Draft Environmental Review Executive Summary

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Los Angeles County JUNE 2016

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Airport Metro Connector

96th Street Transit Station
Draft Environmental Impact Report – Executive Summary

State Clearinghouse No. 2015021009

Airport Metro Connector 96th Street Transit Station
Draft EIR Executive Summary

INTRODUCTION serve as a transit “Gateway” to transportation modes. This

Los Angeles International Airport proposed project will provide an
This Executive Summary is
(LAX). improved connection between
intended to provide the reader
the regional rail and bus transit
with a concise summary of the
The general regional location system and LAX as well as the
Airport Metro Connector (AMC)
of the proposed project within surrounding area.
96th Street Transit Station
the western portion of the Los
Project (proposed project) and its
Angeles area is shown below. Project Objectives
potential environmental impacts.
It contains an overview of the Provide a reliable, fast, and
proposed project, a summary convenient connection for
of the potential environmental passengers traveling between
effects and mitigation measures, the LAX area and the regional
proposed alternatives, and a bus and rail transit system.
description of the cumulative
impact scenario. Integrate with existing and
future transit connections and
Section 15123 of the California
airport facilities.
Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) Guidelines requires
Increase the share of transit
that an Environmental Impact
trips to and from LAX with
Report (EIR) summary identify the
minimal impact to airport
facilities and surrounding
• Each significant effect with communities and to help
The proposed project site is located 1.5
proposed mitigation measures miles east of the LAX. reduce air pollution.
and alternatives that would
reduce or avoid that effect;
The proposed project is one of
• Areas of controversy known the 12 transit projects identified ARBOR VITAE ST
to the Lead Agency including in Measure R and included in the
issues raised by agencies and Metro Long Range Transportation D
the public; and Plan. Measure R is a half-cent

• Issues to be resolved including sales tax approved by Los Angeles


the choice among alternatives County voters in 2008 and


and whether or how to became a law in 2009.

mitigate the significant effects.
The proposed project includes a
OVERVIEW new multi-modal transportation
In June 2014, the Los center with three at-grade Light
Angeles County Metropolitan Rail Transit (LRT) platforms, bus
Transportation Authority (Metro) plaza, bicycle hub, pedestrian
Board of Directors approved plaza, passenger vehicle pick-
the addition of a station to the up and drop-off area and Metro
transit center/terminal building The proposed project site is
Crenshaw/LAX Line (currently approximately 9.5 acres, southwest of
under construction) at Aviation (“Metro Hub”) to connect the Aviation Boulevard and Arbor Vitae
Boulevard/96th Street that will passengers between multiple Street intersection.

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Airport Metro Connector 96th Street Transit Station
Draft EIR Executive Summary

The EIR also evaluates the 1989 but the project was halted
cumulative impacts of the due to concerns that the extension
proposed project with a could adversely affect LAX. As a
connection to a future Automated result of those concerns, an LAX/
People Mover (APM) to be built Metro Green Line Interagency
and operated by Los Angeles Task Force was established in 1991
World Airports (LAWA), as to create a plan for extending the
part of their Landside Access Metro Green Line to LAX.
Modernization Program (LAMP).
The plan consisted of a 5-mile
LAWA’s APM will be an elevated Green Line extension from the
line on a dedicated right- Interstate 105 to Marina del
of-way with three stations Rey. The relevant environmental
currently planned within the analyses were certified in 1992
Central Terminal Area (CTA). and 1994, but the extension was
Three additional stations are not constructed due to funding An environmental scoping meeting for
also planned to be located at constraints. In June 2006, the the proposed project was held in February
LAWA’s proposed Intermodal Metro Board voted to compile 2015.
Transportation Facilities (ITF), the plans and studies related to
In April 2012, the Metro Board
Metro’s AMC 96th Street Transit the Green Line to LAX extension
received the Metro Green Line to
Station and LAWA’s Consolidated and to coordinate with the City of
LAX AA. Following the release of
Rental Car Facility (CONRAC). Los Angeles and LAX in order to
the AA, but before Metro initiated
Transit passengers, visitors, ascertain what would be required
an EIS/EIR, LAWA released the
employees and others will be to implement the project and
Specific Plan Amendment Study
able to transfer quickly and easily to estimate the financial cost of
(SPAS) report. After an extensive
between the proposed project and extending the Green Line to LAX.
review of public comments, LAWA
the elevated APM.
staff recommended a combination
In April 2011, the Metro Board
of airfield and terminal
HISTORY initiated the Alternatives Analysis
improvements, including, but not
(AA) for the Metro Green Line
limited to, an ITF near Parking Lot
Metro began studying LAX- to LAX project (now referred
C and a CONRAC in Manchester
related transit in 1988 with the to as AMC 96th Street Transit
Square with access to the CTA via
Coastal Corridor Rail Transit Station) with the intent to plan a
Project. Since that time, Metro fixed guideway transit connection
has continued to identify, study, between Metro’s regional rail
In June 2013, the Metro Board
and implement opportunities to system and LAX. Since 2011,
directed staff to include the
facilitate transit to and from LAX. Metro has completed three
Through ITF Alternative
studies refining the alternatives
(Intermediate LRT and Circulator
The history is discussed in for the AMC project – the
i.e. APM) in the environmental
detail within Chapter 2. Project Alternatives Analysis Report (April
review phase. In an effort to
Description of this Draft EIR. In 2012), the Technical Refinement
expedite the construction of a
summary, the environmental Study (October 2013), and the
regional rail connection to the
document for an extension of Supplemental Report (June 2014).
airport, Metro and LAWA worked
the Metro Green Line Northern
collaboratively to further refine
Extension Project was certified in

