The Word Chap 6

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Reward! What Reward?

Chapter 6
The Word is God .

John 1; 1
was God.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word

We see above that God and Jesus are the same and both are referred as the Word . The
word means that there is no other TRUTH than the one provided by the Word .
The informations that the Word gave to humans over 6 thousand years has been recorded in
various format through Jesus visit, the media of written books, miracles and many prophets.
Should evidence show a divergence of messages, then, it must be rejected as not originating
from the Word but from other evil powers.
Starting with the book of Genesis Chap 1 verse 1, we read who was the originator of the
universe. How can we prove that he exists, let alone that he created this universe?
Have you ever sat by a window where the sun shines through and illuminates thousands of dust
particles that looks like they are glistening bugs in motion? They travel very fast in all directions
and become invisible when a cloud passes over the sun. You can use a fly swatter to disperse
the dust and it reforms as if it is a school of fish. There seems to be space in between the dust
particles. What separates them and hold them apart? Why don't they all stick together? Even if
you try to vacuum them, they return to the same place.
Does the universe act the same way? Is there a law for this behavior? Pull down the shade and
now the WHY is no longer required, relevant or interesting. What if God was the one who pulled
the blind up and brought the light through the window and showed the universe in motion?
This is exactly what it says in Gen. 1; 1, The dust was created first and than in Gen. 1; 3 The
light was created. Contrary to the big bang, the universe was already there. God divided the
darkness in Gen. 1; 4 by pulling the blind up. In Gen. 1; 1, both the universe and the earth were
created at the same time. All the dust particles in the room or the sky are made of matter or
cosmic particles scientist call atoms. In Gen. 1; 16, God made 2 great lights, the greater light to
rule the day (the blind up) and the lesser light to rule the night (the blind down). He also made
the stars. So God lit all the candles at the same time. NO big Bang.

But what about the space between the stars and planets? For that answer, look up Gen. 1; 6. If
God divided the waters from the waters, then the waters had to be present in some form
throughout the universe. Water is LIFE, matter is not life without water added to it. Water has
the ability to contain many elements in it. The hidden dark energy that hold and fills the space in
the universe has to be some form of water as Gen. 1; 6-7 refers. It existed before and has to
exist now. The scientific world has just not discovered it yet.
# 1 - Gen. 1; 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
# 2- Gen. 1; 3 And God said let there be light and there was light
#3- Gen. 1; 4 And God divided the light from the darkness

(The dust)
(The blind up)

(The blind down)

#4- Gen. 1;7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which
Were UNDER the firmament from the waters which were ABOVE
the firmament.
(This water has to hold the dust in place)
#5- Gen. 1; 8 And God called the firmament HEAVEN. (the universe, the sky, the dust)
#6- Gen.1; 9-10 and God said, Let the waters under the Heaven be gathered together
unto one place
(The earth and other icy planets or moons)
And God called the dry land EARTH.
(no name for anything else)
And God called the gathering together of the waters, called he SEAS..
#7- Gen. 1; 11

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass

(LIFE on earth as God refreshed the earth himself instead of Lucifer)

So now we know where life began and it is quite possible that God intends to use this life given
water again in the future but for now because of historical events with the Angels and also with
men, God put a plan in place to address all the issues that we are now aware of. This plan was
formulated before the universe or the Angels were created. It is a living plan that will never end.
We are a big part of this plan which answer the WHY in our search for the meaning of life.
Science says that we only see 20% of the universe. If 80% is not seen, then how big is this
universe? If we pick up a grain of sand and pretend that this is the earth. Now compare this
grain to mount Everest, we would be hard pressed to comprehend the vastness of the universe,
given that this mountain is only 20% of the universe.

Scientist say that there has to be life out there somewhere. Since they are not allowed to quote
the Bible they are left in the dark for an answer (the blind is down). Yet the Bible clearly says
that the universe is GROANING in TRAVAIL together until now, Romans 8; 22. And that God
created a firmament in the MIDST OF THE WATERS Gen. 1; 6. The only conclusion is that,
where there is water and matter as in the firmament and all this is in travail (working) and
making a groaning sound the obvious truth is YES there is life waiting for us up there. We are
the ones replacing those evil angels to do what they failed to do according to God's plan. The
universe is at a stand still until God assigns to us all who qualified the reward of embellishing
everywhere there are SEAS throughout the whole universe.

