Reward - Chap 4

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Reward! What Reward?

Chapter 4,
The prophets, do they all say the same things?
What is a prophet? Webster dictionary define it as;
1. A person disclosing Divine Revelation.
2. Spokesman; advocate. (A number of prophets in the Bible are just that)
3. One who foretells the future.
Do all prophets possess Divine Blessing? The answer can be found in Deut 18; 22. If a
prophet, prophesize and it does not come to pass, then he is a false prophet. You can only
trust a prophet if 100% of his prophecies takes place. Nostradamus was correct on 50% of
his prophecies, therefore, a false prophet. Most clairvoyants are accurate less than 50% of
the time.
What about the end time prophecies? Since they have not yet taken place, how can we be
sure that the prophets of old are true prophets and not false prophets? God warns us on
listening to false prophets.
If a prophet claims that his vision came from God, should we take his word for it? There
are subtle hints in the Bible to help us differentiate them. One thing that unites all
prophets in the Bible is that they were all religious man. Is that enough? Another clue is
that they had absolutely nothing to gain from their prophecies.
What a prophet has to fight is vanity, power, glory, riches and the influence of Satan. He
has to fight his personal feelings for an understanding of Gods plan and his desire to
convince man that his prophecy is true.
Either the prophets who advised the various kings or rulers were correct in their
prophecies or they remained quiet on the outcome of an event. Most prophets of old,
were priest or became advisors through a calling from God as Daniel or Amos was.
A study of each prophets works has to be investigated, in order to establish the
accuracies of their work. The Bible does not mention names of prophets that did not
perform 100%.
Since we accept that God dictated the Bible and allowed Satan to influence some writers,
we need to compare where the end time prophecies differ. This is not an easy task as
many prophecies have hidden meaning; also, the numbers may or may not add up.
Men spent years doing their own interpretations of the Bibles prophecy. Many books are
available on this subject. When a story is told from one person to another, than, this story
passes on through generations; the story can change into something very different from
the original.

This is why God made sure that one story would survive 6000 years, by repeating it to
various men, through visions, dreams or from the mouth of his Angels. This story is, The
day of the Lord. The end time story and its major message, the promise he made to men
through the centuries.
This story is difficult to understand due to its complexity, its relation to the time that
these prophets lived and that we do not know which part the prophets applies to the end
time. Some men had only a small part in relating this story, others had great revelations,
yet others studied the story and came up with their own prophecy.
As an example, Malachis story of refine gold in chapter 3; 3, is the same as Zephaniah's
story 200 years before in his book chap 13; 8,9.
Joel did the same with his story of plowshares in chapter 4; 10. Perhaps, influenced by
the book of Micahs chapter 4; 3, approximately 342 years before. Yet, in Acts 2; 16,
Peter quotes Joels vision from chap 3; 1. Since Peter had received the Holy Spirit when
he quoted Joel, he validates that Joel is a true prophet even thou the message of the
plowshare is similar to Micahs.
Are we dealing with double messages throughout the Bible? The answer is yes; in both
testaments, we can find a relationship between stories. Does their numbers add up? Yes,
they are consistently referring to the same period, without knowing the exact date.
In the bible, eighteen writers are classified as prophets. 7 are considered end time
prophets. They are Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah and finally John
who wrote the book of Revelation, in the New Testament.
The others are no less important, but they had a small role in prophesizing. 12 writers are
known and 6 are unknown or used someone elses name for fear of persecution as the
Islamic extremists are doing today to anyone who differs from their beliefs.
The following gives a condense listing of key references to the end time prophecies,
better called (The day of the Lord).
The extensive writing of the prophet Ezekiel makes it difficult to fully appreciate his
prophecies in this short study. Therefore, it will not be covered.
Revelation will have a Chapter to itself due to its most important messages.
Some key historical passages will be included before the prophets.

46; 26

Jacobs direct descendants numbered 66. Together with Josephs sons,

Jacobss family totaled 70.

49; 10 The specter shall never depart from Judah.

