Lesson Plan For Conflict Eng1

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Lesson Plan for Wasps Nest - 1

Journal: (10 minutes)

5-7 sentences for paragraph practice

Think about a conflict that you have had that does not involve another
person, so maybe it is yourself, or the weather, or society. Write about
it, what happened? How did you solve it?

Talk about/Discussion: (20 minutes)

o Man/man
o Man/nature
o Man/society

Read: (30 minutes)

Wasps Nest P. 759

***10 Minute Break***

After Reading: (15 minutes)

Work to complete the comprehension questions at the end of the

reading, and then answer questions 2, 3, and 4
o How seriously do you think Harrison takes Poirots warning about
Claude Langton?
o What is his motivation for making up a story about Langton
instead of accusing Harrison right away?
o Why do you think Poirot gets so excited about when trying to
convince Harrison that Langton is capable of murder?

Creative Writing: (30 minutes)

Consider the possible problems that weather causes for people trying
to get through daily activities, create a script for a weather reporter
about what the weather is going to be like and what problems this
might cause

Discussion: (not sure about time left)

How do people solve conflicts?

Why do we like to watch conflicts?
Could we survive as a society without conflicts?

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