God also gave us TIME, lots of time. We love time, we set our watch by it. God does not need
time because he was, is, and will be. So time is not but for man, it is.
What is time? This is also the biggest enigma to science. Distances are measured in time by
science for calculating a point between the stars or planets. 9 light years between planet stupid
and the star Galactica of fame Star Wars is an example. Without time, we could not function on
earth. For humans, time started when we first appeared. We saw that there were 2 stages, one
that was bright and one that was dark. So we learned to sleep during the dark stage as we
could not function as good as during the bright one.
We also saw that the weather changed after many bright and dark stages. There was a rainy
stage, a growing stage, a dying stage and a cold stage. So it was that we started to monitor all
these changes and time was born. God guided us to utilize time so he could communicate with
us about his plan. Although his plan is strictly on a time basis for our benefit, he holds no value
to time at all. We find this hard to comprehend because everything that is familiar to us is
composed of dying elements who are subject to a time table.
Because God is Spiritual and not material, he has no beginning and no end since he does not
die, therefore he is WORD, LIFE, LOVE and INFINITY but for us to understand all this, he has
to provide time, history, miracles, prophets, the Bible, his own son, part of his spirit and a reward
for us.
The history of his WORD start for us when he created his Angels a long time ago. They were
created for a reason so each one of them were made individual immortal spirits. They received
various powers and duties. As time passed, he created the Heavens and the earth. All the
Angels rejoiced at his creation. It was beautiful but not complete, so God assigned Lucifer to
embellish it with a number of other Angels. We are told that of them failed at this duty.

And so God decided to replicate himself so he could have a family of his own, then he would be
sure that the job would be done correctly. Not that he did not trust the other of good Angels
but they are needed for other task and did not have to qualify like men will have to do. Beside,
we are talking about billions of new children of God required for the job.

God gave us 7 phases to go through during mens complete passage on earth.


The birth of man on the 6th day.

(Gods new children)
The birth of Jesus, his own son and part of himself.
(Our redemption)
The last tribulation on earth.
(Satan is locked up)
The return of Jesus to take over Satan.
(Rise of the Saints)
New 1000 years Kingdom of Jesus
(To fill Gods quota)
Gods Judgment day
(Humans will see God and Satan)
Assignment of rewards and or punishment.
(length of time unknown)

Judgment day will last 7 days. (Time unknown to men)

On the first day, all the people on earth for the past 1000 years will be called to attendance.
These are the Gods Saints and or martyrs, the people that died without having known Satan
during these 1000 years and all those that are still alive. These last one will automatically be
converted to immortals. It is to be noted that a number of Saints will also participate in Gods

On the second day, all humans whom were ever conceived, shall rise from the dead with their
bodies from wherever they died and stand before their God. They will see everything.

On the third day, the book of the living will be opened

All those people who have risen from the sea (this does not mean the ocean). These are the
men that have died in innocence. These are all the embryos that have died or were murdered.
These are all the children that knows no sins. These are all the people whose mind were
impaired through no fault of their own. And these are the people whom God has deemed to
have been denied a Divine chance.

On the fourth day, all those who were called from DEATH will come forward. These are the
men who knew or heard of God the creator. These are the men of all types, shape, color and
They shall be judged according to 2 criterias.
The first, is those that believed in God will be judged according to their faith, their character
and their conduct. They shall be made immortals and rewarded according to their works.
The second, is those who knew about God but did not believe or were deceived will be judged
according to their true repentance, their character, their conducts and their sins. They MAY be
made immortals and rewarded according to their works.

On the fifth day, all those people that are called from the Nether World will come forward. These
men who did not know or heard of God but were living by the rules of Nature. They shall be
judged by their conduct. They may be made immortals and rewarded according to their works.

On the sixth day, all those people from DEATH and the Nether World that were judged unfit shall
be sent to the pit of fire in their original bodies. Their Spirit will be returned to God who gave it to
them in order to qualify but they failed to do so. With the company of all the fallen angels, they
will languish in the worse pain from their memory, 1000 fold. Neither rest nor hope will be
forthcoming. The fallen angels will have no hold on them and all with fight for space. Neither
strong nor weak will have success. Anguish will be theirs forever. (That is true justice)
On the seventh day, God will rest.
God created man in his image. First, out of dust, lower than the Angels. Second, God gave man
his Spirit in order for man to live. Third, God promised us his Holy Spirit.
God the father and God the son now has a large family.
Now the sons of God are immortals and higher than the Angels.
The Angels reward will be of Gods new assignment for them. Now Gods plan will be fulfilled
until we found out what his next project will be. It may take millions of years as Gods time is not.

God will assign all the firstborn (the Saints and those that qualified first) to teach all the new
born. They received their training for over 1000 years from Jesus himself.
No longer suffering from pain or deformities. In time, (Gods time) we will learn how to embellish
the universe. The earth will be our classroom for a while, then we will be on our way to greater
We will be of one mind with God and guided by his Holy Spirit with the help of Angels. Some of
us may be administrators, healers of animals, teachers, gardeners and other trades of God, all
according to our reward. Learn well on this earth for your works may serve you in the next.
The labour will not be as we know it today, we will not feel stress, pain, fatigue, anxiety or any
former problems with work. Old trades will not be needed such as judges, policeman, soldiers,
doctors, ministers, priest or any trades not required for the welfare of people.

When we do a task, we will look back and be pleased just as God was pleased after the
creation of everything. We will always look forward to the next project as our power will be

Than on the seventh day, we will rest, for on the eight day six more Heavens await.

No greater beginning can be given than being,


Written by
Georges Bruneau
Oct 2003
Apr 2016 Rev.

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