(A reference that Gods spirit will always with the house of Judah)

12; 42 on this night, all the Israelite, must keep a vigil for the Lord throughout, their
(Until the last generation, witnesses the return of the Lord on Mount Sinai)
15; 27 Then they came to Elim, where there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees.
(A reference to the 12 tribes of Israel and the 70 members of Jacobss family)
16; 33 Keep an omer full of manna for your descendants, that they may see what food
I gave you in the desert. Place it in an urn with the Commandments.
(God will show us the ark, the manna and the body of Moses, all located In the Ark of the
Covenant when Jesus returns as king) ( The bible says that the body of Moses will never
be found)
19; 6 You shall be a kingdom of priest, a Holy Nation.
(A reference to the 1000 years reign of Jesus, with the saints or first born from the nation
of Israel as future teachers and ruling priest under Jesus)
19; 11 be ready for the third day; for on the third day, the Lord will come down on
Mount Sinai, before the eyes of all the people.
(Jesus rose on the third day witness by only a few people, this time; all the humans that
have survived the great tribulation as well as all the firstborn will witness it)
23; 20 and bring you to the place I have prepared.
23; 25 I will remove all sickness from your midst.
(Eternal life)
23; 26

No woman in your land will be barren or miscarry, and I will give you
a full span of life.
(Eternal life)

28; 38 Since Aaron bears whatever guilt the Israelites may incur.
(Aaron was the first high priest to the Israelites. He was given a breastplate to wear on his
chest. Moses gave it to him on Gods instructions. This symbol was meant to absorb
whatever guilt the Israelite incurred due to the sins they committed. 1500 years later,
Jesus used his body to absorb the sins of the entire world)
28; 43 Lest they incur guilt and die.
(This is exactly what happened to Adam and Eve, after sinning)

30; 16 This is a reminder before the Lord, of the forfeit paid for their lives.
(Just as Jesus paid for the life of all humans, the people of Israel had to pay a forfeit to
the Lord)
12; 6

Should there be a prophet among you; in visions will I reveal myself to him.
In dreams will I speak to him.
(God tells us how and whom he passes on his message)
12; 7 Not so with my servant Moses.
(God chose to speak directly with Moses. No other person in the history of the Bible
received such an honor)
12; 8 Face to face I speak to him, plainly and not in riddles.
(So that there is no confusion on Gods law and what it takes to enter Heaven, God spoke
to Moses plainly and not in riddles like he did to all the other prophets. God did not
reveal to Moses what the end time would be like, he only showed him the promise land
which is Heaven, at the time of his death)
4; 32 Ever since God created man upon the earth.
(No mention of Adam here, this is one more proof that early man did not start with Adam.
Adam was the first man offered eternal life)
10; 14 Think! The Heavens, even the highest Heavens belong to the Lord.
(Does this imply that there is a low Heaven and a high Heaven or as other clues in the
Bible points out, that there is more than one Heaven?)
This is the first if not the oldest end time prophet.
Amos. 786 to 746 BC,
Chapter 1 and chapter 2 are the words of Amos, which he received in vision to the 8 cities
or lands, similar to the letters to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation, approximately
850 years later. The addition of Judah and Israel as separate lands makes the total 8 but
Judah is one of the 12 tribes of Israel as they were a divided nation at the time. Therefore,
Amoss vision is for 7 lands.
3; 2 You alone have I favored more than all the families of the earth.
(Gods chosen people, the 12 tribes of Israel)
Therefore, I will punish you for all your crimes.

(Because Israel is a chosen race, access to Heaven is not guaranteed and the price for
sinning may be greater than other races. This rule applies to all religious leaders in the
world but for them, it is multiplied)
3; 7

Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants,
the prophets.
(How could the prophets, prophesizes the current events without the visions from God?)
3; 14 On the day when I punish Israel.
(The day of the Lord)
4; 3 You shall be cast into the mire.
(Sent to hell)
5; 15 God will have pity on the remnant of Joseph.
(After the great tribulation, less than 10% of man will be left alive)
5; 18 Woe to those who yearn for the Day of the Lord.
(Those who pray for the end to come rather than change their ways, will face the wrath of
the Lord rather than their wishes)
7; 17 Israel shall be exiled far from its land.
(The 12 tribes of Israel were expelled from the land called Israel today. This was around
the year 600 BC. Only the Jews and the Levys came back to that land, no one knows
exactly what happened to the 1 or 2 millions other Israelites. Perhaps, they were
assimilated with other people in far away lands)
8; 1,2,3. Fruit basket prophecy.
(Compare this prophecy with the one by Jeremiah 2; 3 written in 626 BC) (God has
accumulated most of the Saints he needs to start the 1000-year reign of Jesus soon)
8; 9

I will make the sun set at midday and cover the earth with darkness in broad
(This is an end time prophecy, not an eclipse of one day)
9; 2

Though they break through to the nether world, even from there my hand shall
bring them out.
(God will raise men from the nether world to judge them)
Though they climb to the heavens, I will bring them down.
(God will capture the escaping evil angels along with the wicked man that were judge
unfit and bring them down to a special place)
9; 8

I will not destroy the house of Jacob completely; I have given commend to sift the
house of Israel among all nations.
(Here God has given commend to other men to search the world over to find good people
among the survivors of the great tribulation and thereafter, from the house of Jacob or the

house of Israel which is the same. These men that have command, are from the first born
or first fruit that will rule the earth with Jesus for a thousand years)
9; 9 to 14

(These speaks of the end times and the 1000 year reign of Jesus)

Isaiah 742 BC.

