Reward Chap5 Part 1

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Reward! What Reward?

Chapter 5 Part 1
The book of Revelation
The author of this book is called John. In those days, the persecution of Christian was
rampant. People had to be careful whenever they gathered or sent letters. They may have
used other peoples name, regardless; this John is not the apostle John from the days of
He may or may not use the apostles name but he had some authority over this new
church called Christianity.
Chapter 1; 1, clearly state that, God sent an Angel to his servant John, the writer of this
book. The apostle John did not need an Angel to explain to him, what must happen very
soon, because he had already received Gods Holy Spirit. Therefore, the apostle
understood everything, but this writer did not understand the book he is about to write.
This book contains 7 Beatitudes given by Gods messenger to John. They start with the
word HAPPY. Verse 1; 3, 14; 13, 16; 15, 19; 9, 20; 6, 22; 7 and 22; 14.
Chapter 1; 4, John addresses himself to 7 churches, located in present day Turkey. He
speaks of 7 spirits before the throne of God. These spirits are the Angels, whose job it is
to whisper the word of God to the 7 churches, just as our personal Angels whisper to us to
chose Good over Evil.
Certainly, God would not assign 7 spirits to 7 churches for a short period.
John also mentioned that God made the 12 tribes of Israel, a royal nation of priest to his
service. These words, royal, nation and priest will become clearer in Johns book and
also clearer to us as to its meaning.
In chapter, 1; 7, John quotes from other scriptures that Jesus is coming amid the clouds.
He misquotes however, that, even those who pierced him will see him coming down.
This is not possible. Only the first-born and the people left alive after the great tribulation
will witness the return of Jesus. Those who pierced him will have to wait until judgment
John, or whoever wrote this book, did not know the order of things before John received
his visions.

First vision of John,

1; 9 Here, John is banished to the Greek island of Patmos, because of his faith. There he
receives his first vision.
1; 11 John is instructed to write down what he sees and send it to the 7 churches. These
churches were small buildings with a few followers of the Christian faith in each town.
Their own head priest individually controlled each church.
1; 12 John sees 7 lampstands made of gold and he sees the son of Man.
1; 16 John sees Jesus, holding 7 stars in his right hand and he had a sharp two-edged
sword come out of his mouth. The two-edged sword, demonstrate that, Jesus and God
have only one word or tongue, but, it is sharp on both side. This means that there is
absolutely no compromise or deviation to the word.
1; 17,18 Jesus tells John that, he once died but now lives forever and ever. Jesus says that
he holds 2 keys, one key for death and one key for the nether world.
Jesus does not hold a key for the sea, this is very important for the sea, as we will find
out later on.
Jesus tells John that, the 7 stars are the 7 Angels assigned to protect the 7 churches
through their whole existence, until his return. The 7 lampstands of gold are the 7
churches. It must be noted, that this gold is not purified gold.
Letters to the 7 churches,
Jesus gives 7 statements to John through a vision. These statements are addressed to the
presiding spirit of these churches. These spirits are the 7 stars or presiding Angels. All
Angels in Heaven have a job; these 7 Angels job is to council their churches in the right
In order for John to understand what he is writing, Jesus dictates these statements as thou
all 7 churches are making errors in their daily activities just as they are today. How could
seven churches, separated by a few miles observe such a diversity of sins?
These statements were meant for all religious people of the world, then and now. They
cover a wide area of Good and Evil. They do not reject any one of these churches, but
offers them a chance to win and purify their gold not amass it.
See, 2;7 2;11 2;17 2;26 3;5 3;12 and 3;21.
Each one of these churches is under the influence of Satan, who is king of the earth until
Jesus returns. Not a single church will survive the great tribulation. A new church will be
born with the rising from the dead of all the saints and a few chosen ones. Jesus and only
Jesus will be the head of this church.

2; 1

To Ephesus

(The name means Desire) located in Turkey.

