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2015 .

Quiet Rain

Part 3
1- aim of serial ext
a. Primary canine
b. Primary first molar
c. Permenant 1st premolar
2- origin of innervations of post third of tonge
a. Lingual
b. Trigeminal glossophryngeal
3- increase powder /water ratio
a. Hot water
b. Cold water
Hot water and increase powder water accelerate setting time
Similar Q
To accelerate setting time for alginate :
A. Increase powder to water ratio
B. Used cold water
C. Increase mixing time
4- most commom type of malignant bone tumor
a. Cementoplastoma
b. Osteosarcoma
c. Chondrosarcoma
5- pt want lower denture hv wide ridge and thick frenum ttt
a. Z plasty
b. Subperiosteal incision
c. Mucosal incision
6- diff between gracy and universal curett
a. Universal 70 and gracy 85
b. Section gracy hemicircular and universal triangular
c. Gracy has one end cutting edge and universal two
7- inst used ti remove epulis fissuratum
8- movement of H2O across selective permeability
9- during scalling tip of scaller fractured between tooth and gingival,inst used to remove
fractured part
10-7 year thumb sucking
a) Appliance
b) Rewarding
c) Punishmebt
11-pt with complete PD complaint of upper lip too long
a) Deficient vit b
b) Defect in vertical dimension
c) Ant upper teeth short
d) Ant upper teeth long
12-temp of gutta percha in alpha phase

42c to 47c
13-best ttt of RCT tooth with bicuspidisation
a) Crown
b) 3l4 crown
c) Veneer
14-all that present in pt with high careise level in teeth except
a) Pt is fat weak mal nutrient
b) Bad breath
c) Inflamed gingival
d) Decrease plaque incidence
16-bacteria responsible about fermentation
a) Streptpcocus
b) Staphulococus
c) Fecialis
17-in which of that there is defect in development and formation of teeth
a) Oligodontia ******
b) Dentinogenisis
c) Amelogenisis
18-pt hv facial divergence
a) Class 1
b) Class 2
c) Class3 ******
19-hawley appliance for
a) Skeletal
b) Non skeletal
c) Both
20-renal test
a) BUN ,CIratinin , Ca+ ,
b) BuN .Ceratinine ,Ca+ , CL
c) BUN , Ceratinin , Ca+ ,Cl ,K ****
21-composite restoration with good shade selection after 3 weeks become lighter in colour
due to
a) Overpoly merization due to water absorption
b) Under curing deep layer
c) Shade selection befor tooth isolation
d) Dissection of tooth
22-derma graft is good for TMJ perforation disc

23-perfoeation in TMJ
a- Ct
b- Cephalometric
c- Arthrogaphy *******
24-pt hv pain with cold stimulus which is remain for time affer removal
a- Reversible
b- Irreversible
25-oeteogensis between bone and implant accure by
a- Fibrous
b- Bone
c- Connective tissue
26-phosphate fluoride

27-loss of ridge width with normal hight in sibert classification
a- Class 1 ******
b- Class 2
c- Class3
1 horizontal

28-child need orthodontic ttt due to fall on central incisor

Class 1
Class 2 modified 1
Class 2 modified 2
Class 3
29-maxilla formed
a) Befor mandible
b) After mandible *******
c) At same time with mandible
30-periapical x ray for immature tooth
a) Conclusive
b) Inconclusive
c) Should be compered with another types
31-most common site of injury of dentist
a) Hand*******
b) Face
c) Eye
32-process of cell engulfing particles
a) Exocytosis
b) Endocytosis
c) Phagocytosis ****
33-powder for GLASS ionomer cement contain
floroalumino silicate glass
34-principle of elevator all except
a) Wheel and axil
b) Levator
c) Wedging **********
35-pt hv click during open and close and facial asymmetry when open
a) Internal derangement with reduction
b) Internal derangement without reduction
36-9 years pt came with truma to upper central incisor with pulp exposure and extensive
bleeding your ttt:
a) Direct pulp capping
b) Pulpectomy with GP
c) Pulpectomy with caoh*******
d) Leave and follow up
37-caries locate in outer wall of dentin in proximal sides that left without cavitation
a) 10%
b) 30%
c) 60%**********
d) 90%
38-30 years old pt suffer from bad odour and taste from his mouth ,pt hsas ant mandibular
3 unites bridge that bubbles upon applying water spray and with pressure
a) Food impaction under bridge
b) Microlekagr
c) Broken abutment
39-continous condensation endo fil technique
a) Lateral condensation
b) Vertical condensation
40-pt suffer from submandibular gland abcess ,dentist stab incision and fix drain for pus
a) Intraoral and extra oral
b) Extra oral at angle of mandible
c) Extra oral at most fluctuant point******
d) Extra oral under chin
41-test of HIV
42-manufacture of protein in cell
a) Ribosome********
b) Mitochondria
c) Lysosome
d) Cell membrane



