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May 2010

Newsletter of the Jerome Fisher Management and Technology Program
Edited by Eve Lee (M&T ‘12) & Matt Vogel (M&T ’12)

30 Years ... and Still Going Strong

In the middle of November 2009, over 200 M&T Dr. Dan Lee spoke about his pioneering work
alumni returned to Philadelphia to celebrate the exploring how to apply an understanding of how
University of Pennsylvania’s first coordinated dual biological entities learn to program increasingly
degree program, the Jerome Fisher Program in sophisticated and adaptive behavior into robotic
Management and Technology’s 30 years of success. systems. He began with a demonstration of a face
The M&T celebration began with a session offering recognition task which, while very easy for the
alumni the opportunity to mix with current students. audience and even primates to complete, he
This session was followed by parallel sessions explained it is very difficult to program a robotic
about the current state of affairs at Penn including system to perform. He drew contrast between this
legacy admissions, Penn’s eastward expansion and behavior and other seemingly complex tasks such as
graduate options. Dr. William Hamilton, Faculty playing chess which can be approached using brute
Director of the program gave a retrospective of the force computation. He went on to describe his
M&T Program from past to present. The evening current work with Penn’s GRASP lab including a
ended with a M&T Alumni Venture Capital Contest live demonstration of a two foot tall humanoid robot
and cocktails. capable of balanced walking, picking itself up from
a fall, and following sound while moving across the
The second day of the celebration commenced with room.
Dean Robertson and Dean Glandt welcoming
returning alumni with updates on their respective This robot is the second generation of Penn’s
schools. During his remarks, Dean Glandt recog- robotic team which has over the past several years
nized Dr. Bordogna and Dr. Hamilton for their been successful at fielding teams of robot dogs in
involvement with the program from the beginning. international robotic soccer championships. Such
competitions introduce some friendly competition Dr. Garrett Reisman, M&T ’91 and NASA astro-
into the challenging task of making robots capable naut, concluded the guest lectures with the Alumni
of responding appropriately to their environment Keynote Address on Space Adventures. Garrett
and working collaboratively. Dr. Lee admitted that credited Penn and the M&T program with providing
the sophistication of play is still at a junior league him a strong foundation of solving problems and
level, but this represents a leap forward from communicating across disciplines. He has demon-
primary school recess level of play just a few years strated this appreciation by bringing tokens, includ-
ago. Whether the matches will approach the thrill of ing a piece of the ENIAC computer and a laser-cut
human soccer anytime soon is unlikely, but it is M&T logo into space as personal items. After Penn,
clear that Dr. Lee and his team are enjoying the Garrett pursued his Phd at CalTech, worked at TRW
challenge of keeping their robot teams one step designing propulsion controls for NASA, and
ahead of their international competition. ultimately achieved his dream of being an astronaut
where he has contributed to the design of the Inter-
The lecture concluded with another project repre- national Space Station robotic arm and flown two
senting the cutting edge of possibilities in autono- missions as Flight Engineer aboard the space
mous robotics. In 2007 Penn entered the DARPA station.
Urban Challenge which charged teams with the task
of developing vehicles able to navigate city streets Garrett presented highlights from his most recent
and interact with other traffic without human inter- mission - ranging from the thrill of launch and his
vention. The Penn team’s car “Little Ben” was a spacewalks to lighthearted antics such as an attempt
Prius outfitted with a roof rack of sensors and a at juggling without gravity. He showed amazing
trunk of computers outfitted with software allowing photos, including pictures of his night launch from
it to make driving decisions up until now considered Cape Canaveral and a photo from space where he
squarely in the realm of human drivers. Little Ben pointed out the location of Penn. Lastly Garrett
did his namesake proud and the Penn team was one walked the audience through plans for his upcoming
of only six groups to finish the course despite a mission where he will serve as a member of the last
comparatively small budget. crew of the Space Shuttle Atlantis before it is
decommissioned. He brought up a 3D model of the
Dr. Lee’s talk was an inspiring summary of a rapidly station and demonstrated each step of his planned
developing realm of technology in which M&T spacewalk.
students are already contributing in research and are
sure to play a role later in the financing and execu- The celebration ended with a Gala Dinner where Dr.
tion of bringing autonomous robots into homes, Joseph Bordogna addressed alumni and Dr. Hamil-
offices, sports matches, and roadways. ton was recognized by the M&T 30th Anniversary
Alumni Committee for his dedication to the M&T
Dr. Chris Murray, a Penn Integrates Knowledge Program over the last 30 years. All in all, the
Professor with appointments in the Chemistry and successful event reconnected alumni to the program
Materials Science Departments, considered a lead- while kicking off a number of new and exciting
ing researcher and visionary in the field, voiced his M&T initiatives. More information can be found at
appreciation for the enthusiasm and quality of M&T
students who have carried out Senior Design proj-
ects under his direction over the past several years.
He proposed that the nanotech arena is particularly
well suited to attention of the program due to the
inherently multidisciplinary nature of the research
and the potential for disruptive changes in business
practices from emerging fields such as nano-
Alumni Updates
Peggy Choi (M&T '06) recently moved from Davor Sutija (M&T' 83) recently joined Thin
London to San Francisco to join TPG Opportunities Film Electronics ASA ( as
Partners, a special situations hedge fund started in Executive Vice President. Thinfilm is a leader
mid 2009 by TPG. The team opportunistically in the emerging area of Printed Electronics,
invests in risk-adjusted assets across capital struc- producing non-volatile re-writable polymer
ture, including bank debt, bonds, distressed debt and memory for use in advanced games, smart tags
public equity. They also invest in portfolios of and displays. Before Thinfilm, Davor was SVP,
assets and middle market direct lending. Prior to Product Marketing at FAST, an enterprise search
TPG Opportunities, she worked in private equity at vendor which was acquired by Microsoft in
Silver Lake Partners in London and investment 2008 for $1.2B. Davor has lived in Norway
banking at Goldman Sachs in New York. In since 1991, and earlier co-founded SiNor AS, a
London, Peggy took part in a few M&T gatherings producer of silicon ingots for the photovoltaic
which were a lot of fun. She looks forward to market, now a division of REC. Davor can be
meeting other M&T alums in the Bay Area! reached at