To the presiding spirit

I know your deeds, your labors and your patient endurance.
You cannot tolerate wicked men.
You tested those self-styled apostles and discovered that they are impostors.
You endure hardship for my cause.
You have turned aside from your early love.
Keep in mind the heights from which you have fallen.
Repent and return to your former deeds.
If you do not repent, I will remove your lampstand from its place. (See Exodus 37; 23)
You detest the practices of the Nicolaitans.
(You hate the way the people think, that they have won)
Chance to win
I will see to it that the victor eats from the tree of life, which grows in the garden of God
2; 8,11

To Smyrna

(The name means Incense) Turkey

To the presiding spirit

I know of your tribulation and your poverty, even thou you are rich. (Rich in faith)
I know the slander you endure from self-styled Jews who are nothing other than members
of Satans assembly.
Have no fear of the suffering to come.
(For the better part of two thousand years)
The devil will indeed cast some of you into prison to put you to the test.
(Temptation is as much a part of the churches as it is for men. Examples are greed, vanity,
cover up or deceit and false teaching)

You will be tried over a period of ten days.

(Satan will test you on all Ten Commandments)
Chance to win
Remain faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life.

2; 12,17

To Pergamos

(The name means Height or Elevation) Turkey

To the presiding spirit

I know you live in the very place where Satans throne is erected.
(Satan thinks of himself as high and mighty, he is the king of the earth and oversees his
domain from a high elevation above mankind)
I know you hold fast to my name and have not denied the faith you have in me.
Not even at the time when Antipas, my faithful witness, was martyred in your city where
Satan has his home.
(Antipas is an example of what it takes to hold on to the word of the Lord at any cost
against the Idolaters of that time and those of todays)
There are some among you who follow the teaching of Balaam.
(A sorcerer, deceiver and compromiser)
Who instructed Balak to throw a stumbling block in the way of the Israelites by tempting
them to eat food sacrificed to idols and to practice fornication.
(Just as this king named Balak, influence the Israelites in those days; so do some rulers of
our present days)
Yes, you to have those among you who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
(Win at all cost)
Therefore, repent! If you do not, I will come to you soon and fight against them with the
sword of my mouth.
(Gods word is final and his wrath will cut you down. In mens case, it comes as a thief,
in the churchs case; it will come during the great tribulation)

Chance to win
To the victor I will give the hidden manna.
(This is the same food, which is hidden in the Ark of the Covenant given to Moses. It is
also a spiritual food, which gives us the Holy Spirit)
I will also give him a white stone upon which is inscribed a new name to be known only
by him who receives it.
(This stone is the new church, only those who receives the hidden manna will know what
the new name will be)

2; 18,29

To Thyatira

(The name means Perfume or Sacrifice of Labor) Turkey

To the presiding Spirit

I know your deeds, your love and faith and service- as well as you patient endurance;
I know also that your efforts of recent times are greater than ever.
You tolerate a Jezebel- that self-styled prophetess who seduces my servants by teaching
them to practice lewdness and to eat food sacrificed to idols.
(This is not much different from the teaching of Balaam. Jezebel means, Island of the
Habitation. Here, the meaning is that Jezebel is a church within a church)
I have given her a chance to repent but she refuses to turn from her lewdness.
(Jesus gave these doctrine 2000 years to change)
I mean to cast her on a bed of pain; her companions in sin, I will plunge into intense
suffering unless they repent of their sins with her.
(The people that follow this doctrine have a chance to redeem themselves if they repent)
And her children, I will put to death.
(The people that holds tight to this false belief, become children of this doctrine and will
die a second death)
Thus shall all the churches come to know that I am the searcher of hearts and minds, and
that I will give each of you what your conduct deserves.
(Jesus tells us what he is looking for and what our reward or punishment will be at
judgment time including the fate of the 7 churches and that of their leaders)

And now I address myself to you in Thyatira who do not uphold this teaching and know
nothing of the so-called deep secrets of Satan
(All those people who does not believe in certain teaching given by their church. If your
heart and mind doubts what you hear, then ask God for guidance, he will give it to you.
The deep secrets of Satan are the false message that we can replace God or perform
creations that only he can do. That is what Satan had in mind during his first assignment)
On you I place no further burden
(You will not be held accountable for the false preaching of your church. Threat of
expulsion from your church will not put a burden on you)
In any case, hold fast to what you have until I come.
(If the bulk of your church doctrine is acceptable to you, then hang on to that)

