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♦ Issue 2010/05

24 May 2010♦ Free Fortnightly Issue

Personal Finance & Investment


News and Updates for the Savvy Kiwi Indian

IIssssuuee CCoonntteennttss IInnvveessttm

With the Eurozone debt crisis remaing the key key raw materials. U.S. Treasury debt prices
Financial Briefs: focus, global markets continued their decline moved higher as the shift to safe haven
NZ 2 last week. The U.S. S&P 500 index dropped over securities persisted through the week. Yields on
India 3 10 percent from recent highs indicating the the 10-year Treasury notes dropped to 3.22
broader market is now in a correction, amid a percent from 3.81% a month ago. Australia 10-
FX/Commodities Snapshot rally that started on March 2009. Index-linked year yield also dropped to 5.41% from 5.81% a
4 companies are now trading at about 15.5 times month ago. The U.S. dollar index, which had
the reported operating earnings over the past been on a run-up in recent weeks, lost some
12 months- the lowest valuation since July ground as the week drew to a close. On the
Financial Jokes/Quotes 4 2009. MSCI’s Emerging Market index fell over home front, swap traders see a 52 percent
7.6% last week, while the NZX lost over 4.4% probability the Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Special: and India’s BSE over 3.2% for the same period. will raise rates in June, according to an index by
NZ Budget 2010 The 19-commodity Reuters-Jefferies CRB index, Credit Suisse Group AG. The RBNZ will increase
(Highlights) 5 a global commodities benchmark, slumped to 8- the target rate by 164 basis points over the next
1/2 month lows last week as the Eurozone 12 months, according to a separate Credit Suisse
NZ-India Trade 6 contagion cut further into prices of oil and other index.

●●●●●● M
After a quiet few weeks with no mortgage rate Also in a surprise move on May 14, ASB Bank,
NZ’s BEST BANKS changes, there was a sudden step-change with BankDirect, Sovereign and NZ Home Loans cut
14 lenders increasing their short-term rates their six-month fixed rates by 15 basis points in
over the last couple weeks. Westpac, Wairarapa a week that saw other lenders increasing the
CUSTOMER Building Society, BNZ, PSIS, Kiwibank, AMP, SBS same rate by anywhere between 10 and 30
BANK SATISFACTION Bank, ASB Bank, BankDirect, NZ Home Loans, points.
(%) Sovereign and HBS all increased their short- The other changes these four lenders made
term rates ranging from six months to two included a 10 basis point increase to their one-
ASB 55% years. year rates, a 25 basis point increase to 18-
Interestingly, National Bank and ANZ made the month rates and their two-year rates rose 20
BNZ 46% largest increases to their short-term rates and basis points.
then cut them all again on May 14, National Also in the news, Kiwibank and HSBC got a rap
NATIONAL 43% Bank by 10 basis points and ANZ cutting its one on the knuckles and repaid $0.8 million in
BANK and two-year rates to meet the medians for the overcharged break fees on fixed-term loans
major banks of 6.35% and 7.30% respectively following complaints after the sharp drop in
WESTPAC 40% as well as reducing its 18-month rate by 16 interest rates in late 2008 and early 2009.
basis points to 6.69%.
ANZ 40%
Source: "Better Banking" survey,
carried out for bank workers union
The Warehouse has partnered with IAG New TOWER premiums to rise 7%
Zealand to offer a travel insurance product
●●● online. The increase is to its new and existing Life over
policies in the TOWER Life 360 and TOWER
PPuubblliisshheerr:: AA..SS..KK.. PPuubblliisshhiinngg "When we launched The Warehouse Online, our Business 360 product ranges. This increase only
EEddiittoorr:: SSuunniill KKhheem mllaannii aim was to become a true multi-channel retailer relates to life cover and there will be no general
PPrriinntteerr:: OOffffiicceeNNoow w -- one that empowers customers to purchase premium increase for any other individual risk
goods and services in a flexible and convenient products including trauma cover, permanent
FFoorr ccoom mm meennttss,, aaddvveerrttiissiinngg,, manner. The addition of our worldwide travel disability cover or income protection cover. No
oorr m maaiill oorrddeerr,, pplleeaassee insurance policy is another step towards changes will be made to commission payments
ccoonnttaacctt:: achieving this," said Richard Harrison, head of to advisers.
((0099))33008800778877 oorr eem multi channel development for The Warehouse.
IAG NZ is the country's largest insurance
aasskkppuubblliisshh@ w o o s h co . n z
company and its brands include State and NZI.