Jon Ozark (M&T '04) married Nicole DeShazo in

Las Vegas on Nov. 7. Representing Penn was Kunal
Gupta EAS’04 W’04. They had a beautiful outdoor
ceremony, during which ‘The Red and Blue’ was
sung at some point. Congratulations Jon and Nicole:
we wish you all the best in your new life together!

Vineet Sen Budhraja (M&T '00 WG’01) married Jeffrey Modell (M&T '90) is the Division
Dr. Rebecca Lynn Bagdonas on June 26-27 on Long Chief, IT Client Services at the International
Island. Among alumni attending was Roger Wu Monetary Fund. He recently returned from a trip
(M&T 00) to Africa to see first-hand how the Fund works
with country authorities and to understand the
technology challenges that affect staff in Africa.
Jeffrey also went on a short safari to Selous
National Game Reserve in Tanzania! On the
home front, he and his wife, Melissa, have two
daughters, ages 7 1/2 and 6. He can be contacted

Ryan Sheftel (M&T '95) has moved to Credit-

Suisse to start and head the Electronic Market
Making trading business for fixed income,
including all high frequency trading. In addition
he also has responsibility for designing and
implementing the firms strategy for automated
trading across the Rates and Mortgages globally.
Alumni Updates
Ling Chang (M&T '92) and Jenny Chang (SEAS Shehzad Daredia (M&T ‘06) recently became
'94) with their 2 boys, Sydon (8.5) and Ethan (7), Product Manager at BillShrink, a personalized
have recently moved to Tokyo. Ling joined Google recommendation engine for lowering your everyday
as Director of Partner Solutions for Asia Pacific at bills. BillShrink has attracted top-tier VC funding,
the end of last year. Previously he was with Voda- earned significant press coverage, and won numer-
fone Group, spending more than 3 years in China ous awards for its innovative approach to saving
and 5 years in UK. In Vodafone, he introduced consumers money. Shehzad previously led the
e-auction into the global supply chain which is used online marketing team at and invested
to negotiate anything from indirects to entire in startups at Rho Ventures. He can be reached at
networks. He has high hopes for Google being a
unique company and optimistic about its next 10
years. Jenny was working as a management consul-
tant in Andersen Consulting before she decided to
be a full-time Mom. Ling and Jenny met 20 years
ago at Penn. Ling can be reached at at or via his LinkedIn profile.
Katherine Wu Brady (M&T '01) is happy to
Monish Kundra (M&T ’95) and Minal J. Damani announce that she married Atticus Brady on Octo-
joyously announce the birth of their son Sachin ber 11th. In attendance were Nimita Shah (M&T
Damani Kundra on March 23, 2009, just six days 2002) and Nitin Sikka (M&T 2002) in addition to a
before their one-year wedding anniversary! Minal is number of other Penn friends. They reside in Man-
a business strategist currently consulting for the hattan and Katherine is currently the VP of Market-
National Restaurant Association. Monish is a ing Strategy at NBC Local Media. She can be
venture partner for Columbia Capital, a private reached at
equity firm focused on media and communications.
In their spare time when they’re not playing with
Sachin, they volunteer in local high schools for the
Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE),
which extends entrepreneurship education to youth
in low-income urban communities. Monish can be
reached at

Sarah Dong (M&T '06) is currently back at Penn

pursuing 'grad-level' M&T and finishing 1st year of
the MBA/MSE, and expects to graduate in May
2011.She will be interning at Blackstone's M&A
group in NYC this summer. She looks forward to
meeting up with M&T Alums again! Sarah can be
reached at Amarish Mehta (M&T ‘95) and his wife, Dr. Neha
Shah-Mehta, are happy to announce the arrival of
Pradyut Shah (M&T ‘00) and Anh Thu Shah their son, Akash Mehta, on March 30, 2010
(W’00) celebrated the birth of their beautiful baby in New York, NY. Anokhi (2yrs) is thrilled to be the
boy, Pavan Shah, on July 27. He is the first child for big sister. Amarish is the Director of Research for
The couple is “happily settled in San Francisco, and Arcadia Captial Advisors LLC, a value-oriented
look forward to camping trips in the California hedge fund. Neha has taken a long deserved leave
wilderness with [our] son in a few years.” Pradyut to be a full-time mother. Amarish can be reached at
can be reached at
Entrepreneur’s Corner
Stuart Eichert (M&T '99) recently formed Sliced
Simple with two friends to produce collaboration
software for the real estate industry. Sliced Simple
is currently hard at work on their first product and
always interested to hear from exceptional M&T
alumni who are looking for a new opportunity. On
the personal front,Stuart married his long time
sweetheart, Lucy, last summer. Stuart can be
reached at