Chance to win
To the one who wins the victory, who keeps to my ways till the end, I will give authority
over nations, the same authority I received from my Father.
(Jesus will give the authority to the people who obey his law to rule other men under his
leadership during the 1000 years, which he received from his Father to rule as King of the
earth. Authority also means the right to be judge and jury)
He shall rule them with a rod of iron and shatter them like crockery.
(When Jesus returns, the first-born will rule under him with a special tool. For the first
200 years, they will have to use this special tool, which will kill anyone who disobeys the
word of God. During that time, men will still remember Satan and his sinful ways. Men
will still want to do things their own way and some will rebel with disastrous result)
And I will give him the morning star.
(Later on, Jesus will give his first-born the universe to rule under God)

To Sardis

(The name means Prince of Joy) Turkey

To the presiding spirit

I know your conduct; I know the reputation you have of being alive, when in fact you are

(Joy means pleasure, delight, ecstasy, bliss or feeling alive. This church is dead as in dead
in Jesus)
Wake up, and strengthen what remains before it dies.
(There is still a chance for this church to come to real life)
I find that the sum of your deeds is less than complete in the sight of my God.
Call to mind how you accepted what you heard; keep to it and repent.
If you do not rouse yourselves I will come upon you like a thief, at a time you cannot
(Just as God takes our life unexpectedly, he will also take the life of this church the same
I realize that you have in Sardis a few persons who have not soiled their garments;
(Some church members remain true to the word of God)
Chance to win
These shall walk with me in white because they are worthy.
(White means purity)
The victor shall go clothed in white. I will never erase his name from the book of the
(This book will be opened on Judgment day)
But will acknowledge him in the presence of my Father and his Angels.
(Jesus will testify on our behalf at judgment time; in our stand against evil within our
own church)


To Philadelphia

(This name means Love of a Brother) Turkey

To the presiding spirit

I know your deeds; that is why I have left an open door before you, which no one can
(Jesus leaves the door to his temple open)
I know that your strength is limited.
(The church can only do so much; it is fighting against Satan for the salvation of their

I mean to make some of Satans assembly, those self-styled Jews who are not really Jews
but frauds, come and fall down at your feet;
(This is a repeat of the message to Smyrna, except that the frauds of this church will
come to beg for forgiveness during the great tribulation)
(Jesus was from the tribe of Judah. Many church leaders from this tribe, condemned Jesus
and his word because he interfered with their powers)
(A true Jew is anyone who obeys Gods law, whatever doctrine he follows without
personal gain)
Because you have kept my plea to stand fast, I will keep you safe in the time of trial,
which is coming on the whole world,
(Jesus speaks of the great tribulation yet to come to the whole world)
to test all men on earth.
(The final phase of Gods plan will separate the Good from Evil during and after the great
tribulation. Only those who pass the test will be rewarded)
Chance to win
I will make the victor a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall never leave it.
(Pillars, support buildings, they are part of the whole structure and stays there forever)
I will inscribe on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New
Jerusalem, which he will send down from Heaven, and my own name, which is new.
(After the great tribulation, we will find out these new names. The new city is a massive
part of God where the first-born will be ruling and teaching the survivors of the great
(This new city, or the New Jerusalem, could be located in the old city of Philadelphia
Turkey. It will be the headquarters to the whole universe for all time or it could be north
of present day Israel where the ancient garden of Eden was perhaps located as per new
satellite photos have revealed.

