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Reward! What Reward?

Chapter one,
God and the afterlife,
What is life?
Science tells us that life began with the big bang. Science admits that for the big bang to occur,
one needs an ignition source and ingredients to catch on fire. Science does not know where all
this came from or where the ingredients required to make up this explosion came from. It had to
be a flammable source.
Science tells us that in time with better equipment, they will be able to provide the answer.
Should you be satisfied with this answer, then the WHY does not really matter to you. You could
be dead for centuries before they may find out.
By now, everyone has heard of Darwin and his theory of evolution. His theory was put forth
some 300 years ago and obviously he was not aware of present scientific discovery of DNA,
GENOME or Proteins which contains thousands of specific informations that are important to
the DNA.
Biologist recognize that evolution from a single cell is comparable to winning the lottery
hundreds of time in the row. Not impossible but very unlikely due to the shear volume of
diversity in the smallest of living cell. A large portion of these cell became living creatures all at
once during the Cambrian period, raising even more questions about evolution.
Other people say that life began with the visit of extraterrestrial being. Just where did their life
begin, I suspect is a closely guarded secret at Fort Knox.
We know that here on earth, things subjected to very high temperature are totally destroyed.
These living cells or creatures disappear or revert to dust or carbon. We do not need science to
tell us that no living organism lives on the sun. We also know that the universe is so large that
the big bang explosion had to be a trillion times bigger than the biggest one on our own sun.
This simple deduction should tell us that no living cell could possibly have survived the big bang.
The temperature at that exalt moment melted everything inside and sent out nothing but gasses
filled with carbon outward. In time as the gasses collected and cooled, rocks formed and the
rest is history.
Therefore, the question is, was there living cell in the empty space before the big bang? Should
you not have a bit of curiosity over this, then the WHY does not matter to you.

Chapter two will take you on a series of questions that will peak your curiosity and give you a
better understanding of the whole process required to arrive at the WHY.
Should suspicion arise in your mind as to where did life come from, then an old theory needs to
be revisited. For thousands of years we have been searching the Heavens for our source of
blessings or hardship. We revered the Sun, the moon, the waters, the animals and the nature.
We feared darkness, the wild beast, the elements and sometime the earth itself. We made gods
out of anything and everything. We started to pray and make sacrifices to these gods. As we
moved through the ages, we narrowed our belief and channeled our prayers to the best gods.
In time, we heard stories from our ancestors and took the best part of these stories to suit us.
Today, even though we are over 6 billion strong, our gods are down to perhaps dozen at the
most. Science killed a lot of gods but it has not been able to kill one of them although they are
still trying.
Should you have doubts about the big bang, evolution and aliens, you need to open your mind
to a higher level of thinking. Close your mind and the WHY does not matter.
Life must contain organism we call cells. Everything on earth that functions contains cells.
Rocks do not function. Some scientist believes that all the diversity on earth took place by
accident millions of years ago and evolved from then on to what we see today. The same
scientist can not account for the things that are supernatural because they do not understand it.
They will make all sorts of claim as to what supernatural is.
It is well known by even the most isolated people on earth that there exist forces which they can
not see or touch and are not made of living cell. Most people refer to these forces as Spirits or
spirit world. The land of the dead or Hades. The Spirit up above, the great Manitou. A handful of
people will deny that these spirits exist. Should you be one of them, then the WHY does not
If people believe that there are spirits on earth, then, are there more than one? Were these
spirits the result of the big bang? Did they evolve the same as living cells? What is their
purpose? How do they manifest themselves? Do they have a leader? Many books have been
written on spirits. It is also available on the internet. Their existence can not be denied. Too
many stories have been written about them to ignore. Just because science cannot prove it, can
we trust science.
One fascinating unreported truth is that the evidence of biological life and spiritual forces are in
fact coexisting since day one. From the narration of our ancestors; when the human race began
to investigate in depth the relationship with these spirits, they were informed through visions or
apparitions, that a creating spirit was indeed the author of there provenance.