David S. Levy (M&T '96) recently formed his

second digital media company, Hang10, in the
social television space. Hang10 lets people use
their mobile devices to check-in to television shows,
comment on shows, receive targeted offers, and
share their television experiences with friends.
Hang10 is accepting registrations for its private beta
now at David can be reached at,
among other places,
William Stanger (M&T '02) based in Philadelphia,
has completed site architecture for Ventuity, his new
bootstrap real estate development and investment
matchmaking site. There are hundreds of places
online where a real estate developer can sell prop-
erty or apply for a loan, but there are no resources to
simplify the search for partners and investors,
especially for smaller deals. Equity placement
firms, brokerages, and investment funds aren’t
interested in projects valued below $1M because the
risk adjusted returns don’t cover their overhead or
opportunity costs. Through creative use of automa-
tion, standardization, and user-generated content
management tools, Ventuity will become the first
subscription based online marketplace for sub-
million dollar real estate equity investments.Stanger
is looking for small-project real estate developers
and investors in the Philadelphia-NY corridor to
participate in beta-testing and/or late stage market
research. All early adopters will receive complimen-
tary lifetime memberships. Ventuity is also
currently soliciting bids for a .Net software develop-
ment spot on the founding team. If you are inter-
ested in learning more about these opportunities,
please email
M&T Alumni Spotlight
Saikat Chaudhuri, M&T ’97 (MEAM, MGMT)
Saikat majored in Mechanical Engineering and
Multinational Management while minoring in
Mathematics in his time at Penn. Saikat was a TA in
MGMT-100 for two years and MGMT-234 for one
year, as well as a UCB in Hill House. Outside of
academics, he was actively involved in the Interna-
tional Affairs Association, International Student
Admissions, Tau Beta Pi, and the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers. Saikat strongly believes
that the M&T Program at Penn was an ideal envi-
ronment to nurture his academic interests, as he was
able to gain solid fundamentals while studying in a
very social and supportive atmosphere.
Saikat (right), pictured with Doug Alexander (’83),
truly enjoyed his time at the M&T 30th Anniversary.
After graduating summa cum laude, he eventually
As almost all alumni know, MGMT-237, Manage- continued his studies at Stanford University, in a
ment of Technology, is a central part of any sopho- joint Masters program between the engineering and
more M&T’s spring semester. This year brought a business schools, focusing on
change to the yearly tradition, as Dr. Hamilton manufacturing/systems engineering and
passed the responsibility of teaching the class to Dr. technology/operations management. Saikat’s M&T
Saikat Chaudhuri, an M&T alumnus from the Class background helped him complete the program in an
of 1997. Throughout the semester, we have gained accelerated timeline of one year, instead of the usual
invaluable insights into the subject of managing two years required. As he found his interests
innovation, and Professor Chaudhuri’s M&T back- converging towards the subject of strategic manage-
ground has truly provided us with a unique perspec- ment of technology, he went on to Harvard Univer-
tive on the subject. As current students in the class, sity to pursue a doctorate in Technology and Opera-
we believed that an Alumni Spotlight on Professor tions Management, specifically concentrating on
Chaudhuri would illustrate not only how an M&T high-tech mergers and acquisitions in the field of
education could influence the path one takes after hardware/software. Impressively, an independent
graduation, but also the exciting interaction between study Saikat started at Stanford became an HBR
alumni and current students. article titled “Capturing the Real Value in High-Tech
Acquisitions,” appearing the month he joined at
As an Indian citizen born and brought up in HBS. His research on such external sources of
Germany, Saikat has an extremely diverse back- innovation has now expanded to include R&D
ground. He described his education at the Interna- outsourcing as well, which have recently risen to
tional School of Duesseldorf as extremely interest- prominence.
ing and exciting, as he was able to interact with
people from a wide array of countries. Saikat found While Saikat worked with several companies in
that although there was a mix of so many different between his various academic pursuits, including
cultures, students were able to be “perfect Indians, Dusseldorf-based Mannesmann, McKinsey, Roland
Americans, and Germans” and interact with others Berger, and Citibank, he was eventually drawn to
“without losing their true identity.” academia after being offered an assistant
professorship at The Wharton School upon graduat- such as the 30th anniversary and regional alumni
ing with his doctorate. At Wharton, Saikat currently gatherings as some of his favorites. Saikat also
teaches MGMT-721(MBA-level Corporate Develop- envisions the creation of a more interconnected
ment, Mergers and Acquisitions), and had until last global alumni community, and would love to see
year also taught the undergraduate version of the alumni become even more unified than they are
same course, MGMT-249. At Dr. Hamilton’s today.
request, Saikat took up the role of teaching MGMT-
237 this past semester, in lieu of MGMT-249. When he is not saving the world one merger or
When asked about MGMT-237, Saikat enthusiasti- acquisition at a time, Saikat enjoys spending time
cally answered that this class is the “perfect fit” for with his wife, a microbiologist, and his two sons,
him, as M&T holds “a special place in [his] heart.” ages 4 and 2½. His hobbies include tennis and other
He finds it very rewarding that he is able to “help racquet sports, but points out that golf is not a
shape the views” of students who are eager to learn particular favorite. He also enjoys reading novels
about managing technology, a subject he is by Crichton, Grisham, and Ludlum. Above all,
extremely passionate about. The best part about the Saikat loves traveling, and treats his time on the
class, Saikat believes, is that he does not have to plane as an opportunity for a rare moment of relax-
focus on basics, as M&Ts will already have a solid ation. Some of his favorite destinations include
foundation in both fields. Hong Kong, Istanbul, Vienna, Calcutta, Dusseldorf,
and Boston.
As for future plans, Saikat says that he is “very
happy” where he is, although he didn’t necessarily Saikat has truly followed an amazing path since his
expect to find himself in academia. He has found time in the M&T Program, one which can be
that he most enjoys the intellectual work and the summed up by his advice to all M&Ts, “Pursue your
freedom to explore topics which intrigue him, passion…success will follow later.”
likening academia to entrepreneurship. As a profes-
sor, Saikat is also extremely involved in work with
outside firms, and finds this applied research
extremely engaging. To this end, he encourages all
current M&Ts and alumni to explore various options
and pursue their true passions.