© Copyright 2010 A.S.K.

Publishing. All rights reserved.
Personal Finance & Investment


New Zealand house sales and prices fell in April, the Real Estate New Zealand consumer confidence was
Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) said recently. Sales by the stronger in May, with respondents feeling more
industry group's members fell 15.5 percent from March and were positive about both their own outlook and
16.2 percent lower than a year ago. The national median house
price was NZ$356,000, down 1.2 percent from March but 4.7 that of the economy. The ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer confidence
percent higher than the same month last year. The REINZ's house index rose four points to 126, the third monthly increase, but still
price index was 0.4 percent lower on the previous month and 6.2 behind January's peak of 131.4. A reading above 100 shows
percent higher than a year earlier. The housing market recovery has optimism, and a reading below indicates pessimism. The survey of
slowed over recent months, with potential tax changes to around 1,000 people showed respondents were more optimistic
investment property cooling activity. The median number of days to about the near- and long-term outlooks for the overall economy,
sell rose to 40 from 35 in March. Government agency Quotable and a net 21 percent believing it is a good time to buy a major
Value said this week growth in house prices stalled in April, but the household item.
market remained subdued because of uncertainty over changes in

RENTS MAY RISE UP TO 6.5% New Zealand has slipped

five places to 20th out of
Rents could increase by 4.5 percent to 6.5 percent, the New Zealand 58 economies measured
Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) says. The figure was higher on the world
than Treasury's estimate of 1.5 percent over three to four years. competitiveness
Owners of commercial buildings and rental houses will no longer be scoreboard according to
able to claim depreciation on their investments. The Budget also the just released IMD
removed a 20 percent depreciation loading on new plant and World Competitiveness
equipment purchased after Budget day. Finance Minister Bill Yearbook. New Zealand's
English and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne said the moves would economic performance,
help rebalance the economy toward productive investment and business efficiency and its
reduce the incentive for people to buy rental property purely for tax infrastructure
reasons. performance all slipped
slightly, but sufficiently
PICKS UP impact the economy's total
performance. Only its
The service sector experienced its sixth consecutive month of government efficiency
expansion, although activity softened slightly in April, according to rating improved - from 7th
the BNZ - Business NZ Performance of Services Index (PSI). The to 5th place. According to IMD, the problem for New Zealand is that
seasonally adjusted PSI for April stood at 54.1. This was 2.6 points too many other countries improved their relative performance and
down from March, but up 7.2 points from April 2009. A PSI reading consequently pushed New Zealand down the list. Australia is a good
above 50.0 indicates that the service sector is generally expanding; example of that.
below 50.0 that it is declining. "The most pleasing aspect of the April
result would have to be employment expansion reaching levels not
seen since mid-2007, along with being the second highest result
since the survey began. With its sister survey the Performance of
Manufacturing Index also showing a pick up in employment, along New Zealand NZX 50 Index
with Statistics New Zealand's official unemployment rate dropping Week High: 3193
for the March quarter, there is a clear indication that many Week Low: 3031
businesses are now in a position to again look at hiring additional Week Close: 3050
staff as orders and activity pick up.” said Business NZ chief
executive Daily Q.NZ50 9/02/2010 - 26/05/2010 (WEL)
Price Line, Q.NZ50, 21/05/2010, 3,050.083

The average New Zealand earner's total tax burden is second-lowest 3,250
in the OECD when superannuation and other compulsory taxes are
counted, according to a new report. The OECD represents 30 of the 3,200
world's richest economies. A tax wedge is the difference between
how much employers pay workers and how much workers take 3,150
home. Many countries had lower tax rates than New Zealand, but
had compulsory superannuation and social security payments that 3,100
increased their tax wedges. 3,050
15 22 01 08 15 22 29 06 12 19 26 03 10 17 24
February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010
source: Reuters
Personal Finance & Investment

The euro has slid to its lowest since the Lehman

Brothers collapse and while the dollar has
strengthened against the euro, it has not strengthened
against the rupee to the same extent.
Europe is the second largest market for the Indian IT industry,
accounting for approximately $15 billion worth of exports. For firms
such as Tech Mahindra, WNS Global Services and Mastek, Europe is
the largest market, bigger than even the US. Top IT firms Tata
Consultancy Services, Infosys Technologies and Wipro earn between
20% and 25% of their revenues in euros and pounds. And Friday’s
euro crash, when the currency fell to a low of 1.24 against the dollar,
sent jitters through the industry. Since the beginning of this year,
the euro has lost around 13.5% against the dollar.