43-risk of malignant change present in epithelium is greatest

Homogenous leukoplakia
Eruthropakia *******
Speckeled leukoplakia
44-inferior dental block for pedo
At occlussal plane
Above occlussal plane
Below occlusal plane
45-cavosurface angle of amalgam
90 ******
46-pt with pailess lip ulcer begain from 6 week as elevated border with deep center
develop quickly ,pt work under sun light, biobsy reveal PMN & acanthotic exudates
Granular cell tumot
47-pt with sever pain .periapical area inflamed and swollen and mobile tooth & indurated
in socket with RL
Chronic Periodontitis
Acute Periodontitis
Abscess **********
48-pt with sever periapical pain and necrotic pulp , procken lamina dura and RL fro long
Acute apical Periodontitis
Acute excesserbation of choronic apical periodintitis
49-common cause of angina
Arteriosclerotic cause of angina****
50-child with gray discoloration of deciduous incisor , x ray dilated permenat successor
Extract tooth******
51-25 years pt with soft tissue and dental trauma has sever pain in soft tissue with loss of
epith tissue and ant upper central intruded
Laceration with luxation *******
Abrasion with luxation
52-first step in diagnosis work is
Present complain
Medical history
Traumatic history
Restorative history
53-type 1 diabetes mellitus
Non insulin dependant
Insulin dependant ************
54-75-access cavity of upper central
55-some bone formed by endochondreal ossification like long bone .flat bone by
intermembrance ossification and some bone by endochondreal and intermembranous
56-most accurate impression material in oral cavity


additional silicon******
agar agar
57-hairy trichoglossia caused by
Broad specrum AB
H2O2 mouth wash
Heavy smokers
All of above*********
58-nerve supply tongue and anesthetized in nerve block injection
59-ANB in class 2
60-indirect retainer in removable partial denture used in
Class 1*****
Class 3
61-posterior extension of maxillary complete denture
Vibrating line
Fovea palatine
Hamular notch
all except Fovea palatinae
62-in combined endo-perio problem
Start with endodontic treatment
Start with periodontic treatment
63-HBV transmitted by transplacental
64-factor affect concentration in cervical part of porcelain crown
65-occlusal rest function
Resist vertical force*******
Resist lateral chewing movement
66-trigeminal nerve problem
Facial nerve problem
Oculomotor nerve problem
Trochlear nerve problem
All of above
67-restoration causr wear of opposing
68-crown with open margin can be due to
Putting die space on finishing line
Waxing not covering all crown preparation
Over dountouring of crown prevent seating during insertion
69-pt come to clinic complain during speech or swallow or opening mouth just glossitis ,
angular chelitis and discomfort
Vit bB deficiency********
70-pt with new denture come back complaine of uncomfortable denture and after recheck
no pain and good occ , good pronounciation but there is beginning of inflammation
Vit B deficiency