Saikat particularly encourages alumni to take full

advantage of their exclusivity in order to promote
the M&T “brand” and steer funds to further the
program. In addition, he truly enjoys seeing cohe-
siveness within the alumni community, citing events
M&Ts in China

Since Jason Wang (M&T '98) joined AutoChina as

its CFO last July, it has been quite the whirlwind
experience as they work to position the company as
a premiere growth company. AutoChina most
recently completed a $70M registered direct place- Peter Burchhardt (M&T '03) has been in China
ment of its common shares that will provide the since 2006, first with Microsoft, now as an entrepre-
company with some much needed growth capital. neur. His latest project is,
Jason lives in San Diego and typically spend a week a service targeted at foreigners living in China.
out of every month in China. AutoChina is head- Users get phone numbers in their home countries
quartered in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei that then ring directly to their mobile phones in
province, about a 4 hour drive or a 2 hour train ride China. This makes it cheap and easy to get calls
from Beijing. According to Jason, "there is an from friends, family, and customers back home.
amazing level of growth and development occurring "The idea came naturally because I needed this
in China and it's neat to be able to see it firsthand service myself. Previously, my friends had to go to
while still living in San Diego, which is a place I their computers and call me via Skype, or we'd have
really love." Jason can be reached at to arrange times to meet there. Now with CallMeI- (logo available) nChina, they just use their own phones to call my
number as if I were in the US, and it reaches me
directly here on my mobile. My business partner
Theron is a friend from my time at Microsoft. We
put a good amount of effort into making the system
fault-tolerant so our customers can rely on it. It's an
exciting project because we're building something
directly useful in our daily lives, and because the
nature of the business allows us to operate it from
anywhere in the world. Inspired by Tim Ferriss'
The-Four-Hour-Workweek, I developed the first
version in Buenos Aires, was in Uruguay when we
launched our first beta version, and I'm on an island
off the coast of China right now - no cars allowed
here - but I have my 3G modem and carry a big
monitor in my suitcase so I can work productively
anywhere. More than four hours per week, but
loving it."
M&Ts in China
Adam Leitzes (M&T ’02) married Kim Nguyen
(W’04) on Nov. 12 on a boat off the coast of St.
John , U.S. Virgin Islands. Joshua Solan (M&T ’02) Bill Kung (M&T '97) has had 9 years of experi-
was one of the groomsmen. Elaine Chan (W'05) and ence working with startup companies, as a venture
Olivia Shone (W'04) were two of the bridesmaids. capitalist since 1999. He was most recently with
Adam and Kim enjoyed a month of married life in General Catalyst Partners, a $1.6 billion venture
Manhattan and then shipped off to Shanghai where fund. He is currently the Executive Director and
Adam established the China office for Tiger Man- Acting COO of one of his portfolio companies: La
agement, Julian Robertson’s personal investment Miu, one of China’s top e-commerce companies.
vehicle. The firm is investing opportunistically in Bill is also managing his other investments in the
both private and publicly traded Chinese compa- PRC: Tudou, Giant (NYSE:GA), CIC and InteTrust,
nies. Having exhausted nearly all the food options while serving as director for Young Venture Capital,
in NYC after six years in the city, Adam and Kim an organization he co-founded. Bill can be reached
are particularly excited about exploring all the at
culinary delights of Shanghai . Adam can be
reached at