3; 14,22

to Laodicea

(This name means Just People) Turkey

To the presiding spirit

I know your deed; I know you are neither hot nor cold. How I wish you were one or the
other-hot or cold. But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spew you
out of my mouth!
(How many people and churches are hot one day and cold the next today. They flip flop
depending on who screams the loudest. There are ministers who are demanding a union
and others that are ordaining people who are openly sinning)
(This church sometimes believes and sometime deceives its members. It depends on who
is leading it at the time and which forces of political pressure or forces of financial
statement dictate their directions)
You keep saying, I am so rich and secure that I want nothing.
(This passage, speaks of earthly things, not spiritual richness)
Little do you realize how wretched you are, how pitiable and poor, how blind and naked!
(Naked, most can see through you)
Take my advice. Buy from me gold refined by fire if you would be truly rich. Buy white
garment in which to be clothed, if the shame of your nakedness is to be covered
(Gods gold is his word, white garment is his law. Adam was ashamed to find himself
naked. Is this church ashamed?)
Buy ointment to smear your eyes, if you would see once more.
(Buy the Holy Spirit to help you understand as you once did)
Whoever is dear to me I reprove and chastise. Be earnest about it, therefore. Repent!
(Gods greatest gift is love, as a mother scold her child to protect them from harm, so
does God reprove and chastise to protect us from a second death)

Chance to win
Here I stand, knocking at the door. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will
enter his house and have supper with him and he with me.
(Should the members of this church open their hearts, Jesus will enter and he will feed
their spirits with a bounty of Gods gold)
I will give the victor the right to sit with me on my throne, as I myself won the victory and
took my seat beside my Father on his throne.
(When you were little, did you ever have a chance to sit next to your mom or your dad on
the same sofa and cuddle up? What about your Grand-papa or Nanny? Did you feel
warm and special?)

(Are you willing to take a chance and lose it for a flighty moment?)
Second vision of John,
4; 4 Surrounding this throne were 24 other thrones upon which were seated 24 elders;
they were clothed in white garments and had crowns of gold on their heads.
(Crowns of gold, means that these 24 elders are kings sitting around God. These kings
were given their crowns upon their rise from death and made immortal, to rule the earth
under Jesus for 1000 years. They are the chosen ones from God)
(Some theologian thinks that they are the 12 apostles and the 12 tribes of Israel. How
simple and convenient. If that is the case, than where do Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Moses and all the rest of the saints fits? I will bet my life that Moses will be sitting next
to God)
4: 6 The floor around the throne was like a sea of glass that was crystal-clear.
(What happens to sand when it is heated, it turns to glass. The nature of the vision from
the passage above, places the time after the rule of Jesus as king for 1000 years,
therefore, everyone on earth is dead.
(This sea of glass is like the Angels that are as many as the sand. This sea, is all the dead
humans that ever lived on earth and have been crystallized together because they have not
yet been judged)
4; 6 At the very center, around the throne itself, stood 4 living creatures, covered with
eyes front and back.
(The picture of four living creatures with lots of eyes would terrify any child, but if they
are around the throne of God himself, they cannot be bad)
4; 7 The first creature resembles a lion, the second an ox, the third had a face of a man
while the forth looked like an eagle in flight. Each of the four living creatures had six
wings and eyes all over inside and out.
(These creatures are four Angels assigned by God to look after the passage of men during
their whole lifetime on earth. The attributes of a lion, an ox, an eagle are well known, that
of a man is all that is human in us. These Angels possessed various strength in order to do
their jobs.)
(The eyes inside and out represent the Angels powers to see our actions inside and out
and report to God. The six wings are the time designated to these Angels to oversee
mankind such as 6000 or 6 millions years)
5; 1 In the right hand of the One who sat on the throne, I saw a scroll. It had writing on
both sides and was sealed with seven seals.
(How could the writer know that this scroll, held by God, was written on both sides, since
it was sealed?)