b) Xerostomia********
92 91
71-amalgam tattoo is an oral pigmentation lesion
a) True*****
b) False
72-indirect composite inlay advantage over direct composite except
a) Good contact proximally
b) Good retension
c) Efficient polymerization
d) Gingival seal
73-First cervical vertebra
a) Atlas****
b) Axis
c) longus colli
74-time of dentine curring
a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 30
75-pt complain from soreness in tongue and sore throat
a) Burning mouth syndeom****
b) Geographic tongue
c) Fissure tongue
76-sensory nerve of posterior 1/3 of tongue
a) Lingual
b) Glossopharyngeal*******
c) Chorda tympani
77-single bone in skull except
a) Lacrimal***********
b) Occipital
c) Sphenoid
d) Parital
78-Child at mixed dentition stage w periodontitis of both dentitions & after taking
radiograph you found bone deatruction in the supporting bone .your diagnosis :
a- sjogren syndrome
b- pagets disease
c-van der woud syndrome
d-papillion levere syndrome
79-patient with CD came to your clnic for routine visit with no complaining during speech
or swallowing or opening the mouth , just glossitis, angular chelitis and discomfort
increasing while day. Your diagnosis:
a-vit. B deficiency (riboflavin deficiency)
80-talon cusp seen in :
A-upper centralls &laterals
b-lower centrals &laterals
c-upper lateral
81- 60 years old patient came to your cinic with 17,with misobuccul probing depth 5 &
33,34 &43 with moderate bone support & inflammed gingiva . what you will do :
a. partial denture upper &lower
b. remove all the teeth& make complete denture
c. upper complete denture with lower over denture after extracting of 17
d. upper complete denture with lower over denture after extracting of 17 &34
82-Three wall osseos defect the best graft to be used :
a- intraoral cancellous bone mixed with patient blood .
b- intraoral compact bone mixed with patient blood


mixed intraoral cancelloues & compact bone mixed with patient blood
extraoral compact bone mixed with patient blood.
83-Young patient with large caries on the lower 6 unrestorable when the dr should extract
this tooth :
a-after complete eruption of the 2nd premolar
b-after comlpete eruption on 7
c-after 6 reach bifurcation area
d-after complete eruption of 8
84-For onlay preparation, reduction of functioning cusp should be:
a. 1.5 mm.
b. 2 mm.
c. 1 mm.
85- 2 years child came to your clinic with his parents after trauma to maxillary centrals.
the two centrals became intruded what is your management :
a. no treatment only observation
b. extrusion orthodontically
c. fixation
86-A tooth w grade 2 mobility & type 2 recession w moderate bone support its prognosis :
87-A Tailor is presented to your dental office, whats the most common feature to be found
in his teeth upon examination :
B) Abrasion
C) Erosion.
D) Abfarcation...
88-in order to decrease gastric secretion :

a) histamine
b) adrenal steroids
c) anticholenergic
89-which of the following status you should use systemic antibiotics :
a. chronic abcess with fistula
b. acute periapical abcess
c-.... with lymph node involvement &swelling
90-Tooth suspected to heavy mastication force cause pdl injury this is called :
a-Occlusal stress
b-Primary occlusal trauma
c- Secondary occlusal trauma
91-second factor affecting of the outcome of periosurgery procedure after patient
complaint :
a. good debridement
b. systemic antibiotics
c. patient age
92-Dental implants are successfully with min. failure:
a- premaxilla area in the upper arch.
b- Posterior area of the maxillary arch.
c- Mandible between the mental foramens.
d- Buccal shelf of the mandible.
93-procedure of cutting half of the tooth (mesiodistal in upper mollars )(buccolingual in
lower molars) by removal off all necrotic tooth part with its root & leaving of the normal
root is called :
a-tooth hemisection
b-root bisection
c. root amputation
94-patinet report prolonged pain on cold with lower right side after ur examination you
found that there is large caries on the mesial of 6 without pain on percussion your
diagnosis :
1. reversible