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Airport Metro Connector 96th Street Transit Station
Draft EIR Executive Summary

the definition of alternatives to be

carried forward into the Draft EIR.

In January 2014, staff

recommended the elimination
of the Metro Rail extensions
“through LAX” under the
terminals and runways, and
advancement of the Circulator,
Intermediate Circulator and LRT,
and Direct LRT Branch into the
environmental review process.
In June 2014, the Metro Board
approved the AMC Supplemental
AA report and selected the
proposed project as the Locally
Preferred Alternative (LPA).


The proposed project includes a

new multi-modal transportation
center with three at-grade LRT
platforms, bus plaza, bicycle
hub, pedestrian plaza, passenger
vehicle pick-up and drop-off
area and Metro transit center/
terminal building (“Metro Hub”)
to connect passengers between
the multiple transportation
modes. The west side of Aviation
Boulevard would include a 15-foot
sidewalk to promote pedestrian
accessibility. Site amenities
would include benches, trash
receptacles, bollards or other
low level fixtures, public art, and
signage and wayfinding. The N
proposed project components
would be linked together by a
continuous system of elevated
mezzanine walkways. The proposed project conceptual site plan.

The LRT platforms, running

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Draft EIR Executive Summary


Existing Condition

Conceptual Sketch

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Draft EIR Executive Summary


Existing Condition

Conceptual Sketch

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Draft EIR Executive Summary

north and south, to be served by retail kiosk-type spaces, PROJECT ATERNATIVES

the Crenshaw/LAX Line and the passenger amenities, artwork and
extension of the Metro Green information. CEQA requires that an EIR
Line, would be located at the describe a range of reasonable
southwestern portion of the SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL alternatives to the project or to the
project site. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS location of the project that could
AND MITIGATION MEASURES feasibly avoid or lessen significant
The bus facility would include up environmental impacts, while
to 20 active bus bays and up to This EIR has been prepared substantially attaining the basic
18 layover bus bays for buses to by Metro to analyze potential objectives of the project. This
park on the outside of the bus significant environmental Draft EIR includes a No Project
loop. The bus plaza would include impacts of the proposed project Alternative and a discussion of the
pedestrian amenities space and to identify mitigation feasibility of alternate project sites.
such as restrooms, a lounge for measures capable of avoiding or
bus operators with restrooms substantially reducing adverse The No Project Alternative is
and lockers, and other potential impacts. As shown in the required by CEQA Guidelines
support services such as retail following Table, the proposed Section 15126.6 (e)(2) and
kiosks likely including coffee project would not result in assumes that the proposed project
stand and concession stands. significant unavoidable impacts. would not be implemented.
Analysis of the No Project
The bicycle hub would Potential impacts associated Alternative allows decision-
accommodate up to 150 bicycles with hazardous soil conditions makers to compare the impacts
in a secure, indoor environment. at the project site can be of approving the proposed project
Additional space for up to 50 mitigated to less than significant with the impacts of not approving
bicycles would be provided for levels. The following Table the proposed project.
short-term parking. Amenities includes a summary of potential
associated with the bicycle hub environmental impacts and, where As discussed in Chapter 6, The
may include a repair area, a multi- applicable, mitigation measures. No Project Alternative would not
use space, showers and lockers. include development related to the
The criteria for the determination
AMC 96th Street Transit Station.
of a significant impact in
The passenger pick-up and The project site would continue to
each environmental topic
drop-off area would provide easy be occupied by the existing rental
area are discussed in Chapter
access to the project site for car facilities, CNG fueling station
3. Environmental Impacts
passengers arriving and departing and towing storage yard.
and Chapter 4. Other CEQA
by automobile to the regional bus
Considerations of this Draft EIR.
and rail transit system. The Crenshaw/LAX Line is
The following Table is organized
scheduled for completion in
according to the impact
The Metro Hub would link the 2019 and will be operating with
discussions provided in
multiple modes of transit on or without development of the
Chapters 3 and 4 and provides
the project site. The Metro Hub proposed project. The LRT tracks
a summary of the potential
would be the area of transition will be located on the western
environmental impacts of the
for all passengers transferring boundary of the project site. It
project, recommended mitigation
from the transportation center. is reasonably foreseeable that
measures and the level of
It would contain security office, the existing regional bus transit
significance after mitigation.
food/beverage/convenience/ facility located at Lot C would

