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Albertas National Parks

Page 246-251


Wood Buffalo National Park

1. How does Wood Buffalo National Park preserve Albertas land?

2. How does the park add to our quality of life?

Jasper National Park

1. Why do you think so many people visit Jasper each year?

2. How could humans and pets threaten the caribou population?

Banff National Park

1. What could you do to help preserve the land in Banff National Park?

2. What might happen if people didnt protect the land?

Elk Island National Park

1. What might the land at the park have been used for if it had not been

2. Why do you think it is important to bring the Trumpeter Swan back to

the park?

3. How do you think a species can be reintroduced to a new area?

Waterton Lakes National Park

(Read page 251 and answer these questions as a group after you have finished
all previous questions.)

1. How is this park similar to Jasper National Park?

2. How is it different from Wood Buffalo National Park?

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