5: 5 One of the elders said to me Do not weep. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the
Root of David, has won the right by his victory to open the scroll with the seven seals.
(This is Jesus)
5; 6 I saw a Lamb standing, a Lamb that had been slain. He had seven horns and seven
eyes; the eyes are the seven spirits of God, sent to all parts of the world.
(Here the writer explains, the seven eyes on Jesus but does not address the seven horns. If
you combine the eyes of Jesus to the spirit of God, then you must also assign the horns to
God. Horns are weapons, Gods weapons in his seven-day plan)
First seal,
6; 2 To my surprise, I saw a white horse; its rider had a bow, and he was given a
crown. He rode forth victorious, to conquer yet again.
(This is not an Angel; it is a phase of mens life on earth. We love to make kings,
emperors, tsars out of our leaders and praise them when they win wars for us)
Second seal,
6; 3 Another horse came forth, a red one. Its rider was given power to rob the earth of
peace by allowing men to slaughter one another. For this he was given a huge sword.
(Genocide is not war, murder is not an accident, and there is no place of safety for this.
Yet another phase in mens life)
Third seal,
6; 5 This time I saw a black horse, the rider of which held a pair of scales in his hand.
(Men life has always been in balance)
6; 6 It said A days pay for a ration of wheat and the same for three of barley! But
spare the olive oil and the wine!
(This passage is tied with the one above, a days pay for a days work until death. Even if
you work harder, it is still the same for three of barley; death in the end.
(The rider cannot weigh the olive oil or the wine as it runs off the scale. If you feed
yourself with olive oil and wine, you will not die. The word of God and his blood are the
liquid of life)
Forth seal,
6; 8 Now I saw a horse sickly green in color. Its rider was named Death, and the nether
world was its train.
(This, obviously is mens diseases through time, and a lot of us are dragged under by this
6; 8 These four were given authority over one quarter of the earth, to kill with sword
and famine and plague and the wild beast of the earth.


(The other three quarters of the earth will die of natural causes, actions of nature,
drowning and so on)

Fifth seal,
6; 11 Each martyrs were given a long white robe, and they were told to be patient a
little while longer until the quota was filled of their fellow servants and brothers to be
slain, as they had been.
(These people are waiting for the great tribulation to come because more saints will be
slain right up to that period. God needs a certain number of saints to rule under Jesus for
1000 years. See chapter 7; 4 to 8 to understand this quota)
Sixth seal,
6; 12 When I saw the Lamb break open the sixth seal, there was a violent earthquake;
the sun turned black as a goats-hair tent cloth and the moon grew red as blood.
(3 years, after men last war on earth, was stopped by God, a 7-day period of
devastating conditions will start with this huge earthquake. The sun will disappear due to
the cloud of dust and the moon will appear red under all the particles in the air)
6; 13 The stars in the sky fell crashing to earth like figs shaken loose by a mighty wind.
(This is a meteorite shower falling to earth blown by a cosmic wind)
6;14 Than the sky disappeared as if it were a scroll being rolled up; every mountain
and island was uprooted from its base.
(The third condition to follow is a thick fog that gradually envelops the whole earth,
nobody can see anything. That is when the mountains collapses and the islands
disappears into the ocean.)
(Later on you will find out what happens at this precise moment)
6; 15 The kings of the earth, the nobles and those in command, the wealthy and the
powerful, the slave and the free-all hid themselves in caves and mountain crags.
(Those that remain after the last war will hide in utter fear)
6; 16 They cried out to the mountain and rocks, Fall on us! Hide us from the face of
the One who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lambs! The great day of
vengeance has come. Who can withstand it?
(Since there is no God in their lives, they cry out to the mountain and beg the rocks. In
other words, they do not know whom to turn to)
7; 1 I saw four Angels standing at the four corners of the earth; they held in check the
earths four winds so that no wind blew on land or sea or through any tree.
(As mentioned in passage 6; 14, the fog is carried by the four winds)