Justin Rapp (M&T ’06) has been studying

Chinese for the past two years and after recently
applying to law school, has decided to stay in China
for at least another year. His travels have seen him
start a company in Thailand and teach English in
Taiwan as well as slaughter goats with Indonesian
villagers. At the moment, he is doing some part-
time work with David Diebold & Associates,
helping identify opportunities in the healthcare and
green energy sectors in China in addition to helping
understand how Chinese regulations affect firms
operating in these spheres. As the Secretary of the
Penn Club of Beijing, Justin has been able to work
with other alumni to plan events that keep fellow
Quakers in contact. Currently, he is looking for a
full-time position with a firm focused on investing
in China and/or Southeast Asia. Justin would love
to hear from fellow classmates as well as any other
M&T interested in this part of the world. He can be
contacted at
M&Ts in China
Spring 2010 has been a time of new beginnings for
James Feldkamp (M&T '96) with the birth of his
son, birth of a new venture, and moving into a new
apartment. James' son, Albert, was born on March
13th. He is an absolute joy and mom and dad are
slowly adjusting to the sleepless nights and added Jeffrey Cheung (M&T '87) is the founder and
responsibilities. In preparation for their son's managing director of Crossgate Advisors Limited
arrival, they decided to lay down roots in Shanghai (, helping multina-
and purchased an apartment. Renovations are nearly tional companies to invest and integrate ventures to
complete and the family will move in next week. raise fund for growth. Drawing from a wealth of
The process of purchasing building materials and investment, management experience across indus-
baby products brought home the severity of the tries and a vast business network, Jeffrey completed
health hazards and lack of consumer protection in consecutive assignments with various consumer-
China. In response, and together with an MBA related and technologyinvestments in PRC. Cur-
classmate from Shanghai, James have formed rently based in Beijing, Jeffrey enjoys angel invest-
MingJian Consumer Products Testing and Informa- ing and regularly mentors entrepreneurs. Jeffrey can
tion to provide an independent, unbiased source of be reached at
consumer product testing and information for
Chinese consumers. Look for the launch of James'
website later this year at He can be
reached at or

Charlene Chen (M&T ’05) writes, “After working

in NYC for 4 years (Monitor and Insight Venture
Partners), I decided to head back to Penn for my
MBA. With my start date fast approaching, I
deferred my admission to experience life on the
other side of the world. I am now in Beijing, study-
Mark Smerznak (M&T ’93), and Gabriele Solarik, ing Chinese at Tsinghua University where I’m
C’93, will mark 5 years in Beijing this summer. enjoying $1 meals and bracing myself for an
Mark is working for Procter and Gamble as an onslaught of sandstorms. Key highlights so far
Associate Director in R&D, leading a global organi- have been the below zero night in a yurt in Inner
zation focused on downstream process development Mongolia and an all-star alumni event at the US
for the Fabric and Home Care businesses. Mark and Embassy, hosted by Jon Huntsman Jr. While it’s
Gabi have two children- Erik, 5, and Eline, 2. The tempting to defer another year, I will be heading
whole family has enjoyed living in Beijing, and back to Philadelphia this August and joining the
traveling throughout Asia.He can be contacted at WG class of 2012." She can be reached at
Senior Farewell
Clarence Tso has pursued research interests in cell
and molecular biomechanics and has been published
as a coauthor in FASEB (Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology). Looking
forward, Sam Levine will take advantage of his
Thouron Award to study abroad in Cambridge.
Nechemya Kagedan, on the other hand, is travelling
the globe, hoping to meet people of different
cultures and gain worldly perspective.
Alexander Yen was this year’s recipient of the
Michele Huber and Bryan Giles Award; this award
honors an outstanding M&T senior who “demon-
strates academic excellence, leadership, service and
From left to right, seniors Joy Xu, Juhi Heda, and Alex Yen love of mankind”. After graduation, Alex will be
pictured with Dr. Hamilton at the 30th Anniversary celebration. working for McKinsey and in his “spare time”, he
will continue to develop YouthBank, a non-profit
It’s that time of the year again – when a newly organization he is involved in. When asked about his
graduated class of M&Ts is shipped off from “M&T experience” he says, “M&T was an experi-
campus and into the real world. After months of ence I am grateful to have been a part of. I was
anticipation, from buying our caps and gowns to exposed to opportunities I couldn't have had
hulling back two heavy diploma frames, graduation anywhere else, and became part of a community of
is just around the corner and feelings of nostalgia friends and colleagues that made my four years here
are in the air. completely worthwhile.” We agree wholeheartedly.
As founding editors of the M&T Bulletin, we want In many ways, we are lucky to be part of the Class
to take a moment to freeze frame and look back at of 2010. We have had the pleasure of knowing both
the M&T experience, from the tribulations of Lea and January. We were fortunate enough to be
all-nighters to the triumphs and accomplishments of one of Dr. Hamilton’s last MGMT 237 students
our peers – for it is these amazing peers who have while still having the opportunity to interact with
truly shaped our experience. These are the people and learn from M&T alumnus and new professor of
who made writing a 100 page research paper in MGMT 237, Dr. Chaudhuri. Of course, we can’t
MGMT 237 bearable and, dare we say, fun. These forget about Jaime whose familiar face and warm
are the people who commiserated in the pains of greetings make the M&T office feel like a second
OCR as well as the agony of late nights in labs (be it home.
the Moore Linux Lab or the Skirkanich BE labs).
These are professional workload jugglers, connois- Graduation is always bittersweet. Though the two of
seurs of nerdy jokes, and athletes who have trained us will be in NYC next year and the rest of the class
to run back and forth across campus in 10 minutes. will be scattered around the globe, we hope that our
Though we are of the same breed, each of us, with class will not be afraid to reach out to each other the
our own perspective and ambition, has left a unique way we do now or will at least know that they will
mark on Penn, M&T, and each other. But don’t just always have a couch to crash on in NYC. With that,
take our word for it! Just take a look at some of the we wish everyone the best luck (though you prob-
impressive accomplishments of the M&T Class of ably won’t need it) and hope to see you at our
2010. reunion!
Starting in July 2010, Juhi Heda will be working as a Private
Noah Ready-Campbell has pursued his entrepre- Equity Analyst at The Blackstone Group. Joy Xu will be
neurial passion, receiving the Wharton Venture working as a M&A Analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Award and acceptance into the Weiss Tech House They can be reached at and
Innovation Fund. On the other end of the spectrum,, respectively.
Job Postings
Google (posted by Cynthia Yeung, M&T ’06)
Google's mission is to organize the world's information, and our growing Content Partnerships team helps to
provide access to all of the world's content. Through content partnerships and programs, we support over 14
Google products/properties around the world including, Mobile/Android, Product Search, Google
Maps and Google Earth. The breadth and scope of content we acquire almost defies description – it includes
video, books, publications, mapping data, satellite and aerial imagery, business addresses, restaurant reviews,
retail product listings, real estate listings and government data.