Again, too many written records throughout the world have been given as witnesses to these
events. Were they all lying or under the influence. Since then, billions of people believe in one
true God. Later we will see the explanation that accounts for the existence of these spirits
including what God is.
If we accept evolution, then the worst we can do is perhaps evolve our bodies to something else
because of the changes we made to the earth. We know that this huge planet can not disappear
by anything we do to it. All we can do is to change its covering. It would take much more than
the Hydrogen bomb to destroy the whole body of the earth. Only something from the universe
could destroy the earth.
What would the new adapted survivors do if we reach the point of a new surface on this planet?
Knowing our past history, they would repeat the same mistake in a different way. Once we
reason and eliminate the big bang, the Darwin theory and the alien stories, we arrive at only one
conclusion. There has to be a force that physically made the four basic elements that started the
universe. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen did not start up on their own. All three
theories of life as mentioned above are subject to this puzzle, therefore this force must be real.
Radioactive elements and the law of radioactivity prove that there was a time when matter did
not exist.
When we finally accept the existence of this force, then we must ask.
a) What is it?
b) Where does it come from?
c) What is its purpose?
By accepting this force, then we must also reduce those three theories to mere speculations for
lack of evidence. Since we reduce these theories, we therefore increase the powers of this force
and identify it as a creating entity with intelligence that expend a work from nothing to something
by design.
If this entity created by design, then it must have a plan and a purpose. How can we find out or
how can we be sure? That is the easy part. We need look no further than down at our feet to
see what is there. We look around and see grass, trees, our shadow. We look up and see a sun,
a moon, stars and we discover that although there is an order to what we see, there is also a
great variety of things below and above us. WHY?
DNA analysis is now showing us how unique some of these things are. Huge telescopes are
showing us that certain galaxies defy the norm, yet exist in the overall scheme of things.
Infrared telescopes are now showing pictures beyond the universe causing dilemma among

We know that humans struggled for thousands of years with the idea of gods. They left images
on stones, carvings and monuments. We do not know if this entity or creator ever made itself
accessible to these early men. Nevertheless, they accepted the fact that an entity, whether the
sun or the moon or stars were at the center of their good fortune or bad luck.
When men began to live in groups, ideas began to flow more rapidly and worshiping received
more dominance. It was still obscure to men who this creator was. Not until the creator time to
proceed with his plan did men found out why they were place on this earth.
In order to do this, the creator had to reveal himself to men or leave all the answer to science.
One can find a story in the bible under the book of Genesis.
We have no proof of the big bang, scientists are now coming up with a pile of new theories and
DNA is destroying Darwins theory. As men places more pressure on the earth, the Bible
becomes more and more relevant to the truth of our origin. It is also very important that we
understand the plan that God has laid out for us through his words given to us in the Bible. If we
do not, then the afterlife will most definitely become carbon for us.
These end times are offering us an opportunity that our ancestors never had. That is to be a
witness to all the prophecies so described in the Bible that are about to take place. With this
opportunity, comes a chance to attain what has been promised to us, eternity in the afterlife. Not
only is this eternity a reward in itself but there is also an other reward seldom mentioned by our
Church leaders yet the Bible is full of details on this promise by God.
Both rewards begin with the acceptance that the creator of all things is the one and only God.
What if there is no Afterlife? What if evolution is true and shrinks us back to oblivion?
William Provine is a professor of Biology at Cornell University and a Evolutionary.
He said.
If evolution is true (notice the if) then there are 5 inescapable conclusions.

Theres no evidence for god

Theres no life after death
Theres no absolute foundation for RIGHT and WRONG
Theres no ultimate meaning or purpose for life
People do not really have FREE WILL

Think about this, no God, no afterlife, no right or wrong, no purpose to life and no free will.

If you had a choice, what would you choose after your death?
a) Carbon after death
b) Reincarnation through molecules.
c) Eternal life as a Spirit
If you had unquestionable knowledge on the afterlife, would you chose to be next to Hitler,
Satan, Jesus, a spider, carbon or nothing at all?
This is the reason that I believe that atheists are hypocrites. They still believe that there is a
purpose to life in doing good without God and that they have free will. That is totally impossible.
You can not have a big bang without a source of ignition or a matter that is explosive in content,
so the same applies to evolution. Science can not deny that there are natural laws which applies
to everything, that is why Biology scientist struggles with every discovery they make.
No right or no wrong; everybody gets away with every crimes of the highest form. Why is it that
mankind does not abide by this inescapable conclusion? Why doesn't more humans put this to
their advantage if life has no meaning. Why struggle in goodness? Is it not useless? Why not
grab all the pleasure of life for yourself regardless of the well being of others? Why is it that
most of the rich people abide by some of these grab all you can pleasures?
Do you agree that Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and all the mass murderers should get away with it?
Does the animal kingdom care about its survival? Do they have a say in this process? What
happened to the many species that disappeared over the years? Are we the same when it
comes to survival? Is it the law of the fittest? Perhaps Noah was an alien sent to earth by orders
from outer space, but then, why save 2 animals of each type when evolution can replace them
and why destroy all humans because they were wicked.
We are approaching a very dangerous stage in our survival. The earth cannot sustain the
continuous population growth and the abuse of this planet throughout the world are contributing
factors in the rapid destruction of the earth surface. Should there be no afterlife, then it matters
not what we do. Should we kill each other through nuclear war, then it matters not what we do.
So why not live it up.
What if they are all wrong? What if God is real and gave us many messages and warning?
If it had not been for Miracles from time to time overs the years, men would not be here today. It
is fear and our ability to reason that kept men from destroying himself. Was this fear and ability
to reason given to us by aliens, God or through evolution without any input from anyone or

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