7; 3 Do not harm to the land or the sea or the trees until we imprint this seal on the
foreheads of the servants of our God
(The four Angels are being told to hold the four winds until all the servants of God who
ever lived on earth and those who are still living, are marked on their foreheads, with the
seal of God which is the number 777. This will be done by a large number of Angels)
(These servants are to be the first-born or saints to rule under Jesus)
7; 4 I heard the number of those who were so marked- one hundred and forty-four
thousand, that is, 12 thousand from every tribes of Israel.
(This is the start of a specific number of people that will be made immortals and then
become rulers under Jesus. Presently, earth is ruled by less than, 4000 kings, ministers,
president, dictators and whatever else. The 144 thousand new rulers, seems excessive, but
we must understand that the 1000 years of rule on earth will not be the end for them or
the others which we will find later on)
(Just a reminder here that only 12 thousand first-borns will be from the tribe of Judah or
7; 9 I saw before me a huge crowd, which no one could count, from every nation and
race, people and tongue.
(The number of this crowd will be revealed later on in the prophecy. This is an
international crowd, Chinese, Indians, Inuit, Armenian, Iranians, Brazilians, Australians,
Vietnamese, and every other countries of the world and every language)
7; 9 They stood before the throne and the Lamb, dressed in long white robes and
holding palm branches in their hands.
(White robe is a sign of purity, because they followed Gods law. The palm branch is a
sign of victory)
7; 14 He told me, These are the ones who have survived the great period of trial: they
have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb
(The trial period is 6000 years long or even more. Now we know that these people are
also the first-born along with the 144 thousand in chapter 7; 4. Could Gandhi, mother
Teresa or someone living now, be one of them?)
7: 15 Day and night they minister to him in his temple.
(Here we find out where they are working. The temple of God will be revealed later in
the vision as well as their new duties)
7: 17 for the Lamb on the throne will shepherd them. He will lead them to springs of
life-giving water.
will be their teacher and he will show them where the source of immortal life is located)
Seventh seal,


8; 1 When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven for about
half an hour.
(The seventh seal is the start of the seven years Day of The Lord. The hour is in respect
to all that is going to happen and all the death that will ensue)

8; 2 Then as I watched, the seven Angels who minister in Gods presence were given
seven trumpets.
(These trumpets are seven events that will happen in the seven-year period)
(The following verses are not in order as the sixth event will last for the 3 1/2 years and it
is the first disaster to occur)
8; 5 Than the Angel took the censer, filled it with live coal from the alter, and hurled it
down to the earth. Peals of thunder and flashes of lightning followed, and the earth
(This is a precursor to the seven events. When we see the meteorite shower and feel the
earth tremble, we will know, what is about to start. This is not an earthquake or a
damaging shower; these are signs that were predicted long ago)
8; 7 When the first Angel blew his trumpet, there came hail and then fire mixed with
blood, which was hurled down to earth. A third of the land was scorched, along with a
third of the trees and every green plant.
(This event will occur in the middle of the 7th year. We know what damage hail can do but
with hail, sometimes comes lightning. This lightning will cause many fires, any animals
or men in the open will spill their blood due to the violence of this world wide storm)
8; 8 When the second Angel blew his trumpet, something like a huge mountain all in
flame was cast into the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the creatures
living in the sea died, and a third of the ships were wrecked.
(This event also is in the middle of the 7th year. The huge mountain is a volcano, which
erupts, and fall into the sea. Since it destroys one third of all creatures in the sea and all
humans on board the ships, it only makes sense that the sea turns to blood)
8; 10,11 When the third Angel blew his trumpet, a huge star burning like a torch
crashed down from the sky. It fell on a third of the rivers and the springs. The stars name
was Wormwood because a third part of all the water turned to wormwood. Many died
from this polluted water.
(Without a doubt, this star is a comet or asteroid going through the atmosphere dragging a
tail of flame. Where will it hit?
An asteroid the size of a car can destroy a large city but if it falls on a location where a
nuclear plan is located, it can pollute rivers and springs. Naturally, these rivers and
springs must be close together in order to poison a third of all rivers of the world.