Strategic Partner Development Associate (SPDA), Local/Core Content
The Strategic Partner Development Manager for Local/Core content provides exposure to multiple functional
disciplines (e.g. product management, engineering, finance, legal, and operations). You will be working to
obtain content that is valuable to Google users, but not yet included in Google's index. In this role you will have
the opportunity to: help define the content strategy and execution for certain categories/verticals, negotiate
partnerships, represent Google at industry events, present to senior management, and collaborate with product
teams to evolve Google's offerings. The position will be in Mountain View.
* BA or BS degree (an excellent academic record from a leading university is preferred)
* At least 4 years of related work experience (investment banking, consulting, venture capital, marketing
and/or business development preferred)
* Demonstrated strong work performance with increasing levels of responsibility and independence
* Sharp analytical and problem-solving skills
* Exceptional communication and presentation skills
* Ability to operate with energy and flexibility in a fast-paced, constantly evolving and collaborative
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (PowerPoint, Excel, Word)

* Lead research and conduct competitive analyses that help to determine our content categories and
vertical strategies
* Maintain a deep understanding of Google's product roadmap in order to better identify and qualify
prospective content partners and negotiate partnership term sheets and legal contracts
* Help execute scalable content acquisition programs through marketing plans and outreach to content
* Represent the company at industry events, which will include describing the benefits of working with
Google to users, content providers and advertisers
* Play a central role in helping our team build content metrics and management business infrastructure

For more information or if interested, please contact Cynthia Yeung (
Job Postings
Google (posted by Cynthia Yeung, M&T ’06)
Google's mission is to organize the world's information, and our growing Content Partnerships team helps to
provide access to all of the world's content. Through content partnerships and programs, we support over 14
Google products/properties around the world including, Mobile/Android, Product Search, Google
Maps and Google Earth. The breadth and scope of content we acquire almost defies description – it includes
video, books, publications, mapping data, satellite and aerial imagery, business addresses, restaurant reviews,
retail product listings, real estate listings and government data.

Business Analyst, Strategic Partnerships
As a Business Analyst, you will provide analytical support to Google’s Strategic Partnership teams, focusing on
mobile partnerships and software distribution partnerships. You will work individually and as part of cross-
functional teams to conduct analysis and report on business performance. You will work collaboratively with
Partnership Development, Product Management, Finance and Operations teams to analyze and report on prod-
uct and partnership performance to assist in business decision making, optimization and issue identification and
* Degree in Business/Finance/Economics preferred with at least 3 years of relevant experience.
* Experience at a leading consulting firm or investment bank, or experience as an analyst in a high
growth company.
* Demonstrated aptitude for and interest in data-driven analysis and problem solving.
* Strong Excel skills required, database experience and working knowledge of SQL a big plus.
* Good communication skills and ability to explain complex analysis and work effectively with cross-
functional teammates.

* Provide data reporting and analytical support to global and regional strategic partnership sales teams.
* Develop and report metrics to assess performance of Google products and partnerships and identify
and track trends.
* Build models to predict or explain business performance and conduct root cause analysis to resolve
issues or identify opportunities for improvement.
* Conduct primary and secondary market research, and synthesize and report on key business metrics
and trends.
* Establish working relationships with cross-functional peers and collaborate to gather data and conduct

For more information or if interested, please contact Cynthia Yeung (
Job Postings
ClearView Healthcare Partners (posted by Ankita Deshpande, M&T ’95)
ClearView is a premier strategy consulting firm based in Boston focusing on the life sciences. ClearView
Healthcare Partners provides world-class strategic decision-making support across a wide diversity of business
issues, informing actionable recommendations that allow companies to achieve their business goals. We serve
the life sciences industry, including firms in the biopharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostic spaces.
Strategy Analyst in the Life Sciences
You will interact with both clients and teams within ClearView to address critical strategic questions within the
biopharmaceutical space. During the course of a typical project, you will engage in a number of activities,
• Conduct complex problem-solving through a hypothesis-based approach;
• Complete primary and secondary research to drive to critical insights;
• Create and utilize analytic tools, e.g., forecast models, to support key decision-making; and,
• Communicate recommendations to clients to inform strategy and maximize value.
We are seeking analyst-level candidates with undergraduate and/or Master’s degrees in the life sciences.
Although prior business or consulting experience is not necessary, all candidates should have a demonstrated
interest in the biopharmaceutical industry. Candidates must be highly analytical in their approach to solving
complex problems, should be proficient in both written and oral communication, and must enjoy working
within a dynamic team environment.
For more information or if interested, please contact Ankita Deshpande (