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Airport Metro Connector 96th Street Transit Station
Draft EIR Executive Summary


Environmental Project Mitigation Significance After
Issue Impact Measures Mititgation
Chapter 3 Environmental Impacts
Air Quality Less Than None Less Than
(Construction) Significant Significant
Air Quality Less Than None Less Than
(Operations) Significant Significant
Greenhouse Less Than None Less Than
Gas Emissions Significant Significant
Greenhouse Less Than None Less Than
Gas Emissions Significant Significant
Hazards and Less Than HAZ-1 Metro shall complete a Phase II Environmental Site Less Than
Hazardous Significant With Assessment (ESA) at locations on the project site known Significant
Materials Mitigation to have contained hazardous substances and hazardous
waste. The Phase II ESA shall include a geophysical survey
that confirms the presence or absence of UST(s) and other
subgrade features of environmental concern including
former hydraulic lifts and clarifiers. The Phase II ESA
shall identify if a Soil Management Plan (SMP) would be
If prescribed in the Phase II ESA, Metro shall prepare a
SMP for identifying, handling, storing and disposing of
suspected soils with elevated levels of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs). The SMP shall comply with South
Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1166 (VOC
Emissions from Decontamination of Soil). The SMP shall
be prepared by the construction contractor and distributed
to construction personnel. If a SMP is required, a Certified
Industrial Hygienist shall certify a health and safety plan
based on that SMP.

HAZ-2 Metro shall retain a Certified Asbestos Consultant

to determine the presence of asbestos and asbestos-
containing materials (ACMs) within buildings to be
demolished. If asbestos is discovered, a Licensed
Asbestos Abatement Contractor shall be retained to
safely remove ACM in accordance with the 1994 Federal
Occupational Exposure to Asbestos Standards and
South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1403
(Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation
Activities). ACM removal shall be monitored by a Certified

HAZ-3 Metro shall test for lead based paint (LBP) within
buildings to be demolished. If LBP is discovered, a
licensed lead-based paint/materials abatement contractor
shall be retained to safely remove LBP in accordance with
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Lead-Based Paint Guidelines.

HAZ-4 If clarifiers and hydraulic lifts are identified on the project

site in the required Phase II ESA in Mitigation Measure
HAZ-1, Metro shall identify whether there have been any
unauthorized releases. If the site assessment identifies
a REC, Metro shall coordinate with the appropriate
regulatory agencies to remediate hazardous condition.