Many have presented a Chernobyl theory, and it does make you think. Chernobyl means
Chernobyl is not a God sent disaster as the one mentioned above because this event
comes from the ground, not from the sky and it was men made, Chernobyl was due to
human error.
Beside, the greatest numbers of rivers and spring in the world is located in United State
and Canada. There are numerous nuclear plants in and around the great lakes.
Jesus said that war and disasters will take place over the years, Mt. 24; 5 to 14. Chernobyl
is just one of these events.
The events of the Great Tribulation, is aimed at men realizing who their true God is.
God knows how much it is going to take to convince men that a major power is sending
these messages, therefore the events must be rapid messages as it will also be for the
See Daniel 9; 26 Then the end shall come like a torrent, and later in Johns vision,
chapter 18; 8.)
8; 12 When the forth Angel blew his trumpet, a third of the sun, a third of the moon,
and a third of the stars were hit hard enough to be plunged into darkness. The day lost a
third of its light, as did the night.
(How can the sun, the moon and the stars lose their brightness?
If all three previous disasters plus the parallel vision of the seven bowls, in chapter 16,
happens within a short period of time, you can be guarantied that the dust in the air would
be so thick that you could not see 100 feet ahead of you.
The vision says The Day not days.
Should a star or a planet blow up close to the sun, it would cover us in darkness for years)
9; 1 Then the fifth Angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fall from the sky to the
earth. The star was given the key to the abyss;
(In the first place, if a star hits the earth, we are gonzo. This star is an Angel, a big one at
that. Only a big star could receive a key from God to unlock or lock something big)
9; 2 he opened it and smoke poured out of the shaft like smoke from an enormous
furnace. The sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft.
(The Angel did open something big. Sometimes when you dig where something was
buried and sealed, you get a blast of gasses from the decaying matter. This was big
enough to darken the sun and the air but only as a plume or like the smoke from a
9; 3 Out of the smoke, onto the land, came locusts as powerful as scorpions in their
(This is not science fiction, locusts are known to swarm and devour. Scorpions use their
tail to sting in defense of themselves.
To combine these two is to create a completely new bug. We must remember that this
vision could not be explained until the end times, as are all other end time prophecies.
What this Angel has released, is the billions of evil angels that were banished to the earth
by God along with Satan)


9; 4 The locusts were commanded to do no harm to the grass in the land or to any plant
or trees but only to those men who had not the seal of God on their foreheads.
(Ever heard of a locust that cant eat grass? This order was given by God as he did when
he told Satan never to enter any animals again after he deceived Adam.
This was made clear when Jesus chase the demons from a man into a number of pigs, the
pigs then all drowned themselves. So these evil Angels were to torment men only.
The seal of God is number 777 given to the first-born. The saints that that will rise from
the dead and those humans who will survive the great tribulation)
9; 5 The locusts were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months;
the pain they inflicted was like a scorpions sting.
are not allowed to kill men at any time. God is allowing the evil angels to mentally
torture all humans as they have been doing since men came to earth but this time they are
augmenting their assault.
We have all experience this extreme desire or impulse to commit an action that we would
regret. This sting by the scorpions is the same, except that it is magnified and last for five
God allowed only five months of extra pressure by these evil angels as he does not want
us to be confused with the number six or number seven of his plan.
The five-month time period, will arrive in the last year of mens final war on earth)
9; 6 During that time these men will seek death but will not find it; they will yearn to
die but death will escape them.
(Tormented in their thoughts day and night, with morals lower than in the last days of the
Roman Empire, men will want to commit suicide but will lack the will to do it)
9; 7 to 10 (These passages, describe the ugliness of these angels, each one of them wears
fake gold crowns wishing they were kings.
They took on the looks of men and women wishing they were humans and adopted fierce
looking armor to protect themselves from God.
The venom in their stingers is the suggestion to men to do evil things.
God is the only one who permitted good or evil Angels, to take on the looks of men. All
ghostly appearances of dead relatives are in fact Angels with a message to the person that
sees the relative. God does not allow evil angels to appear to anyone as they wish)
9; 11 Acting as their king was the angel in charge of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew
is Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon.
(This is the devil himself or Satan by name. There can only be one angel in charge
because when you are evil, you do not want anybody else to be in your way or give
9; 13, 14
Than the sixth Angel blew his trumpet. A voice said to the sixth Angel
Release the four Angels who are tied up on the banks of the great river Euphrates!
(These Angels are not the same four that were holding the wind; these Angels are at a
precise location, which may have a symbolic meaning)


