pregnant at the same time. Since Harold
died in 4 BC and as Matt 2; 16 says, that he ordered all boys 2 years and under be put to death,
this places the birth of Jesus at 6 BC sometime in August. Jesus received word that he could
return, after the death of Harold which makes him 2 years old. So 33 AD plus 6BC equals 39.
This number is suspicious as it does not relate to anything other than being close to the number
40. Jesus will come again so 2 times 39 is 78 and does not relate to anything and 2 times 40 is
80. This does not add up yet.

Historians can pinpoint all sorts of Dates of rulers as far back as Nimrod but nothing at all on
Jesus. It is a closely company guarded secret not to be revealed until the end days. Because
God has no timeline, it only makes sense that Jesus would not have a timeline either as he is
God. I believe that this was done on purpose and would render all the prophesies of Daniel

The numbers were drawn from my wifes grand mothers Bible of 1879. The King James
version. So I had to look at an other way of calculating these numbers because of all the
prophecies around the number 70 as given by the Prophets. When we subtract the number
4004 BC which is the birth of Adam from Gods 7000 years plan, it equals 2996. Now take away
the thousand years that Jesus will rule on earth and the end result is the year 1996. The end
day did not come in 1996 but if we add the age of Jesus to it, it equals 2035. Multiply Jesus visit
to earth twice times 35 is 70. This does add up to those prophecies but it takes the 6000 years
to 6039 years, so a secret still remains but we are very close. Note that the year zero and the
length of a year in those days is not addressed or taken into consideration, leaving room for a
difference of up to 1 and year leeway.

Due to the numerous correlations of number seven, I am positive that Jesus second coming to
earth has to be related to his age when he died because God does not do things without cause
and God always do things in duplicate so that we clearly understand his message. This age had
to be 39/40. As Jesus said, no one knows the day nor the hour. The year is becoming very
obvious to us, as we see all the signs pointing to less than 2 decades before we see the end.

In Daniel 12; 11 and 12, there are 3 numbers given to him by the Angel of God. These numbers
can not be attributed to his time or these past years before our year 2000. Therefore, these 3
numbers have to be an end time prophecy.
The first one is 2300 days Dan. 8;14 and the second is 1290 days Dan 12;11 and the last one is
1335 Dan 12;12.
People have divided them, multiplied them and quantum them without result, as all their
numbers passed on to a sorry death. We know that 70 weeks from Daniels time 9; 24 to the
end of the world required more than 70 weeks as we are already in the year 2016. Therefore,
these 70 weeks is a hidden number tied to Gods 7000 years plan. We already know that the
Bible tell us that that men (Spiritual Adam) were created on the 6th day or 6000 years ago
approximately in 4004 BC We know that this is a spiritual year as man has been around longer
than that, perhaps as much as over 6 million years. Every theologian claim that one week
equals 7 years for a total of 490 years but their timeline become so faulty and confusing that
none agree to a unified answer.
70 weeks has to be the symbol for Gods 7000 thousand years plan which is the first code, so 7
weeks in Dan. 9; 25 must equal 700 years which is the second code by adding the missing
zeros. Simple enough.

We also know that 700 years or these secret numbers of 1290,1335 and 2300 have passed and
gone without the end of the world coming. The only option left is to add these 7 weeks / 700
years to either one of these numbers to be consistent. Now the result would be for the first one
1990 years, the second 2035 and the third, 3000 years. One number has passed but not the
others. I looked to see what happened in 1990 and I discovered that in November of that year
an assembly of many nations from Europe decided to adopt an alliance that would eventually
become the EU as we know it today. This was the birth of the beast from the book of Revelation
that came from the land and will be known as the King of the North. This fits all the prophecies
recorded in the Bible.
The year 2035 to which you must now recognize the number 35 as being of 70 and 2 time 35
is 70 has not yet arrived and points without prejudice the great day Jesus returns to Earth.
Although the total years add up to 6039 which is 6000 years plus the age of Jesus, 2035 is very
close to a real time table as we see too many signs of the coming end of our world as we know
it and fits into the 7000 years plan of God.
The last number is also interesting, when we add 700 to the 2300 days and nights (2x) from
Daniel it equals 3000 years, multiply by 2x because Dn.8;14 specify mornings and evenings it
equals = 6000 years and the beginning to Jesus 1000 years rule on earth. One must keep in
mind that God has done everything in TWOS from the beginning of his reveal to us, in order to
make sure that we understood his message. Dn.8;26 states that the Angel of God claims that
the vision of the mornings and evenings is true as spoken.

From Adam to Noah there is 1656 years plus 2309 years from Noah to Jesus and finally add
2035 years until the return of Jesus and that equals 6000 years.
Jesus will rule with 144,000 members of Israel's tribes for 1000 years for a total of 7000 years.
How else can these numbers be explained in the end times? In the year 2028, the same
number is applied to the one week of the prophecy that predicts the great tribulation. This week
is converted to 7days who are in fact 7 years, if we are to follow the same pattern as above.
2028 plus 7 years tribulation equals 2035.
All these numbers were given to us in the Bible but no information on the birth and death of
Jesus which makes his statement that no one knows the day nor the hour a truth but enough
numbers were given. Although they are not to be understood until the end days, it afford us
enough time to prepare ourselves for what is coming and change our ways.

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