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Draft EIR Executive Summary
Environmental Project Mitigation Significance After
Issue Impact Measures Mititgation
Hazards and Less Than HAZ-5 Metro shall coordinate with the responsible party Less Than
Hazardous Significant With (Honeywell International Inc.) under the direction of the Significant
Materials Mitigation Regional Water Quality Control Board to ensure that the
(Continued) existing groundwater monitoring wells at 9225 and 9601
Aviation Boulevard would not be disturbed during con-
struction activities or operation of the proposed project.
HAZ-6 Metro shall conduct a soil vapor gas survey of the
project site where enclosed structures are planned for the
purpose of establishing a baseline for potential indoor
vapor concentrations. If the study identifies concentra-
tions that exceed Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Assessment California Human Health Screening Levels
for soil or soil gas, Metro—in coordination with California
Ocupational Safety and Health Administration—shall
prepare a remediation plan that demonstrates that interior
vapor concentrations would be mitigated to below safety
standards. This plan shall be prepared prior to building
Land Use and Less Than None Less Than Significant
Planning Significant
Noise and Vibration Less Than None Less Than Significant
(Construction) Significant
Noise and Vibration Less Than Less Than Significant
(Operations) Significant None
Transportation and Less Than
Significant None Less Than Significant
Traffic (Construction)
Transportation and Less Than None
Traffic (Operations) Significant
Chapter 4 Other CEQA Considerations
Aesthetics No Impact None Less Than Significant
No Impact None Less Than Significant
Biological Less Than
Significant None Less Than Significant
Cultural Less Than
Significant None Less Than Significant
Geology and Less Than
Significant None Less Than Significant
Hydrology and Less Than None
Significant Less Than Significant
Water Quality
Mineral Resources No Impact None Less Than Significant
Population and No Impact None Less Than Significant
Public Services Less Than Less Than Significant
Significant None
Recreation No Impact None Less Than Significant
Utilities and
No Impact None Less Than Significant
Service Systems
Energy Resources
(Construction) No Impact None Less Than Significant
Energy Resources
(Operations) No Impact None Less Than Significant

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Draft EIR Executive Summary

be relocated to the Aviation/ operating plan for an extension the Metro Board in September
Century station that is currently of the Green Line service were 2011 and was issued a Record of
being constructed as part of studied in the Crenshaw/ Decision from the Federal Transit
the Crenshaw/LAX Line. The LAX Transit Corridor Project Administration in December 2011.
Crenshaw/LAX Line, the Aviation/ Environmental Impact Statement/ The Aviation/Century station was
Century station with the relocated Environmental Impact Report environmentally cleared in the
bus facility and an (EIS/EIR), which was certified by Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project
EIS/EIR. Therefore, impacts from
the relocation of the bus facility
to the Aviation/Century station
was not studied as a part of
the No Project Alternative. The
evaluation of alternative sites
involved identifying a suitable
location for the proposed project
adjacent to the Crenshaw/LAX
Line and in close proximity to
LAX that avoided the hazardous
materials impact identified and
did not create new impacts. As
further discussed in Chapter 6.
Alternatives, nine locations were

The candidate sites are shown on

the map and labeled A through G.
It was determined that eight of the
nine sites (with the exception of
Site D) were not suitable options
due to impacts similar to the
proposed project, the creation of
new impacts or were infeasible
due to physical constraints. Site
D would be a feasible location
but would remove a technical
college and light industrial use. In
addition, Site D would not meet
one of the proposed project’s
primary objectives, which is to
integrate with existing and future
transit connections and LAX
The segment along the Crenshaw/LAX Line, between Aviation Boulevard and Imperial
and Florence Avenue and Hindry Avenue was reviewed for alternative locations that
reduce environmental impacts, were feasibility from an engineering perspective and
met project objectives. Candidate locations were indentified along the Crenshaw/LAX
Line north of Arbor Vitae. None were found that were environmentally superior to the
proposed project.

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Draft EIR Executive Summary

LAWA. Should the LAMP projects SCENARIO
The analysis in Chapter 6 be constructed, locating the bus
Alternatives demonstrates that facility at the Aviation/Century CEQA Guidelines Section 15355
the No Project Alternative would station would require patrons to defines cumulative impacts as two
be the environmentally superior walk north about a quarter mile or more individual actions that,
alternative as it would not change to the proposed APM station to when considered together, are
existing conditions at the project take a shuttle bus to the CTA. considerable or will compound
site (e.g., no requirement for This could require additional other environmental impacts.
the excavation and transport of pedestrian and bicycle facilities The cumulative impact analysis
contaminated soils), nor would along Aviation Boulevard. The allows the EIR to provide a
there be additional or more project site was selected because reasonable forecast of future
severe undisclosed impacts at the of its strategic location and ability environmental conditions to more
Aviation/Century station, which to link to existing and foreseeable accurately gauge the effects of
have previously been evaluated future projects. Therefore, despite multiple projects.
in the Crenshaw/LAX Transit the No Project Alternative being
Corridor Project EIS/EIR. the environmentally superior Projects that are considered in
alternative to the proposed the cumulative impact analysis
While the No Project Alternative project, it would not fully satisfy are those projects that may occur
would provide a regional transit the proposed project objectives. in the project vicinity within the
connection to LAX through same time frame as the proposed
the Aviation/Century station, project (related projects).
it could not be included in a