9; 15 So the four Angels were released; this was precisely the hour, the day, the month,
and the year for which they had been prepared to kill a third of mankind.
(It is not the Angels themselves who kills a third of mankind; they are only releasing the
events. Men will be at the source of this event.
God preordains everything in the universe, including the creation of Angels; no one can
change history or the future)
9; 16 Their cavalry troops, whose count I heard, were two hundred million in numbera number I heard myself.
(Which Nation has ever been able or can ever muster an army of 200 million soldiers?
Only in the present day can a Nation raise such an army.
The logistic that is required to support such an army is impossible to be met, except for
China with the help of Russia)
9; 17 Now, in my vision, this is how I saw the horses and their riders. The breastplates
they wore were fiery red, deep blue, and pale yellow.
color of the Russian uniforms is red, the remnants of Europes armies who joined the
alliance because they had previously been defeated, is a deep blue and the color of the
Chinese armys uniform, is pale yellow)
9; 17 The horses heads were like heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire,
sulfur, and smoke.
(The horses are obviously roaring tanks firing their smoky shell)
9; 19
The deadly power of the horses was not only in their mouths but also in their
tails; for their tails were like snakes with heads poised to strike.
(Tanks have machine guns or guided missiles that snakes to their targets as well as the
main canon. Helicopters can also carry these weapons and do look like locust. Jets
normally fire only from the front. We must remember that John has never seen any of
these modern tools of war.
9; 20 That part of mankind, which escaped the plagues, did not repent of the idols they
had made. They did not give up the worship of demons or gods made of gold and silver,
from bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. Neither did they repent
of their murders or their sorcery, their fornication or their thefts.
(Even after this last great war that last for 3 years and the ensuing disasters, men will
not accept, repent, understand or pray, they will curse God instead)
10; 1 Than I saw another mighty Angel come down from heaven wrapped in a cloud,
with a rainbow about his head; his face shone like the sun and his legs like pillars of fire.
(After the great flood in the time of Noah, a rainbow appeared signaling the end of the
event, this is the same symbol. Immortality is very hard to describe, sometime it takes the
form of a human as Jesus did, and sometimes as describe above)


10; 2 In his hand he held a little scroll, which had been opened.
(The key to this phrase is, the scroll has been opened.
Nowhere or at any time, in the bible, has a scroll been describe as having been opened.
All scrolls are to be opened at judgment time, and all of them are large.
Therefore, this little scroll must be a book of information that has been made accessible
to men.
The bible and the word of God did not come to life until God gave it to Adam. This was
part of Gods 7000-year plan.
What information did Adam access which he was forbidden to access?
The scroll of good and evil. From that day forward, we became aware of our nudity)
10; 2 He placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land.
(He placed is right foot, which is attached to a leg like a pillar of fire, on the people or the
sea of people. Than he placed his left foot on the land itself)
10; 4 I was about to start writing when the seven thunders spoke, but I heard a voice in
Heaven say Seal up what the seven thunders have spoken and do not write it down!
(The exact time for the final judgment is sealed up)
10; 6,7 There shall be no more delay. When the time comes for the seventh Angel to
blow his trumpet, the mysterious plan of God, which he announced to his servants the
prophets, shall be accomplished in full.
(That time is 1000 years after Jesus returns to rule on earth, than judgment will come.
This is the end of men, as we know it and the beginning of the sons of God. By the end of
the 1000 years, God will have his quota needed to embellish the universe)
10; 9 He said to me, Here, take it and eat it! It will be sour in your stomach, but in
your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey.
(In chapter 10; 4, a voice instruct John not to write what the seven thunders are about to
tell him, but it is not connected to swallowing the little scroll.
The order to eat the scroll comes from the Angel standing on the sea and land.
When you swallow, GOOD, it tastes sweet, but when you swallow, EVIL, it goes sour in
your stomach. John was not told to hide this fact, just to experience the feeling)
10; 11 Then someone said to me You must prophecy again for many peoples and
nations, languages and kings.
(The order is to tell everyone on earth, not just a few chosen ones, until the end time)


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