24; 1 to 6

(These passages, refer to the tribulation of The Day of the Lord)

24; 10 Broken down is the city of chaos.

(This refers to a city in the end times that lost its old faith and is catering to evil powers in
order to retain its large membership and its influence over them. This city is called by
many names in the bible. Examples are the great Babylon, the scarlet woman, the harlot
and other names, which we will find later on. This city is in fact a church that aligns
itself with a great power that will fight a world war yet to come)
24; 18 And the foundation of the earth will shake.
(This is the biggest earthquake the earth has ever seen; it will open the seas and level
mountains. A third of mankind will die in 1 day)
24; 21

On that day, the Lord will punish the host of the Heavens in the Heavens, and
the kings of the earth on the earth.
(God will punish the evil angels on The day of the Lord; in Heavens and he will punish
all the human rulers on the earth at the same time)
24; 22

They will be gathered together like prisoners into a pit; they will be shut up in a
dungeon and after many days, they will be punished.
(Here God speaks of the evil angels who will be gathered and restrained for 1000 years,
than on judgment day, they will be put away forever. There is a reason why God does not
want to punish them right away; see chapter 7)
24; 23

For the Lord of host will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, glorious in the
sight of his elders.
(Jesus will come down from Heaven and rule the earth in a New Jerusalem within sight
of all the Saints that will rule under him for 1000 years, then judgment will come)
25; 1 you have fulfilled your wonderful plans of old.
(God has fulfilled his 7000-year spiritual plan and all his covenant whit men)
25; 2 for you have made the city a heap, the fortified city a ruin.
(God destroyed this city or CHURCH and ruined its doctrines)
25; 3 therefore a strong people will honor you.
(These are the first born or saints)

25; 6 the Lord of host will provide for all the peoples
(This is after the great tribulation, during the 1000-year reign of Jesus)
25; 7 he will destroy the veil that veils all people.
(God will destroy Satan the great deceiver and his gang. He will remove the ignorance
that makes us blind)
26; 1 a strong city have we
(The New Jerusalem, which is a new church)
he sets up walls and ramparts to protect us.
(These ramparts and walls are the first born that will show us the way under Jesus for the
next 1000 years)
26; 15 you have increase the nation and extended for all, the borders of the land.
(God has increase the numbers of immortals and extended their territory from earth to the
26; 19 but your dead shall live, their corpses shall rise.
(On judgment day all humans who ever lived will rise, the good will live and the bad will
die a second death)
27; 1 to 4

(This is all about the great tribulation)

27; 6

in days to come, Jacob shall take root, Israel shall sprout and blossom, covering
all the world with fruit.
(The first born from the twelve tribes of Israel or Jacobs house, will rule all over the earth
under Jesus for a 1000 years)
27; 10 the fortified city shall be desolate.
(All the followers of this church will abandon her)
27; 11 its branches shall wither and be broken off.
(All the affiliated churches and their spin off will die as well)
27; 13

on that day, a great trumpet shall blow (a huge call), and the lost in the land of
Assyria and the outcast in the land of Egypt shall come and worship the Lord.
(All the religions of the world will come to worship the true God)
28; 9 (God releases part of is plan to the simple men, here a little, there a little, over the
28; 11 and a strange language.
(A totally new and universal language will start at the beginning of the 1000-year reign of

28; 15

we have made a covenant with death and with the nether world we have made a
(Covenant with death is a blindness to open our eyes and believe, as in death in Jesus.
The pact with the nether world is the refusal to obey Gods law, which brings death)
28; 16 see, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested.
(This is the announcement of the forthcoming of Jesus. Jesus was tested)
29; 6

with thunder, earthquake and great noise, whirlwind, storm and the flame of
consuming fire.
(These are the great tribulation of The day of the Lord at the end of the 6000 spiritual
29; 17 to 23

(These passages, refers to the 1000 years)

29; 24 Those who err in the spirit shall acquire understanding.