Aksia (posted by Patrick Adelsbach M&T ’97)

Aksia is an independent consultant focused on advising institutions (pensions, endowments, foundations, insur-
ance companies, etc.) with respect to their hedge fund investments. The firm is headquartered in New York
with satellite offices in London and Tokyo. Aksia’s key people are seasoned hedge fund industry professionals,
who previously held senior roles at investment banks and hedge funds in the areas of portfolio management,
research, trading, audit, prime brokerage, operations, and risk management. The combination of these experi-
ences gives Aksia a “360-degree” perspective when analyzing hedge funds and advising on hedge fund
Aksia is seeking an analyst to assist the senior investment partners with research related to hedge fund invest-
ments. Analysts will have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of various hedge fund strategies and
will develop both subjective and objective skills necessary to assess the attractiveness of hedge funds from an
investor’s point of view. Each analyst will rotate between Aksia’s 3 strategy teams over a 2 year period in order
to gain a broad exposure to the hedge fund universe. A significant portion of the role will entail writing invest-
ment reports that detail the qualitative and quantitative aspects of individual hedge fund strategies. Analysts at
Aksia will be working directly with hedge fund managers, clients, and the partners of the firm. Ideal candidates
will have 1-4 years of relevant work experience, strong communication skills, independent and critical thinking.
For more information or if interested, please contact Jenny Hirsch (
Job Postings
Citi (posted by Alexander Chilton, M&T ’05)
Citi's Municipal Capital Markets department serves institutional and municipal clients by underwriting, structur-
ing, marketing, selling and trading all products related to the municipal market. In addition to flow business in
bonds and derivatives, we provide affordable housing structures, credit products, tax credit financings, securiti-
zations and other structured products to meet the needs of our customers in a rapidly changing market. Citi-
group is consistently ranked #1 in municipal underwriting, sales and trading. Municipal Capital Markets is part
of the Municipal Securities Division (MSD) in the Institutional Clients Group (ICG) of Citi.
Municipal Capital Markets Structured Products Analyst
MSD is looking to add an Analyst in our Financial Products group focused on Structured Products.
Job Responsibilities:
· Support MSD's Financial Products group in the development of municipal structured products
· Development of financial models for municipal structured products
· Prepare term sheets, deal summaries, and presentations on various structured products
· Assist in drafting approval memorandums and presenting proposed municipal structured products to
internal approval committees
· Monitor daily desk profit and loss report
· Candidate is required to have a BA/BS with a minimum of 1-2 years of experience in banking and/or
· Individual must have excellent communication (oral and written), organizational and interpersonal
skills, as well as the ability to multi-task under tight deadlines
· Experience with financial modeling
· Ability to create high-qualify presentations and product descriptions Series 7 and 63 are preferred
For more information or if interested, please contact Alexander Chilton (

Google JAPAC (posted by Ling Chang, M&T ’92)

The Asia Pacific (JAPAC) region is extremely dynamic and Google requires innovative people to help us grow.
I lead the Partner Solutions Organization in JAPAC and this function drives the technical implementation of our
key products with strategic partners and customers. PSO works cross-functionally with BD, Sales, Products and
Eng to deliver projects. For example, we helped to launch Android devices around the world, integrate Google
mobile apps with carriers, integrate search with publishers, automate adwords creation with advertisers, etc.
Technical Account Managers (TAM), Technical Solutions Engineer (TSE) and Customer Solutions Engineer
(CSE) to join PSO in Australia, Japan, Singapore, India, Korea and Taiwan. PSO is perfect for graduates and
alumnus of M&T as we seek candidates who are highly technical and yet well-versed in business. Ideal candi-
date will have CS degree (if not, then with programming experience), with business experience that is customer
or partner-facing (MBA degree is plus but only M&T is great). Applicant should be a self-starter, creative, and
passionate to make a difference. There is also local language requirement depending on the countries.
For more information or if interested, please contact Ling Chang (
Job Postings
BillShrink (posted by Shehzad Daredia, M&T ’06)
BillShrink provides a free, online service to help consumers make better purchase decisions for complex prod-
uct categories. It takes a scientific, highly-personalized approach which identifies the products that best fit
users’ individual requirements. BillShrink’s first category is wireless services; a user can interactively describe
their cell phone usage (or automatically import their bill for comprehensive analysis) and receive personalized,
ranked recommendations on the 10 million cell phone plan/add-on combinations available on the market today.
BillShrink was launched in April 2008.