Riding on improving business confidence, Corporate India's online
hiring activity rose for the fifth month in a row. The Monster
Employment Index, a monthly gauge based on a comprehensive
review of employer job opportunities from a large selection of
online job sites, climbed by 7 per cent to 125 in April, from 117 in
March.The online employment availability in healthcare, bio
technology, life science and pharmaceuticals witnessed its largest
monthly rise. Overall, job opportunities rose in 18 of the 27 industry
sectors tracked in the survey.


Car sales in India rose an annual 39.5 percent in April as newer cars
widened the choice for customers. Domestic firms sold 143,976 cars
in the month, compared with 103,227 units a year ago, data from
the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) showed.
Sales of trucks and buses, a barometer of economic activity, rose
64.5 percent to 49,086 units in the months, SIAM said. Heartened by
a maturing Indian automobile market, Hyundai Motor has decided
to launch at least one new model in the country every year. Hyundai
claims to be India’s largest exporter of cars and second largest
passenger car manufacturer after the Indo-Japanese Maruti-Suzuki.


Bombay Sensex Index

Week High: 17000
Week Low: 16187
Week Close: 16445
Daily Q.BSESN 9/02/2010 - 31/05/2010 (BOM)
Price Line, Q.BSESN, 21/05/2010, 16,445.61





Economic uncertainty and a weakening currency in Europe are twin 16,000

worries for India’s export-focused IT sector, which has only just 15 22 02 08 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 31
recovered. from the fallout of the US slowdown. February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010
source: Reuters

Personal Finance & Investment

The New Zealand dollar (NZD)

closed the volatile week almost 4%
lower (against USD) as spooked
investors moved to the safe haven
currencies of the United States dollar
and Japanese yen. With liquidity in
currency markets dropping, the
Daily QNZD= 9/02/2010 - 24/05/2010 (GMT) Daily QNZDINR=R 9/02/2010 - 24/05/2010 (GMT) markets are experiencing more
Pric e Line, QNZD=, 21/05/2010, 0.6782 Pric e Line, QNZDINR=R, 21/05/2010, 31.808 volatility than normal. The Indian
USD INR NZ$ / In d i a n R u p e e rupee (INR) posted its biggest
Week High: 32.15 weekly decline (against USD) in
0.71 32.2 Week Low: 30.79 nearly 14 years as domestic shares
Last Trade: 31.80 extended losses as concerns
0.7 32
remained over the euro zone's
0.69 NZ$ / US $ growth prospects. So far this month,
Week High: 0.7074 31.6 foreigners have pulled out $1.45
0.68 billion from domestic shares,
Week Low: 0.6617
Last Trade: 0.6782 bringing down net inflows in 2010 to
31.2 $5.1 billion. Last year, record
15 22 01 08 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 15 22 01 08 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 portfolio inflows of $17.5 billion had
February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 helped the rupee gain 4.7 percent.
Against NZD, the rupee bounced off
its highs to close at 31.80.
Source: Reuters

Weekly YTD
14/05/2010 21/05/2010 Change Change
Gold prices registered their (%) (%)
Crude Oil prices fell to its 7-
biggest weekly drop in 5
month low last week, as Crude Oil (US$) 71.61 70.04 -2.19% -12.04%
months after rising 6% in the
underlying fundamentals
first 2 weeks of May to record
weakened. U.S. crude inventories Gold (US$) 1232.55 1175.15 -4.66% 7.24%
highs at $1,248.95 an ounce.
rose in 15 of the 16 weeks
Worries over the global
through May 14, according to
economy and uncertainty over
weekly data from the U.S. Energy
the impact of the new financial Source: Reuters
Information Administration.
reform bill in U.S. have led
Money managers and other
investors liquidating positions,
speculators broadly wound
including holdings in gold,
down their exposure.
during the recent market

Financial Quotes Financial Jokes

That some should be rich, shows that others may

become rich, and, hence, is just encouragement to
industry and enterprise.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to

succeed is more important than any one thing.