(Those people who make errors in trying to understand God or his plan, will receive
understanding, as long as they do so with their whole hearth dedicated to serving God)
30; 26 and the light of the sun will be 7 times greater, like the light of 7 days.
(At the time of creation, darkness did not exist, light was bright. Light will come again
after the great tribulation) (Mater did not exist, therefore, no big bang theory)
32; 9 to 20

(These passages, are warnings to all the churches of the world)

40; 3 a voice cries out, in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord.
(This prophesize the coming of John the Baptist approximately 700 years before his birth.
The way of the Lord is well written in the New Testament with the arrival of Jesus)
40; 26 Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these; He leads out their
army and numbers them, calling them all by name.
(Gods army, the Angels. They are numbered in the billions, they are all created
individually and each one has a name. This is before the falling out of 1/3 of these
41; 4

(God reveals himself)

41; 8 to 13

(God addresses his chosen ones)

41; 14

Fear not, O worm Jacob, O maggot Israel; I will help you, says the Lord;
your redeemer is the Holy one of Israel.
(Even thou the house of Jacob or Israel continually break Gods law, he still favors them
and in using the word redeemer, guarantees a covenant that his son will come to pay for
the sins of Israel and mankind)

41; 17 to 20

(These passages, refers to Gods plan to change the earth after the great

41; 25

I have stirred up one from the North and he comes; from the East I summon him
by name.
(Never in the history of wars, was there a powerful nation from the North who fought a
war with a powerful nation from the South.
The South will be mentioned in other places such as (Dn. 11:40). Than this nation from
the North will turn around and fight a powerful nation or nations from the East (Ezek.
38:9 and 38:2-3) and will lose.
The nations of the East will continue to attack the South but God will stop them all)
42; 1 to 4

(In these chapters, who can God possibly be taking about but his son Jesus.)

42; 5 who created the Heavens and stretched them out.

(Scientists agree that the universe is expending. How did they know that in 740 BC?)
46; 10

I foretell the outcome; in advance, things not yet done. I say that my plan shall
(God knows the end as he is the planner and never wavers)
47; 8 to 15 (God warns all the churches of things to come to them in a single day. Why
are they not responding? They are the experts; can they not understand or are they scared
to lose power like the ones that condemned Jesus?)
51; 3 her desert he shall make like Eden.
(God will refresh the earth as he did in the Garden of Eden)
54; 9

This is for me like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah
should never again deluge the earth; so I have sworn not to be angry with you
or to rebuke you.
(Note that God refers to the waters of Noah. The earth of Noah was not the whole earth
but a localized area. This was the third and final time that God was angry. The first, was
with the Angels, the second was with Adam)
65; 17 Lo, I am about to create new Heavens and a new earth.
(The new earth will come first, after the tribulations. The universe will be refreshed
during the 1000-year reign of Jesus)
66; 7 to 9 or a nation be born in a single moment? Yet Zion is scarcely in labor.
(Time is not for God but for men it is)
66; 22 to 24 (God promises a new enduring Heavens and earth, so will our race and
name but the rebellious fire will last forever)

Jeremiah 628 BC
1; 13 I see a boiling cauldron that appears from the North.
(Same as Is. 41: 25 above. This is the boiling pot that United Europe is becoming)
1; 15 Lo I am summoning all the kingdoms of the North, says the Lord.
(When was the last time an assembly of nations were ever called to wage war on the
South? In all of history, it was always one or at the most two countries but not an
assembly and at the gate of Jerusalem. The crusade may come to mind but they were
never a boiling cauldron and never fought against the armies of the East afterward)
2; 3 Sacred to the Lord was Israel, the first fruits of his harvest.
(Gods chosen people, the 12 tribes of Israel and their descendants, some of whom will
become the firstborn) see Amos 8:1,2,3.
3; 14 I will take you, one from a city, two from a clan, and bring you to Zion.
(After 90% of all men on earth dies in the great tribulation, God will take 1 survivor from
a city worldwide and 2 from the tribes of Israel and bring them to Zion for training)
3; 15

I will appoint over you, shepherds after my own hearth, who will shepherd you
(The firstborn immortals or saints, will be the Sheppard)
3; 18 In those days, the house of Judah will join the house of Israel.
(Judah is one of the 12 tribes or 1 of the sons of Jacob, they have gone alone for 2600
years. They lived all over the world but since 1949, a large number relocated to the State
of Israel, after their persecution by the Nazis. Years before under Moses, they were united
as a nation. The rest of the 12 tribes will be coming from all over the world to be in Israel
again, as brothers)
4; 4 For the sake of the Lord, be circumcised, remove the foreskins of your hearts
(Remove the demon in you, cut off Satan from your hearth)
4; 6 Evil I bring from the North and great destruction.
(The type of weaponry that is available today, will inflict damages unheard of in previous
5; 15 to 17