2. ireversible
3 necrotic
95-patient came to you to make CD you found large tuberosity on the left buccul what the
surgeon should do :
a. use no.12 blade to make crestal incision
b. use of carbide bur to prevent perforation of maxillary sinus
c- raise partial thickness flap ...
d-if perforation occur suture flap under tension
96-The incisal reduction for a metal ceramic restoration should be:
a. 1.5 mm.
b. 2 mm.
c. 3 mm.
d. 4 mm.
97-radiel walker test is for testing :
98- 4 inceram & impress
99-radicular cyst associated tooth :
a- vital tooth
b- Non vital tooth
100hypercementosis and ankylosis occur on :
c-papillion levere syndrome
101 3
102distance between patient and cephalometric x-ray in mid saggital plane :
a- 5 feets
b- 6feets
103propofol effect : ***increased intraocular pressure , increased intracranial
pressure, ... Can't remember.
104the question of small caries mesial and distal of upper 6 endotreated :
A. Gold inlay,
B. Onlay , ***
C. gold crown .
105bone cyst :
light curettage and closure .
106remove guttaperch from canal, first :
a) ***solvent,
b) new hedstrom file,
c) barbed broach ,
d) cotton tweazer/forceps .
107this question I can't remember exactly, blue lesion with indurated border in the
lower vestibule in the area of incisors and canine and disappeared after 3 days :
a) mucocele, ***
b) aphthous,
c) pemphegoid ,..... .
108Bacteria of apical periodontitis ...
a) Polymicrobial,
b) gram +ve,
c) peptostreptococcus ,....
d) e. Fecalis .( present in R Canal failure )
109bacteria not found in oral cavity of newborn :
a) Coli , Strept.
b) Mutans, ........, ***
c) skin bacteria .
110PH of enamel demineralization :
111tooth with seldom two canals :
a) ***lower central,
b) distal root of lower 6 ,


upper second premolar

112material stay in oral cavity after rinsing and act as reservoir in oral cavity :
a) ***CHX,
b) listerine,
c) triclosan,.....
113posterior superior alveolar nerve block for endo. Of upeer 6 but still there's
pain, what to do:
a) Anterior sup. alv. Nerve block
b) Buccal infiltration
c) Palatal infiltration
114Lidocaine toxicity :
a) ***tachycardia,
b) bradychardia,
c) long QT interval ,
d) premature ventricular contraction .
115Sensitivity after first day of denture insertion with history of use of histamine :
***sensitivity to denture material
116Errors after packing of heat cured resin of complete denture and
flasking/deflasking : ***laboratory remount .
117skin/dermal graft is best in TMJ disc graft because ...
a) ***Replaced by fibrous connective tissue,....
b) Other options I don't remember like infusion into glenoid fossa , most viable...
118Best for evaluation of TMJ PROPLAST-TEFLON DISC IMPLANTS :
a) Arthrography, ***
b) MRI,
c) C.T
119Single/one component GI advantage over modified GI
Fast setting Less shrinkage
120part of FPD and RPD that connect pontic to tooth Pontic
121lip ulcer , before was a papule , working in sun:
122when probing sulcus depth the probe end stop at :
Most coronal part of junctional epithelium Most apical .......
2/3 .....
1/3 ......
123minimum length of gutta percha to seal apical part when you place a post :
a) 4 to 6 mm
b) 3 to 4 mm
124standard lengths of files and reamers :
125single tooth discoloration :
***endo treated tooth
126general in office vital bleaching38% sod. Perborate Hydrochloric acid***
H2O2 38% Carbamide peroxide
127Patient came after 10 month of chemotherapy :
a) compound,
b) plaster ,
c) ZnO
d) rubber base
128favorable undercut for clasp arm of RPD :0.01 from an inch ***0.02 " 0.38 "this
Q was written in wrong way in the files)... answer is 0.01 or 0.02.. I answered 0.02
129unusable/small mesial undercut for Class I RPD with sec. Premolar as abutment
a) wrought wire clasp with 1/2 round cross section
b) Wrought wire clasp with round cross section
c) Cast clasp with round cross section
d) Cast clasp with 1/2 round cross section
130Large resorption in the middle third of 11 root after ortho. With pain :
a) Extract and implant

