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First measurement of energy released from a virus during infection 2/13/10 11:51 AM

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First Measurement of Energy Released from a Virus During Infection Synthetic Gene-Like Crystals to Capture CO 2
ScienceDaily (Feb. 7, 2010) — Within a virus's tiny Science Video News
exterior is a store of energy waiting to be
unleashed. When the virus encounters a host cell, Detecting Disease In Less Than
this pent-up energy is released, propelling the viral 60 Seconds
DNA into the cell and turning it into a virus factory. Chemists and immunologists devised
a new rapid system for detecting and
For the first time, Carnegie Mellon University identifying viruses. It uses surface
physicist Alex Evilevitch has directly measured the enhanced Raman spectroscopy to
energy associated with the expulsion of viral DNA, measure. ... > full story
a pivotal discovery toward fully understanding the Pediatricians Reduce Ear Infections By
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See Also: viruses, not the biology of viruses,"
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interrupting the release of viral genomes into cells. from French Guiana
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Evilevitch's current findings also have the potential to improve
HIV Invades Healthy Cells (Dec. 22, 2005) — Astronauts install
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New insight into how HIV infects healthy cells space station's last
deliver functional genes directly to human cells to replace
could lead to new drug therapies, according to hub
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new research at Saint Louis University's Institute
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gene therapy delivers helpful, functional genes. Controlled Transcriptional Coactivators Not Useful As mud volcano
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Many viruses, whether they infect bacteria, plants or animals, NASA launches
expression early in the infection process. The
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RNA) within their nanometer-sized protein shells. In many of solar storms
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packaged so tightly that it bends upon itself, resulting in more science news
System Fights Viral Encephalitis (Mar. 30, 2005)
repulsive forces that exert a tremendous amount of pressure — New York University biologists have uncovered
on the virus's outer shell, indicating a great amount of stored In Other News ...
how the innate immune system in mice's brains
energy. At the moment of infection, when the DNA is being fights viral infection of neurons. The findings, Marines spearhead
shot out of the virus, the energy stored in the tightly packed published as the cover study in the latest issue of major Afghanistan
DNA is released and converted into thermal energy. ... > read more offensive
Eight die in India's Page 1 of 2
First measurement of energy released from a virus during infection 2/13/10 11:51 AM

Evilevitch and his colleagues from Lund University in Sweden, Eight die in India's
Herpes Virus Hijacks DNA Repair Process
where Evilevitch was previously employed, and the Universite first big attack since
(June 15, 2007) — Scientists probing the details of
de Lyon in France used an experimental technique known as Mumbai
viral infection have discovered an intriguing
isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to directly measure the surprise: in mice, herpes viruses hijack their host Obama names U.S.
heat, and thus the thermal energy, released during viral cells' tools for fixing DNA damage and use those envoy to Muslim
genome ejection. Until now, only indirect measurements of tools to enhance ... > read more world body
this energy have been available. They describe this new Men's start switched
method in the Feb. 5 issue of the Journal of Molecular Lifespan Of HIV-Infected Cells Might Be
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— Researchers have used mathematical models to Unsafe conditions
"We are the first group to use titration calorimetry to study demonstrate that cells infected with HIV could die prompt 4.9 million
genome release from viruses," Evilevitch said. "In this study, sooner than was thought until now. If infected cells pound meat recall
we looked at viruses that infect bacteria, called have a shorter lifespan then this increases the ... Wen warns of
bacteriophages, as an experimental model system, but ITC > read more challenges as China
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