Beware, I will bring against you a nation from afar, a long lived nation, an
ancient nation, a people whose language you know not, whose speech you
cannot understand.
(Which nation can be older than the Middle East? Older that Iraq or Iran, that comes from
the East and has the power to destroy many nations of the world today? Could it be
China? Is China not becoming the most powerful nations in the Far East? If anyone can
win over an assembly of nations now being born in Europe, it would be an alliance of
Russia and China. The king of the East against the king of the North than down to the
king of the South)


(Never before such a scenario been possible in all the history of mankind.)
5; 18 yet in those days, I will not wholly destroy you.
(We are approaching 6 billion people on earth, approximately 10% or 600 millions will
remain. Do these figures add up?
6; 17 when I rise up a watchman for them.
(This is most difficult to establish who and when this watchman will come if he has not
been here already)
25; 15 to 29 (These passages, refers to all the kings of the earth or rulers final stage)
33; 22

like the host of heavens, which cannot be numbered, and the sands of the sea
which cannot be counted I will multiply the descendants of my servant David
and the Levites who minister to me.
(God speaks of Angels, whose number cannot be counted and Gods promise to multiply
the 12 tribes of Israel.
Zechariah 520 BC
1; 11 We have patrolled the earth; see, the whole earth is tranquil and at rest!
(The Angels speaks as if everything on earth is back to normal. This has to be after the
great tribulation and under Jesus kingdom)
1; 12

without mercy for Jerusalem and the cities of Judah that have felt your anger
these 70 years.
(The Angels are asking God how long would he be without mercy. The 70 years are
meant to be 7000 years or even 7 millions years. The problems of Israel are now well
over 2600 years, therefore 70 years is not correct)
1; 16 I will turn to Jerusalem in mercy; my house shall be built in it.
(Gods promise of things to come)
2; 2 These are the horns that scattered Judah and Israel and Jerusalem.
(The 4 horns are seen in Daniel and Revelation, they are the 4 seasons or the 4 winds of
heaven, in the life of the 12 tribes of Israel, and Jerusalem was its religion)
2; 8 People will live in Jerusalem as thou in open country.
(God says that his city will be a huge place of glory)
2;10 Flee from the land of the North.
(Flee from evil)


2; 11 escape to Zion! You who dwell in daughter Babylon.

(Zion or God is your only escape, Babylon is a false church, daughter is what men gives
birth to)
2; 16

The Lord will possess Judah as his portion of the Holy land, and he will again
chose Jerusalem.
(God will keep his Saints from the tribe of Judah and will choose Jerusalem as his true
3; 2 And the Angel of the Lord said to Satan, May the Lord rebuke you
(Angels have not been given the authority to judge men)
3; 7

you shall judge my house and keep my courts, and I will give you access
among these standing here.
(God gives authority to chosen men to judge and keep order in heaven and provides the
support needed to do this. This is the first time that we find out that we may be judge by
our own people)
3; 9 one stone with 7 facets. and I will take away the guilt in one day.
(The stone is Jesus. Jesus took away our sins the day of his death)
4; 10 These seven facets are the eyes of the Lord that range over the whole earth.
(The number 7 is symbolic of the whole plan of God. He had to give us a number or we
would not understand)
4; 14 These are the two anointed who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.
(Two men will stand by Jesus on his return as king of the earth)
6; 8

See, they that go forth to the land of the North will make my spirit rest in the
land of the North
(This is a hint that the New Jerusalem will be in the land of the North, a place called
Philadelphia at one time and it is located in Turkey)
6; 12 Here is a man whose name is Shoot.
(This is Jesus)
8; 7

Lo, I will rescue my people from the land of the rising sun, and from the land of
the setting sun.
(The land of the rising sun has always been Japan or China, the land of the setting sun, is
world wide, claimed by many countries)
8; 12 all these things, I will have the remnant of the people possess.
(God will give those who survive the great tribulation, peace, fruits, crops, and dew)


13; 8

In all the land, two thirds of them shall be cut off and perish, and one third
shall be left.
(Initially, 4 billion of the world population will die during the great tribulation. Of the 2
billion that are left, a further 1.4 billion will fail the following test)
13; 9

I will bring the one third through fire, and I will refine them, as silver is refine
and I will test them as gold is tested.
(Many will fail that test, as the memory of Satan will live on for a number of years after
the arrival of Jesus. The refining will not happen in one day) Compare with Malachi 3; 3.
14; 1 to 21 (This whole chapter is in symbolic messages. The first part talks of Jerusalem
falling, then the Lord fights against the nations who pillaged Jerusalem. It speaks of an
earthquake, then Jesus comes with all the first born. The days, are longer, the rivers do
not freeze. Jesus, becomes king over the whole earth, he is the only one. Jerusalem abides
in security)
(The chapter goes on to prophesize the tumults and plagues that will affect all who fights
against Jerusalem. Even Judah will fight against her, just like the days when they did not
believe that Jesus was the Son of God. Finally, it says that merchants will no longer be in
the house of the Lord)
This chapter is consistent with the flow of events to come, in the end time, by other
First, the Great War.
Second, the earthquake and other weather related catastrophes.
Third, God fights the stubborn armies and those who still cannot see the light.
Forth, Michel locks up Satan. (Only Angels can fight Angels)
Fifth, the rise of all the first born or Saints.
Six, the calming of the earth and its new-refreshed face.
Seven, the arrival of Jesus, on a cloud, to the New Jerusalem, witnessed by all the
survivors of the tribulation.