Abraham Lincoln
-former U.S. president who led the country
during the American Civil War.

Personal Finance & Investment

G ro w th & In fla tio n F o re c a s ts NZ D e b t F o re c a s t s

- Return to surplus in
60 2015/16, the same as in
the December

NZ$ (billions)
2010/11 mid-year update.
3.20% 3.10% 40 2011/12 - Government
2.40% 2012/13 forecasts: 2010/11 cash
deficit NZ$13.3 billion
20 dollars ($9.0 billion),
6.5 pct of GDP; 2011/12
cash deficit
0 NZ$9.7 billion, 4.5 pct of
Gross debt Net debt GDP
GDP (2011 - 2012) CPI (2011 - 2012)
- Net debt peaking at
27 percent of GDP in
Spending Highlights 2014/15, compared
Property tax measures include: with a peak at just over
An extra $1.4 billion will be injected into 30 percent in June 2016
1) Denying depreciation deductions for in the December
better schooling and early childhood
buildings, such as rental housing and office forecast.
education - including an extra $417 million in
buildings, with an estimated useful life of 50 - Total bond issuance
years or more. This takes effect for all such estimated at NZ$12.5
Research, Scinece & Technology buildings from the start of the 2011/12 billion in 2010/11,
$321 million over four years for new science, income year. NZ$2 billion lower over
research and technology initiatives 2) Changes to the tax rules for qualifying forecast period.
companies (QCs) and loss attributing Planning to reintroduce
Infrastructure qualifying companies (LAQCs), taking effect
Another $1.45 billion for projects in 2010/11 - inflation-indexed bond.
from income years starting on or after 1 April - Government ups
the second year of a five-year $7.5 billion
2011. growth forecast to 3.2
infrastructure programme.
Broadband - $200 million for the roll out of
3) Preventing property investors from using pct in 2010/11 from 2.4
ultra-fast broadband, as well as $48 million more rental losses to inflate Working for Families pct previously.
for broadband in schools. eligibility and payments, from 1 April 2011. - Limiting new
4) Funding over the next four years for Inland spending at NZ$1.1
In addition, $10.7 billion over the next 10 years Revenue to target property speculators who billion as expected.
for State Highways and $3.3 billion in the next have been avoiding paying tax on their trading
five years to upgrade the national grid. gains.
5) Cutting the top personal tax rate from 38
An extra $2.1 billion investment in health
per cent to 33 per cent, reducing the value of
priorities - including an extra $512 million in losses higher-income earners can claim on
2010/11. property investments.

Tax Changes
Income Current Rates New rates
$0 - $14,000 12.5% 10.5%
$14,001 - $48,000 21.0% 17.5%
$48,001 - $70,000 33.0% 30.0% effective Oct 1, 2010
Over $70,000 38.0% 33.0%

GST 12.5% 15.0% effective Oct 1, 2010

PIEs 30.0% 28.0% effective Oct 1, 2010

Company Tax 30.0% 28.0% effective April 1, 2011

Unit Trusts,
Life Insurance policyholders
and some other savings vehicles 30.0% 28.0% effective April 1, 2011

Personal Finance & Investment

WHAT DO THE RATING AGENCIES THINK ABOUT THE The government said on May 20 quickening growth would
BUDGET? reduce the shortfall in its finances and allow it to borrow less
in the medium term while raising its growth forecast for the
Fitch Ratings said it would not change its negative outlook on year to March 2011 to 3.2 percent from a previous 2.4 percent
New Zealand's AA-plus sovereign rating despite higher in the December mid-year update.
economic growth and lower debt forecasts in the government
budget on May 20. The credit ratings agency, which put New Earlier, Standard & Poor's also said its view on New Zealand's
Zealand on a negative outlook in July last year, said it would sovereign creditworthiness was unchanged after the budget. It
undertake a complete review of New Zealand before considering gives New Zealand a foreign currency rating of AA+/Stable/A-
any change to the outlook. 1+ and a local currency rating of AAA/Stable/A-1+.