Existing Airport Buildings Vertical Circulation Cores Consolidated Rental Car Facility

Existing Airport Pavement Pedestrian Walkway

New/Reconstructed Parking Garages NOTES
Automated People Mover (AMP)
AMP= Automated People Mover
New Roadway
APM Station CONRAC= Consolidated Rental Car Facility
Improved/Modified Roadway ITF= International Transportation Facility
APM Maintenance and Storage Facility
Future Metro Facilities (By Others) T= Terminal
APM Power Substation ATCT= Aiport Traffic Control Tower

The proposed project shown in the context of LAWA’s proposed LAMP. The proposed project will have a direct interface with the
LAWA APM at the mezzanine level.
Source: LAWA

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Draft EIR Executive Summary

The cumulative impact analysis

included in this EIR considers the
combined effect of the proposed
project with improvements
proposed by LAWA as part of their
LAMP as well as other private
development projects in the
project vicinity.


An approximately 2.25-mile
APM system connecting a new
CONRAC, two ITFs, airport
parking and Metro’s AMC 96th
Street Transit Station to the airline
terminals. There would be a total
of six stations, including three
in the CTA and one immediately
adjacent to the proposed
project. The APM system would
simultaneously operate up to nine
APM trains with a two-minute wait
time and be free for airport users.

Two ITFs (ITF East to be located The proposed project conceptual site plan showing the APM alignment above the
southern portion of the site.
near 98th Street and Aviation
Boulevard and ITF West to be elements to the arrival, THE PROPOSED PROJECT
located near 96th Street and departure and concourse INTERFACE WITH THE LAMP
Airport Boulevard) would include: levels;
The primary component of the
• LAX parking for private • Roadway improvements to LAMP as it relates to the proposed
vehicles, passenger pick- the CTA from Interstate 405 to project would be an APM system,
up and drop-off areas, develop access to the ITFs and which would provide 24-hour
connections/transfers to CONRAC; access to the CTA for passengers,
hotels, shuttles/commercial employees and other users of
vehicles, LAX FlyAway, and • Utilities infrastructure LAX.
amenities such as waiting improvements; and
areas, concessions and The APM would be built
ticketing/information kiosks; • Potential future collateral
completely above grade and
non-residential land use
connect to the passenger
• Modifications to existing development (approximately
terminals in the CTA with a
passenger terminals and 900,000 square feet) on
pedestrian walkway system
parking garages within the LAWA-owned property
located above the existing roads
CTA for a passenger walkway adjacent to the proposed ITFs.
and curb areas. The APM would
system and vertical circulation
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Draft EIR Executive Summary

transport passengers between AREAS OF CONTROVERSY/

the CTA and the other main ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED
components of the LAMP project
located east of the CTA, including Section 15123(b)(2) of the CEQA
a CONRAC, new public parking Guidelines states that an EIR
facilities and multiple locations for summary should identify areas
passenger pick-up and drop-off. of controversy known to the lead
agency, including issues raised
The APM would pass above the by agencies and the public. This
southern portion of the proposed EIR has taken into consideration
project site. The connection the comments received from
to the APM could be provided various agencies and the public
from the mezzanine level of during the 30-day public comment
the proposed project. This period after the release of the
EIR includes a comprehensive Notice of Preparation (NOP)
cumulative impact analysis in dated February 6, 2015, as well
Chapter 5 Cumulative Impacts. as input solicited during the
As discussed therein, the public scoping meeting and an
proposed project would not result understanding of the community
in a considerable contribution to issues in the project area. Based
cumulative impacts. on the scoping process, potential
areas of controversy known to
Metro include site access, transit
connectivity and station design.

This east west cross section of the proposed project in the Cumulative Scenario shows the basic profile of the APM in the
background. Access to the APM from the proposed project would via the mezzanine level.

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Draft EIR Executive Summary


Conceptual Sketch


Conceptual Sketch

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Draft EIR Executive Summary

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