555 BC.

Isaac Newton said, Daniels book is the key to other prophets

The relationship between Daniel and Revelation is overwhelming. When things started to
add up for me, Daniels book opened up the book of Revelation and than the whole bible
came together.
1; 6 Among these were men of Judah.
(Daniel was a shepherd from the tribe of Judah)


2; 31 to 45 (This chapter deals with a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had and Daniel
interpreted the dream for him. The dream was really meant for us all, as it is an end time
prophecy. The last part of the statue to fall is just before God takes over the earth.
Therefore, it is not a prophecy for the next four successive kingdoms as certain
theologians believes. They are scared of the truth or chose to ignore it.
Verse 43 says that the last kingdom will forge an alliance by marriage but they will not
stay united. If this is just before the kingdom of God and God defeats them, then whom
can these be? Who has the power to destroy the earth? Who has the power to religiously
unite the people of this kingdom with its own church?
We have already covered the king of the North and the Harlot city/church)
7; 1 to 14

Vision of the 4 beasts.

(This vision that Daniel received, is basically the dream that Nebuchadnezzer had, but
more extensive)
The four winds of heaven stirred up the great sea.
(The winds of time, stirred up by 4 Angels in the universe)
from which emerged four immense beasts, each different from the others.
(Four eras or Kingdoms in the life of men)
The first was like a lion, but with eagles wings.
(Lion, beautiful, strong, intelligent and perfect. It had Angels wing but mortal wings)
While I watched, the wings were plucked.
(Adam lost his wings)
It was raised on the ground to stand on two feet like a man, and given a human mind.
(Nobody else but Adam, raised from dust and given a spirit in order for his mind to work)
The second was like a bear; it was raised up on one side.
(Bear, big, mean, hungry; raised up to attack or dance)
and among the teeth in its mouth were three tusks.
(Teeth, grinds, cut. Three tusks, murders, wars and genocides)
It was given the order up, devour much flesh
(Get up and roam Bear, find fleshy food to eat and kill whatever is in your way)


The Third Beast

And saw another beast, like a leopard; on its back were four wings like those of a
Bird and it had four heads.
(Leopard, fast, ferocious, cunning. With your four wings, fly to the four corners of the
earth and make light of sins, as a feather is light. With your four heads, populate, create,
do good, do evil)
To this beast, Dominion was given.
(This leopard inherited the whole earth)
After this, I saw the forth beast, different from all the others, terrifying, horrible, and
extraordinary strength;
(This is a beast, not an animal therefore can be classified as anything ugly. Nothing on
earth could match the powers of nature until the arrival of the nuclear bomb.
Extraordinary strength, does not belong to ancient history, it is of our present time)
It had great iron teeth with which it devoured and crushed, what was left it trampled with
its feet.
(Machines of war have iron teeth. Vaporizers are available in germ warfare to devour the
flesh. Elephants can trample but more damage can be made with precision bombs.
I was considering the 10 horns it had.
(An alliance of ten powerful nations)
when suddenly another, a little horn, sprang out of their midst and three of the previous
horns were torn away to make room for it.
(Teeth or horns do not voluntary drop off to make room for another one suddenly. The
little horn had to have this planed out long before. It must have been powerful enough to
convince the other 7 remaining horns to stay and agree with the expulsion of the other
three. But which three are they?)
This horn had eyes like a man, and a mouth that spoke arrogantly.
(This final ugly beast had a horn with eyes like a man, perhaps a nation! This horn had a
mouth that spoke arrogantly, didnt Satan speak like that, or even Hitler classifying
themselves as the pure race?)
Thrones were set up and the Ancient One took his throne.
(This is after all the 4 winds of time are over, the Ancient One is God)
Thousands upon thousands were ministering to him, and myriads upon myriads attended
to him.
(Gods Angels)
The court was convened and the books were opened.
(This is Judgment day; long after the 1000-year reign of Jesus is over)