FTA CAN RAISE INDIA-NEW ZEALAND TRADE FOUR FOLD: 2012. Total Maruti production last year was a record 966,399
ENVOY Suzuki units and the company predicts sales will top one million for
the fiscal year ending March 2010.
India-New Zealand trade can grow four times to $4 billion in 10 Suzuki played an ace card by entering the Indian market almost 30
years if a market-opening Free Trade Agreement is signed, New years ago when other car makers ignored the country. A joint
Zealand High Commissioner to India Rupert Holborow has said. "At venture was formed with Maruti Udyog, an Indian state owned
a conservative estimate, trade will become over four fold in ten company, in 1982. When the second generation Alto-based Maruti
years with the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) going through," 800 mini-car launched the following year, the total annual Indian
Holborow told Press Trust of India (PTI). car market was around 100,000 units, or less than twice the volume
Duty-free access for its agri products like apple and kiwi as well as of the New Zealand new car market. Now the Indian car market is
wine would be the key areas of interest for New Zealand, he said. fourteen times larger than the New Zealand market, and continues
Holborow said India has high tariffs at both the Union and state to grow at a much faster rate.
levels that New Zealand would like to negotiate in the FTA. “When the original Alto arrived in Japan in the late 1970s there was
"There are a range of very high import duties on apple, kiwi fruit a slump in mini-vehicle demand,” said Tom Peck, General Manager
and (especially) wine, both at the Union and state levels. These are of Marketing for Suzuki New Zealand. “But the original monthly
the things we would like to discuss." he said. sales target of 5,000 was soon broken and the model soon became
Negotiations on the FTA, which began in March, could take about a Suzuki’s top-selling model.”
year to conclude. Holborow said the trade agreement was not only a “The new Alto is selling well in India and there is no doubt Maruti
tool to facilitate commerce between the two nations, but also a has weathered the recession much better than others,” he said. “We
valuable diplomatic instrument. may see other new Maruti Suzuki models available in New Zealand
"FTA has two purposes. It has a value in itself as a diplomatic tool in future.”
irrespective of the end result. It is a very important diplomatic
vehicle to strengthen relationship between the two countries," the MILKFED MULLS TIE-UP WITH NZ’S FONTERRA
High Commissioner said.
Of the one billion dollar bilateral trade, New Zealand enjoys an Punjab's Milkfed is mulling a joint venture with Fonterra—largest
advantage. Its exports to India are worth $700 million, whereas dairy cooperative of New Zealand. A two-member team of Fonterra
Indian exports are valued at $300 million. comprising David Broad, general manager, International Operation
After operationalising a FTA with ASEAN, the 10-nation South East and Hamish Govans, sales manager on Thursday visited the state on
Asian bloc and South Korea in January this year, India is negotiating invitation from Milkfed.
a slew of such pacts with Australia, New Zealand, the European
Union and Japan. Disclosing this, a spokesman of the Punjab cooperation department
said that Fonterra officials visited dairy farms and milk
NEW SUZUKI ALTO DEMAND SETS MARUTI PLANT HUMMING procurement societies of milk union, Ludhiana and Mohali. The
Fonterra officials were also shown various milk processing facilities
The new Suzuki Alto, which at milk plant, Ludhiana. They also visited cattle feed plant at Khanna
recently launched in New and Modern Semen Station at Khanna. The Officials evinced keen
Zealand, is driving the Indian interest in the dairy cooperative system of Punjab and working of
arm of Suzuki to record the Milkfed. The visiting officials were apprised of the progress
heights. Maruti Suzuki, the made by Milkfed during the last four years and the ever increasing
Indian division of Suzuki, is trends in the turnover of Milkfed Punjab from 22-25% and the
expanding its plant capacity successful experiment of larger scale dairy farming in the state.
to meet high international Later, David Broad made a presentation highlighting the functioning
demand for the latest Alto of Fonterra and compared the working of dairy cooperatives in
hatchback. New investment India and New Zealand.
at the company’s Manesar factory which makes the Alto will
increase annual production from 300,000 units to 550,000 by April
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