BillShrink is seeking to fill the following positions:

• Product Intern Part or Full Time

• Marketing Communications Intern
• Front End Engineer
• Senior Software Engineer
• Software Engineering Intern

All the above positions are based in Redwood, CA. For more details, please visit

If interested, please contact Shehzad Daredia at

Nomura Securities
Nomura Securities is actively looking to recruit an associate to join the Securitized Products Research Team.
This team consists of seven senior analysts and is responsible for publishing research reports on RMBS,
consumer ABS and CMBS markets. Associates joining the team will work with senior analysts on analyzing
prepayment and credit profiles of assets backing different mortgage and asset backed securities as well as on
identifying macro-trends that are important drivers of the performance of MBS/ABS investments. Strong
quantitative background is required but no prior work experience in financial services area is necessary. Candi-
dates with BS degree in engineering/mathematics/physics/economics and MS in finance or an MBA will be

If interested, please contact Paul Nikodem at
Job Postings
CVS Caremark (posted by Clifford Jones, M&T ‘07)
CVS Caremark (Fortune 19, ~$99B revenue) is beginning to search for a new Analyst to join our Enterprise
Delivery team. The ideal candidate will have 1-3 years of experience at a top tier strategic consulting or private
equity firm (or equivalent background). Leveraging their modeling expertise, advanced communications skills,
and problem solving abilities, this person will drive projects that add value to our company by chartering new
pharmacy and pharmacy benefit management products and services. This position provides a unique opportu-
nity to have a significant impact on the strategic direction of one of the nation’s largest and most innovative

CVS Caremark is seeking an Enterprise Delivery Analyst (Full-time) that will be responsible for modeling and
analyses that will help define the company's overall business strategy. The Analyst will be expected to work in
teams with key stakeholders from across the enterprise to gather, analyze and synthesize data; the Analyst's
work must routinely drive business insight, leading to competitive advantages in a highly complex and dynamic
market. Generally, the Analyst will work both independently and collaboratively on several projects simultane-
ously. The Analyst will also be a thought partner for the leaders of the group and will regularly interface with
senior leaders throughout the company. In addition, the Analyst will perform market research, help develop
solutions to operational and other qualitative issues, and generate reasonable assumptions in the absence of hard
data. Overall, the Analyst’s work will have a significant impact on product development decisions made by the
senior management of CVS Caremark.

Job Description:
• Perform advanced quantitative analyses (spreadsheet modeling, data analysis, etc.) to help determine
product development strategy
• Execute modeling to assess the value of pipeline opportunities
• Develop presentations to communicate findings, summarize key insights, and influence decision-
• Work with appropriate stakeholders to define key metrics to track
• Superior analytical and problem solving skills
• High level of independent judgment and initiative required
• Ability to work both independently and in a team environment
• Excellent communication and writing skills
• Advanced skills with spreadsheets, databases and presentation software, including a strong working
knowledge of MS Excel and MS PowerPoint, as well as familiarity with MS Access
• Ability to support multiple projects simultaneously, adjusting priorities as needed and meeting

For more information, please see

If interested, please contact Richard Huff, at
Job Postings
AQR Capital Management (posted by Sarah Jiang, M&T ’08)
The founders of AQR were still Ph.D. candidates when they initially developed the complex financial models
that are now at AQR’s core. Today, AQR Capital Management is a $23 billion asset management firm
employing a disciplined multi- asset, global research process (AQR stands for Applied Quantitative Research).
AQR's investment products are provided through a limited set of collective investment vehicles and separate
accounts that deploy all or a subset of AQR's investment strategies. These investment products span from
aggressive high volatility market-neutral hedge funds, to low volatility benchmark-driven traditional products.
AQR offers a professional culture that is entrepreneurial and team-oriented, where those with talent and drive
are offered a vast array of opportunities to hone their skills and tackle new challenges as they take on ever-
greater responsibility.

AQR is seeking to fill the following positions:

• Global Stock Selection- Research Associate

• Global Asset Allocation- Research Developer
• Global Asset Allocation- Risk Parity Researcher
• Global Stock Selection- Developer

All the above positions are based in Greenwich, CT, a short commute from New York City. For more details,
please visit

If interested, please contact Matt Gombos at
Save the Date!
Philly M&T Alumni Club Event for Alumni Weekend
Del Frisco’s Steakhouse (15th and Chestnut)
Saturday, May 15th
The Philadelphia M&T Alumni Club has organized a family and friends night to coincide with Alumni Weekend
festivities. If you are coming into town for Graduation or Alumni Weekend, stop by the Vault Bar downstairs at
Del Frisco’s Steakhouse at 15th and Chestnut between 5pm and 8pm on Saturday, May 15th. Bring your
spouses and friends and then go out to dinner afterwards – this is a unique opportunity to socialize instead of
network! Cash bar. An RSVP to is requested for headcount, but is not manda-
tory. Hope to see you there!

Want to update your fellow M&Ts on your life? Did you start a
company? New additions to your family? Or do you have
suggestions for an article in the next edition?
Email blurbs, photos, and any suggestions to
Matt Vogel (M&T ‘12) and Eve Lee (M&T ’12) at and

Looking for current M&T students to intern at your company?

Email a description of the company and the position to M&T Program

Administrative Director January Stayton and Administrative Coordinator Jaime Davis
at and
Artem Mikhlin (M&T '97) will be coordinating the requests.

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