I watched, then, from the first of the arrogant words which the horn spoke, until the beast
was slain and its body thrown into the fire to be burnt up.
(Obviously, this nation had a chance to explain itself but failed and was punished at not
only judgment time but also defeated 1000 years before)
The other beasts, which also lost their dominion, were granted a prolongation of life for
a time and a season.
(The lion, the bear, the leopard lost their kingdom on earth but because of the PROMISE
made by God in all his covenants, men were allowed to live another 1000 years, before
judgment comes to them)
As the vision continued, I saw one like the son of man coming on the clouds of Heaven.
(This is the arrival of Jesus), see ZE. 14; 1,21 - EX. 19; 11 - IS. 24; 2.
When he reached the Ancient One and was presented before him.
(God welcomes his son Jesus, not one human is present at this time, only Angels)
He received Dominion, glory, and kingship;
(Jesus receives from God, the Universe, the glory he deserves and the kingdom of the
Nations and peoples of every language serve him. His dominion is an everlasting
dominion that shall not be taken away; his kingship shall not be destroyed.
(Notice that all people of the earth, those that are left, will serve him and no one else. No
more kings, leaders, dictators or otherwise. Here also, Dominion is a separate word from
kingship, therefore, universe and earth apply)
7; 25 They shall be handed over to him for a year, two years, and half a year.
(The forth beast will wage war for 3 years than God will take away his power)
8; 14 For 2300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary shall be purified.
(The number 2300 amounts to nothing before Jesus. We are not yet in 2300 after Jesus. Is
this the year? Not likely. Why, because it does not add up to anything and it does not
answer why the words are written this way; evenings and morning) see 8; 26
(This passage is also in code. There will be 2300 evenings and 2300 mornings, that total
is only 4600 years. To find the missing years that adds up to 6000, we need to go to
chapter 9; 24 to 27 , there you will find the 700 evenings and the 700 mornings for a
grand total of 6000 years, the end of Satan and the start of Jesus)


8; 17 Understand, son of man that the vision refers to the end times.
(The Angel Gabriel explain to Daniel that this vision is meant for the end times, not his
present day or immediate future)
8; 23 to 25 (These passages refers to a cunning king in the end times that will deceive
even the holy ones. This is the little horn of the beast)
8; 26

The vision of the evenings and the mornings is true, as spoken. To you however,
keep this vision undisclosed, because the days are many.
(The days to the end times are many but they are revealed to Daniel, he may or may not
understand them as the Angel Gabriel tells him to keep it under wrap. God is the only one
who will reveal in the end times some secrets to a few people)
8; 27 I was appalled at the vision, which I could not understand.
(Daniel is shaken up and does not understand the vision)
9; 2 I Daniel tried to understand in the Scriptures the counting of the years of which the
Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah: that for the ruins of Jerusalem seventy years must be
(Daniel tries to understand the numbers given 200 years before him. These numbers
however was a punishment of slavery by the king of Babylon, not a period to rebuild
Jerusalem. This number, just the same is very important in the scheme of things)
9; 22 Daniel, I have now come to give you understanding.
(Gabriels returns on Gods commend to answer Daniels prayer for understanding. This
is what all men must do to receive understanding, pray for it)

70 weeks are decreed for your people and for your holy city: then transgression
will stop and sin will end.
Only 70 weeks from the time of Adam to the end of sins? We used up 2000 years already
since Jesus; this 70 must be a code. I suspect that two zeros are missing. Everywhere else,
the numbers add up to 7000 years, not 70 weeks)
9; 24 and a most holy will be anointed.
(This is Jesus)
9;25 From the utterance of the word that Jerusalem was to be rebuilt, until one who is
anointed and a leader, there shall be 7 weeks.
Now we know for sure that this is a code, just as the creation was not done in 6 days, it
will take more than 7 weeks for Jesus to come back to earth from the word that Jerusalem
will be rebuilt which took place hundreds of years ago. Just as 9;24, I think that a couple
of zeros are missing. If we added 2 zeros to 70 weeks, we must add 2 zeros to 7 weeks
and turn the whole thing into years.

(We were missing 1400 years in chapter 8; 14. Did we just find 700 evenings and 700
mornings? 2300 mornings + 2300 evenings = 4600 years add 1400 years from the time
that the temple was rebuilt, does it add up to 6000 years? That is the year that the
anointed and a leader is schedule to come back and reign for 1000 years for a grand total
of 7000 years. Then Judgment comes)

9; 25 During 62 weeks it shall be rebuilt.

