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On the side walk bleeding

a) Andy chose to join the royals because it gave him a a title and a sense of
belonging. I think Andy joined the royals so he could be accepted and to be apart
of something. It probably wasn't worth it because after becoming a royals, he
stopped being Andy.
b) Andy's views change because he realizes he can never do any of the things
he wanted to. When he became a Royal he basically threw away his life, he
became another one of them. In the story Andy constantly repeats, I'm just
Andy . So thats why it was so important for him to remove the jacket before he
died. He wanted to die as Andy, not a royal.
a) To the guardians the purple jacket symbolized Enemy. They didn't even
think before killing Andy, they just knew he was a royal and ignored the fact that
he was just a 16 yr old boy.
b) To Angela the jacket just symbolized a gang, So she didn't care about Andy,
She just cared about herself and didn't want to get involved with anything that had
to do with the feud between the guardians and the royals.
c) To the Police officer Andy was just another Royal, he was part of a gang that
had a bad reputation for causing trouble. He didn't seem surpised about what
happened and ignored the devastated Laura saying he was just Andy.

3. I think the Climax of the story was when Andy took of his Jacket before dying.
Andy made sure it was the last thing he did. Also taking the jacket off made him
feel as if he was losing the title of a Royal, if he hadn't been wearing the jacket, he
would not have been stabbed. I think this is the climax because its when Andy
finaly realizes that he wanted to be, just Andy.

4. Irony: The expression commonly used to signifie the oposite of something.

Imagery: Visually descriptive or figurative language.
Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds.

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