b) Extract and replant

c) CaOH at the site of resorption
d) Single visit RCT
131Which isn't primarily pulp test :
a) Percussion
b) Ice
c) Hot water
d) Cavity test
132The question of over erupted tooth... I chose all (ortho, crowning, extraction ..)
133Loss of furcation tissue... Furcation invasion
134Cells in pulp can differentiate to other types:
a) fibroblast,
b) ectomesenchymal cells,
135Enamel hypoplasia during which phase:
a) initiation,
b) apposition ,
c) differentiation
136Epithelization after gingivectomy expected after
a) ***5 to 14 days,
b) 14 to 21
137Common cause for periodontal surgery :
***exposing diseased root surface for scaling .
138Instrument for facial and lingual enamel surface of Class II preparation :
***enamel hatchet
139Size of teeth material doesn't correspond to jaw size, relevant diagnosis :
a) Panorama
b) Study casts
140Elecrosurgery is used to remove buffy tissue adjacent to abutment what should
be done by the dentist Make sure field is completely/absolutely dry
a) Move the electrode not less than 5mm per second
b) Use light pressure
c) Ground the chair for patient safety
141Osteointegration failure due to
a) Large implant size
b) Uncontrolled heat during implant placement
c) Contamination of implant by oxide
d) Patient health conditions
142Question talking about LeFort I fracture maxilla impacted and fibrosis, so can't
reduce it by hand...
Using foceps "don't remember the name" peaks/blades of the forceps placed at : tuberosities,
eminences, zygmatic process and *** along the nasal - maxilla line .
143trauma caused intrusion with loss of epithelium : ***laceration with luxation
144ill radiolucent lesion in mandible related to premolar molar region with
radiopacities in the shape of sun rays.. Tendereness, rapidly growing and trismus
14553yrs boy come to correct overbite .. Good facial profile , well aligned
mandibular teeth , class I occlusion , slightly increased overjet
a) Mandibular advancement surgery
b) Protraction face mask
c) ***Extraction of upper first premolar
146How molar to molar relationship reached .
***Mandibular teeth drift more
147GV black classification for occlusion depends on
a) Upper first perm. Molar
b) lower first molar
c) Upper Canine
148Disease infect 350 per 1000 population per year, the disease mean time is 7
years , what's the
prevalence ***35 50 350 2450

1493 villages , different water sources, history of disease, all population tested for
carriers of the disease
a) Concurrent cohort study
b) Non concurrent cohort
c) Cross sectional
case control
150Ulcer below tongue related to lingually inclined erupting permanent lower
a) ***Major aphthous ulcer
b) Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
c) traumatic
151Affected teeth for child with history of ttt/drugs upto 8 month, what are the
teeth affected :
*** upper and lower incisors, first molars and lower canines
upper and lower incisors and first molars
152Child with his mother.. Good cognition and verbal expression, but lose
concentration also in school, what to do :
Type of sedation (can't remember)
Refer to GP
***Refer to psychiatrist/mental doctor
153Teenager with bruxism :
a) ***cusp capping
b) remove occlusal interference,
c) sedatives
154when primary teeth erupt ***6 months
155restoration can be applied in deciduous molar after:
a) Cleaning and drying
b) Varnish
c) Base
1563carious walls deciduous molar :
a) ***prefabricated crown
b) , composite,
c) full veneer crown ,.... .
157Alveolar bone growth depends on : ***Eruption of teeth
158Ameloblastoma body of mandible with buccal and lingual plates invasion :
a) ***Resection with wide safety margin,
b) Hemimandiblectomy with condyles
c) Chemotherapy
159Don't remember exactly but periodontal flap surgery to remove diseased
keratinized epithelium :
a) Apically positionned flap
b) Coronally positioned flap
c) modified widman
160Patient want to construct upper complete denture, after examination, dentist
told the patient that denture will resist lateral displacement but vertical forces will
displace the denture , Hard palate form is :
a) U- shaped,
b) V- shaped,
c) Flat,
d) Paralysed .
161Hybrid layer in composite bonding :
a) *** resin-dentin ,
b) composite resin,
c) etched dentin, ..... .
162Balanced instrument perio:
blade is within 3mm from long axis of handle ..
163Sinus tract gutta percha tracing to apex of mesial root of lower molar :
***Acute exacerbation of chronic abcess .
164Endochondral ossification site :
a) ***Synchondrosis,