(Yes, we must be consistent and add 2 zeros and convert to years, so 6200 years it is. The
extra 200 years, is what will be required to totally erase the memory of Satan in mens
9; 25 with streets and trenches, in time of affliction.
(These symbolic spiritual streets and trenches are built by God to protect his chosen ones
in the great tribulation so that at least 10% 0f the population remain on earth.)
9; 26 After 62 weeks, an anointed shall be cut down when he does not possess the city.
(Since the Angel Michel locked up Satan shortly before Jesus return as king, Satans
memory can no longer influence humans and the remnants of those who followed old
church doctrines after 200 years)
9; 26 and the people of a leader who will come, shall destroy the sanctuary.
(The armies of this leader and the whole beast itself with the other horns will wage war
on the king of the south and try to destroy Jerusalem)

Then the end shall come like a torrent; until the end there shall be war, the
desolation that is decreed.
(After the 3- year war, devastation for 7 days will come through earthquakes and other
weather related disasters. Until the end, there will always be wars and calamities in the
world. If you sense that we are working backwards in this prophecy, we are)
9; 27 For one week he shall make a firm compact with the many;
(We can no longer add zeros as before because 1 week would become 100. Does not add
up or make sense. There are 7 days in a week. A world war, could not be fought in 7 days.
There is evidence elsewhere that these tribulations will last 7 years. Now that makes
sense and it adds up)
(The little horn (Satan/Germany) will make deals or compact with many)
9; 27 Half the week he shall abolish sacrifice and offering.
(That is 3 days, people do that themselves for months or years, dont need him to stop
us for 3 days. However, fear of death may convince many to obey a tyrant for 3
years. This proves that the end war, will last for 3 years (see 12;7) then the weather,
related catastrophes will start and should last 0ne day and destroy most of the world
population. This will be found in the book of Revelation)


9; 27 On the temple wing, (Jerusalem) shall be the horrible abomination (Satan) until
the ruin (Earth) that is decreed (told by God over 6000 years ago) is poured out.
(released) upon the horror (world)

10; 13 until finally Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me.
(Another proof that Angels have different strength, here Michael is mentioned as one of
the chief princes)
10; 20 soon I must fight the prince of Persia again.
(The same Angel has to go back to continue his fight against this evil angel throughout
the times)
10; 21 No one supports me against all these except Michael, your prince.
(Only Michael who has the strength to hold this prince of Persia and supports the Angel
of God battle against Satans and his followers)
Should you be wandering why these 2 Angels are fighting Satan throughout history, it is
because you did not quite understand chapter 2 about Gods plan or forgot why God
allows Satan to exist.
11; 21 to 45 (These passages, are a step-by-step description of the last war started by the
king of the North against the king of the South. When news from the East (Russia /
China) terrifies him, he will attack first but will be defeated)
12; 3 and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever.
(These are the first-born)
12; 4 As for you, Daniel, keep secret the message and seal the book until the end time;
many shall fall away and evil shall increase.
(The Angel asks Daniel to keep everything secret. Because Daniel asked God for an
understanding, he could not reveal the explanation to the vision that he wrote in his book)
12; 7 It should be for a year, two years, and a half-year.
(This war will last for 3 years)
12;11 From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is
set up, there shall be 1290 days.
(This is 2 separate event spread out by hundreds of years. The daily sacrifice has stopped
for quite some time now, but the abomination will be set up 1290 days after the Angel
spoke to Daniel. This number would be approximately 4 years later than the final war on
earth was supposed to start)
(Since I am writing this book, this number cannot be right, or is it? Go back to Daniel 9;
25. God did not want us to find out until end times, when this war was to start, so he gave


us codes. The number 1290 is a code that fits with chapter 9; 25 as well as 12; 12 below.
When we add the missing 700 to 1290, we get 1990)
(Someone was born in 1990, and I spent months trying to figure out whom it was. I was
typing this chapter when the answer came, I had to find the date on the Internet, it took
me 30 minutes and there it was. On the 21 of November 1990, the Charter of Paris for a
New Europe was signed; this is when the abomination was set up or if you prefer, the
King of the North. Read on.

12; 12

Blessed is the man who has patience and perseveres until the 1335 days.

(Why blessed, patient and why persevere? Lets add it up once more; 1335 plus 700,
equals 2035. This is the year that, combine with the other years before Jesus came to
earth, adds up to 6000 years in the spiritual plan of God.)
(6000 years ago, is the year Adam was born. This is the year, God, started his spiritual
plan. This is the year that Jesus comes back to rule for 1000 years. Then just before we
reach the 7000 years, God calls for his judgment day. Then God takes a rest)
(These numbers conform to chapter 2 and 3 of this book. These numbers, were given to
Daniel, by an Angel from God. Daniel had nothing to gain by making them up, since the
code had to remain secret until the end times).


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