Wednesday Eng 1 and 2

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Lesson Plan for Romeo and Juliet

Journal (10 minutes):

Skip journal today, and just get straight into either working
through the play/movie
Read/Watch (30 minutes):
Romeo and Juliet .. p. 989
***10 Minute Break***

Presenting Scene Skits: (60 minutes):

Im comfortable giving students a little time to make sure
they are prepared, but then the plan would to be to go in
order through the play
This would hopefully help students comprehension of the
The idea would be once all the groups have presented we
could have a conversation, about how despite it being in old
language, and being a outdated these themes, and ideas are
Discussion (Time Left):
Why is R+J still relevant today?
Was it easy to modernize it?
Do people still face these same struggles today? Examples?

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