b) maxillary sutures,
c) body of mandible,
165reamers are more effective in cutting than K-files :
***more positive rack angle
166bone participate in nasal septum :
a) Vomer***,
b) nasal bone .
167Dentist want to pour accurate alginate impression fast :
a) decrease water powder ratio,
b) hot water,
c) slurry water) a gypsum product accelerant)
decrease size of the cast base(smthg like that)
168type of wax pattern :
a) Paraffin wax,
b) Carnauba wax
c) Candellila,
169Question about proper diagnosis depends on : I answered ***test/logic,
170how anesthesia control excessive salivation
a) Contol anxiety
b) block cholinergic.......
171Question about role of epinephrine: ***Potentiate and prolong action of
172healthy conditions hemodesmosomes of basal layer attach to :
a) lamina propria ,
b) lamina densa,
c) lamina lucida,
173Question about hyperventilation in dental clinic management :
Oxygen mask,
***Breath in a bag ...
174Question about rule of a dentist in emergency cases :
***Life support,
Act fast to solve the problem
Transport the patient
175sensitivity after composite due to :
*** monomer
176Most common in TMJ disc displacement :
177Detinogenesis imperfect:
A. during odontoblasts formation
B. involve dentin matrix***
178Optima water fluoridation:
a) 0.5 0.8 mg\liter.
b) 0.2-0.5 mg\liter.
C) 2-3 mg\liter
d) 1-5 mg\liter
179Clinical failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from:
a. Improper cavity preparation.
b. Faulty manipulation.
c. Both of the above
180The vertical dimension at rest :
a. Equals the vertical dimension of occlusion.
b. May be exceeded if the appearance of the patient is enhanced.
c. Is of little importance as it is subject to variations.
d. Must always be greater than vertical dimension of occlusion

181Pt. on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotic after oral surgical
procedure because:
a. The Pt. is more susceptible to infection.
b. Antibiotics are synergistic to steroids.
c. Antibiotics inhibit herksheimer reaction.
d. Antibiotics protect the Pt. from steroid depletion.
182We can use to score palatal posterior seal on a cast:
1. Le jao carver.
2. Kingsley scraper.
3.lecron carver
183.The periodontium comprise which of the following tissues:
a. Gingiva and the PDL.
b. Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone.
c. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum.
d. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and enamel.
184Stomodeum and fugi separated by
A-buccopharyngeal arch
B-ectodermal cleft
185During instrumentation sudden disappear of root canal due to
A-Bifurcation of main canal
B-apical perforation
186Common complication of RCF:
A. improper obturation
B. over extended GP
C. fracture instrument
187Dentist give the pt posterior superior alveolar nerve block for endodontic ttt in
upper left 1st molar & the patient still with pain What should the dentist do :
a.-give posterior superior alveolar N.B again.
b.-give anterior superior alveolar N.B
C-.give infiltration anethesia in front if the tooth
1882,1/2 years old child came to your clinic with caries in all maxillary teeth, what
you will ask his parents to make a good diagnosis:
a-Does your child brush his teeth properly
b-Does your child use the milk bottle during the night------c- Is this in your family history
189Rigid internal fixation is planned in patient who has suffering from isolated
zygomatic fracture, the surgeon wants to use bioresorable plate to stabilize the
fracture, commercially available resorbable plates are composed of polymer itself
2- polyglactic acid--190White spot on buccal side of central incisor, due to:
191Swelling bilaterally + eye lid dropped + pain in ear, which nerve is affected?
1-Facial--2-Glosso pharyngeal
3-Trigeminal nerve
192Patient came to your clinic with blue discoloration on his buccal mucosa,
gingiva, & lips. What is the excpected disease:
a-eschences--193To prevent gingival recision during preparation of gold crown you do :
a- extend 1mm of your preparation more apically
b- preparation is above the gingival margin (more cervically)
194make your preparation on normal preparation level-----195The porcelain veneers get their retention from:
a) making undercuts on preparation

b) making secondary reduction on preparation

porcelain veneers get retention by resin cement used for cementation

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